Chapter 303

The teams promoted by the major real estate companies along the street are not only unwelcome, but they are like festive rats that everyone shouts and beats.

The propaganda team was thrown eggs and litter directly.

The propaganda team is surrounded by people and staring at you, and it looks like a horror like you yelling and screaming and beating you in groups.

The employees of the propaganda team were surrounded by people, and some of the girls were so scared to cry.

“Little girl, why are you crying, we didn’t beat you, why are you crying?”

“Yeah, if you don’t do anything well, you have to go with unscrupulous merchants. Don’t promote it. Go back and persuade your boss to cancel the pool area quickly. As long as your company cancels the pool area, you don’t need to promote it. We I will buy your house the same.”

“Go back quickly. If an impulsive person emerges later, you will be beaten. Go back and persuade your boss not to be unscrupulous merchants. Hurry up and cancel the pool area. Make less money and you will not die. It’s Jade.”

Propaganda teams everywhere were disrupted by enthusiastic people, and eventually had to end the propaganda early and return to the company.

A propaganda team immediately called the police after being stopped.

People are not afraid.

In a word, I didn’t do anything to you, this street is not yours, anyone can walk, what happened to us standing here?

Not to mention that there are elderly people in the crowd, and the propaganda team dare not be too impulsive. If they accidentally knock down an old man, the trouble will be big.

When the police officers came, there was nothing to do.

They didn’t do anything to you, didn’t beat you, didn’t scold you, and you called the police.

The police kindly persuaded the crowd to disperse and reminded the propaganda team not to call the police indiscriminately, otherwise they would be severely punished.

Most of the police officers are also ordinary people. They want to buy cheaper houses and think that future generations can enjoy better welfare.

The propaganda team can only return to the company in a desperate manner.

After returning to the company, the employees of the propaganda team all reported the situation on the spot to the senior management.

Some small real estate companies always listen directly to reports.

Hearing employees say that people at the scene said that only 20 real estate companies want to cancel the pool area, without publicizing that they will buy a house, the face of the small real estate company boss is extremely complicated.

Yesterday, it was revealed that the money was spent inviting people. Today, the new welfare publicity team was besieged, and the publicity team was thrown eggs and garbage. Do you want to continue?

Earning less will not kill you. At that time, it was not unreasonable to accumulate virtue.

As long as all the houses are sold, the money will be made immediately, isn’t it good?

Before the abolition of the public share area, these small real estate bosses were thinking about how to sell the house.

Without Longteng Real Estate, they have to compete with Da Real Estate Company.

People always choose big real estate companies and don’t trust their small real estate companies, so it is difficult for small real estate companies to sell their houses.

In the end, they can only choose to sell the house at a lower price than the big real estate company.

This is why they are the same houses, some of them are tens of thousands of square meters, and some of them are six thousand one square meters.

They are all the same houses without cutting corners, but people just want to trust large real estate companies and worry that the houses of small real estate companies are not guaranteed.

In fact, they are almost the same.

Now, there is a broad road in front of them. As long as the public pool area is cancelled, the house can be sold with a little less profit, and it is all sold out. Isn’t this a good thing?

Why should they refuse?

The shared area is just a little less profitable for them, and it doesn’t make much difference.

It is completely different from what the CEO of Hengda Real Estate said, if the pool area is cancelled, they will not make any money at all, and will even go bankrupt.


Longteng Real Estate is not a charity, so how could it be inverted.

These small real estate companies are starting to settle accounts.

In the end, a figure was obtained. Even if the house is sold at the price of Longteng Real Estate, as long as all the houses are sold out, they can still make a lot of money.

Not to mention that the Internet says that the housing prices of real estate are the same as those of Longteng Real Estate. As long as the pool area is cancelled, they are willing to even more than a few hundred square meters.

Not to mention more than 900, even if it is more than one hundred and one square, you can earn a lot more.

If it is more than three to five hundred, this profit is completely acceptable.

Why do they stupidly join up with the major real estate companies and refuse to cancel the pooled area?

Take the Donghae market as an example.

The highest house price at the moment is 10,000 and the lowest is 6,000.

Without canceling the pool area, the highest price of a house of 100 square meters with three bedrooms and one living room is one million yuan, and the lowest price is six hundred thousand yuan.

