Chapter 305

The news that the top 100 real estate alliance refused to cancel the pool area exploded on the Internet, arousing heated discussion among the people across the country.

“I just said that those middle and large real estate companies didn’t respond. It turned out to be united.”

“This should be true. If the top 100 real estate companies are not united, there will certainly be middle-level real estate companies who can’t help but cancel the pooled area.”

“Yes, my relative works in Hengda Real Estate. I asked him. The top 100 real estate companies in the country have formed an alliance, and the top 100 real estate companies in the country refuse to cancel the pool area.”

“It’s actually true, my goodness, I won’t wait any longer, I’ll buy the houses of those small real estate companies right away.”

“Yes, don’t wait, small real estate companies don’t have many houses, and they won’t be able to buy them later.”

“In fact, there is nothing wrong with small real estate companies. As long as the quality is decent, the supporting facilities are not a big problem.”

“Forget it, let’s not wait, I’ll just buy a set first, and if the big real estate companies cancel the pool area in the future, buy one more set.”

“Canceling the pooled area is much less for those big real estate companies than before, and they will not easily cancel the pooled area.”

“Brothers and sisters, don’t wait, we support those small companies, let those small companies develop, and see how long those big real estate companies can survive.”

“That’s right, brothers and sisters, in order to make the cancellation of the shared area a reality as soon as possible, we must support the small real estate companies and let the small real estate companies develop and grow, so that we don’t need the big real estate companies to cancel the shared area. We also have houses. purchase.”

“Haha, that’s right, buy, you must buy.”

April 11.

Without waiting for the actions of the people across the country, real estate speculators have already begun their actions.

Real estate speculators saw that netizens were talking about buying houses from small real estate companies, and planned to buy them first, and then speculate in house prices to drive up house prices.

Coupled with the support of the people across the country, more than half of the houses of small real estate companies that canceled the pool area sold out in a day.

This is because people choose to choose, if Longteng Real Estate, it will be sold out in half a day.

In the next two days, the houses of the small real estate company were basically sold out.

This makes the bosses of small real estate companies happy.

With the money in place, it is natural to build a house happily, build the house as soon as possible and then hand it over.

However, these are trivial matters. The bosses of small real estate companies started thinking about development and growth after they had the funds.

With the support of the people of the whole country, this is a super opportunity. If you don’t cherish it, then you are too sorry for the support of the people of the whole country.

The bosses of all small real estate companies started to acquire land.

Longteng Real Estate is also acquiring land.

In this way, Longteng Real Estate, small real estate companies, and the top 100 real estate alliance directly collided.

Whenever there is a land auction in any city, the scene is extremely lively.

The bidding is fierce.

It has to be said that the alliance of the top 100 real estate companies is extremely powerful.

Longteng Real Estate and small real estate companies frequently missed their hands.

Su Hao learned that Longteng Real Estate was unable to obtain the land and knew that the top 100 real estate alliance was blocking Longteng Real Estate.

“The Real Estate of the Top 100 Alliance is really amazing, thinking that I can’t get the auction land, I have no other way?”

Su Hao’s face was full of disdain.

Haoyu Group has a way to allow Longteng Real Estate to obtain land in major cities.

For example, to find the second elder, of course, Su Hao will only go to the second elder if it is a last resort, but Su Hao will not trouble the second elder when it is not a matter of life and death.

The country’s favor is not good.

Su Hao directly took the simplest method to invest in major cities.

Whether it is a mobile phone power processing plant, an electrical appliance processing plant, a computer processing plant, and the next Feilong car processing plant, too much investment is required.

In Jiang Province, Su Hao has no such worries.

Jiang’s senior officials gave Su Hao and Haoyu Group a lot of face, and it is not difficult for Longteng Real Estate to acquire land in Jiang Province.

Haoyu Group has a way, but those small real estate company bosses can’t.

The boss of a small real estate company directly exposed the things blocked by the top 100 real estate alliances on the Internet, and also deliberately brought Longteng Real Estate.

Because the bosses of small real estate companies know that bringing Longteng Real Estate will surely arouse the attention of the whole people. It is difficult for their company alone to arouse public discussion.

People were furious when they learned that the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance blocked Longteng Real Estate and the small real estate companies.

