Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 151 The Situation Changes Suddenly! Joint Sanctions From Around The World!

As the saying goes, it doesn't hurt if you sell your son Tian. But now the situation is exactly the opposite. Luo Yuanshan, who knows that his son is already a world rich man, is unambiguous in his charity. After this trip, Luo's father directly More than 300 million was spent in Hebei Province and Yancheng!

"...Forget it, as long as you are happy!"

Luo Yang's mouth twitched!

300 million!

It was all spent in just over a month!

However, he just sighed, not feeling distressed at all. At this point, spending money to buy fame can actually gain greater benefits.

Later, Luo's father mentioned that in order to prevent charity funds from being misappropriated, he and Luo Yang set up a strict fund supervision mechanism for this purpose. Instead of directly allocating funds to the local area, they purchased building materials themselves and hired professional teams to build them. , to the greatest extent possible, avoid the bad situations of passing off quality goods, reselling building materials, and passing off goods as good ones.

As a result, some people who originally planned to fish for the oil and water were disappointed, and they secretly made trouble and spread negative news. However, they were given a stern warning directly by the local department that had already expected it, and then they restrained themselves.

"After I reported this situation to the local people in Yancheng, a leader here in Yancheng slammed the table on the spot!" 400 directly pointed out that this kind of bad behavior with no bottom line is not just a matter of petty gain. It’s simply unorganized and undisciplined!”

Father Luo took a sip of red wine and said.

"Actually, I understand what the leader is thinking. After all, they are begging you, Xiaoyang, to do something and want to locate the super factory in Yancheng. However, the other side is actually trying to get in the way. Are the people below giving the leader eye drops? "

"Afterwards, the leaders investigated and punished a group of people with dirty hands, and the matter was finally revealed! It was precisely because of this series of actions that this charity operation was carried out smoothly, and it was considered that charity was truly implemented at the grassroots level!"

"Xiaoyang, let me tell the truth. During this period of time, I can sense Yancheng's determination to do practical things, and according to my understanding, Yancheng has been working hard to improve the investment environment. Usually I will also speak privately When I walk around and take a look, I will naturally see many things in my eyes and remember them in my heart without others having to tell them.”

"If possible, try to give your hometown a chance!"

Father Luo patted Luo Yang on the shoulder.

If you have a son like this, what else can you ask for!

What good things did my old Luo family do in my previous life to enjoy such great blessings in this life?

Luo Yang was dumbfounded by Luo's father's actions and couldn't help but said: "Dad, how much benefit did Yancheng give you, let you come to my place to play the family card! Good guy, I finally understand now Well, this time I come to Yancheng, there are routines waiting for me one after another!"

"Isn't it my mother who will persuade me next?"


Luo's father was overjoyed: "It's true that this is true. This is exactly what I realized in Yancheng recently. Besides, you are already the world's richest man. Others are crazy to choose to give me benefits."

My son is so rich, would I value those so-called benefits?"

The two looked at each other.


Luo's father has only scratched the surface on this topic and will not mention it further. Luo Yang is a more successful entrepreneur than him and naturally has his own opinions on how to do things.

That night, the father and son attended the charity dinner held in Yancheng. Because of Luo Yang's attendance, the dinner attracted countless people who were interested in making friends with him, and countless bees and butterflies rushed towards them!

Luo Yang avoided all these vulgar fans. They were all social butterflies, and he had no intention of putting himself among them!

Before the banquet ended, as expected, there was a charity donation session. Luo Yang donated one million yuan in the name of Luo's mother and Luo Manman. These donations will be used for poor families and student funds.

Luo's father also donated another 1 million yuan in his own name and in the name of Luo Yang. In his words, it was a donation anyway. Compared with the more than 300 million yuan he had invested before, this million yuan was just like water!

With the two of them taking the lead, some people who had not planned to pay for it felt a little embarrassed, so they paid more or less. In the end, the party received a total of more than 9 million yuan!

"This donation is fully open to the public. At the same time, the subsequent use of this donation is completely open and transparent and is subject to supervision from all walks of life. Every subsequent amount of money used can be queried on the official charity website..."

After the party, the father and son rested for a night in Yancheng. The next day, they took a bus back to the capital.

Not long after he got off the bus, Luo Yang heard an explosive news on the news!

Two brown bears at Blue Star Zoo got into a fight!

"What's going on? There was no news before, so why did a fight suddenly break out? Why didn't the director of the zoo mediate quickly?" Luo's father frowned.

