Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 168 The Best Way To Destroy The Enemy Is Always To Destroy Its Body!

The General Meeting is a name that resonates well with everyone.

Especially today with the massive popularity of the Internet, many people are familiar with this name. Anyone who has some knowledge knows that this is a super organization composed of the world's top consortiums and families!

The specific time of the birth of the General Council is unknown. According to some documents, it can be known that it first appeared in Ying State three centuries ago, and its main members are all now the top families in Blue Star!

These include members of the royal family, the Oil and Finance Group, and many top families across Europe and the United States!

This is a huge parasite, parasitic on the deformed country of the United States, relying on the super power of the United States, wielding the dollar stick, and wantonly harvesting the wealth of the entire Blue Star!

Many people are aware of the strength of the US dollar, but many people do not know that the right to issue the US dollar is in the hands of the Federal Reserve.

Although the Federal Reserve performs the functions of a central bank, it is not an official institution of the United States, but a private institution jointly established by many American plutocrats headed by Mo Gen and other plutocrats!

Can you believe this?

But this is the fact!

Every time the United States uses the financial means of raising interest rates to harvest the wool of the global economy, the biggest profiteer behind it is the Federal Reserve!

In order to maintain its huge material resources, the United States has huge deficits every year. In order to solve the deficit, the United States borrows from the Federal Reserve every year. In order to repay the debt, the foreign country uses its own tax revenue as collateral!

Before the debt is paid off, every penny received by the U.S. Taxation Bureau must be transferred to the account of the Federal Reserve!

Therefore, all the taxes paid by the American people every year go into the pockets of the Federal Reserve!

In order to maintain tax collection, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has an independent armed force with extremely powerful combat capabilities. It can be said that in addition to nuclear weapons, the IRS can obtain all the equipment that the U.S. military can obtain!

In the United States, there are two things that are inevitable!

That's death and taxes!

Even if you are a gangster, even if you get black money from selling fans, you still have to pay taxes!!!

At that time, a certain gang in the United States was always regarded as a thorn in the flesh by CAI and FIB, but no evidence was ever obtained. In the end, the IRS obtained some evidence and directly arrested the gang boss in jail for tax arrears. !

This is how the IRS became famous!

As for the plutocrats who control the Federal Reserve, the real controller behind them is the Council of Accountants, a mysterious organization that has penetrated the world.

Of course, the vast majority of members in this organization are Youtai people!

Through white gloves, agents, and support for various families, the Association has extended countless tentacles and controlled many industries. It can be said that many well-known foreign giants have more or less hidden secrets behind them. Shadow of Freemasonry!

For example, now, it is just a regular meeting of the Freemasonry, directly convening all the giants in the four major industries of finance, energy, automobiles, and semiconductors in Europe and the United States!

The reason why they gather here is one person and one company!

"Everyone, in the past half century, the Communist Party of China has single-handedly led the rise of the computer and semiconductor industries, and single-handedly promoted the birth of the Internet! It is also we who have achieved the glory of silicon-based semiconductors!"

“The entire industry, from its birth to its growth, cannot do without us!”

"We paid a huge price and made countless efforts to achieve what we have now!"

"However, this rule was broken!"

The old housekeeper's expression changed, and his voice became cold and cruel!

"In the far east, in the place where the total influence is weakest, an accident occurred!"

"A young boy, an inconspicuous small company, like a needle, has gently moved the entire huge semiconductor industry!"

"No one expected that a braided country known as a technological desert could actually take the lead in solving the mystery and achieve a huge breakthrough in graphene technology, thereby controlling a new blue ocean market with a total value of more than one trillion US dollars!"

"Every time they occupy more, the silicon-based technology market we promote will be smaller!"

"Until the end, nothing is left."

"At that time, all the semiconductor manufacturers here will go bankrupt, unless you can kneel down in front of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, give up all your dignity, give up all the glory of your family and the Council, humbly kiss their shoes, and pray that they can Graphene technology is licensed to you!”

Everyone’s expressions changed!

Especially where the semiconductor is located, the faces of everyone headed by Vincent are extremely ugly!

"I know you were unwilling and tried to fight back! But it failed. The appearance of Lucifer and Ghost directly caused the United States to lift the ban on Beichen Technology."

"The general meeting will naturally not just watch everyone fall into ruin, so the master made a plan. It's a pity that things didn't work out as planned, and a group of idiots were directly exposed."

Having said this, a cruel smile appeared on the old housekeeper's face.

After all, one of the parties involved is still hanging on the cross at the door.

