Chapter 230

“Haha, it’s time to use the speed of my 27 years of being single. This time I must grab a smartphone. I want to be the first person in the world to use a smartphone.”

“Three million smartphones, these are the first people in the world to use smartphones in the true sense. I must become one-third of a million and I must grab them.”

“Whoever gave me a high-end version of the smartphone, I am willing to be his girlfriend.”

“Whoever wants to give me a high-end version of the smartphone, I am willing to accompany him out to play for two days.”

“People in the city where there is no 3G network do not rush to buy smart phones. It is useless if you buy them. Please wait for the next batch. Please give the opportunity to citizens with 3G networks. Thank you.”

“Fuck off, my hand speed of 28 years of being single must definitely be used. This time I want to grab two sets, haha.”

“I have hired fifty people to help me grab it, haha.”

“I hired a hundred people to help me snap up my smartphone, am I proud?”

“I hired three thousand people to snap up smartphones, hehe.” “It’s a scalper upstairs, especially, the scalper will die for me.”

“Scalper, get out of here, don’t pollute the Internet, get out.”

“Scalper die.”

When netizens saw a scalper entering the venue, they scolded the scalper and told the scalper to die.

In fact, Su Hao set only two smartphones per account to limit the scalpers, but it is not so straightforward as a manufacturer.

Seven o’clock exactly.

The time has come for the entire network to play hand speed.

The entire platform was stuck for a while, and just like that, the smartphone was sold out.

In one second, only one second, three million smartphones are lighted by seconds.

After entering the Huaxin mobile phone shop, users of Internet speed cards are extremely depressed when they see that they have been sold out.

“I know this is the case. With my internet speed, I really want to smash my home computer, ah ah ah…”


“He aimed at it and grabbed it in a second. Do you want to be so ruthless? This is a 3,500 yuan phone, not 350 yuan. Do you want to be so ruthless.”

“It’s too fierce. Three million units per second. How can I grab it from the ruined party?”

“Alas, I finally missed the first batch of opportunities to use smart phones. Smart is waiting for the next batch.”

The people who didn’t grab it were extremely depressed, and the people who grabbed it were ecstatic.

“Is there a lot of 3,500 smart phones? I earn it if I grab it, haha, now I can show off my smart phone to my friends. My mobile phone is the most advanced electronic product in the world. There is no one, haha.”

“Haha, I grabbed one, I’m so happy, haha.”

“5000 high-end version of the smart phone, haha, Huaxin mobile phone, hurry up and ship, I can’t wait to experience the smart phone.”

The local tyrants who have not grabbed it have bid on the Internet.

“I am willing to bid 6000 yuan for a high-end version of the smartphone. Will anyone sell it?”

“I’m willing to buy a high-end version for five thousand and five. Will anyone sell it?”

“I bought a regular version for four thousand dollars. Would anyone like to transfer it?”

“My favorite said that as long as I give her a smart phone, she immediately promised to be my girlfriend. Which kind eldest brother can fulfill me, I’m willing to pay six thousand and five.”

Some local tyrants even began to express sympathy.

More and more local tyrants are bidding, and high-end smartphones were once called over 8,000, an increase of 3,000 yuan.

The regular version is also called for more than 6,000 yuan, which is an increase of 2,500 yuan.

“I want to be beautiful, I finally got it, I don’t sell it, but a fool sells it.”

“Don’t say eight thousand, I won’t sell it for ten thousand, who knows when the next batch of goods will wait, or keep it for my own use.”

“Is it great to have money? You can’t buy a smartphone if you have money, haha.”

When the scalpers saw local tyrants bid on the Internet, they were even more aware of the unlimited market for smartphones.

The scalpers who grabbed the smartphone did not choose to trade in the first time. They waited for the smartphone to get it and then looked at the situation.

In the minds of the scalpers, such a great smartphone, after people get the phone, there will definitely be many people showing off on the Internet. Then the smartphone will be more popular and the price will be higher.

Su Hao was not surprised by the situation of grabbing all the lights in one second.

Smart phones are so popular, and everyone has gained experience in buying them on Huaxin computers.

Su Hao released the news in the Huaxin mobile phone shop.

The shipment of this batch of 3 million mobile phones will be arranged tomorrow, and the next batch of smart phones will go on sale on July 1, with an estimated 5 million units.

Warm reminder, tomorrow everyone can go to Huaxintong Communication Business Hall to buy a mobile phone card. For the time being, only the first, second and third-tier cities have Huaxin Communication Business Hall. Other places are opening one after another. I hope you forgive me for this.

