Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 148: Luo Yang With A Funny Mentality! The Small Treasury Has Received Tens Of Billions!

The United States, withdraw from the special headquarters.

After more than half a year of tug-of-war, Tuite’s shareholders finally reached a relevant agreement with Musk and agreed to sell their shares!

After the acquisition contract was officially signed, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

All the previous hustle and bustle is now completely settled!

"Mr. Musk, from today on, you are the major shareholder of Tuite Company!"

The former major shareholder stood up, with a look of relief and joy on his face, and shook hands with Musk to express his warm congratulations.

"Jesus, I finally got this hot potato out of the way!"

The former major shareholder is vomiting crazily in his heart at this moment.

In the past period, the two parties have experienced a series of games, and the stock price of Tuite Company has gone up and down like a roller coaster. In the end, both parties took a step back, and Musk completed the transaction with a valuation of US$65 billion. Acquired 62% of the shares held by the board of directors!

The transaction price was US$33.5 billion!!!

As for the remaining scattered shares, Musk has acquired 11%, bringing the total shareholding to 73%!

He only needs to announce privatization and delisting after the resumption of trading, and he can prepare to acquire the remaining outstanding shares!

Although Musk has been anxious about Tesla in the past period of time, this has not affected his personal wealth!

As early as two years ago, after Tesla's stock soared to the one trillion US dollar mark, Musk used various methods to cash out part of his equity. The funds now used to acquire Tuite came from this part!


The smile on Musk's face is a bit unnatural!

The reason is simple: stocks are expensive to buy!

The valuation of US$65 billion is far beyond his psychological price!

Originally, according to his plan, the final transaction valuation of Tuite should be between US$42 billion and US$45 billion. Even some numerical fluctuations are normal, but it soared from US$45 billion to US$65 billion, which is a full 20 billion US dollars more. Dollar, this is obviously abnormal!

"Someone is messing with me!"

Musk was smiling, but he was grinding his teeth bitterly in his heart, cursing the guy who was doing things behind his back!

"Is it those guys on Wall Street? Or the California consortium? Or other Internet giants? Microsoft, Fruit, Google... Maybe, it's this guy Luo Yang..."

A small notebook has been filled with the suspicious targets in Musk’s heart!

Horse riding, these guys are all suspects!

Everyone wants to murder me!

As a new capital tycoon, Musk has been in the spotlight in the past two years relying on Tesla. Although he missed the mark and failed to reach the top of the world's richest people, he still cannot be wiped out.

His huge popularity!

While countless people are envious of him, there are also countless people who are jealous of him! Jealous of him!

I wish I could replace it immediately!

And Musk is indeed a little arrogant. He does not hide his true thoughts on various occasions, especially the acquisition and withdrawal of special funds. Many people sourly complained that it was the prodigal behavior of "upstart households"!

For those who are dissatisfied with Musk, this is a good opportunity for revenge (violence) and revenge (richness)!

As a result, with the silent intervention of many caring people, Musk's acquisition and exit process has repeatedly encountered unexpected twists and turns. Bill Gates once expressed in public that he had thoughts on the acquisition and exit!

Subsequently, Tite's stock price soared again and again, once reaching 80 billion US dollars!

Naturally, Luo Yang did not want to let Musk get his wish easily, and then used some means to fuel the flames. At the same time, he also used part of the funds from the small treasury to hand it over to Xiaobei for trading, and carried out a series of operations on the Tuite acquisition case. !

The final transaction price of Tuite also soared from the US$44 billion that Musk expected to US$65 billion, a total of US$20 billion more!

In this series of operations, Xiaobei easily recorded US$7.2 billion after recovering the funds he used!

As for the remaining part, it was eaten up by people who had the same idea as Luo Yang, including Buffett, a mature guy, Gai Ci, Gu Ge Gemini, as well as International Capital and Ketian giant!

Musk is obviously going to be stabbed, and if he doesn't eat, he won't get it for free!

Xiaobei single-handedly got the biggest profit from it!

According to the real-time exchange rate, it is equivalent to 50 billion dragon yuan!

This part of the funds once again entered Luo Yang's small treasury, and was dispersed and hidden by Xiaobei in countless funds and financial institutions around the world. This is one of the back-ups left by Luo Yang.

In addition to the US$7.2 billion that has been secured, Luo Yang also holds 13% of scattered shares, which are scattered among many small institutions and shell companies. As a bargaining chip, it may have unexpected effects. important results!

Since Musk has gone to such great lengths to acquire Tuite, he certainly has an important purpose!

No matter which country you are in, media and public opinion are an extremely important field. As a new capital tycoon who came up later, Musk naturally wants to get involved in this field.

