Chapter 312

The whole network is looking forward to the news conference of Feilong Motors.

Men in particular are looking forward to Feilong Motors.

Longguo does not have a decent domestic car at all, and all the hopes of domestic cars fall on Feilong.

Even if everyone believes in Su Shen’s ability, before they really see Feilong Motors, everyone still feels a little worried.

One and fifty.

The traffic of YY video has soared, and netizens flock to YY video to watch the live broadcast of the press conference, making YY video seem a bit stuck.

“F*ck, why is it stuck? Is it my network speed card or YY video card?”

“I’m in an internet cafe. The internet cafe’s internet speed shouldn’t be stuck. It’s a YY video card.”

“Too many people have been waiting for this moment. It is estimated that at least one hundred million netizens will be watching Feilong Motor’s press conference.”

“I don’t have a smart phone, and I don’t have a computer at home. I came to the Internet cafe to watch it. I do it, let alone other people.”

“That’s not it. The moment when there is a smart phone is definitely to open the YY video and wait for the start of the Feilong car conference.”

“If you can’t go to the scene, of course you have to watch the live broadcast as soon as possible, Feilong Motors, I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time.”

“That’s not the case. I deliberately endured the urge to buy a car just to wait for Feilong Motors, otherwise I bought a car at the beginning of the year. I hope Feilong Motors will not let me down.”

“Don’t worry, Feilong will never let us down. If Feilong is a spicy chicken product, Sushen will never launch Feilong.”

“That’s right, Sushen will never launch spicy chicken products. It is definitely the most correct choice if you resist buying a car. If you buy it, you won’t know how to choose it later.”

“I envy people who have money to buy a car. If the price of the Feilong 650 is not expensive, I will buy one as well.”

“As long as the quality is possible, I absolutely support Feilong Motors. Longteng Real Estate is for the welfare of the people across the country, and we have to repay Haoyu Group.”

“As long as the quality is good and the price is right, I will give priority to Feilong.”

This is the idea of ​​many people, and Feilong Motors has a natural advantage.

In people’s expectations, two points came as expected.

Donghai Stadium is crowded with people.

This is something Su Hao did not expect.

Su Hao didn’t expect a press conference to attract so many people to watch it.

Fortunately, Donghai sent police officers to the scene to maintain order, otherwise Haoyu Group alone would really not be able to maintain order.

Go back and donate a hundred flying dragon cars to the Donghai City Police Department in return.

The scene was noisy.

Numerous media reporters are waiting in front for the appearance of the high-level Feilong Motors.

No, it should be said to be waiting for Su Hao’s debut.

The media from all over the country were there just to interview Su Hao. Even if you can’t interview Su Hao, getting news about Su Hao is a hot spot.

After the host finished his opening remarks.

In the eyes of the public, the stadium safety exit gate slowly opened.

There was a roar, and with the roar, a brand-new car appeared in front of people slowly.

The four characters of Feilong Automobile can be clearly seen on the license plate.

At a glance, the car body is very nice and the model is very smooth. At a glance, you will be attracted by the unique appearance of Feilong.

The Flying Dragon slowly drove onto the stage.

As the car door opened, the audience shouted Su Shen’s name.

“Su Shen, Su Shen.”

“Su Shen, Su Shen.”

The viewers who were watching the live broadcast were also very excited. It was Su Hao who was looking forward to coming down from the Feilong car.

“If it weren’t Su Shen in the car, I would stand upside down and eat.”

“Man, do you want to be so cruel to yourself, you can easily die young if you play so big.”

“Haha, it must be God Su. Although the host didn’t say who it was, who can hold this platoon, only God Su.”

In the eyes of everyone, the door slowly opened.

A big long leg appeared in front of everyone.

“It’s Su God, really Su God, haha, this trip is worth it.” Many female fans recognize Su Hao just by relying on her long legs.

The male fans at the scene were speechless.

Only then came a leg, how did you know that it was God Su?

You can recognize God Su with just one leg. Are you always yelling God Su all the time? . .

The next second, Su Hao’s handsome face appeared in everyone’s eyes.

“Su Shen, Su Shen.”

Deafening excitement erupted from the audience.

When the female fans saw Su Hao, they tried their best to call out Su Hao’s name, trying to attract Su Hao’s attention.

It’s a pity that everyone is shouting, their purpose is destined to fail.

