Chapter 102

“Shao Shao is really a man of God, and Su Shao has a good copy like this in the Fighting Landlord Contest. It is really amazing. My idol is a cow.”

“That is, Su Shao is not a good one. Penguin must be very confused now, haha.”

“We YY and penguin fight, we YY will win.”

“That is necessary. With Su Shao, we will win in YY.”

Before the launch of YY, the mentality of the employees of Haoyu Network Technology Company was, has YY really been able to do Penguin? Will the company close down soon?

Now all employees are full of fighting spirit and full of confidence. In the hearts of all employees, as long as Su Hao is there, YY will kill Penguin sooner or later.

“Zhou Xue, I admit that I’m handsome, but you don’t have to keep staring at me, right?” Su Hao saw Zhou Xue looking at him all the time, and couldn’t help but teased: “I would really misunderstand you like you like this. I?”

Without waiting for Zhou Xue to refute, Su Hao continued: “Isn’t there such a sentence? I will love you every day. If you really like me, don’t secretly fall in love with me, tell me, I will accept you, Hey-hey.”

“Narcissism.” Zhou Xue spit out two words coldly, her expression returning to cold.

“It’s really boring.” Seeing Zhou Xue’s return to coldness, Su Hao murmured.

When Zhou Xue heard the anger in her heart, she almost couldn’t help but go up and give Su Hao a kick.

“In the next month, we will develop YY users, and use the Doudizhu contest to make YY completely overwhelm Penguin. Are you confident?” Su Hao asked seriously.

Zhou Xue nodded fiercely and said, “Of course, we have the advantage in all aspects now. If we can’t overpower Penguin in this way, I will be too incompetent as a leader.”

“I am looking forward to your performance.” Su Hao smiled slightly, and then said: “The day after tomorrow Jiajiafu Supermarket opens. I am going to go there. I will leave it to you here. Call me if I have important things. ”

“Of course, you can call me if you miss me.” Finally, Su Hao added.

Zhou Xue nodded lightly, without saying a word.

“Hehe, big beauty, you are so cute now.” Su Hao smiled and said, “I’m leaving, don’t miss me too much.”

After speaking, Su Hao left directly.

After Su Hao left, Zhou Xue couldn’t help but look in the mirror, cute, really cute?

Soon Zhou Xue woke up.

Zhou Xue, Zhou Xue, are you crazy? You care about the views of that little gangster. Cuteness will never be with you. Don’t listen to that little gangster’s nonsense.

It took several minutes for Zhou Xue to calm down and go to work.

Su Hao came to the supermarket and inspected all county branches with Yuan Xuefei.

Su Hao specifically asked Ding Min about his work.

“Sister concubine, how did Ding Min behave?”

Yuan Xuefei said softly: “Very well, the personnel department is now mainly working on staff training, and Ding Min is doing very well.”

Su Hao nodded lightly and said, “Then I have to check it out tomorrow.”

“Hehe, I think you want to see Ding Min, right?” Yuan Xuefei said half-jokingly.

“Sister concubine, how do I feel that you are suggesting something to me?” Su Hao said the feeling in his heart.

“What can I hint to you, don’t think about it.” Yuan Xuefei denied.

Although Yuan Xuefei wanted to find a good sister to help share the war, she would not tell Su Hao this thought. Yuan Xuefei wanted Su Hao to find it herself instead of being influenced by her.

“It’s fine if I don’t, it’s because I think too much, haha.” Su Hao got the negative answer and stopped thinking too much.

Concubine Yuan Xue whispered in her heart, what a woman’s sixth sense is very accurate, and a man’s is also very accurate. . .

Who made you so good, I can’t bear it if I don’t find a good sister. . .

December 31.

In the morning, Su Hao and Yuan Xuefei came to the supermarket together.

Yuan Xuefei took Su Hao to the employee training site.

Su Hao watched Ding Min’s orderly arrangements for training new employees from a distance, and nodded involuntarily.

