Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 149 The Rapid Rise Of Yancheng Super Factory! The Annual Social Security Payment Exceeds 100

The site of the Yancheng factory is located in the high-tech zone in the eastern suburbs of the city. There are large areas of undeveloped farmland around it. After consulting the relevant departments, the local policy incentives provided by Yancheng are even higher than those in Jincheng!

"Mr. Luo, what Yancheng means is that under the same conditions, the Yancheng factory can give priority to recruiting local employees. They are willing to work with us to provide necessary pre-job training for employees, and are willing to use the financial budget to recruit local employees. Provide partial social security subsidies!”

In the afternoon meeting, Luo Yang and his team as well as Yancheng factory executives were present. Zhen Yuehua, the director of Yancheng factory, quickly revealed an important news!

"Providing social security subsidies? Yancheng seems to have spent a lot of money! Let's talk about it in detail."

Luo Yang suddenly became interested.

Zhen Yuehua is a native of Yancheng, her hometown is Wuji, and her ancestors are the Zhen family, a wealthy businessman during the Three Kingdoms period. The famous heroine of "Luo Shen Fu" - Mrs. Zhen Zhen Mi (fu), comes from her family.

After thousands of years, the surname Zhen is still a famous local surname in Wuji. The Zhen Yuehua lineage is said to be a branch of the descendants of Zhen Mi!

Zhen Yuehua smiled and said:

"Actually, this matter has something to do with me being a local. The local people in Yancheng wanted to inquire about the construction of the subsequent super factory, but it was not convenient for public contact. Later, when I attended the Yancheng Economic Forum meeting with factory representatives, some leaders He came to me privately and expressed his hope to negotiate directly with Mr. Luo."

“After all, it doesn’t matter whether I build a super factory or not!”

Regarding this situation, everyone said that they were not surprised. Similar situations also occurred in the other two super factories.

"Yancheng's initial announcement is that it is willing to provide a certain proportion of social security subsidies for the Yancheng super factory. Even if the new factory site is not chosen in Yancheng in the future, this condition will be effective!"

"Of course, if new super factories continue to settle here, this condition will be even better. Based on my personal speculation, Yancheng is likely to subsidize social security in full proportion!"

When everyone heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up!

460 full proportional subsidy!!!

This could save a lot of money!

"Currently, the Yancheng factory has more than 18,000 employees, nearly one-third of whom are recruited from Yancheng and Hebei provinces. Henan and Shandong provinces occupy most of the remaining places, and a small number come from all over the country. There are currently 7,000 places available.”

"Yancheng is looking at these quotas this time. After all, it can provide at least 7,000 jobs."

“The unemployment rate in various places has been relatively high in recent years, and Yancheng has also taken great pains to find jobs.

Zhen Yuehua then settled the score.

"We, Beichen Technologists, have a big business. Once employees officially join the company, all employees will pay social security. For the 18,000 employees in the Yancheng factory alone, we spend more than 36 million yuan on social security alone every year! Calculated based on the quota of 25,000 people, that is more than 5,000 yuan a year. Ten thousand!"

"This ratio is close to Tesla's Shanghai Gigafactory. However, considering that the factory will be further expanded, the number of people is likely to increase to 40,000 to 50,000 or even more in the future. By then, the annual social security payment of the Yancheng factory alone will be at least 100 million!”

"Mr. Luo, if we want to surpass Tesla, we must build at least 6 super factories. Then the company's annual social security payment will start at 600 million!"

"Currently, only Yancheng is willing to provide social security subsidies. As far as I know, Jincheng and Sioux City do not have this policy. After all, there are too many major companies in these two places. If the bowl of water is uneven, it will easily cause trouble."

This account is very clear to everyone present. The annual administrative subsidy of 100 million yuan can be said to be a great determination for Yancheng, which does not have a sufficient financial budget!

1 small goal!

Luo Yang glanced at everyone and then said.

"Well, I don't want to leave my children without trapping the wolf. The initial investment for one super factory is at least 30 billion, and two will be 60 billion. This does not include subsequent expansion matters. When the tax holiday ends in the future, the taxes we pay in one year will be able to make up for the loss in Yancheng. subsidies.”

"And the Gigafactory is different from others. Once the location is selected, it cannot be relocated casually. We cannot ignore the overall situation just because of the small profit of subsidizing social security."

"Well, I will mention this at the headquarters meeting. The location of the super factory has not yet been determined, and there is still time for everything."

"Here in Yancheng, I will make an appointment with the local leaders to talk."

Luo Yang understands the local plans of Yancheng, but the location cannot be decided on the spot, and all factors must be considered.

Luo Yang also had some guesses about Yancheng's psychology.

First of all, the local people in Yancheng take the Yancheng Super Factory seriously!

The predecessor of the Yancheng factory was one of the three major manufacturing plants under the jurisdiction of Yunchi Automobile. However, because it could not attract follow-up investment, the production scale has not been expanded, and the policies provided by the local Yancheng are also very general.

However, with the entry of Beichen Technology, Yunchi Auto has transformed into a unicorn company, attracting the attention of many interested people, and with the release of graphene cars, it has become the protagonist overnight!

What's more, Luo Yang is a native of Yancheng!

After the news that Beichen Technology decided to transform into a super factory came out, well-informed local departments came to the door first and conducted a series of secret negotiations. The content is nothing more than that the factory will not move out and will still be located in Yancheng. Yancheng will also provide a series of preferential policies such as land, but it does not include social security subsidies.

