Chapter 311

To deceive people too much, really deceive people too much.

Actually, it is to support those small real estate companies to become stronger and bigger. Isn’t it good to buy the houses of our big real estate companies?

Isn’t the house of a big real estate company more secure?

The bosses of major real estate companies are completely desperate.

The people of the whole country are standing on the side of Haoyu Group Longteng Real Estate and the small real estate companies. They are completely desperate.

As the saying goes, the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world. The people all over the country support Haoyu Group Longteng Real Estate, what they are fighting against Longteng Real Estate.

The CEO of Hengda Real Estate was completely desperate and chose to submit.

The CEO of Hengda Real Estate did not inform the other property managers. Since he decided to give in, he had to seize the opportunity to sell more houses and return more funds.

Now that the state restricts corporate loans, more funds must be returned to have a chance to gain more voice in the future.

The combination of Longteng Real Estate and many small real estate companies is an extremely powerful force.

The alliance between Longteng Real Estate and many small real estate companies is not like the top 100 real estate alliance.

The Top 100 Real Estate Alliance does not have the backbone, but the Longteng Real Estate Alliance does.

The strength of Longteng Real Estate surpasses many other small real estate companies too much. Coupled with Su Hao’s sake, the small real estate companies will definitely look forward to Longteng Real Estate.

Many small companies will definitely move closer to Longteng Real Estate.

In terms of housing prices, many small real estate companies are absolutely the same as Longteng Real Estate, which will not increase housing prices too much at once.

Even many small real estate companies will learn from Longteng Real Estate’s regulations on housing no speculation. With the support of Longteng Real Estate, the support of Haoyu Group, and the support of Su Hao, many small real estate companies must dare to do this.

If that were the case, even if there were real estate speculators, it would be difficult for house prices to go up.

Maybe many small real estate companies will also learn from Longteng Real Estate and sell their houses after the ceiling is capped, and resolutely put an end to unfinished buildings.

The CEO of Hengda Real Estate knows that this is fatal to the real estate industry.

If half of the country’s real estate companies sell their houses after the ceiling is capped and resolutely put an end to unfinished buildings, the people of the country will definitely support these real estate companies and only buy the houses of these real estate companies.

There is no doubt that other real estate companies that start selling houses after laying the foundation will definitely have poor sales.

Therefore, we must take this opportunity to withdraw more funds so that we will not lose more markets in the future.

April 21.

Hengda Real Estate Company held a press conference to announce price cuts, and house prices fell to the highest market price before.

People all over the country learned of this situation, and many people went to the sales department of Hengda Real Estate with enthusiasm.

Hengda Real Estate Company is a large real estate company, and its image in people’s minds is still good. Now that the price drops, people are naturally willing to buy Hengda Real Estate houses.

Real estate speculators entered the market at the first time.

However, this time the real estate speculators learned their skills and did not cover the entire real estate, but chose good floors and apartment types.

Hengda Real Estate’s price cuts caught the heads of several other major real estate companies by surprise.

The CEOs of several major real estate companies have called the CEOs of Hengda Real Estate.

The CEOs of Hengda Real Estate responded uniformly.

“Hengda Real Estate’s funds have bottomed out, and if they don’t sell their houses, they will go bankrupt.”

Hengda Real Estate is all about it, and the big real estate executives don’t know what to say.

But they still doubted what the CEO of Hengda Real Estate said.

As a large real estate company, how can Hengda Real Estate bottom out so quickly? Logically, it can last a month, and the fund bottomed out in only half a month, which is so strange.

Is it succumbing?

The CEOs of several major real estate companies suddenly realized this when they thought of this.

f*ck, a real chicken thief, I actually want to take the opportunity to withdraw funds. Fortunately, I have not been deceived by you. I want to get rid of our withdrawal of funds. Dream.

Several big real estate executives clearly know that it is impossible to sell the house without lowering the price. Hengda Real Estate has succumbed, and they can only succumb.

After a few more days, Hengda Real Estate will sell the house first. Even if the price of their house is reduced, it will be difficult to sell.

Several major real estate companies have held press conferences.

On the 21st, several major real estate companies across the country held a press conference to announce price cuts.

Several major real estate companies have cut prices, and real estate companies that are still insisting on also announced price cuts.

Real estate companies across the country have cut prices. If they don’t cut prices, they can just wait and die.

Housing prices fell back to the highest market price before, and the biggest losses were the major real estate companies.

Several major real estate companies can tolerate such losses. What can they not tolerate?

