Chapter 101

“YY game, YY is really powerful. Every update surprises me. Happy Fighting Landlords is so fun. When I played Fighting Landlords, I kept telling you whether you are a sister or a brother. I forgot to play the cards. Fortunately, Remind, haha.”

“Not only Happy Fighting Landlords, other games are also very good, not to mention so many, my goddess asked me to play backgammon, I will withdraw first, haha.”

“As soon as the YY game comes out, even the world will be unlucky.”

“That’s sure, YY has over 100 million users, how can even the world beat ~ YY.”

“YY is the best, YY is the best, YY does not fall, stay with you until you grow old.”

The whole network is praising YY, and while praising YY, it is natural that they do not forget to slander Penguin.

“Penguin, didn’t you say that the previous new features were all leaked secrets? How can YY still update and launch new features? Come out and explain.”

“Penguin, does your face hurt? Do you want to say that YY games are also your creativity? You are already developing penguin games?”

“Penguin, I am completely disappointed in you, goodbye, Penguin.”

“Penguin, completely plagiarize the name, penguin, goodbye, I will not go with you, it will be more delicious with YY.”

“Penguin, goodbye, your shameless plagiarism makes me sick, I will always say goodbye to you.”

For a while, many netizens were shouting goodbye, Penguin.

Netizens all join in the fun, chanting penguin, goodbye.

Whether it is to join in the fun or whether it is true, the penguin’s reputation is really stinking, and since then it sits on the name of plagiarism, and even if it can turn over in the future, the name of plagiarism will not get rid of it.

Netizens who took action have uninstalled Penguin one after another, and the number of online penguins plummeted.

In the morning, there were still 60 million people online at the same time. Less than an hour after YY was updated, it dropped to 55 million, and by 12 o’clock, it dropped to 50 million.

When Penguin Pony heard the bad news, he became furious and cast a shadow over the entire penguin.

“In just three hours, we lost 10 million people online at the same time. Are you telling me now? Are you a fool?”

The people below didn’t dare to say anything at all, letting the pony scold.

“Brother Marco, calm down, you must stay calm at this time.” The general R&D department persuaded.

“Give me out, and hold a high-level meeting in five minutes.” Penguin Xiaoma quickly calmed down.

Five minutes is the reflection time that Xiao Ma gave himself. He just made a fatal mistake, a mistake that a leader shouldn’t make.

Being angry with employees is an incompetent performance of the leader. Xiao Ma didn’t expect that one day he would be like this. He needs to reflect and not get confused.

If he is in a mess, then the penguin is really hopeless.

At 12 o’clock, YY official website and YY game platform released a blockbuster.

Want to be a millionaire? Come to participate in the All People Fighting Landlords Contest, you will have the opportunity to become a millionaire in 20 days. The opportunity should not be missed. If you want to become a millionaire, come join the Fighting Landlords Contest.

As soon as this news was announced, the whole network was boiled and the whole network was carnival.

Rules of the National Fight for Landlords Contest.

The fifteen-day preliminary contest, from January 1 to January 15, 2003. During these fifteen days, all YY users who want to participate can enter the YY game platform to participate in the competition.

The first place in every landlord competition has the opportunity to become the final player in fifteen days. The 10,000 contestants who won the first place in the Doudizhu contest the most times in the 15-day preliminary contest entered the finals.

Those who won the first place the same number of times are ranked by time, and the player who won the first place first ranks first in the same number of times.

The finals began on January 17, 2003.

One thousand finalists are divided into one hundred competitions, each with one hundred people, and the first place in each competition gets the final place for the finals, a total of one hundred people.

On January 20, 2003, one hundred finalists competed in the final competition. The champion received a prize of 1 million, the second prize of 500,000, and the third prize of 200,000.

From the fourth to the tenth, 30,000 yuan per person will be awarded, and the eleventh to the 100th place will receive 1,000 yuan per person. All the bonuses add up to 2 million.

And not only is there a bonus for the final finals, there will be a reward for the first place in each competition of the preliminary round, which is 10YY coins, which is equivalent to 10 cash. Don’t underestimate the 10YY coin reward. It is conservatively estimated that during the 15-day preliminary competition, there will be at least one million first places, and this YY alone will cost 10 million.

The richness of the bonus made a sensation throughout the network.

“My God, is this YY going to guard against the sky? Millions of prizes, there are really millions of prizes, and the championship prize is one million. If I win the final championship, I will immediately become a millionaire.”

“Not only the champion, the second runner-up also has 500,000, the third runner-up has 200,000, the top ten also has 30,000, the top 100 is 1,000 yuan, this reward is too strong, who can bear this temptation.”

·· 0 Seeking flowers··········

“Not much to say, I will spend the next fifteen days in the YY game, don’t contact me if there is no emergency.”

“YY is a costly basis. The final bonus adds up to two million, and the preliminary round rewards are even more. 10 YY coins for the first place in each game, equal to ten dollars, how many games per day, or fifteen days, the whole During the preliminary round, YY has to pay at least tens of millions of rewards.”

“It’s too cruel, the temptation of millionaires, who can withstand it, I want to be a champion, I want to be a millionaire.”

Penguin’s high-level meeting was also interrupted by the explosive news of YY.

“Millionaires, fighting the landlord contest, this idea is simply a genius, this time, YY users will surely soar.” Some seniors subconsciously said their hearts.

…. ….. 0

The entire conference room was extremely silent.

Yes, with the YY Landlord Contest, there is the temptation to become a millionaire. It’s strange that YY users don’t rise sharply. The number of YY users has soared, but their Penguin online has been declining. This comparison made the hearts of all the seniors on the scene extremely uncomfortable.

Penguin Xiaoma’s face was extremely gloomy. At this moment, he really had no choice but to think of a way to break the game.

“Let’s talk about it, how to break the game?” Penguin Xiaoma said lightly.

The high-level people began to discuss in a low voice, but it was a pity that the discussions came and discussed, but in the end they couldn’t come up with a reliable plan.

“It’s all gone, go back and work hard, and the managers of all departments stay.” Penguin Xiaoma left the generals.

Everyone left silently, but there was a shadow in their hearts.

Afterwards, Penguin Xiaoma and Zhongda will start a discussion. One hour later, there is no good plan to break the game, and the meeting ends.

“I can’t discuss a good way for the time being. Let’s go back. Go back and think about it before reporting.” Penguin Xiaoma said to the general R&D department: “Let the R&D department develop the Penguin game. We temporarily fall behind does not mean we have lost. After this month, we can still set sail.”

“In the absence of money to break the situation, all departments of the marketing department of the public relations department are fully fired to keep our current users and keep the line of 30 million simultaneous online.”

“Yes, Brother Marco.” The generals left silently.

Compared to Penguin’s frustration, YY is a completely different scene. All employees are smiling, full of fighting spirit, and full of energy. ten thousand.

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