Chapter 304

The CEO of Hengda Real Estate knows that small real estate companies can no longer be recovered, and only the top 100 real estate companies in the country can be combined.

The top 100 real estate companies occupy four-fifths of the national real estate market. As long as all real estate companies are united, they can still compete with Longteng Real Estate and the people of the whole country.

“What reasons do we use to convince other real estate properties?”

CEO of Hengda Real Estate: “Interests, only interests can move them.”

“Large real estate companies like us are easy to persuade, because we will suffer the most from the cancellation of the shareable area, and middle-level real estate companies must impress them with benefits.”

Country Garden Real Estate CEO: “Benefits? How to say?”

The CEO of Hengda Real Estate: “The housing prices of mid-level real estate are not much less than ours. If they cancel the shared area, even if the house price is sold to the highest price at the moment, it will be lower than the total price without canceling the shared area. If the shared area is cancelled, they will definitely make a lot less. .”

“This is the benefit. If you don’t cancel the shared area, you can make a lot more. This should be able to convince them.”

The CEO of Kewan Real Estate: “Can we persuade them based on this alone?”

The CEO of Hengda Real Estate: “Of course not, so we have to pay something. For example, form an alliance with them and share resources.”

“Most of those middle-level real estate company owners lack resources. As long as we promise to share resources with them, they are likely to join us.”

“It depends on everyone’s reluctance to pay.”

Several bosses are silent.

After half a minute, Mr. Kewan stated, “I agree that as long as profits can be maintained, sharing resources is not a big deal.”

The CEO of Countryan Real Estate also stated: “I also agree that the resources are ours and always ours. Even if they are shared with middle-level real estate owners, they will not be able to take them away.”

Several other real estate managers also agreed to share resources with other top 100 real estate companies.

The CEO of Hengda Real Estate: “That line, we will form a top 100 real estate group, and we will persuade the CEOs of the top 100 real estate together.”

Half an hour later, a group of top 100 real estate owners was established.

The top 100 real estate companies were curious to join when they learned that several major real estate companies had new actions.

No way, the bosses received a notice that if you don’t join the group, you will be the enemy of the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance.

The bosses also want to come in and see the new actions of several big real estate executives.

Hengda Real Estate delivered a speech directly in the group.

“Everyone, everyone knows about the withdrawal of small real estate managers, and you should know the reasons for their withdrawal, but I think it is necessary to tell you.”

“Canceling the pooled area is beneficial to small real estate companies because they have room for improvement in house prices. If they cancel the pooled area, they can sell the original price of 6,000 to more than 7,000, so they will not lose money at all.”

“That’s why they will withdraw from the group because they plan to cancel the shared area.”

“We can’t stop those small real estate companies from canceling the pooled area.”

“But the bosses here are not small companies, they are all medium and large companies. The house prices of each company are not the highest in the market, and they are not much cheaper.”

“Do we have room for improvement?”

“No, I can tell you for sure, no.”

“The highest price in the market is 10,000. You originally sold it for nine thousand and five. How much would you sell after canceling the pool area?”

“Just like what netizens said, selling is more expensive than the highest price at the moment. They don’t buy it. Will they continue to sell at the price of nine thousand five? Are you willing?”

“Even if the house price is 9,000 and you sell it for 10,000, you still lose a lot. Are you really willing?”

All the bosses are said to be heartbroken.

They are indeed unwilling, indeed unwilling.

But what can you do if you are not reconciled, what can you do if you are unwilling.

When those small real estate companies cancel the pooled area, people will buy the houses of the small real estate company. If they continue to refuse to cancel the pooled area, their company will not continue to operate.

The CEO of Hengda continued: “I believe that everyone here will not be reconciled.”

“If we are not reconciled, we can unite, and the united refuses to cancel the shared area.”

“Some people may say that small real estate companies cancel the pooled area, and people buy the houses of small real estate companies. We don’t cancel the pooled area, and we don’t want to sell our houses.”

“But everyone has forgotten one point, how much market does the small real estate company occupy?”

“I can tell you for sure.”

“Our top 100 real estate houses occupy at least four-fifths of the country’s market, which is only a lot more. The houses of those small real estate companies occupy only one-fifth of the market.”