"Orientals have always been very greedy and cunning. No matter what industry it is, as long as they conquer the technology, the entire industry's products and technologies will flood like cockroaches, driving the industry's profit margins to the lowest level!"

"They are like scavengers, invading everywhere, occupying our market, and plundering the profits that should belong to us!"

"Now, the Orientals and that young boy are no longer satisfied with the semiconductor and Internet markets! They are eyeing cars! They are eyeing energy!!!"

This is something that the entire Freemasonry cannot stand!

What does energy mean today in the 21st century?

Means everything!

In prehistoric centuries, primitive humans lit fires and learned to eat cooked food, thereby breaking away from the life of eating raw materials and drinking blood.

During the first industrial revolution, energy resources led by coal rose rapidly. Coal and steel created a group of industrialized countries, and these countries were called "great powers"! This started the scene of the great powers carving up the world.

In the entire world, except for a few agricultural countries that have not fallen, most countries have become colonies of the great powers!

It was also during this period that the total society began to rise rapidly!

At the same time, with the help of the newly born United States as the body, it absorbed nutrients and grew rapidly. Eventually, with the second industrial revolution, the United States became one of the two major hegemons in the world, thereby aspiring to global hegemony!

The second industrial revolution promoted electrification and the birth of the internal combustion engine, and the automobile industry also rapidly expanded and became popular, becoming the signature industry of the first industrial countries!

Europe, America, Neon, Bangzi and other countries are all leaders in this field!

With the popularity of automobiles, energy sources, led by petroleum, have quickly replaced coal and become the most popular product in the world!

Almost the entire modern history revolves around oil, and the Middle East, which holds half of the world's oil reserves, has become a powder keg in the world. It has never experienced peace since the end of World War II and has been plunged into continuous wars.

A group of oil giants headed by Rockefeller controlled the global energy market! They took away countless wealth every year!

This is also one of the areas that the CPC is most concerned about besides the financial field!

If you control energy, you control the world!

The Communist Party thought so, and so did the United States, so the petrodollar system was born.

Originally, according to the estimates of the CPC Central Committee and the United States, the only energy source that could possibly replace oil should be new technologies led by controllable nuclear fusion. As for so-called wind power, solar energy, tidal energy, etc., they did not believe that they could replace oil.

But everyone underestimated the difficulty of nuclear fusion.

Decades have passed since the world's first giant mushroom exploded, but a breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion is still far away.

Today, before controllable nuclear fusion was born, the emergence of graphene batteries can be said to be the straw that broke the camel's back!

There is no doubt that this is an important technology that can affect the global energy pattern!

Traditional fuel vehicle manufacturers have been completely hit by graphene battery vehicles. It is foreseeable that with the increase in production capacity of Beichen Automobile, fuel vehicles will become the final swan song!

In addition to the automobile industry, a number of oil giants have also been greatly affected!

This is behavior that the Communist Party will not tolerate!

Hegemony cannot be challenged!

The only solution is to fight to the death!

Whether it is Ross, the old butler, or many members of the Freemasonry, they are extremely firm on this point!

~To be honest, I feel very sad that talents like Luo Yang were not born in the United States, Europe, or any country other than the Dragon Kingdom!"

"As a beacon to the world, the United States should be the holy land in the hearts of global technical talents!"

"No matter what the price is, as long as we can win Luo Yang over, it will be worth it! Don't worry, give Luo Yang the status of a senior member of the Accounting Council!"

Rose spoke slowly.

"But unfortunately, we tried to extend an olive branch to him through many channels, but there was no news.

"This is a determined nationalist. For the so-called rejuvenation of a great country and the so-called national honor, Luo Yang ignored the goodwill from us."

"A top talent who cannot be used by us does not deserve to live in this world!"

"In this case, we can only treat it as an enemy and completely eliminate it!"

"And the best way to destroy the enemy is always to do it physically!"

Rose's words shocked everyone!

Everyone looked at each other in shock, no one dared to speak first.

In the end, Mo Gen couldn't stand the gaze of everyone and could only ask:

"Mr. Ross, I have no doubts about what you are doing, but as the Dragon Kingdom is the place with the weakest influence, and the Dragon Kingdom's secret protection of Luo Yang, can we really succeed?"

"If we miss, will it trigger a counterattack from the Dragon Kingdom?"

"After all, the current Luo Yang is also an extremely important talent for Longguo!"

"Even to a certain extent, the influence of Luo Yang's appearance is not much less than that of the group of people who grow mushrooms in Longguo!"

"Can we...really succeed?".

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