Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 152 Damn It, Where Are You Leaving This Empty-Handed Wolf?

At this moment, He Siyuan's conversation changed.

"However, this joint sanctions is a life-and-death crisis for Daxiong, but it is a huge opportunity for us!"

"Before this, after a year of competition, the global Internet market share has been basically divided. Beichen Technology has two major operating systems, POS and pmos, as well as Aurora Search, and has become the world's number one technology company. !Internet company!"

"Although it occupies the largest market share in the world, Big Bear's market development is not going smoothly. In other words, all foreign Internet companies are not going smoothly. After all, Big Bear is more wary of American Internet companies than we are!"

"In this sanction, the major Internet companies in the United States can be said to have made their stance clear. Judging from Daxiong's fiery temper, they will definitely retaliate against the sanctions! We do not rule out the possibility of directly expelling these companies from the domestic market!"

"It would be scary if there are no substitute products, but unfortunately, the products of our Beichen Technology can just replace most of the products of these American giant companies. This means that our Beichen Technology is very likely to win in one fell swoop. Big Bear Market!”

"Although Big Bear's population is not large, it has surpassed most small and medium-sized countries, and the profits there are still quite large!"

Luo Yang was very satisfied with He Siyuan's report, which was similar to his inner view.

After such a long period of training, He Siyuan has become more mature and stable now. As one of Luo Yang's right-hand men, the better He Siyuan performs, the easier the burden on Luo Yang will be!

"Let me say a few words."

"From the current point of view, it is impossible for 04 Big Bear to bow to the United States in a short period of time, so it will inevitably look for alternatives that can replace the American giant companies. Whether it is basic software headed by the operating system, or search engines, maps, Beikang Technology can find corresponding solutions for email, cloud services, and electronic products such as mobile phones and computers.

"We have what the United States has, and we also have what the United States doesn't sell in Daxiong!"

"Of course, we will not sell some sensitive products. I will wait until I inquire about the attitude from above.

"It's a seller's market now. I estimate that it won't be long before Daxiong comes to seek cooperation. Let's get ready and make a plan to enter the Daxiong market. We must firmly seize this opportunity and fully occupy Daxiong's market. !”

Luo Yang has the final say!


The big bear came faster than Luo Yang expected!

Two days later, a plane from Siberia landed at Shanghai Airport!

The burly blond man looked serious at the moment, while the accompanying women looked around curiously.

What comes into view is a megacity with a population of more than 24 million people!

Densely packed skyscrapers rise from the ground, flat asphalt roads run through the city, wide viaducts can be seen between the floors, and electronic billboards full of modern style can be seen everywhere.

What made her most curious was the hurried pedestrians around. Although they looked hurried, their rosy faces and postures proved that people in this country had absolutely no problem with food and clothing. They were not at all like the people in her parents' impression. A backward country that doesn’t even have enough to eat!

"Sasha, Dragon Kingdom seems to be different from the rumors!"

"Yeva! Don't just take things at face value! The current Dragon Kingdom is no longer the Dragon Kingdom a few decades ago! In many places, their development is not much worse than ours!"

Sasha looked at the surrounding scenery with a complicated expression. Once upon a time, the red bear he fought for was also so developed!

But things have changed. Who would have thought that a country that was backward at the beginning would become so powerful now!

"How can a country that can independently build aircraft carriers be a backward country like others say?"

Sasha is a retired navy who once served in the North Sea Fleet, and the North Sea Fleet owns the only aircraft carrier "General Kuznetsov" in the hands of Big Bear!

Although he has retired from active service, he has always paid close attention to news about the navies of various countries. Ten years ago, the dilapidated Varyag purchased by the Dragon Kingdom from Erxiong was transformed into the "Liaoyu" and has since then kept pace with the "General Kuznetsov" aircraft carrier!

What shocked him even more was that just a few years later, like magic, Longguo built the first aircraft carrier with 100% domestically produced parts - the "Luyu"!

Although in the eyes of the outside world, the Luyu is a replica of the Liaoyu, it still takes off in a ski jump and has a displacement of only more than 65,000 tons, this has already made Sasha panic!

"How can a country that is so poor that cannot afford food create a great aircraft carrier?"

Because thirty years after Red Bear was disbanded, Big Bear still has not been able to build an aircraft carrier!

Even the only aircraft carrier lies in bed all day long, staying in the port most of the time and unable to participate in the battle!

The inability to build an aircraft carrier is not only due to a shortage of funds, but also due to factors such as technology and equipment. Moreover, the aircraft carrier shipyard before Red Bear was disbanded was located in Erxiong. These have had a great impact on Big Bear.

