Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 150 Yancheng’S Full Sincerity! The Land Is Given Away For Free! Luo’S Father Was Named And P

Two days later, Luo Yang held negotiations with the Yancheng local people in the provincial guest house.

"Mr. Luo, on behalf of the city, I can promise you that as long as the new super factory is settled in Yancheng, we will provide full social security subsidies!"

"In addition, we are also willing to extend the tax holiday for Beichen Automobile for another two years on the basis of three exemptions and five reductions. We have already asked the province for instructions on this policy and it has been approved by the leaders!"

"In addition, we are willing to provide you with at least 5 million square meters of industrial land outside the Second Ring Road at a symbolic price of 1 yuan per square meter, and you will enjoy priority in the subsequent development of the surrounding area. right!"

"In addition, we can also provide you with factory buildings and related infrastructure for free, and do a good job of three connections and one leveling. You only need to move the equipment over and you can use it directly!"

After being polite, Yancheng directly offered quite favorable terms, which can be said to be full of sincerity!


Everyone present couldn't help but click their tongues. Yancheng's conditions can be said to be quite substantial!

Those remaining at the scene are Yancheng leaders, provincial representatives, and the core leadership of Beichen Automobile headed by Luo Yang. Those who are not qualified will not appear here at all.

Li Yan couldn't help but glance at Luo Yang.

In her opinion, it is already quite privileged!

The first is the full social security subsidy. This has been calculated before. It is estimated that each super factory in Yancheng can save 100 million yuan per year!

Then there is the extension of the two-year tax holiday. Taking Tesla's Shanghai Gigafactory as an example, the tax paid last year was 2.23 billion yuan!

By analogy, the super factory built by Beichen Automobile in Yancheng will be tax-free for 4.5 billion for two years!

If the second and third buildings are built...

The tax savings directly exceed tens of billions!

The third point is the land!

The price of 1 yuan per square meter can be said to be a bargain price, almost equivalent to giving it away for free, especially when land is used as a cash cow in various places, and 5 million square meters of land only costs 5 million yuan!

Compared with Shencheng, Beichen Technology's new headquarters industrial park covers an area of ​​600,000 square meters, and the land acquisition fee totaled 600 million yuan!

Of course, the gap between Shencheng and Yancheng is too big, and the land prices are also very different, but even so, the price is very attractive!

Over time, with the strong attraction of Beichen Technology, this land will surely attract a large number of related companies to settle in. When the land appreciates in value, it can be resold for a large sum of money.

As for three connections and one level, providing basic buildings such as factories and other conditions also saved Beichen Automobile a lot of money and a lot of time.

It can be said that this wave of operations by Yancheng directly increased the favorability of most people present!

"There must be some important conditions for Yancheng to offer such a strong discount."

Luo Yang said.

"Yes, we hope that when you recruit employees, on the premise that they meet your requirements, the proportion of employees with local household registration in Yancheng will be no less than 70%, and the proportion of employees with local household registration in Hebei Province will be no less than 85%. This One condition we hope can be written into the contract.”

The leader of Yancheng pushed up his glasses and said.

“As a member of Yancheng, we must take into account the opinions and feelings of the local residents of Yancheng. For Yancheng, each super factory can provide tens of thousands of jobs, which is what we value most! "

"At the same time, you also have to promise that after the super factory is completed, it will not be moved outside for at least fifteen years, and after the fifteen-year agreement expires, under the same conditions, Yancheng will have priority over other cities in renewing the contract! "

Luo Yang nodded in approval.

If you are not in office, you will not seek to govern. When you reach this position, how much taxes a company can pay is secondary. Companies that can provide a large number of jobs and stabilize social and people's livelihood are often more favored by the locals!

The 15-year agreement period is a good thing for both parties. Yancheng can use this to formulate a long-term development plan of up to fifteen years, and there is no need to worry about Beichen Technology taking advantage of a wave of dividends and running away!

And Beichen Automobile doesn’t have to worry about people leaving and going back and forth over and over again! Moreover, the guarantor of this agreement is the province, which is a reassurance for both parties!

This contact was only a verbal negotiation, which can be regarded as confirming the initial cooperation intention. As for whether to cooperate in the future and whether to modify the negotiation conditions, a more professional negotiation team and legal team will take over.

Overall, this contact was quite satisfactory to both parties.

"Mr. Luo, there will be a charity dinner jointly organized by the province and Yancheng tomorrow night. Your father, Chairman Luo Yuanshan, will also attend. This is your invitation letter.

At the end of the reception, the receptionist handed an invitation to Luo Yang.

"Okay, please tell the leader that I will attend on time!"

Luo Yang accepted the invitation.

Luo's father had mentioned this matter to him a few days ago, but the father and son had not seen each other for more than a month!

In the humane society of Dragon Country, a person who becomes successful often chooses to repay his hometown, from building bridges and paving roads to investing in construction, which vary according to personal abilities. After all, wealth does not return to his hometown, just like walking at night in brocade clothes.

It is beneficial to both parties.

I have gained a good reputation, and at the same time, I have improved the local infrastructure and boosted GDP, and the elders in my hometown have also benefited.