Netizens cheered when they saw Huaxin Telecom started selling mobile phone cards.

“I finally waited, Huaxin Telecom’s mobile phone card, I’m so looking forward to it.”

“It must be very cheap, right?”

“I am most concerned about the data cost. If the data cost is too expensive, I am afraid I can’t afford it.”

“Don’t worry, Huaxin Communications will take this into consideration, and it will definitely not be too expensive.”

“It doesn’t matter how much he costs, it’s the right thing to use. There are thousands of dollars to buy a mobile phone. Is there still a few dozen dollars in data charges?”

“Yes, there is no shortage of money, haha.”

“Tomorrow we can know the tariff of Huaxin Telecom’s mobile phone card.”

The three major operators are all very concerned about the charging standards of Huaxin Telecom’s mobile phone cards, and at the same time they are extremely worried that the charges of Huaxin Telecom are too low.

“CETC is the disruptor. I really don’t understand how the country would agree to the establishment of CETC.” The top executives of the three major operators complained.

“If people have the technology, what can they do? If you don’t give him the establishment, he doesn’t authorize us, and they have nothing to do. In the face of national development, everything else is a small problem.”

“I hope Huaxin Communications can relax a little bit and don’t make the price too low.”

On the issue of determining the charges for the 3G package, Huaxin Communications unanimously listened to Su Hao. Because everyone knows, no matter how you say it, Su Hao ultimately has the final say.

As long as there is a profit and no loss, they have no opinion.

June 14.

At eight o’clock in the morning, Huaxin Telecom’s business halls in first-, second- and third-tier cities opened.

Many people who have snatched their smartphones can’t wait to buy a mobile phone card.

This is the first batch of Huaxin Telecom’s mobile phone cards. There must be a pretty number. People who think of this come here very early.

People who haven’t bought a smart phone think of the beautiful account, which is also early to wait at the door of the Huaxin Telecom business hall.

Seeing the crowds at the door, the staff in the business hall of Huaxin Telecom was a little confused.

“There are only three million mobile phones distributed to so many cities, how can so many people come to apply for the card at once?”

“This is a bit unusual.”

Then I heard everyone talking about it, and then I realized that I wanted to buy a pretty name.

After learning the reason, the employees of the Huaxin Communication Business Hall were dumbfounded.

This is a mess, is it so easy to buy a pretty account?

After entering the business hall, people quickly saw the tariff standards of 3G mobile phone cards.

The 3G mobile card is divided into four or three packages.

The first package, the monthly rent is 19 yuan, the nationwide answer is free, 500M traffic, the caller is a dime per minute, and a text message is a penny.

The second package has a monthly rent of 29 yuan, free of charge nationwide, 1G traffic, a dime per minute for the caller, and a penny per text message.

The third package, a monthly rent of 39 yuan, free of charge nationwide, 2G traffic, the calling party is a dime per minute, and a text message is a penny.

The fourth package, a monthly rent of 49 yuan, is free nationwide, 5G traffic, the caller costs a dime per minute, and a text message costs a penny.

The four packages are the same except for the different traffic.

The most important point is that Huaxin Telecom’s mobile phone card has no roaming throughout the country, and there is no roaming statement at all. The card in the East China Sea is a dime per minute to make a call anywhere in the country.

This is Su Hao. When people see the tariff standard of the 4 packages, they are completely stunned.

“F*ck, will this be too cheap.”

“Oh my God, is it my dizziness? The country is free of charge, the caller is a dime per minute, and the text message is a penny. There is no roaming in the country. This benefit is simply amazing.”

“I can’t believe my eyes, the most expensive is only 49 yuan, my God, Huaxin Communication is really too conscientious, I know that Huaxin Communication will not let me down, and will not let the people down.”

“At the price of Huaxin Communication, the other three major operators must have trouble with Huaxin Communication?”

After the charges for the four 3G packages of Huaxin Telecom were exposed, the people across the country were in an uproar.

“Oh my god, the price is totally different from what I thought. I thought the 3G card would cost 50 yuan as low as possible. I didn’t expect it to be only 19 yuan, which is too cheap.”

“It’s cheap, and it’s free nationwide. Oh my god, if it’s so ruthless, the three major operators will hate ECCOM.”

“The cruelest thing is to cancel roaming, my God, this is too cruel, the three major operators must be very embarrassed, haha.”

