Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 167 We Stand At The Top Of The Pyramid, Overlooking The Entire World!

Volt's expression was very heavy at this moment, and he had completely lost the indifference he had before. From the words of the old butler and Vincent, he already understood the twists and turns of the matter.

Peter, who was crucified alive before his eyes, was obviously just a pawn thrown out by the master. In other words, these members of the Devil's Four were all pawns!

Chess pieces can naturally be discarded at will.

After the plan was announced to the world by Ghost and Lucifer, the other three members of the quartet died one after another. This gave an explanation to the outside world and did not pose a greater threat to the master. According to Volt's understanding of the master, these three The guy's death brought the safety of their family!

But something unexpected happened.

Pete was seriously injured but not dead!

Maybe it’s because he doesn’t know the master well enough, or perhaps Peter is not qualified enough to have access to this level of secrets, and he doesn’t understand what a terrifying behemoth the master and the forces behind him are!

Anyway, Pete is scared!

Whether he was worried about being silenced or worried about his family, in short, Peter gave up the idea of ​​committing suicide and decided to follow the example of the original "Huang Jing Incident" and wanted to use the Dragon Kingdom to extradite him back to the country and escape from the master's control!

Now it seems that Peter failed!

The master and the organization behind him easily faked the scene where Pete committed suicide in fear of crime, but the real Pete was a fighter!

And this cross was even placed majestically in the hall of the manor!

Everyone who receives the invitation letter can see it at the first glance when they come here!

Ford's heart felt cold at this moment!

He knew that this was a warning from the old man!

Warning to everyone, this is the fate of betrayers!

No matter where you are, no matter who is protecting you, once you choose to betray, the master and the people in the organization will definitely pursue it to the end!

He glanced at Vincent, who was smiling, and felt grateful for this guy who was like a poisonous snake, hiding behind the scenes waiting for an opportunity to bite someone.

"Let's go."

Volt stopped staring at the cross and turned around to leave


Vincent looked at Volt's figure and grinned in an astonishing arc, as if he was a clown.

After a long time, more and more people gathered here. Facing the tragic fate of Peter, everyone had different reactions. Some were shocked, some were afraid, some were indifferent, and some were amused. Their performance was noticed by the old butler at the entrance.

And everyone was also taken to the depths of the manor, where they served as ministers in a spacious hall.

This is a huge round table with corresponding seats placed around it, and at the top is a throne carved from a huge piece of rosewood! Its value is incalculable!

Rosewood is a very precious tree species, not to mention that such a huge rosewood is almost extinct now!

"Everyone, please take a seat!"

The old butler stood on the side of the throne and led everyone to take their seats. Volt and Vincent looked at each other and walked to their respective positions.

As everyone expired, the scene was divided into several camps!

Sitting on the left side of the throne is a group of financial consortiums headed by Mo Gen, including the California Consortium, the Boston Consortium, Citigroup, DuPont, etc.! If these people lightly stamp their feet, the entire Wall Street will tremble!

Next to the financial consortium, there are many semiconductor giants headed by Vincent, including members of the newly formed SLA Association, as well as the controllers behind Intel, Gaotong and other giants!

"Mr. Mogen, Mr. Dupont..."

Vincent took his troops with him and greeted Mo Gen.


The person attending the reminiscence this time was not Lao Mogen, but his eldest son. After nodding calmly, he continued to talk to the head of Dubang on the side.

On the right hand side of the throne, there are a group of American oil giants headed by Rockefeller, and also include shareholders of European oil giants such as Yingguo Petroleum, Shell Oil, and Daudaer Oil!

Next to the oil giant group are the automobile giants headed by Volt!

Among the three giants of traditional fuel vehicles in the United States, in addition to Chrysco Automobiles, which has been acquired, the heads of Volt and Bucket Vehicles are all here. In addition, they also include the three giants of De Guoyu, the two giants of France, and The most profitable car giant!

Almost all the automobile companies in Europe and the United States have gathered together!

Looking at the entire hall, almost all of them are chaebol giants from Europe and the United States, and without exception, they are all white!

As for Neon and Bangzi's companies, no personnel were present, or in other words, they were not qualified to set foot here at all!

Everyone was greeting each other in low voices at this moment. Although everyone was usually a competitor, on this occasion, no one was stupid enough to show off. The cross at the entrance of the manor had already made everyone aware of the consequences of not following the rules.

As for Peter's ending, no one dared to ask.