In addition to giving back to my hometown, I also donate to my alma mater and so on.

Luo Yang said, I want them all!

Years ago, Luo Yang established the Beichen Charity Foundation and left it to Luo's father who couldn't take any time off. It can be said that Chuan's father has regained his second youth!

For most of his time, Luo's father either flew around the country or went to the grassroots for investigation and research. He basically visited every province. When it comes to things like spreading money, Luo's father doesn't completely trust others!

The human heart cannot withstand speculation!

After all, Luo's father has gone through ups and downs, so naturally he won't gamble on people's hearts on this kind of thing!

Of course, this also led to Luo's father and his family spending less time together and more separation. After all, there are so many places in Long Country that are in urgent need of charitable support!

Even though the Dragon Kingdom has now become the world's second largest economy, living conditions in some remote areas are still very poor, and it can only be said that the problem of food and clothing has been solved. As for infrastructure construction such as education, medical care, bridge construction and road construction, it is impossible to talk about it.

The territory of the Dragon Kingdom is too vast, and its population has reached 1.4 billion. It is impossible for the country to fully take care of every basic administrative village.

Luo's father went to the southwest after the New Year, and stayed there for more than three months. He reached a series of support agreements with the local people in Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan, and invested in the construction of 223 hope primary schools and 13 elite middle schools. These alone cost more than 11 100 million yuan in funding! At the same time, more than 400 million yuan in student aid funds have been approved and released to help local poor families receive higher education!

This series of charitable actions has been well received by all walks of life, and the state media also dedicated 5 minutes to broadcast it on the evening news!

That night, Luo Yang watched the news exclusively in the newly purchased villa in Yancheng!

"According to our news, the Beichen Charity Foundation, which is affiliated to the well-known company Beichen Technology, recently carried out a series of charitable actions in the southwest mountainous area and invested in the construction of 22 Hope Primary Schools...

0...Please give me flowers...

"Luo Yuanshan, chairman of the charity fund, said in an interview that he just did what he should do. Giving back to society after a successful career is the obligation and responsibility of a successful entrepreneur..."

In the official media footage, Luo's father was in high spirits during the interview, and his skin, which had been darkened by the sun, now looked rosy!

"Giving the charity fund to dad seems to be the right thing to do."

After watching the news, Luo Yang stood in front of the large bay window of the villa in pajamas, looking at the scattered lights of the city in the distance, like a Milky Way falling into the world.

This villa located in the middle of the mountain was purchased by him some time ago and cost 150 million yuan. I bought this place mainly to facilitate my parents' return to Yancheng to visit relatives, but it is vacant most of the time. Luo Yang will only settle here when he returns to Yancheng.

However, Luo's mother is accompanying Luo Manman to school, so she does not plan to attend the charity gala.

The next day.

Luo's father finally came back from the Taihang Mountains and met Luo Yang in the villa.


"Dad, you have worked hard during this time!"

Luo Yang hugged his father.

"Haha, what kind of hard work do I have to do? When others hear that I am doing charity, they won't even have time to follow me, so there is no need to endure hardship!"

That's what he said, but Father Luo's tanned skin and somewhat chapped hands betrayed this!

Luo Yang doesn’t want to expose it, he is an adult and knows when enough is enough!

I just turned around and told Luo's father's assistant to help Luo's father make an appointment with a senior nurse to help his father take care of his body at any time.

Luo's mother and Luo Manman were not there, so the father and son opened a bottle of red wine at home while talking about recent events.

"Xiaoyang, you don't know. I originally thought that only the southwest mountains were poor, but I didn't expect that even in our hometown in Yancheng, there are also places where poverty is everywhere..."

From Luo's father's narration, Luo Yang learned about his recent experiences.

After returning from the southwest mountainous area, Luo's father rested in the capital for half a month, during which he accepted interviews with state media, and then returned to his hometown of Yancheng with his charity team. To the west of Yancheng is the Taihang Mountains, and there are also poverty-stricken places waiting for support.

On his way home this time, Luo's father was warmly received by the local people in Yancheng and Ji Province.

After all, father is more valuable than son, and with Luo Yang’s influence here, plus Yancheng needs Luo Yang, it is natural that this good opportunity will not be missed!

What's more, Luo's father is here to do charity for poverty alleviation!

This is the God of Wealth!

Long before this, the Beichen Charity Foundation branch had settled in Yancheng. During this trip home, Luo's father invested in the construction of several bridges in the mountainous areas of Yancheng, and construction has now begun.

Once completed, it will solve the one-day travel problem for local residents!

At this point, Luo's father's eyes lit up!

"After staying in Yancheng for more than a month this time, in addition to deciding to build three bridges, our Beichen Fund is also planning to spend money to build a total of 17 hope primary schools and one elite middle school. The initial budget is 210 million!"

"In addition, after detailed inspection, Beichen Fund decided to build rural roads in areas with inconvenient transportation, covering surrounding mountainous areas and some poor plain areas. The total mileage is expected to be 400 kilometers. Road construction alone is The budget has reached 130 million yuan, which is equivalent to 328,000 yuan per kilometer!",

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