He has some knowledge of hot topics in current affairs, but the information he knows is limited to public information, and it is difficult to access real secrets.

Luo Yang did not answer immediately, but learned about the causes and consequences of this incident through Xiaobei, and soon he understood.

"It was the United States that did it!"

After explaining it to Luo's father and Luo's mother, they thought it would not affect their own shopping, cooking and sending their children to school, so they put the matter behind them.

Luo Yang's eyes flickered, and he realized that this was an opportunity!

"There seems to be a lot of things you can try out during this crisis! Maybe, you can test some new projects..."

That night, the entire Internet was in an uproar because of this incident. Many people expressed confusion about the current situation of brothers reading the wall, and major media, self-media, and ghosts and monsters who came out of nowhere expressed their opinions one after another!

"I think the big bear can end this fight within a month. After all, it has inherited the huge legacy of the red bear, and its fighting power cannot be underestimated. It is only a matter of time before it snatches the banana from the second bear..."

There are not a few people who hold this view.

In short, because of this incident, the whole world's attention was attracted, and even the Fed's interest rate hike was temporarily suppressed.

In the next few days, as the fights got bigger and bigger, the other animals in Blue Star Zoo couldn't sit still and came out to watch!

"A number of animals, led by Yingjiang, expressed joint sanctions against Big Bear in multiple fields..."

As things get worse, the scope of sanctions against Big Bear is also getting wider and wider!

Soon after, Luo Yang returned to Shanghai's headquarters and immediately held a high-level meeting to discuss follow-up response plans!

"Lao He, could you please introduce the latest situation..."

He Siyuan, who was named by Luo Yang, began to report on the relevant progress.

As the president of the Internet Business Group, He Siyuan can be said to be the most well-informed person besides Luo Yang. After Aurora Search became the search engine with the largest market share in the world, its control over the popularity of news is beyond the reach of other companies!

Before that, it was Google Search that held this position!

"Mr. Luo, according to the background data of Aurora Search, the most popular news in the world are all related to the sanctions against Big Bear. After the United States and Europe launched joint sanctions, the situation of Big Bear has taken a turn for the worse!"

"Military, economy, energy, food, technology, finance, Internet, media... almost all fields that can be blocked are involved!"


Everyone present took a breath!

Just imagining this level of blockade makes one’s scalp numb!

When Beichen Technology was blocked, the intensity of the blockade shocked the world. No one could have imagined that a country would deliberately target a company with such force! However, compared with Daxiong, it is a bit underwhelming!

The two are different in size and are not comparable.

He Siyuan said solemnly: "This incident can be said to be the biggest crisis that Big Bear has encountered in recent years. Judging from the analysis results collected from all walks of life, if Big Bear cannot survive, it is likely to disintegrate like Red Bear!"

"If things come true, then this will become one of the major events that will happen in Blue Star in the 21st century and will profoundly affect the changes in the global pattern!"

"From the current point of view, this incident involves our Beichen Technology, mainly in the Internet and technology fields. Not long ago, major Internet and technology giants in the United States have successively announced a joint ban on Big Bear.

"Currently, the Google search engine, Google map, and email in Daxiong have been stopped. All Android phones purchased later cannot be authenticated, and various problems will occur when using them. However, the phones before being blocked by 2.1 can still be used. Temporarily used!"

"In addition, Fruit Phone participated in the sanctions and stopped some important functions of Fruit Phone in Daxiong."

"The actions of these two mobile phone system suppliers have had a great negative impact on Daxiong!"

"In terms of computer systems, Microsoft also announced that it will stop selling new products in its territory. However, due to pirated systems, the impact on Big Bear is not too great. But we all know that by using system backdoors, Microsoft has The ability to control pirated operating systems worldwide! This means that if Microsoft is determined, it can directly turn computers in Daxiong into bricks!!!"

"In addition, Internet companies such as Shu, Amazon, Tesla, and Naifei, as well as Sansang of Bangzi Country, have also successively announced their participation in sanctions!"

This series of news made everyone present hold their breath!

It’s so scary!

You must know that it is not only the Big Bear that is rivaling the United States, but also the Dragon Kingdom!

If you think about it from another person's perspective, if the United States suddenly launches comprehensive sanctions against the Dragon Kingdom one day, the Dragon Kingdom's experience will not be much better!

A thick layer of gloom emerged in everyone's hearts!

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