“Thank you, the Top 100 Real Estate, this is going to be hard to the end, brothers and sisters, can this be tolerated? The Top 100 Real Estate Alliance is determined to refuse to cancel the pool area, so they do not want to see Long Teng Real Estate and Small real estate companies have developed. They want to monopolize the land and the real estate market.”

“Looking at the current situation, the top 100 real estate alliance is going to do this.”

“No one buys their house now. Where do they get the money to buy the land? Shouldn’t they be unable to repay the loan, even the interest on the loan?”

“That’s right, the top 100 real estate alliances simply can’t sell houses. Where can they get the capital turnover, and where do they get the funds to buy the land.”

“Furthermore, it must be a loan from the bank. The bank lends our deposits to the real estate companies, and those real estate companies will naturally have the money to buy land.”

“Is it really like this? If so, isn’t it true that the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance is taking our money and fighting against us.”

“It seems like that? The bank deposits are all deposited by the people of our country. The bank lends to the top 100 real estate alliances. The top 100 real estate alliances are really taking our money to buy land. They are equivalent to taking our money to us. We fight.”

“Special, don’t I have a big loss, my money is used by the bank to capitalize on the enemy, my money is used by our enemy, I can’t bear it.”

“This is the case. The bank’s profits rely on housing loans to real estate companies to earn interest, and loans to us to buy houses to earn interest.”

“I don’t mind if the loan is bought by the people all over the country, but the house loan is to the top 100 alliance companies to buy land and build a house to block the wages of Longteng Real Estate and other small real estates.

“Yes, it must be taken. We must not let our enemies take our money against us. If the bank keeps lending to those real estate companies, Longteng Real Estate and the small real estate companies cannot develop, they will never cancel the shared area. .”

“Brothers and sisters, we must take this matter seriously. We must not let the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance take our hard-earned money against us. We must take the money out.”

“Only when we take out the money, the bank will not dare to lend the mortgage to those companies, and will urge them to repay. As long as the mortgage companies are short of funds and unable to turn around, they will cancel the sale of the shared area, and we will all go to the bank. Withdraw the deposit.”

“It must be taken out. Those real estate companies can’t beat us with our hard-earned money.”

All netizens are urging Chinese people to go to the bank to withdraw their deposits.

This news quickly rushed to the hot search.

People in the banking sector panicked when they saw this hot search.

f*ck, the bank has suffered an unwarranted disaster.

The whole network is saying that there will be many people withdrawing deposits tomorrow. If the people of the whole country go to the bank to withdraw their deposits, the bank will not function at all.

The Top 100 Real Estate Alliance is also a little panicked. If they can’t get a loan from the bank, they can’t stop Longteng Real Estate and the small real estate companies at all.

However, the Top 100 Real Estate Alliance believes that if the people all over the country go to the bank to make deposits, the country will definitely make a move.

Banks are not working, the state will definitely take action and will never let the banks fall.

As long as the bank does not fail, the impact on them will not be great.

April 12.

There are long queues in banks across the country.

People come to withdraw money with passbooks and bank cards.

The staff of the major banks panicked.

People come to withdraw money, you can’t stop it.

The money from the ATM was quickly taken out, and people had to go to the bank counter.

This day is the busiest day for the bank staff. I haven’t heard of it for a day. It was spent completely by collecting money from people.

Many banks have to withdraw all their money, so they have to close their doors in advance so that people can come back and withdraw money tomorrow.

When the senior executives of major banks learned of the incident, they immediately reported to the senior executives.

This event eventually reached the top of the country.

This can be big or small.

According to today’s situation, the people all over the country have a strong momentum to withdraw all their deposits. If that is the case, the country will not be able to withstand it.

It was also a headache for the high level of the country to learn about this.

“How did the people across the country withdraw deposits?”

Grandpa Su: “It’s because of the real estate industry.”

Grandpa Su simply talked about the recent disputes in the real estate industry.

The senior management was also dumbfounded after learning the reason.

“So, this is Su Hao’s fault?”

Grandpa Su: “You can’t say that. Su Hao is also kind and wants to make the people of the whole country more happy. I guess Su Hao didn’t expect to develop to the point where the people of the whole country withdraw deposits beforehand.”