“I’ll go, I have to change the Huaxin Communication mobile phone card without a smart phone. The price of this package is really cheap.”

“Huaxin Telecom does not have a roaming fee, my God, I have to change a Huaxin Telecom phone card if I don’t have a smart phone. I fly around in three days and the roaming fee is too expensive.”

“The caller only pays a dime per minute, and the text message is a penny. It is really conscientious. It is cheaper than the three major operators. Huaxin Communications, a good job. I will use Huaxin communications cards in the future.”

“Such a cheap price with such a conscience must be supported.”

The top executives of the three major operators were all dumbfounded when they saw the 3G package tariff standard of Huaxin Communications, and then they were furious.

“How dare Huaxin Communication? How dare he not charge roaming fees?”

“The caller only pays a dime for a minute. With such a small monthly rent and so much traffic, won’t you lose money?”

“No, the country must block the tariff standard of Huaxin Communication, and absolutely must not allow Huaxin Communication to disrupt the market.”

The top executives of the three major operators have lodged protests to the relevant organizations.

Relevant organizations are also very helpless about this issue. In their opinion, the package tariff standard of Huaxin Communication is really too low.

After discussion, the relevant organizations decided to allow the top management of the three major operators to directly negotiate with the top management of Huaxin Communications.

Su Hao received a call from Du Ruomeng and learned that the three major operators had to negotiate 3G package tariffs, with a disdainful smile on his face.

Since you want to talk, then have a good talk with you.

June 15th.

Su Hao and Du Ruomeng flew to the capital.

At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, Su Hao met senior representatives of the three major operators in the conference room of the relevant organization.

None of the three major operators gave Su Hao a good face.

Su Hao saw that the three major operators were all black faces, with a disdainful smile on their faces.

The two sides confronted each other as if there was great hatred.

The leaders of the relevant organization coughed twice and said: “I called your four operators over today. I asked you to negotiate carefully and give me some attention. If you don’t want to negotiate, you can leave immediately.”

Su Hao directly said: “I didn’t want to come over. The reason why I am here is to solve the problem at one time. I don’t want to have such problems in the future.”

“Do you have any objections to our CETC’s 3G tariff standards, please tell me all at once.”

The high-level representative of the move directly said: “Mr. Su, your package fee is too low. A text message costs a penny. Are you doing business?”

Tonglian executives: “The roaming fee has also been cancelled. Are you doing business?”

A senior executive of the letter, “Mr. Su, business is not done like this. Whether it is 3G network cable charges or 3G mobile phone card package charges, you charge too low. How do you let our three major operators operate like this?”

Su Hao asked in a cold voice: “You said I canceled the roaming fee, and the text message cost a penny, not for business? I want to ask you something.”

“Does the mobile phone roaming charge cost?”

“Does the same city and the same network cost for mobile phone text messaging?”

The top representatives of the three major operators were silent.

The leaders of the relevant organizations also frowned slightly.

Su Hao stood up and said loudly: “Mobile phone roaming charges do not cost at all, and mobile phone text messages in the same city and network do not need to be cost. Even if it is a different place, a thousand text messages cost one dollar.”

“I canceled the roaming fee. Is there something wrong with charging one penny for one text message?”

Senior representatives of the three major operators bowed their heads slightly.

Su Hao angrily rebuked: “Do you want me to learn from you to charge a few cents per minute for roaming fees, one text message and one dime? I tell you that you are making huge profits, but you are hindering the development of the country and hindering the country. Take off, you are the sinners of the motherland.”

“Cough cough.” The leaders of the relevant organization saw Su Hao speaking more and more seriously, and couldn’t help coughing twice, and said: “Su Hao, calm down, calm down.”

Du Ruomeng pulled Su Hao. Su Hao calmed down and sat back in position again.

The leaders of the relevant organizations asked the senior representatives of the three major operators: “Is what Su Hao said is true?”

Senior representatives of the three major operators nodded silently.

“You guys, let me say what you guys are doing.” The leaders of the relevant organization glared at the top representatives of the three major operators and said, “Fortunately, the Chinese people don’t know this. If the Chinese people know these things, you must be drowned in saliva. ”

The three major operators dare not say anything at all.

The leader of the relevant organization said to Su Hao: “Su Hao, you can keep talking.”

Su Hao said lightly: “I just want to say that my current charging standards are high in my opinion. If it were not for concerns, CETC would charge lower fees.”

“In a word, Huaxin Communications will definitely not lose money with the current charging standard. Not only will it not lose money, but it will also make a lot of money.”.

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