“Is one-fifth a lot? Can it meet the needs of the people of the whole country?”

“Impossible, let alone one-fifth, one-third can’t be satisfied, even half of the market can’t be satisfied.”

“As long as we are united, united, and resolutely refused to abolish the pooled area, we will be able to win the final victory.”

“Maybe some people think we can’t hold on for that long?”

“The pressure on our big real estate company is greater than yours.”

“We have to repay more loans. We are insisting on it. Why don’t you insist on it.”

“Of course, no matter how much it is said, these are all imaginary.”

“I hereby promise that as long as everyone is willing to unite and form a top 100 real estate alliance, the resources of all real estate companies will be shared.”

All the bosses were taken aback when they heard the resource sharing, and their faces were very pleasantly surprised.

Resources are what they lack most. They have been coveting the resources of large real estate companies for a long time. Now they have the opportunity to share the resources of real estate companies. This is really amazing.

Evergrande Real Estate said: “Sharing resources, maybe many people are very vague about this concept, then let me talk about it specifically.”

“For example, connections.”

“Many of the real estate companies present here have contacts in a certain city, but they want to develop outwards but suffer from no contacts. But other real estate companies have contacts. The first thing to share resources is to share contacts.”

“For example, I have a network of Hengda Real Estate in Beijing. If you want to enter the real estate market in Beijing, I can help you, and other large real estate companies can also help you.”

Except for the bosses of a few big real estate companies, the bosses of other real estate companies are all heartened.

If there is real network sharing, then entering other cities will be super smooth in the future.

The CEO of Hengda Real Estate continued: “The second one is cooperation.”

“For example, several companies in a certain area want to compete. In the past, middle-level real estate companies definitely couldn’t compete with large real estate companies.”

“There is no such saying now. If several real estate companies are interested in a piece of land, several companies can work together to develop it.”

“This will not only allow you to get land at a low price and make more money, but you can also learn from each other and make progress.”

“Speaking of the bigger picture, our alliance can even directly form a real estate company in the future, each of which contributes proportionally to directly control the national real estate market, so that everyone can make money together.”

“Of course, it is unrealistic now. Everything has to be united to form an alliance, and then find a way to prevent Longteng Real Estate and those small real estate companies from developing. This is the most important thing at present.”

“The alliance does not force it, but I kindly remind you that if you reject the alliance, you will be the enemy, and each one will be safe.”

“Whether we are on the side of Longteng Real Estate, or on the side of our top 100 real estate alliance, everyone should consider it carefully.”

Several other major real estate companies have stated that they have joined the top 100 real estate alliance and are willing to share all resources.

Several large real estate companies have expressed their views, and many real estate company bosses have directly expressed their views and joined the top 100 real estate alliance.

Just like the CEO of Hengda Real Estate said, there are only two options for standing in Longteng Real Estate or standing in the top 100 real estate alliance.

Standing in line with Longteng Real Estate, people Longteng Real Estate did not engage in an alliance at all. If you don’t join the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance, you will do it alone in the future.

How can a company compete with the powerful alliance of the top 100 real estate companies.

The resource sharing mentioned by Hengda Real Estate has completely moved most of the CEOs of real estate companies.

Especially the CEO of Hengda Real Estate finally said that he would set up a company to control the Longguo market.

If you can do that step in the future, it would be equivalent to sitting and receiving money, and you won’t have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

For such a good opportunity, what else is there to consider? Just agree to it.

There are also a small number of real estate bosses who are considering.

If there is no Longteng Real Estate, they will not hesitate to join the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance.

Because of Longteng Real Estate, they hesitated.

Supermarket wars, electrical wars are vivid.

This time is a real estate battle. Can they really defeat the Haoyu Group and the god-like man Su Hao?

But if you don’t stand in the top 100 real estate alliance, Longteng Real Estate will not accept them either.

It can be said that without joining the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance, their real estate company can only sell the house currently under construction. It is impossible to continue to expand and develop in the future.

Because the top 100 real estate alliance will definitely block them, it is impossible for them to develop.

They are not Longteng Real Estate. Without Haoyu Group and Su Hao, they must not be able to compete with the top 100 real estate alliances. The only outcome is this one.

With this in mind, the remaining heads of real estate companies have agreed to join the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance.