Senior: “Change me, and I will too. The Top Hundred Real Estate Alliance takes the hard-earned money of the common people to fight against the common people, and whoever changes it will take out the money.”

Grandpa Su: “If people really take away their deposits, the bank will definitely be emptied and the treasury will not be saved.”

“But people across the country withdraw money, and we can’t restrict them from withdrawing money.”

Senior: “The problem lies with the top 100 real estate alliances and banks. As long as the banks do not lend to the top 100 real estate alliances, people will naturally not withdraw their deposits.”

Grandpa Su: “I have also considered the debt ratio of major real estate companies. Su Hao said about this. The debt ratio of real estate companies is seriously abnormal. I took this opportunity to stipulate bank lending regulations. For those with high debt ratios No company can lend.”

Senior: “Well, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible. Let Su Hao also contribute. In any case, there is his reason. Let him comfort the netizens.”

Grandpa Su: “Su Hao said before that he wanted to set up a private bank. It’s better to let him set up a private bank this time, so that the competition among the major banks will become more intense, which is a good thing for the development of the banking industry.”

“Since the establishment of Huaxin Communications, the communications industry has been developing better and better. The Internet has developed extremely fast. It is true that there is competition to develop faster.”

Grandpa Su sighed with emotion.

Senior: “With the strength of the Haoyu Group and the ability of the Haoyu Group to make money, it is no problem to establish a private bank.”

“But you have to keep an eye on it, and you can’t let Su Hao mess around.”

Grandpa Su: “Don’t worry, Su Hao won’t let us down.”

“It is a good thing for the country to cancel the pooled area, and it is a good thing to restrict the growth of house prices. These restrictions have taken effect initially.”

“A few days ago, Su Hao also said that Feilong Motors is about to produce finished products, and I hope I will come over and observe it when that time comes.”

Senior: “Flying Dragon? This kid is confident of reaching the world’s advanced level.”

Grandpa Su: “It should be fine. If the technique is not good, how dare he invite me to observe.”

Senior: “Please be clear. If the Feilong car technology is advanced, we will go and observe together.”

Grandpa Su was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled.

“Okay, that kid would be very happy if he knew you were going.”

That night, Grandpa Su called Su Hao.

Su Hao: “Grandpa Su, it’s not my business that people across the country withdraw deposits.”

Su Hao guessed why Grandpa Su called.

Grandpa Su: “I know you didn’t provoke it, but you can’t escape the relationship.”

“It is not difficult to resolve this matter. In the past two days, banks will issue strict loan regulations, which will restrict loans from companies with high debt ratios.”

Su Hao: “Grandpa Su, it should be like this a long time ago. How good is the development of so many countries. Especially those real estate companies with high debt ratios, they collapse at any time, and they must be restricted from lending.”

Grandpa Su: “You can help appease the netizens and tell them not to withdraw money tomorrow, it’s unnecessary.”

“There are also things you want to set up a private bank. The state allows you to prepare.”

“The leader said, the bank is very important, let me stare at you, but I guarantee you, if you mess around, no one can save you.”

Su Hao: “Grandpa Su, don’t worry, I will definitely not mess around. With a private bank, the development of Haoyu Group will be more rapid, and the rapid development of Haoyu Group will also drive the national economic development.”

Grandpa Su: “Don’t talk about the imaginary. The leader asked me to ask you whether the Feilong automotive technology exceeds other automotive technologies?”

“If it is, the leader will join me to observe.”

Su Hao was full of surprise and said quickly: “Of course, you must be ahead, Grandpa Su, you and the leader can come and watch with confidence. If the engine technology is good for you, I can license it to the country for free.”

A little technique, Su Hao doesn’t care at all.

The country treats him kindly, and Su Hao will naturally give back to the country.

Moreover, the country is his biggest backing, and he must hold this thigh tightly.

Grandpa Su: “That’s it, you are ready, let us know a few days in advance, then I and the leader will find a suitable time for you.”

Su Hao: “Okay, Grandpa Su, I’m looking forward to your old man and the leader.”

After finishing the call, Su Hao didn’t forget Grandpa Su’s instructions. After thinking about it, he logged into Weibo and posted a Weibo. .

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