Compared with the wealthy Jincheng and Sucheng (the Sucheng factory has now been relocated to Carbon Valley), life in Yancheng can be said to be tight, and they can only increase their bargaining chips in terms of land, taxation, etc.!

Considering that he was from Yancheng, Luo Yang finally agreed to the local conditions of Yancheng.

Facts have proved that Yancheng's local actions are very wise. With the launch of after-sales service of Beichen Automobile, its popularity has directly caused a nationwide sensation!

The local people in Yancheng immediately realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They had every chance to turn the Yancheng factory into a brand new business card!

Due to various factors, the development of Yancheng has been very slow. It does not have the superior geographical conditions of a coastal city, and it lacks key pillar industries. It is occasionally mentioned as a railway hub that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. Today, with the With the popularity of high-speed rail lines, the importance of Yancheng's railway hub is gradually fading!

But now, relying on the Yancheng Super Factory, Yancheng has the possibility to vigorously (aefg) develop the automobile manufacturing industry!

In the future, the automobile manufacturing industry may become another pillar industry in Yancheng after the pharmaceutical industry and textile industry!

After all, compared to the dusk of fuel vehicles, the future of electric vehicles can be said to be bright. According to Beichen Automobile's popularity, it is only a matter of time before a new super factory is built.

Even Tesla has 6 super factories around the world!

Everyone has no doubt whether Beichen Motors can surpass Tesla, which means that Beichen Motors will continue to build more super factories!

No matter what, you have to build 6 seats first!

If one or two of the subsequent three super factories can continue to be located in Yancheng, then as long as Yancheng carries out corresponding guidance and planning, Yancheng in the future may not be able to develop into a new "electric power plant" like Yancheng in Hubei Province. "Car City"!

GDP has increased, investment promotion has been completed, jobs have increased, and the employment rate has also increased. When the tax holiday ends, the tax rate paid by the Gigafactory alone will make a big contribution to the local area!

When locals have money, they can carry out infrastructure construction to benefit local people. It is also a brilliant political achievement. It can be said that it is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone!

Those who can enter the system are all smart people. Once you calculate this account, you will know that you will make a profit without losing money, but Yancheng is not the only one who has this idea!

There are 333 prefecture-level administrative regions (including prefecture-level cities, regions, autonomous prefectures, and leagues) in Longguo!!!

Beichen Automobile is now completely popular, and countless people across the country are watching. It can be said that it is very difficult for Yancheng to stand out among these 333 prefecture-level administrative regions and win the location of the subsequent super factory. !

But after careful analysis, Yancheng actually has advantages!

First of all, Yancheng has one of the three super factories of Beichen Automobile. This is a good start. If there is one, there are two! And the factories are easily connected to form a cluster effect, which is also good for Beichen Automobile.

The second point is that although Jincheng and Sioux City also have super factories, one is a municipality directly under the central government, and the other has the sixth highest GDP in the country. They are both wealthy owners, and the resources at their disposal are not comparable to that of Yancheng. But similarly, the resources and attention that the three places can give to the Gigafactory are also different!

There are many pillar industries and large enterprises in the two cities of Tianjin and Jiangsu. After entering the super factory, it can only be regarded as a hundred flowers blooming. A bowl of water cannot be said to be completely flat, but the tilt must be limited!

For example, the original Sioux City factory has now been moved to the newly built Carbon Valley. One of the reasons is that the discounts offered by Carbon Valley are far beyond what Sioux City can match. After all, Carbon Valley is a national-level development zone!

In terms of administrative level alone, Carbon Valley Development Zone is half a level higher than Sioux City and belongs to the sub-provincial level. In the long run, its administrative level may be further improved! There are rumors that Carbon Valley may be managed by the cabinet in the future. Direct jurisdiction!

After all, Carbon Valley’s benchmark is Silicon Valley in the United States, and some of Longguo’s future industrial development strategies have been adjusted for it!

Even now, Shanghai and Suzhou have been quarreling over the ownership of Carbon Valley. After all, Carbon Valley each occupies part of the land in Shanghai and Suzhou. Currently, the Carbon Valley Management Committee is managed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and is managed by Shanghai. The city and Jiangsu Province jointly dispatched personnel to manage the situation.

Compared with these two local tycoons, Yancheng is very different. As long as the super factory is settled here, it will be treated like a prince supervising the country! If you want to be a local emperor... it is not impossible!

All resources and policies can be given priority to Beichen Automobile!

Third, and most importantly, Luo Yang, the founder and controller of Beichen Technology, is also a native of Yancheng. Ahem, this is actually the most important point.

After all, it is my hometown. Generally speaking, as long as Yancheng doesn't do some messy things, there is a high probability that Luo Yang can be persuaded!

Hence, today’s proposal was made.

Of course, the local people in Yancheng can negotiate directly with Beichen Technology, but Longguo is a society of relationships after all. How can it be more direct to negotiate with Beichen Technology than directly with Luo Yang?

At the same time, in order not to appear too abrupt, Yancheng local people chose to contact Yancheng factory director Zhen Yuehua first. As a local person from Yancheng, with him as a lubricant, it would be much easier for Yancheng and Luo Yang to negotiate.

From the bottom of his heart, Luo Yang is willing to take care of his hometown when there is not much difference in conditions in all aspects, and he does not mind locating the subsequent super factory here!

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