Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 163: Give Land To Those Who Need It! Want People And Give Them To People! Want Policy, Give

“In addition to search engines, among the several key projects supported by the Internet department, Aurora Map and cloud business are the two major projects.

He Siyuan pushed up his glasses to hide the excitement in his eyes.

"As a veteran Internet giant, Google has almost crushed all major competitors in the world in terms of search engines and electronic maps. Even Yandex, the Russian search engine born in Daxiong, can only be tied in this regard! "

"And this is just a subsidiary of Brother Gu!"

"Just like Qiandu, even with strong local support in the Dragon Kingdom, it is difficult to suppress Brother Gu!"

"Brother Gu has probably been standing in the cloud for too long and has long been accustomed to his dominant position. He withdrew from the Dragon Kingdom market out of anger, and then his global market share of Beichen Technology plummeted again and again because of his participation in sanctions!"

"And this time, Brother Gu once again followed the baton of the United States and chose to sanction Big Bear. It seems that the lessons of the previous two times have not convinced Brother Gu!"

"This time, Brother Gu is afraid that he will completely lose his market share in the Big Bear Country!"

As the president of the Internet Business Group, when considering foreign market layout, He Siyuan's main research object is Gu Ge!

Aurora Search, backed by the POS Family Bucket, quickly occupied a large market share on the PC and mobile terminals. If it weren't for the high vigilance of Europe and the United States against Dragon Kingdom and the very strict local protection policy, Gu Ge would probably be the only one left now. American market!

"To be able to go all the way to today and send Brother Gu to the position of master, the twin stars of Brother Gu and the director of Brother Gu are certainly not stupid. They are also very aware of the serious consequences of sanctions! But it is a pity that in the face of the consequences from the Black Palace and The pressure from the Oil and Gas Consortium doesn’t count even after they say it!”

Luo Yang shook his head.

Everyone present also expressed the same view.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Brother Gu’s move to participate in sanctions this time is a bad move!

It’s completely at the expense of giving up the big bear market!

The Big Bear Country has long had the intention of expelling Brother Gu from its home market, but it has never found a suitable opportunity.

As for yandex, Daxiong is of course a key target for strong support, but yandex was somewhat powerless in the face of this precious opportunity, and only then was Beichen Technology taking advantage of it.

"According to the estimates of the marketing department, Aurora Map should be able to seize the vast majority of the market share of Google Maps. However, this field is quite sensitive after all. Daxiong will not sit back and watch us continue to expand, and will definitely support Yandex."

"Even so, the electronic map project must be vigorously promoted. In this two-bear war, the role that the Internet can play is really great!"

He Siyuan said: "This war is very different from previous conventional wars. The application of new technologies such as drones can be said to have given the world a huge shock!"

"A small drone has achieved fruitful results beyond everyone's expectations!"

“And the star chain provided by Musk once changed the battlefield situation.!”

"Whether it is Starlink or drones, the communication is inseparable from 5G communication technology, as well as electronic maps, cloud data transmission, etc. According to the above meaning, it supports Beichen Technology to vigorously develop technologies in these fields abroad! "

"Electronic maps and 5G technology are our strengths in Longguo. In terms of cloud business, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and our Beichen Technology are keeping pace with each other, followed closely by Beast Bone Inscriptions."

"In the field of cloud business, there are no giant-level companies in Daxiong's homeland! So Daxiong has no other choice this time. Apart from a few American giants, the one we can most rely on for cloud business is Beichen Technology!"

"This is why Big Bear has repeatedly asked us to jointly build a data center in its territory."

"Of course, there are risks involved. According to Daxiong's consistent style, if the situation really reaches the worst point, forced nationalization is inevitable. By then, all our investments will likely be in vain! All our efforts will be in vain. Big Bear made a wedding dress!"

"That's right!"

"If there hadn't been an official negotiating team this time to witness the signing of the cooperation agreement, to be honest, I wouldn't be very optimistic about this cooperation!"

One of the executives spoke up.

"After all, Yin Xiong has a long criminal record when it comes to breaking a contract!"

"Actually, if you want to say that you have a dark heart and a thick skin, which one of those European and American giants doesn't have such a face? At the beginning of the sanctions, Daxiong's liquidity and related assets in its territory were directly seized! This is so obviously shameless!"

Another executive couldn’t help but complain!

"Yes, but what can be done? The power of international discourse and media public opinion are in the hands of this group of people. Confusing right and wrong is just like playing tricks! Isn't Big Bear going to be tricked?"

"You are worthy of being a descendant of pirates! This kind of aggression that comes from your bones is simply passed down from generation to generation!!!"

Seeing that the conference room was getting more and more chaotic, Luo Yang spoke to comfort him.

"In business, how can you make a profit without losing money? Moreover, Big Bear's market share is actually not that big compared to the world. It is more of a symbolic meaning. I don't force you to make a profit. As long as you can recover most of the costs, this time We won’t lose money if we invest!”