According to rumors on the Internet, Longguo's third aircraft carrier is about to be launched. Judging from the photos exposed online, the front end of this new aircraft carrier is not tilted, which means that this aircraft carrier has given up the ski jump take-off and may use It's steam ejection or the rumored most advanced electromagnetic ejection!

From Sasha's perspective, after roughly estimating the size of this aircraft carrier, its displacement is probably at least 80,000 tons!

"80,000 tons, 80,000 tons..."

This number is like a curse that has been lingering in Sasha's mind.

Before Red Bear disintegrated, the latest aircraft carrier it was building was a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a displacement of 79,000 tons!

This aircraft carrier is Red Bear’s most advanced design, using a nuclear power + steam catapult solution. Although it is equipped with a nondescript ski jump takeoff solution, its combat effectiveness undoubtedly directly surpasses the American Kitty Hawk class, which is also 80,000 tons.” Aircraft carrier!

But as fate would have it, the aircraft carrier was not even half-finished, and the Red Bear disintegrated. Because there was no funds to support the construction, and a lack of various follow-up materials, the aircraft carrier was eventually dismantled into scrap metal, and the steam catapults left behind are still there today. It's still lying rusty in Erxiong's house!

Yeva couldn't understand Sasha's thoughts. She was just a deputy. To be more precise, he was put in by his father and plated with gold!

His father is one of the executives of Big Bear.

"Sasha? Eva? I am a staff member of the Embassy in Dragon Country. I will send you two to Beichen Technology Headquarters!"

At this moment, the embassy staff, who were also blond and blue-eyed, received them.

With Sasha and Yeva having different thoughts, the vehicle entered the highway, crossed the Huangpu River and arrived in Pudong, stopping in front of the new headquarters building of Beichen Technology.

For confidentiality reasons, vehicles drove directly into the internal parking lot after reporting.

Since the embassy had made an appointment in advance, Luo Yang and a group of senior executives were already waiting in the conference room. Also present was Ouyang Ming, who was dressed in casual clothes.

After a brief polite exchange, both parties got down to business!

"The situation is urgent, so we won't be polite. Mr. Luo Yang, I have been ordered to hold formal negotiations with you on behalf of Daxiong!"

Sasha directly stated his intention to come, and sitting opposite him was Ouyang Ming with a smiling expression on his face.

"Mr. Sasha, we meet again!"

"Haha, Mr. Ouyang, what a coincidence, I meet you here again!"

The corner of Sasha's mouth couldn't help but twitch a few times. The smiling guy opposite was not a gas-efficient worker!

In fact, Sasha's identity is quite special in the Big Bear Country, and unfortunately, Ouyang Ming's identity is also relatively complicated. The two sides have conducted a series of 727 negotiation confrontations on some occasions.

But obviously, Sasha did not take advantage!

If it weren't for the company of people from the embassy, ​​Sasha would just want to turn around and leave at this moment!

The man opposite him is poisonous!

Nothing good will happen if you meet him!

Inexplicably, Sasha had a premonition that this trip to the Dragon Kingdom would not go so smoothly...

Luo Yang glanced at the faces of Lao Maozi Sasha and Ouyang Ming with a strange expression. There was obviously something behind their expressions!

Tsk tsk tsk, there must be a big melon in here!

"Mr. Luo, you must be aware of our purpose. The situation we are facing recently is somewhat complicated. Due to various considerations, we have decided to relax certain policy restrictions on Beichen Technology and allow you to increase investment in our country!"

"In addition, you can also be allowed to enter some sensitive areas such as basic software, electronic maps, cloud services, etc. Of course, this requires you to pay a deposit. We want to ensure the data security of our citizens!"

"For some of your electronic products, our country also intends to relax the quota. We sincerely invite Beichen Technology to invest and build factories in our country!"

"Our country has the most vast land in the world and the richest resources in the world! You can save a lot of unnecessary costs by building factories in our country. At the same time, when you recruit employees, you must give priority to recruiting Chinese citizens!"

"We have prepared several cooperation plans. The one I personally recommend is the joint venture plan. We hold 60% of the shares and you hold 40%. We will invest in land, policies, and part of the resources, and you will use technology. , capital investment. We must occupy half of the board of directors. In exchange, you can send two members to sit..."

Everyone present was gradually stunned as they listened to Sasha's conditions.

One sentence came to everyone's mind at the same time!

"What the hell, are you crazy about money? You came all the way to Beichen Technology, and then you are just playing with nothing?"

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