“Sister Concubine, your vision is very good, this Ding Min ability is really good.” Su Hao exaggerated.

“I remember that Ding Min is a student union cadre, and so beautiful, in the same school as you, have you never heard of her in school?” Yuan Xuefei asked.

“It seems to have heard that I knew Du Ruomeng from school sister.” Su Hao said.

“Yes, you don’t go to school either for three days, how can you know any senior sister.” Yuan Xuefei heard the name Du Ruomeng and said casually: “I have seen Du Ruomeng, a very beautiful girl.”

Su Hao didn’t know how to answer for a while, and only a few seconds later said, “You are beautiful without the concubine.”

“Why is your face weird?” Yuan Xuefei noticed something wrong with Su Hao.

“Nothing, nothing.” Su Hao denied.

“Really?” Yuan Xuefei seemed to think of a certain possibility and blurted out: “You and Na Du Ruomeng have a situation?”

“No, don’t you like Zhang Mengqi? Both Zhang Mengqi and Du Ruomeng work on the homeschooling website. If there is a situation, you also have a situation with Zhang Mengqi. How could it be Du Ruomeng?” Before Su Hao answered, Yuan Xuefei was determined to deny herself. Guess.

“Sister Concubine, let me tell you, you really guessed it right… 0” Su Hao has always wanted to talk to Yuan Xuefei about Du Ruomeng, but she has never known how to speak. Now there is a chance, Su Hao simply admits it directly.

Rather than being discovered by Yuan Xuefei in the future, it is better to take the opportunity to admit it generously now to avoid misunderstanding later.

“It’s really true, I’ll just say how weird you are, haha.” Yuan Xuefei curiously said: “Quickly talk about it, how did you get on with Du Ruomeng?”

The moment Yuan Xuefei heard Su Hao’s confession, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she was more happy. Someone finally shared the war.

Yuan Xuefei has always known that Su Hao is not hers alone. Su Hao will have other women sooner or later. Now this situation has become a reality, and Yuan Xuefei accepts it calmly.

Su Hao simply talked about the story with Du Ruomeng.

After hearing this, Concubine Yuan Xue was very interested in Du Ruomeng.

“Hehe, it seems that you haven’t completely conquered Du Ruomeng yet.” Yuan Xuefei knew that Du Ruomeng’s attitude was to quit after Su Hao got married, and couldn’t help but tease.

“It’s just a matter of time, but it also lets me know the fact that Concubine you are the best to me, and your selfless love for me will not end for my three lives and three lives.” Su Hao said affectionately.

“You have a conscience.” Yuan Xuefei was moved in her heart. If it wasn’t for the wrong location, she would have already plunged into Su Hao’s arms.

“Arrange for me to meet Du Ruomeng the next day, and I will help you conquer her.” Yuan Xuefei wanted to help Su Hao completely conquer Du Ruomeng, so that someone would share the war.

“Sister Concubine, you are so kind.” Su Hao was so touched, she couldn’t help holding Concubine Yuan Xue into her arms.

Yuan Xuefei gently pushed Su Hao away, and said, “You are going to die, there are so many employees over there, how bad it is to be seen.”

“What’s the matter, I’m the boss, they should know the identity of your wife.” Su Hao said confidently.

“What the boss, I haven’t married you yet.” Yuan Xuefei’s face was full of happy smiles.

Even if it is never possible to marry Su Hao, with Su Hao’s words, Yuan Xuefei has no regrets.

Then, Su Hao and Yuan Xuefei walked over. Su Hao chatted with Ding Min for a while, and a little exaggerated Ding Min, which made Ding Min secretly happy.

Today is the last day of 2002, and Su Hao spent time with Yuan Xuefei.

Fortunately, New Year’s Eve is not popular yet, otherwise Su Hao will have a headache today.

January 1, 2003.

30 branches of Jiajiafu Supermarket opened grandly.

Thank you [198**676] for your monthly pass, thank you very much, thank you! .

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