Su Hao glanced around the audience, a wicked arc of wickedness appeared on his lips.

The super charming smile made several female fans almost fainted with excitement.

“Su Shen smiled at me, Su Shen is smiling at me, I am so happy.”

“Su Shen smiled at me, I’m going to faint, Su Shen, I love you, I want to marry you.”

The male fan next to him was completely speechless.

Do you want to be so crazy, just a smile, can you calm down?

Especially meow, next time I will sit next to a female fan, I am not a human being.

Male fans who have been stimulated by female fans thoroughly recognize the madness of female fans.

If Su Shen announces his girlfriend, that girl will definitely be killed by the eyes of girls all over the country, and drowned by the saliva of girls all over the country.

It’s terrifying.

Su Hao gestured for everyone to be quiet.

Fans quickly quieted down when they saw Su Hao’s gesture.

When the media on the scene saw Su Hao’s gesture, tens of thousands of people at the scene immediately calmed down, their faces all in shock.

Uranus superstars are not as powerful as Su Shen, right?

Su Hao smiled slightly and said, “Thank you all for coming to join us. Thank you all media reporters and friends for coming to join us. Thank you.”

“Today is the launch of Feilong Motors.”

“Everyone has seen it. Next to me, this is the finished product of Feilong Motor.”

“Everyone can look at the data on the big screen.”

Accompanied by Su Hao’s voice, Feilong car data appeared on the big screen.

“I don’t understand at all. I don’t know much about cars. I came to see Su Shen.” A girl fan doesn’t understand cars at all.

Male fans who know cars are all shocked when they see the data of Feilong Motors.

This this. . .

Audiences who know cars are also confused when they see the data of Feilong Motors.

f*ck, the data of Feilong Motors completely beat those big brand cars.

With the same displacement, Feilong’s fuel consumption is less than that of all major brands.

With the same displacement, Feilong’s speed increase is faster than that of all major brands.

. . .

In a word, Feilong is super awesome.

Su Hao said, “I believe people who understand cars will understand Feilong Motors well when they see these data. It doesn’t matter if people who don’t understand cars can’t understand the data, I can explain it briefly.”

“With the same displacement, Feilong Motors has crushed all current major brands in all aspects.”

“I said no more. Next, I will draw ten lucky spectators from the scene to test drive the Flying Dragon.”

Su Hao’s voice fell, and the fans in the audience were excited.

Becoming a lucky audience can not only test-drive the Feilong car for the first time, but also get close contact with Su Shen, the latter is what the female fans want.

The door to go out safely opened again, and one after another Feilong cars slowly drove towards the stage.

Soon, eleven flying dragon cars appeared on the stage.

Su Hao began to draw lucky audiences.

“Choose me, choose me, Su Shen, choose me.”

“Choose me, Su Shen, I have five years of driving experience, choose me.”

“Su Shen, I just want to buy a car, choose me.”

The whole audience was shouting to choose me, and the audience who was watching the live broadcast wanted to appear right away for Su Hao to choose, and then have a close contact with Su Hao.

Su Hao smiled and said: “Please be quiet if you don’t have a driver’s license. The test drive is not a joke. You must have a driver’s license to allow you to test drive.”

With Su Hao’s words, most of the people at the scene immediately calmed down.

No way, many of the female fans who came here are students and haven’t taken a driver’s license yet.

“I selected six boys and four girls.” Su Hao began to choose the lucky audience.

One minute later, six boys and four girls rushed to the stage excitedly.

In particular, the first girl to rush to the stage asked Su Hao for a hug.

Su Hao did not refuse the female fan’s hug, and opened his arms to hug the female fan gently.

Saw the female fan embracing Su Hao.

The female fans at the scene were envious and jealous.

“Let go of Su Shen and let me come.”

“Su Shen, don’t hold her, don’t hold.”

“Why, why am I not a lucky viewer, woohoo.”

“Why, why didn’t I take a driver’s license? If I had a driver’s license, I would have a chance to be a lucky audience. I actually missed the opportunity to hug Su Shen, ooh… I will go to register for the driver’s license test tomorrow.”

“The opportunity to hug Su Shen just passed F*ck. It’s too difficult for me. I will register for a driver’s license tomorrow.”

Because of the embrace between the female fans and Su Shen, female fans who did not have a driver’s license at the scene were the first to sign up for the driver’s license after returning home.

