Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 164 Charging Station At An Altitude Of 3650 Meters! A Light On The Plateau!

In addition to the factory site selection inspection team that went to various places for negotiations this time, the technical team of Beichen Charging Station also traveled with them to provide corresponding technical guidance and assistance, especially in some more remote areas.

The most difficult conditions are naturally found in the northwest and southwest regions!

"Boom! Boom!"

On the vast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, a winding steel dragon spirals all the way up to the depths of Tibet!

This is the Qinghai-Tibet Railway!

It is a miracle in the history of world architecture!

While creating many of the best in the world, it also broke countless impossibilities!

Above the frozen soil of the plateau, endless alpine meadows come into view. The depths of the meadow are dotted with dots of colors, which are yaks and sheep that are eating.

The cold and extremely fresh air directly carries the unique atmosphere of the plateau, welcoming every tourist who comes here!

A train entering Tibet was roaring, and most of the technical support team from Shanghai were suffering from altitude sickness, looking exhausted and taking oxygen.

A few young people with relatively good physiques have escaped the attack of altitude sickness. At this moment, they are enjoying the scenery outside with great interest while chatting with their colleagues during the live broadcast.

Li Tong, 26 years old, is an employee of Beichen Automotive Technology Department and one of the few girls in this team. She has been with Beichen Technology for a year and a half. After graduating from a training class held at the headquarters six months ago, she was transferred to Beichen Automobile. Division.

Li Tong, who was wearing a ponytail, was videotaping with his colleague and best friend Xiaoli. He was pointing at the bulging cucumber-flavored potato chips and squid-flavored biscuits on the small table with a surprised expression on his face.

"Xiao Li, look, the potato chips and biscuits are all bulging!"

"that is true!"

At the other end of the video, Xiaoli, who is far away in northern Xinjiang, also stared wide-eyed.

"It's good to be young..."

Feng Ke, the leader of the Tibet team, was breathing oxygen while looking at everyone with envy.

He is thirty-six years old this year. At this age, he belongs to the "middle-aged people" with the highest unemployment rate. Compared with many of his unlucky peers, Feng Ke can be said to be extremely lucky to be able to join Beichen Technology. !

"Old Feng, your task of leading the team this time is very arduous! The plateau climate is harsh, and many people in the team will have difficulty adapting for a while. When we get to Sunshine City, I'm afraid less than one-third will be able to work!"

Another man sitting opposite Feng Ke looked slightly younger than Feng Ke, and he also had a worried look at this moment.

"Old Wu, I've already consulted with the doctor on the train. If everything goes well, everyone will be able to adapt to altitude sickness soon, and there shouldn't be any major problems except for us two!"

"After all, we are the oldest in this team! The rest are all young people in their early twenties, and they will get used to it quickly!"

Faced with Lao Wu's worries, Feng Ke was not that worried.

Lao Wu is the technical director of this team and is a typical technical talent. Any technical problems in this industry will eventually fall on him, but he is not so strong in other aspects.

Therefore, Feng Ke, who is the deputy technical director, is the head of this team and is responsible for managing the travel issues of a group of more than 20 people.

"I heard that Sunlight City has sent a representative and has already booked our next trip?"

"Yes! This is directly connected between the headquarters and the competent authorities of the Tibetan areas. We don't need to take care of any expenses. When the mission is completed and the evacuation is completed, the representatives of Sunshine City can settle the accounts directly with the headquarters."

"That's good. If it weren't for the company's subsidy this time, I really wouldn't dare to walk on the plateau! You know, the altitude of Sunshine City is 3650 (aedb) meters.

"Hahaha! I understand, we are all middle-aged, life is not easy! In terms of subsidies, our Beichen Technology is the ceiling of Long private enterprises!"

Everyone gave a thumbs up while talking.

Speaking of company subsidies, everyone who was originally suffering from high-definition illnesses cheered up now.

According to the company's regulations, any business trip company will provide corresponding subsidies and reimburse certain basic expenses. The degree of subsidy will vary depending on the importance and difficulty of the business trip task.

Among this group of technical teams traveling to all parts of the country, the conditions in Tibetan areas are the most difficult, and the subsidies are naturally the most generous!

Because the number of people in this team reached more than 20, Beichen Technology directly booked an entire soft sleeper carriage!

As everyone discussed, the topic gradually shifted to charging stations.

“Since the official launch of Beichen Automobile, the official conference theme has been to vigorously develop new energy vehicles, and many important meetings have been held. Finally, after a series of discussions, the important decision to focus on graphene battery technology as the main support target was finally determined. "

"The decision points out that vigorously promoting the development of Longguo's new energy vehicle industry, which is dominated by graphene battery technology, and introducing a series of related support policies, is a policy that can affect Longguo and many other fields such as energy, automobiles, and transportation around the world. An important decision! It is also related to the hundreds of years of changes in the future of Dragon Kingdom!"