On this day, people all over the country cheered and celebrated, celebrating their great victory.

“We won, we won completely, all real estate companies are selling houses at lower prices, we won completely, haha.”

“Celebrate every day. This is the first time a real estate company has cut prices to sell a house. We finally won.”

“The house price is still the same as the previous house price, but the shared area is cancelled. The housing price of 15 thousand is less but the square of the shared area, which saves a full 300,000 yuan. Haha, I am so happy.”

“My house price is 10,000 square meters, I saved 200,000 yuan, and I can buy a car with this 200,000 yuan, haha.”

“I also saved hundreds of thousands, which is so happy.”

“We finally won. This is a great victory. This is a victory for the people of the whole country. From now on, we don’t have to suffer from the public area. From now on, the house price will not rise wildly. We can finally buy a house with peace of mind. NS.”

“Real estate companies have cut prices. If housing prices want to skyrocket, let’s dream about it. If there is any real estate that wants to raise housing prices, we don’t want to buy their houses. We finally let the real estate companies cut prices. We absolutely can’t let the housing prices go. Continue to skyrocket.”

“Yes, the house prices are already very high now. Our salary is only two or three times as much as our house prices. This is totally inconsistent with the market rules. This is high enough. We won this victory with great difficulty, absolutely not. Allow those real estate speculators to do anything wrong.”

“Today’s day belongs to the victory of the people of the whole country, and we all celebrate with everyone, but we must not forget who we have today’s victory, who made us have such good welfare as we are now, and we must not forget our heroes.”

“Then it goes without saying that it is God Su. We must thank God Su. If it weren’t for God Su, I would not have seen the cancellation of the pool area in my life. It was all because Su God’s Longteng Real Estate canceled the pool area. We Only because of Sushen did we unite and fight against other real estate companies. We have such good welfare now. It is all because of Sushen that we can save two or three hundred thousand yuan.”

“Su Shen is the best, thank Su Shen, Su Shen, I will definitely support your Haoyu Group products a lot in the future.”

“Thank Su Shen, Su Shen is the best, supporting Su Shen and supporting Haoyu Group is absolutely correct.”

“As a member of Longguo, we must thank Su Shen, thank Su Shen for canceling the pool area, and thank Su Shen for benefiting the people of the whole country.”

“Su Shen, hurry up and open Huaxin Bank across the country. As long as you open to me, I will immediately go to the bank to withdraw the deposit and transfer it to Huaxin Bank, so that you have more funds for development and expansion.”

“Yes, there is still a malignant tumor in the real estate industry, and that is the real estate group, Su Shen, hurry up and open the Huaxin Bank across the country. I want to let the real estate companies of the Longteng Real Estate Alliance grow and grow, and only the real estate companies will offer you The Longteng Real Estate in Hong Kong has been studying and resolutely putting an end to real estate speculators. Only by staying in the house and not speculating can we truly put an end to real estate speculators, so that house prices will not soar rapidly.”

The people of the whole country are thanking Su Hao, and thank Su Hao for the welfare of the people of the whole country.

Su Hao was moved when he saw the full screen of thanks on Weibo.

If you can win the support of the people of the whole country, what is the loss of a little profit? With the support of the people of the whole country, are you afraid that you can’t make any money?

The CEO of Hengda Real Estate was extremely depressed when he saw that all real estate companies announced price cuts to sell houses.

In this way, his purpose of getting the funds back in the first step is completely hopeless.

Alas, the real estate market in the future may really change.

These major real estate companies are no longer the leading real estate companies. The position of the leading real estate company will gradually move closer to Longteng Real Estate. In the end, the real estate industry will be led by Longteng Real Estate.

At this point, the real estate industry war has completely ended. The real estate industry has entered an era of steady development.

Many small real estate companies are slowly growing and developing with the support of Longteng Real Estate and Haoyu Group.

Longteng Real Estate is constantly acquiring land and growing rapidly.

The people of the whole country are the first choice for the house of Longteng Real Estate. As long as Longteng Real Estate’s houses are on sale, they will be sold out on the same day.

This is the charm of Su Hao.

Su Hao no longer has to worry about real estate, and has invested in the research and development of Feilong Motor.

April 25th.

Feilong Motor’s first finished car was released.

All-round technology is beyond the current technical level.

After the test drive, Su Hao was extremely satisfied.

On April 26, fifty Feilong vehicles were released.

After two days of repeated testing, on the evening of the 27th, Su Hao called the second elder.