What about Longteng Real Estate? The combination of the top 100 real estate companies can’t do you.

Give it a go, boast a bright future.

The CEOs of Hengda Real Estate and Jones Day Real Estate were completely relieved to see that all the top 100 real estate managers agreed to join.

The CEO of Hengda Real Estate: “Warmly welcome everyone to join. On behalf of several major real estate companies, I promise that we will develop better and better with the alliance.”

“In the future, we will be a family and make money together.”

“¨` One family, make money together.” Since choosing to join the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance, it is a real family, fighting against the people of the country and Longteng Real Estate together.

The Top 100 Real Estate Alliance was established.

April 10.

Small real estate companies began to cancel the sale of houses in the shared area.

People saw that small real estate companies announced the abolition of the public share area. The original price of 6,000 was raised to 7,000. The original three-bedroom and one-living room was now bought for 40,000 yuan less.

In this way, many people are flocking to buy houses.

“Haha, finally there are real estate companies that can’t stand it anymore. Although the house price has increased a bit, the total house price is still cheaper. Yes, you can buy it.”

“You can buy it in Donghai City, and you can buy it in Modu. In other cities, I still wait for Longteng Real Estate. I can’t buy a house in Longteng Real Estate.”

“Yes, I’m still waiting for Longteng Real Estate’s house. Longteng Real Estate’s house is more secure and more comfortable to live in.”

“I found that the real estate companies that canceled the share area are all small real estate companies. The house has just started to be built. I’ll wait.”

“Really, I also went to see it specially. The small real estate companies that announced the cancellation of the share area were all small real estate companies. Some raised their house prices by one thousand, and some raised them by six to seven hundred, but the overall house price was still less than the previous total.”

“Wait, small real estate companies have been unable to withstand the cancellation of the share area, and soon other medium and large real estate companies will also be unable to help cancel the share area.”

“Yes, continue to wait. Anyway, I have to wait for Longteng Real Estate. I’ll wait.”

“It’s not too late. Those houses haven’t been built, and you can’t buy them now. I’ll wait.”

“Small real estate companies still can’t give people security. Raise the house price by one thousand. Although the total house price is less, the price is a bit harsh. If you mention two or three hundred, I might actually buy it.”

“That is, the house hasn’t been built, so I don’t buy it so fast. I wait for the big real estate company.”

Small real estate companies have not ushered in a boom in the abolition of the share area, but they have finally sold the house.

The boss of the small real estate company (Wang is good) looked for the reasons on the Internet, and saw the reasons mentioned by netizens, and he was very depressed.

“The cancellation of the shared area is, you still dislike it, thinking about those big real estate companies canceling the shared area, dream.”

“You are not satisfied that the total house price is cheap. Do you want to cancel the share price and keep the house price unchanged? You can’t be too greedy. Let us make some money.”

The bosses of small real estate companies are almost crying.

Su Hao couldn’t help smiling when he saw that a real estate company canceled the public share area.

Finally, some real estate companies have eliminated the pooled area. Although all small real estate companies have eliminated the pooled area, how long have other real estate companies survived?

If Su Hao knew that the top 100 real estate companies in the country had already formed an alliance, he would not think so.

Next, in Longteng Real Estate, real estate houses in the city will be completed and officially opened for sale every few days.

After Longteng Real Estate’s houses are sold out, the sales of small real estate companies in these cities will be better.

But it’s not much better. Generally speaking, it is almost the same as before.

The boss of a small real estate company can’t increase the sales volume even after seeing the cancellation of the public share area.

Knowing that the people of the whole country are waiting for large and medium real estate companies to cancel the share area, the small real estate company bosses began to inquire about the voice of major real estate companies.

Knowing that the top 100 real estate companies have established an alliance of real estate companies, they continue to refuse to cancel the pooled area. The boss of the small real estate company was immediately exposed online.

“No need to wait. The top 100 real estate companies in the country have established a top 100 real estate alliance and refuse to cancel the pooled area. The top 100 real estate companies in the country will not cancel the pooled area. No need to wait.”

“Is it true? The top 100 real estate companies in the country really set up a top 100 real estate alliance, insisting on refusing to cancel the pool area?”

“Is this news true?” Account.

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