"What is certain is that this will definitely cause a series of huge chain reactions around the world!"

Feng Ke blew the wolfberry in the cup and took a sip of hot tea before continuing.

"To promote the development of the new energy vehicle industry, a series of pain points and difficulties must be solved, and one of them is the difficulty of charging. Therefore, if we want to popularize new energy vehicles on a large scale, this problem must be completely solved!"

“Not long ago, a red-headed document jointly issued by the relevant departments of transportation, land, science and technology clearly pointed out that in the next few years, charging piles will be widely popularized across the country, and we will strive to achieve this within three to five years. Comprehensive coverage of every basic administrative unit in the country! This document directly points out the importance of charging stations."

"Even Three Barrels of Oil has introduced relevant policies for comprehensive transformation and upgrading in the future!"

Having said this, everyone present was very excited!

That’s three barrels of oil!

Among the many giant state-owned enterprises in the Dragon Kingdom, it is the most profitable and one of the most important ones!

Of course, it is also one of the giants with the worst reputation!

As employees of Beichen Charging Station, they are naturally very concerned about changes in the industry!

Regarding this meeting, the entire Dragon Kingdom is paying close attention to it!

It was this meeting that made the official decision to carry out comprehensive transformation and upgrading of Three Barrels of Oil. This is an important historical event destined to be recorded in history!

"But the Dragon Kingdom is too big, with a huge land area of ​​more than 9 million square kilometers and a population of 1.4 billion! If you want to cover the whole country, it is not enough to rely on the power of the state alone, you must attract private capital to enter! "

"Beichen Technology, as the owner of graphene battery technology and the setter of industry standards, naturally cannot lag behind others!"

"It is precisely for this reason that the rise of our Beichen charging station has occurred!"

Speaking of this, Feng Ke and Lao Wu looked at each other.

"Although there are rumors from the headquarters that we are preparing to carry out group reorganization, this will only benefit us, not harm! In time, Beichen charging stations will be opened all over the country, and it will definitely become a super giant in the industry!"

"When the time comes, it's not impossible to break away from Beichen Auto Shanyu!"

"So, relax, you still have a long way to go! The future of our Beichen Charging Station is naturally bright too!"

"As long as you work hard, buying a house shouldn't be too easy!"

After giving everyone a dose of chicken blood, Feng Ke nodded with satisfaction as he looked at everyone who looked excited and their faces were much rosy!

If you want a horse to run, you have to feed it!

Besides, he is not bragging, let alone trying to make a big deal!

He has no doubt about the bright future of Beichen cars and charging stations!

As the largest private enterprise in the Dragon Kingdom, Beichen Technologists has a great cause, has technology, money, people, and even the official green light all the way. Its self-operated Beichen charging station brand has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, and has spread all over the country in a very short period of time. Fully rolled out everywhere!

It reaches the three northeastern provinces in the north, islands in the south, Shencheng in the east, and the vast Tarim Basin in the west. Now even the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with an altitude of several thousand meters has Beichen charging stations!

As a remote area, the economy of Tibetan areas is not very developed, and the local financial budget is not generous. Therefore, in the charging station project jointly established by Sunlight City and Beichen Technology

Beichen Technology sent a technical team to provide support!

And this is exactly why Feng Ke and the others are here!

Of course, there are also layers of crises hidden under the fire.

As the team leader, Feng Ke keenly sensed a different kind of atmosphere.

Before the release of Beichen Automobile, although with the cooperation of Luo Yang and the government, they jointly supported the establishment of the national high-tech zone "Carbon Valley" and provided a series of policy and resource support, not everyone was convinced. To express approval, there has always been a group of opposing voices.

Although the number is small, it does slow down progress in some aspects.

After the release of graphene battery technology, the sensation and opposition became even greater!

The emergence of graphene batteries has shattered the global new energy landscape overnight. Even petroleum and other fields have been significantly affected. To put it bluntly, the emergence of graphene batteries has damaged many people and The interests of power!

As a result, in addition to the previous opponents, there are now other manufacturers and investors investing in hydrogen energy technology, hybrid technology, lithium battery technology and other new energy fields, who have also expressed dissatisfaction.

Originally, everyone got along well and sat at the table to share the cake. Although the cakes were getting smaller and smaller due to the number of people, it was still enough to satisfy our stomachs.

As a result, Beichen Technology, which entered the scene last, immediately transformed into Brother Crow!

The table flipped over with a bang!

This made many manufacturers confused and at the same time itchy their teeth with hatred!

Young people are so unruly!

How can anyone lift the table without eating?

And these people and spheres of influence are spread all over the country and abroad, and many companies are the overlords in their own country!

Ever since, when Beichen Automobile sales were booming and it was sweeping the world, these forces that were not willing to be swept into the garbage heap of history were integrated under the leadership of some thoughtful people and made their own counterattack!

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