In the case of canceling the pool area, the three-bedroom and one-living room is 80 square meters. Not to mention the price of 10,000, even if it is 1,000 more expensive than Longteng Real Estate, it will only be sold at 7,000, which is only 560,000, which is 40,000 less than the lowest price without abolishing the pool area.

Not to mention only a few hundred one square meter expensive.

The bosses of small real estate companies feel that as long as the pool area is abolished, not to mention several hundred expensive, even if the house price is 8,000 or 9,000, as long as it does not exceed 10,000, someone will buy their house.

Calculating these data, the heads of small real estate companies are all bright, and feel that the cancellation of the shared area is not unacceptable.

Now they sell for six thousand, no one buys the house.

Cancel the public share area and sell it for 7,000. The house is very likely to be sold out and you can make money immediately. Although the profit is a little bit less, the money will come back immediately. There is no need to worry about the house not being sold in the future. .

If the profit is too small, you can raise the price a little bit. The total price is still 600,000 yuan, and people will probably buy it too.

What people want is to cancel the pool area, and the housing price does not exceed the highest price in the current market, and people will accept it.

Small real estate companies are no longer in the mood to listen to Hengda Real Estate’s so-called thoughts of letting real estate speculators fall into the trap.

They began to think about how to quickly sell the house on the premise of ensuring profit.

The publicity plan on the 6th is still abolished, leaving the CEO of Hengda Real Estate completely speechless.

It’s been three days, and I haven’t sold a house for three days. Who can stand it?

Netizens continued to cheer and celebrate.

“It’s been three days. We’ve been insisting on it for three days. Brothers and sisters, we must persist. Victory is ahead.”

“Don’t worry about what the real estate companies do. We shouldn’t be fooled. Don’t lose hundreds of thousands of dollars because of the small profit in front of us. It’s not worth it. We must persist.”

“It’s been three days. I didn’t expect the people of the whole country to unite and persist for three days. We are really great, haha.”

“The refusal to share the area starts with me. As long as the real estate company does not cancel the share area, we will not buy their houses.”

At this time, some netizens also suggested that if the real estate company cancels the share area but increases the house price, should we buy it?

“As long as the price is not too ridiculous, you can buy it.”

“Yes, like Donghai City, the highest house price is 10,000 and the lowest is 6,000. I don’t expect other real estate companies to sell only 6,000, more than 6,000, or 7,000 like Longteng Real Estate. I can accept it.”

“That’s not it, let alone seven thousand, eight thousand, nine thousand are acceptable, as long as it does not exceed 10,000, as long as the shared area is cancelled, I can accept it.”

“The original 6,000 house, can you buy it after canceling the pool area and selling it for 9,000?”

“Don’t be stupid, definitely not buying it. If the total price of the house after canceling the shared area is higher than the original total price of the house, what is the point of canceling the shared area?”

“After canceling the pool area, the total price of the house can be bought less than the total price of the house without the pool area. If it is too much, don’t buy it.”

“Yes, you can’t get those real estate condoms.”

“According to what everyone said, the cancellation of the shared area will have no effect on the small real estate companies. They can completely cancel the shared area and sell the house at a higher price than before. Why do they refuse to cancel the shared area? ”

“I don’t think I can understand. Those small real estate companies originally had a house price of 6,000. If they cancel the share area and sell them for more than 6,000, we will buy it. They can also make money. Why don’t they cancel the share area? Is it that important to them?”

“That is, even if they sell for 7,000, they will lose 40,000 yuan. I will still buy it. Why don’t they cancel the pool area?”

“The cancellation of the shared area will only have a significant impact on Da Real Estate Company, and it will have no effect on small real estate companies at all. I don’t understand why those small real estate companies should go with the big real estate companies.”

“That is, is it not good to cancel the pool area with Longteng Real Estate?”

“Perhaps the pooled area is the bottom line of the real estate industry.”

“Listening to you, I feel more confident. As long as we insist, those small real estate companies will follow Longteng Real Estate and cancel the pooled area.”

“Yes, we put this topic up and let those small real estate company owners see it.”

“Must go up.”

For a while, this topic was directly searched on top.

The executives of several major real estate companies were worried when they saw this topic.

The CEO of Hengda Real Estate even sent a message directly in the group, announcing that the plan will be implemented tomorrow to allow the real estate group to enter the pit, calling on the CEOs of all real estate companies to stay stable and not to be confused by the voices of the outside world.