However, the traditional media field in the United States has long been divided up by the major established chaebols and major capital giants, and there is no chance to take action.

As for acquiring it from him, haha, it is simply a wishful thinking!

Established capital tycoons are generally related to traditional industrial fields or financial fields, while most of the newly emerging tycoons belong to the Internet industry. Although Tesla now claims to be a technology company and a car manufacturing company, ten years ago, it was regarded by the outside world as A standard Internet company!

Even now, the price-to-earnings ratio valuation method adopted is based on the standards of Internet companies!

Among traditional car manufacturers, which company will soar to 1 trillion US dollars? Even all the car companies in the world combined will not be enough!

Other new Internet giants are themselves involved in the online media industry. For example, Lian Shu itself is a social media company, Gu Ge owns the famous YouTube channel, and Amazon also has its own Internet channels. Only Musk is in a very embarrassing situation!

Ever since, after Musk had sufficient funds in his hands, he began to search for his own goals, and finally Tuite came into his eyes.

Tuite can be regarded as an old Internet company. It was founded in 2006. The domestic scarf is imitated by Tuite. More than ten years later, Tuite is still half-dead, but it is one of the old social software after all.

Luo Yang saw this clearly and was convinced that Musk was very determined to acquire and withdraw from the company, so he decided to intervene in the acquisition. In the end, he was worried that Musk would overturn the table and not play, so he chose to leave the market and cash out part of it!

Luo Yang decided to hold the remaining 13% of scattered shares for a long time. Even if he did not use them as bargaining chips to exchange interests, he could still deliberately disgust Musk!

As for the remaining 14% of circulating shares, Luo Yang guessed that they should have fallen into the hands of other giants and capital. As for ordinary retail investors, they have long been washed out in the previous fluctuations!

After the signing was completed, Musk immediately held a press conference with the senior management of Tuite Company to announce the final news to the outside world!

"Currently, I hold 73% of the shares and have become the largest shareholder of Tuite. Now I request the reorganization of the board of directors and initiate the privatization and delisting plan!"

Musk, who had been brutally ripped off, could no longer hold back at this moment and quickly announced his true purpose!

Let Tuite be privatized and delisted!

Only by privatizing it can Tuite become Musk's voice and truly be in his hands!

The major media, which had been paying attention to this acquisition for a long time, could no longer suppress their curiosity and raised their own doubts to Musk!

"`~Mr. Musk, according to our news, there was definite evidence that you valued Tuite at US$40 billion, but the final valuation was US$65 billion!!! Is this in your opinion? Expected?”

Musk’s face turned dark immediately!

What the heck, whichever pot you don’t open should be picked up, right?

There were so many people in the audience asking, “Why did I just select you for this interview?

If you can't speak, just hold it in!

"Mr. Musk, even though you are the largest shareholder, if the remaining 27% of circulating stock holders do not agree with your privatization and delisting plan, how are you going to solve it? After all, Deite is a company Many people in established social software companies hold long-term ideas!”

Musk: "..., I will give them a bargaining chip that will satisfy them!"

"But what if they're not satisfied? What if they ask for a $100 billion valuation?"

Musk's face was livid, and the corners of his eyes were twitching crazily!

If he hadn't been worried about the many media at the scene, Musk would have wanted to go up and punch the opponent (Qian Dezhao) hard!

"Holy shit! Did you get paid to mess with my mentality? Which company do you belong to, Mediterranean? I will buy your company later and kick you out!!!"

Looking at this middle-aged Mediterranean journalist chattering in front of him, Musk was vomiting crazily in his heart!

Seeing Musk's livid face, Mediterranean felt relieved.

"In this case, it should be regarded as fulfilling the requirements, right? Then my one hundred thousand dollars is not in vain!"

As a reporter for a small newspaper that was on the verge of bankruptcy, he was about to lose his job. He suddenly received an anonymous commission. The other party asked him to ask Musk several questions during an interview. As a reward, he would receive a remuneration of US$100,000!

"Well! I definitely didn't do this!"

Luo Yang, who was inspecting the super factory in Yancheng, listened to Xiaobei's report on the headphones during the break, and his vision was a little wandering.

Luo Yang said that as an Internet tycoon and a well-known public figure, he would never use such a despicable and obscene way to manipulate people's mentality.


After all, business wars are like espionage wars, all kinds of games of swords and swords, and the style of conspiracy and secret warfare is what should appear in novels!

Things like pouring boiling water on money trees, stealing seals, and spending money to buy black men to make people feel weird in front of them are simply not worthy of elegance!

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