Those who can sit here are all the core leaders of chaebols or multinational giants, or the real controllers behind the scenes. The many CEOs, presidents, etc. who are well-known to the outside world are just the spokespersons of these controllers to the outside world. Not qualified to appear here!

It can be said without hesitation that when these people come together, the wealth they can mobilize has exceeded that of most countries, and they can easily reach the top 10 in the GDP rankings of each country I

This is an extremely scary number!

It is a truly wealthy country!

But at this moment, these people all looked respectful, waiting for the person taking the first seat to appear.


The old housekeeper bowed respectfully.

An old man with sparse hair and only a few hairs standing stubbornly upright, with wrinkles on his face that could kill flies, was helped into the venue by two young maids!

"Hello, sir!"

"Hello Mr. Ross!"

"Long time no see, Mr. Ross!"

The two major groups headed by Mo Gen and Rockefeller stood up one after another and said hello with respectful expressions!

In the midst of everyone bending down, Ross, known as "Master", moved slowly and slowly. Everyone could only wait respectfully. Even if their waists were numb, they did not dare to show any signs of dissatisfaction. !

Beside Rose, the old housekeeper kept scanning everyone.

"Everyone, please take a seat!"

After a long time, Rose finally sat down under the maid's service, nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the blond maid next to her.

"Alice, you did a good job in training your maid. It seems that you are much smarter than your stupid father."

"Master, I should thank you for bringing me a new life!"

The young maid whom Rose called Alice was smiling, but there was unparalleled fear hidden deep in her eyes!

After all, her biological father was nailed to the cross at the gate!

Every day when she and the head maid were learning the rules, they had to pass by the gate. Faced with her father who suffered cruel punishment, Alice's heart had already collapsed!

"Hehehe, go down!"

In response to Alice's answer, Rose waved his hand with great satisfaction. Alice and the other young maid immediately left here as if they had been granted amnesty.

It was only then that everyone present knew that this young Alice was actually the biological daughter of the unlucky Pete at the door!


"This old guy is so cruel!"

Many people took a deep breath!

As the saying goes, trouble never comes to the family. Compared to the three people who died in the Devil's Four, their families all ended well. Even Little Kent, who was expelled from the SLA Association by Vincent, lost all his rights. The rich inheritance left by his father is enough for him to have enough food and clothing!

And Peter, who was lucky enough to survive, is now worse off than dead!

Rao is the Mogen family, which is the top capital company, and he can't help but sigh in his heart.

"This old guy has been standing in the council meeting for too long. He really thinks he is God's spokesperson!"

"Sooner or later, the Mogen family will surpass the Rothschild family, stand at the top of the organization again, and control the power of life and death in the entire world!"

Ross, who everyone calls "Master", is the previous patriarch of the Rothschild family, the current president of the Council, and the current leader of the Jewish consortium!

At the same time, he also calls himself 600 the agent of God in the world, the shepherd!

Everyone present today is inextricably related to the organization of the General Committee!

"Everyone, today is not only the daily meeting of the General Committee, but there is also a very important thing that needs everyone.

Ross glanced at the old butler, who immediately understood and stepped forward to speak.

As one of Ross's most trusted personnel, the old butler has served the Rothschild family for generations. As the so-called seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister, the old butler is backed by the Rothschild family, and he is also a popular figure in the Council. A target you don’t dare to offend!

"As God's agent, the General Council shoulders the great responsibility given by God, which is to guide the development of human civilization!"

"Throughout the entire history of Blue Star, behind every historical event, there is the shadow of the General Council!"

"We stand at the top of the pyramid, overlooking the entire world!"

"The will of God is my will, and my heart is the heart of heaven!"

"The Americas are our sheep pastures, Europe is our back garden, Africa is our mines, and Asia is our factories! The 9 billion people in the world are all humble ants crawling under our feet!"

"We should be proud!"

"Because we are so great!!"

Faced with the words of the old butler, although it was not the first time for everyone to hear it, they were still excited about it!

As members of the General Committee, they were already extremely familiar with these words. It was only after joining the General Committee that they realized how deep the water in this world is and how terrifying the darkness behind this world is!

Similarly, they also know who should be crowned with the title of King of the World!

That is the great collective meeting!

And the fact is just as they imagined, they have obtained the rights and wealth that countless people desire, and with just one move of their hands, they can create a top rich family that shocks the world!

Whether it’s Rothschild, Mogen, or Rockefeller, he is one of them!

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