"At Beichen Technology's current level, investment profit is not the only purpose, but cooperating with national strategies is also the top priority!"

As Luo Yang said, this cooperation was actually promoted by Long Guoming behind the scenes. Not to mention anything else, the form Ouyang Ming took out was one of the benefits Long Guoming gained on the surface!

As for the secret, it must involve a deeper game and a series of exchanges of interests. Therefore, things like this involving the international situation are naturally not the last word of Beichen Technology!

Isn't it great to follow the father of the Dragon Kingdom to eat meat and drink soup without having to rush to the front line to bear the firepower?

"If there is no profit indicator, then I have no problem!"

A big mountain was missing, and a smile appeared on He Siyuan's face.

"In addition to software and the Internet, the hardware department must also make good plans for mobile phones, computers and related derivative products. If necessary, a batch of inventory can be transferred from Longguo to give priority to Daxiong."

"Judging from the current production capacity, it should not be a big problem to satisfy the market of Daxiong!"

"Lao Gao."

Luo Yang looked at Gao Yunhai.

"This negotiation is also a good opportunity for Beichen Automobile to attack Big Bear. After all, Musk is still providing Starlink to the other side. This is a deep hatred! This means that Tesla has basically given up on the Big Bear market!"

"Of course one of the reasons why Musk did this is because the climate in the Big Bear Country is cold and is not suitable for the popularization of conventional electric vehicles, but it has little impact on our graphene batteries!"

"This is a blue ocean!"

"Time waits for nothing, Lao Gao, you must make corresponding market plans! I hope to see a complete plan before the group reorganization is completed!"

"Okay, Mr. Luo, I will start on this matter as soon as possible!"

Gao Yunhai looked solemn and accepted the task.

At the moment, Beichen Automobile's sales are booming, but the huge pressure it brings is insufficient production capacity. Now it has to consider entering the big bear market, which is quite stressful for Beichen Automobile!

Not to mention anything else, the five super factories that will be invested and constructed in the future need to be inspected faster and construction started as soon as possible, and it will take a while from construction to production to maximum production capacity!

If we fail to seize the time, the global situation will change and precious opportunities may slip away!

"`~Okay! The meeting is over!"

Luo Yang gave a few more instructions and then dissolved the meeting.

After the meeting, the major executives immediately conveyed the content of the meeting to the following and finalized the follow-up development direction. For a time, the entire huge Beichen Technology tightened up again and fell into a busy, painful and happy time. middle!

A week later, several inspection teams composed of relevant professionals dispatched from the headquarters went to various parts of the Dragon Kingdom to conduct detailed research on several major cities that had entered the waiting list, causing quite a stir in the local area.

The fire cannot be contained in the paper. Everyone can see the booming sales of Beichen Automobile, and the production capacity data of the existing major automobile manufacturers are basically known to the outside world.

Existing production capacity is far from meeting the hot market!

So the purpose of the Beichen Automobile inspection team is naturally self-evident!

According to news coming from some secret channels, Beichen Technology is preparing to build at least 3-6 new super factories, and the overall investment in each super factory is expected to be no less than 80 billion yuan!

80 billion!!!

How much profit is there in this?

Even if we don’t talk about profits, just for such a large project, once it is landed locally, it will be a huge achievement! The series of positive impacts derived from it have touched the heartstrings of countless people.

Conservative estimates suggest that this super factory alone can directly provide more than 20,000 jobs and indirectly provide more than 30,000 jobs!

Coupled with the resource siphon effect, a new economic locomotive can naturally be built around the super factory!

No matter how stupid you are, you can always sell (Zhao's good) land, right?

This kind of business, which is basically a guaranteed profit without losing any money, can be said to be the sweet potato in the eyes of countless people!

If the project can be obtained by itself, the comrades in the provincial investment promotion bureaus in various places will wake up laughing from their sleep!

Due to the contact from the last charity gala, Yancheng had already made corresponding preparations and received the inspection team as soon as possible. Similar situations also occurred in several other major cities. Of course, the local departments were not willing to let this golden person go. The dolls have tried their best and offered many preferential conditions!

As Luo Yang expected, Jincheng and Pengcheng are not too enthusiastic about the new super factory. This is normal. They are one municipality and one special zone, and the resources they can get are very huge, so they naturally have no worries. Is there a golden phoenix?

But other areas are different!

In the Pearl River Delta alone, after Pengcheng's attitude was not enthusiastic, Wancheng, Fucheng, Zhucheng, and even Yangcheng all flocked to try to locate this super factory here!

In Henan Province, Zhengcheng is gearing up to build the super factory into its second important business card besides Fu Shi Kang!

If you want land, give land; if you want people, give people status!

If you want resources, give resources; if you want policies, give policies!

The series of top discounts offered by Zhengcheng can only be matched by Zhengcheng!

The inspection team that went to the central region was also warmly welcomed by the three major cities of Jiangcheng, Rongcheng, and Chang'an, and fierce competition was launched for this!

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