With the beginning of the first female fan, the remaining three female fans naturally follow suit and hug Su Hao.. 0

Su Hao satisfies the fans’ hugs one by one.

Male fans can’t save face. Su Hao also refuses to hug male fans and just shakes hands with male fans.

The female fans watching the live broadcast saw the four female fans embracing Su Hao and wanted to directly replace the four female fans and Su Hao hugging each other.

“Too envious. I admit that I am envious. I knew I had a chance to hug Su Shen, so I went to the scene.”

“Do you have a driver’s license? How about going to the scene without a driver’s license?”

“The problem is that I have a driver’s license. I really envy them for being able to hug Su Shen. If it were me, I would not change my clothes for ten days.”

“This is too exaggerated…”

“You guys don’t understand.”

“Yes, you will never understand.”

“I don’t know what it’s like to hug Su Shen, I really want to know.”

“It’s impossible to hug God Su on the spot. I hope I can hug God Su in my dream tonight.”

“Oh my God, how many girl fans did Su Shen have been yelled at? It’s too difficult for me Su Shen.”

Su Hao urged ten fans to pay attention to safety, and then asked ten fans to take turns to test drive.

After the test drive, every fan praised the Flying Dragon.

In a word, Feilong Motors is super good.

Driving experience, interior look and feel. . . And so on in all aspects are outperforming other cars.

In a word, driving a Feilong car feels like driving a million luxury cars.

After the test drive of the ten fans, Su Hao directly took out the inscription from the top of the country, the glory of the country.

“This morning, high-level officials from the state visited Feilong Motors. I would like to thank them for their high affirmation and praise. On behalf of Feilong Motors, I would like to express my gratitude to the country. ”

“The four words Glory of the Country are the inscriptions given to Feilong Motors by high-level government officials. Don’t doubt the authenticity of these four words. They are really high-level inscriptions. Look, there is still an inscription here.”

“Just kidding, I did not show off the inscription of the glory of the country, but I wanted to tell the people of the whole country.”

“Before today, Longgoal Motors was extremely backward. Starting today, Longgoal Motors will shine throughout the world, and Longgoal Manufacturing will shine throughout the world.”

There was thunderous applause and deafening cheers.

“Su Shen, you are the best, with you and Haoyu Group, Longguo Manufacturing will definitely shine in the world.”

“Su Shen, you are the best. With you, Long Country Manufacturing will definitely shine in the world.”

“Flying Dragon will surely be as brilliant as a smart phone, and it will shine all over the world.”

The audience watching the live broadcast was also very excited. Many viewers couldn’t help shouting loudly.

“Made in Longguo will surely shine in the world.”

The press conference did not announce the price of Feilong Motors, nor did it announce the launch date. Everything is to be determined.

The conference ended successfully.

After the press conference, Feilong Motor’s news spread quickly across the country and around the world.

People all over the country praised Feilong Motor.

“Finally, a domestically-made car that can compete with those big-brand cars is finally available in China. Feilongqi Chen is great and Su Shen is great.”

“It’s more than contending. Didn’t you see that the data of Feilong Motors is better than those of big brands?”

“The glory of the country, the inscription of the high level of the country, this has proved that Feilong Motors is awesome.”

“That’s not it, the glory of the country is not talking about God Su, God Su is the true glory of the country.”

“Yes, because of Sushen, Longguo appeared the first smart product Huaxin smart phone that really swept the world. Because of Sushen, Longguo does not need to continue to be entrapped by foreign electrical appliances. Because of Sushen, our countrymen In order to enjoy more benefits.”

“Su Shen is the true glory of the country. Without God Su, there would be no flying dragon car. God Su deserves the glory of the country.”

“At this moment, I just want to say two words, awesome. I know that Su Shen will not let us down. The excellence of Feilong Motors is enough to shock the world.”

“The advent of Feilong Motors will surely cause a war in the automotive industry.”

“It’s really possible. Based on my understanding of Sushen, the price of Feilong Motors should not be much higher. Anyway, it is definitely lower than those of big brands. In this way, the auto market will definitely usher in a bloody storm. War.”

“Look forward to the price of Feilong Motors, and look forward to the early launch of Feilong Motors. With Feilong Motors, let those major foreign brands go to hell.”.

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