The second elder received a call from Su Hao and guessed that it was a matter of Feilong Motor.

·· 0 Seeking flowers··········

“Su Hao, Feilong Automobile has been developed?”

Su Hao: “Yes, Grandpa Su, Feilong Motors has been tested repeatedly and confirmed that it can be launched. In the next three days, 28, 29, and 30, you and the executives can come over whenever you have time.”

Grandpa Su: “You promise the people of the whole country to try to launch the Flying Dragon this month. I will ask the leader and I will tell you later.”

Su Hao: “Okay, Grandpa Su.”

In the end, the time is set, set at the 29th.

Su Hao arranged all the itinerary.

In the morning, after the high-level officials of the country visited, a press conference was held at noon to launch the Flying Dragon.


Seeing that there are only three days left at the end of the month, netizens are more and more concerned about Feilong Motors.

“It’s the 28th today, why has Haoyu Group not launched Feilong Motors?”

“Su Shen said that he would try his best to announce before the end of the month. There are only three days left. It seems difficult.”

“Isn’t there three days left? Trust God Su, God Su will never miss an appointment. Everything is possible until the last minute.”

“It’s right to believe in God Su, I have a hunch, just these two days.”

“Nonsense, there are only two days left: tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If it is really announced, it’s not which day these two days are.”

“Flying Dragon, I’m really looking forward to it.”

Four o’clock in the afternoon on the 28th.

Feilong Automobile’s official website quietly issued an announcement.

The Feilong Motors press conference will be held at 2 pm on April 29. Media from all over the world are welcome to attend.

…… ….. 0

This announcement on Feilong Motor’s official website was reprinted wildly by netizens.

“Haha, I know that Su Shen will not miss the appointment, isn’t this here? Tomorrow at two o’clock in the afternoon, I am so looking forward to it.”

“The press conference is actually at Donghai Stadium. Doesn’t that mean that many people can participate?”

“This should be a test drive on the spot? Otherwise, where would such a large venue be used.”

“It should be a live test drive. The audience who went to the press conference might become the lucky audience to experience the test drive of the Feilong car on the spot.”

“It’s really possible, everything is possible, no matter what, tomorrow I will take a leave of absence to visit the scene.”

“The question is, can I go in?”

“Internal information, all public, you can go in.”

“For a press conference, Feilong Motors thought that not many people would attend, so it was all open and anyone could go in.”

“Haha, then I must go to the spot to see it tomorrow.”

“I envy the people of the East China Sea. I am too far away. If I am in the East China Sea, I will definitely visit the scene.”

“Did Su Shen forget his huge fan support team, his fans can fill the Donghai Stadium.”

“The problem is that Sushen may not appear. Didn’t you see that it was just announced on the official website of Feilong Automobile? Haoyu Group did not announce it. Sushen really does not necessarily appear.”

“Will Su Shen not appear at the Feilong Automobile press conference? Is it possible?”

“What’s impossible? A car is just a means of transportation, and nothing can be changed. It is normal for Su Shen to not take it seriously.”

“It seems that there is a little reason.”

“I care about him so much, just go, anyway, so close, haha.”

On the morning of the 29th.

High-level officials from the country visited Feilong Motor.

Su Hao accompanied him throughout the journey. Everyone in the Feilong Automobile Research Laboratory was shocked when they saw the familiar faces of the senior leaders of the country.

They never dreamed that the highest level would come to visit the Flying Dragon. This is a great honor.

Su Hao personally explained, and accompanied the executives for a test drive.

The high level of the country finally gave a super high evaluation.

High-level government officials highly praised Feilong Motor’s advanced technology.

In the end, Su Hao expressed that the technology will be licensed to the national military free of charge, so that the national military equipment can be improved.

For Su Hao’s unpaid authorization, the national senior officials are naturally highly praised.

The senior officials of the country finally gave Feilong Motor four words, the glory of the country.

In fact, these four words are more affirmation and praise for Su Hao.

Su Hao saw the four words of the glory of the country and couldn’t help asking, ‘Can you show it at the press conference? ’

If these four words can be displayed, this is super free advertising.

When Grandpa Su heard Su Hao’s question, he couldn’t help but glared at Su Hao.

The high level of the country readily agreed.

High-level officials of the country also hope that Feilong Motors will occupy more markets and make Longguo Manufacturing shine all over the world.

The high-level group of the country left.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, the Feilong Motors press conference was held as scheduled. ten thousand.

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