It is a pity that many small and medium-sized real estate company bosses have already taken care of it despite the appeal of the CEO of Hengda Real Estate.

But everyone is not in a hurry. They all want to see if the so-called “property speculators” of the CEO of Hengda Real Estate are effective.

Seeing that there were not many CEOs in the group responding, Hengda Real Estate cried out inwardly.

Especially meow, these wall grasses are really unreliable.

April 7th.

Hengda Real Estate implemented the so-called plan to let real estate speculators enter the pit.

It is nothing more than some concessions and welfare, and various advantages speculation, but it is a pity that the real estate group is not in the pit at all.

Real estate speculators are not stupid, they are also waiting.

However, the real estate group is waiting for the major real estate companies to hold on, and waiting for the public real estate companies to cancel the pooled area.

House prices are cheaper, and they have more capital to speculate in houses.

On this day, Longteng Real Estate’s real estate in the magic capital officially went on sale.

Without much publicity at all, Longteng Real Estate issued an announcement and YY gave a pop-up window.

It was such a simple publicity that the sales department of Longteng Real Estate’s magic capital exploded.

The scene was crowded and crowded. As a last resort, Longteng Real Estate had to contact local police officers to maintain order.

People are ready for everything and come to buy houses.

After a busy day, the first phase of the Magic City Real Estate was sold out.

The news that Longteng Real Estate’s real estates have sold out has greatly stimulated those small and medium-sized real estate companies.

At the same time, the so-called plan of Hengda Real Estate to let the real estate speculators go into a pit went bankrupt. Comparing the two things, the CEOs of all major real estate companies all have a choice.

Netizens are all envious of the magic city, their city is the second city where you can buy a house in Longteng Real Estate.

“When will it be the turn of the capital, God Su, please hurry up and build a house in the capital.”

“Su Shen, when will the house in Yangcheng go on sale?”

“Su Shen, when the deep city will start to sell, I have all the funds ready, and I am waiting to buy your Longteng real estate house.”

“Yeah, I have all the money ready, but I don’t have a house to buy, so I’m so depressed.”

“All the money is ready, but I can’t buy a house. It’s too difficult for me.”

“Su Shen, increase investment. Smart phones make so much money. Invest in real estate. It will definitely make you money. As long as you dare to build, we dare to buy.”

The whole network is urging Su Shao to let Longteng Real Estate accelerate the construction of houses.

Regarding this matter, Su Hao was dumbfounded.

Building a house is not a matter of three or two days. I also want to build more houses, but this is not anxious.

Not only reject the unfinished building, but also reject the tofu project.

Su Hao sent a Weibo reply.

“The house can’t be in a hurry. Longteng Real Estate refuses the unfinished building or the tofu project. Dear, don’t worry, it will be your city soon.”

Su Hao’s Weibo went viral.

Suddenly, all kinds of in-kind sentences became popular on the Internet.

With the decision, the small and medium-sized real estate bosses quietly quit the group.

The CEO of Hengda Real Estate sees people withdrawing from the group from time to time, knowing that the matter is irreversible, and no longer persuades.

Those who want to go can’t keep it, and persuading them now will only be embarrassing.

The bosses in the group also found out that someone had withdrawn from the group. Everyone is smart, and you will know the reason after a little thought.

There is no news at all in the group, no one speaks, they are all pregnant with ghosts.

The CEO of Evergrande Real Estate directly established another group to bring the CEOs of several major real estate companies into the group.

“You have also seen many people withdraw from the group. You must be aware of the reasons for their withdrawal. Small real estate companies have a way to withdraw. We have no way to withdraw. What do you plan to do?”

“Why don’t you stay in the group?”

“It’s useless, you can’t keep it if you want to go.”

“Is there no way?”

“If those small real estate companies cancel the pooled area, if we don’t cancel it, we can’t stand it either.”

“I didn’t expect that the people of the whole country would be so united, because I underestimated the unity of the people. The cancellation of the pool area is simply unstoppable. What we have to consider now is how can we continue to maintain our position in this industry?”

“To put it bluntly, how can we continue to control housing prices.”

“Those small real estate companies are not very influential. If we want to maintain our leading position, we must continue to unite with the top 100 real estate companies.”

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