Chapter 335

“It’s very meow, Morola really did not succeed or fail. Can’t you wait a month or two before launching a smartphone?”

“This Morola company is simply a sinner of the ages. Originally, the sales of the second-generation smartphones were good, but now the Huaxin mobile phone announced the launch of the Huaxin 2, sales have dropped sharply, really convinced.”

Xingsan, Pingguo, and Nuojiya’s senior executives couldn’t help but utter a few words.

In fact, the top executives of the three companies also know that even without Morola, Huaxin Mobile will launch Huaxin 2 soon. Morola just accelerated the launch of Huaxin 2 a few days earlier.

The senior executives of Morola were even more depressed.

Seeing that Xingsan, Pingguo, and Nuojiya wanted to seize the market in other countries, Morola couldn’t help but announce a new smartphone.

The impatient Morola completely forgot the overlord of Huaxin smartphones.

Now that Huaxin mobile phone is about to launch Huaxin 2, the senior executives of Morola remember that there is such an overlord in the three companies of Xingsan, Pingguo, and Nuojiya.

Morola phones will have to prepare for ten and a half days before the new smartphones can be launched, but Huaxin phones cannot give them that much time.

With Huaxin 2, who would buy a Morola smartphone?

Is their Morola smartphone a social death?

When Morola had a headache, Xingsan, Pingguo and Nuojiya had vague ideas for Morola.

But all of this has to be said after watching the Huaxin mobile phone conference.

If Huaxin 2 is not super good, then everything has a claim. If Huaxin 2 is excellent to make them desperate, they can only continue to choose to stand on the second echelon as before.

November 4.

At ten o’clock in the morning, the Huaxin mobile phone press conference was held as scheduled.

The media reporters who can arrive at this press conference are all coming non-stop. Many foreign media rushed to Donghai City by plane overnight, hoping to get first-hand information about the press conference.

Huaxin 2 is too popular, and any media that can launch Huaxin 2 first will occupy the traffic.

To the disappointment of netizens, Su Hao did not appear at this press conference, and the person who introduced Huaxin 2 was Huaxin Mobile General Manager Jiang Liuyu.

Jiang Liuyu has long been accustomed to such big scenes, and Jiang Liuyu did not panic in the face of many media.

Jiang Liuyu also learned the essence of Su Hao, without delay, after a simple opening, he introduced Huaxin 2 directly.

When 673 Huaxin 2 was exposed in front of everyone by Jiang Liuyu, everyone on the scene and the audience who were watching the live broadcast were stunned.

“This, is this Huaxin 2?”

“I’m not dazzled, this phone is obviously bigger than Huaxin 1.”

“Oh my God, this Huaxin 2 really breaks through the screen technology. I love this phone at first glance.”

“I like this big screen, haha.”

When Jiang Liuyu heard the discussion on the scene, he smiled and said: “Yes, just as everyone thinks, the screen of Huaxin 2 is a bit larger than that of Huaxin 1.”

“The Huaxin 1 screen is 4.3, the Huaxin 2 regular version is 4.7, and the Huaxin 2 high-end version screen is 5.0. The one in my hand is the Huaxin 2 high-end version.”

Jiang Liuyu continued to take out the normal version of Huaxin 2, “This is the normal version, and the screen is 4.7%, which is a bit higher than that of Huaxin 1.”

“Su Shen said that a smartphone with a 4:3 screen is not a real smartphone, only a smartphone with a 4:7 screen is a real smartphone.”

Jiang Liuyu smiled and said: “Su Shen also said that the 4.7 screen and the 5:00 screen are the most suitable sizes for smartphones. They are not too big or small, just right. If you like to master it, you can choose the regular version of the 4.7 screen. For large screens, you can choose a high-end version of the five-point zero screen.”

“Everyone knows the phone in my hand. The screen at 4:7 can still be mastered with one hand, and the screen at 5:00 is slightly larger, but it is still very convenient to hold. So God Su’s words are absolutely correct. There is no doubt about this. .”

People at the scene all agree with it.

“Of course, what Su Shen said is right, whether it is a four-point seven screen or a five-point zero screen is the best.”

“Haha, a 4:3 screen smartphone is not a real smartphone. I don’t know if the four companies of Pingguo, Xingsan, Nuojiya, and Morola will vomit blood when they hear Su Shen’s words.”

“I don’t know if they will vomit blood. I only know that the sales of their mobile phones will definitely be poor.”

“That’s for sure. With Huaxin 2, it’s no surprise that the sales of smartphones from the four companies in Pingguo are not bad, unless Huaxin 2 is in few stocks.”

“Do you think it is possible? Huaxin 2 is a smartphone launched by Huaxin mobile phone after more than a year. Do you think Huaxin mobile phone may not be stocked in advance?”

“I dare to say that the inventory of Huaxin 2 absolutely exceeds all of us imagined. This time Huaxin 2 will definitely sweep the world.”

“Is it that exaggeration? Is it possible that Huaxin 2 can stock several hundred million?”

“Anything is possible, don’t forget that Su Shen is the spokesperson of the miracle.”

“Huaxin 2 is invincible by the screen alone, even if other functions are the same as that of Huaxin 1, Huaxin 2 is also invincible.”

“Haha, the screen is just an appetizer. The excellence of Huaxin 2 will exceed our imagination.”

Jiang Liuyu continued to introduce: “The screen is just an appetizer. Next, I will introduce the second function of Huaxin 2.”

“A lot of people are discussing the issue of mobile phone camera pixels. The second function of Huaxin 2 I introduced is camera pixels.”

“The Huaxin 2 camera has 5 million pixels.”

When the voice fell, everyone was confused.

“5 million pixels, am I right?”

“Oh my God, Huaxin 1 is only two million, and Morola is also more than two million. Huaxin 2 directly rises to 5 million. How does this make Morola’s four mobile phone companies live?”

“Huaxin 2 is so horrible and meow, just the phone screen and this 500 pixels have completely hit other smart phones.”

“500 pixels, girls will definitely go crazy, Huaxin 2 is terrifying.”

“Huaxin 2 does not give Pingguo four mobile phone companies a way to survive. With such an excellent smartphone as Huaxin 2, who would buy other smartphones?”

“The screen is so big and the pixels are so high, how expensive is this phone?”

Everyone is beginning to worry about the price. If the price is too high, they have no money to buy it.

“Oh, I hope it’s not too expensive. As long as it’s less than five thousand, I bite the bullet and buy it.”

“As long as the regular version does not exceed five thousand, I will buy it. If it exceeds five thousand, I have to continue to save money.”

Jiang Liuyu continued to introduce the other functions of Huaxin 2, and each introduced a function surprised the audiences live and watching the live broadcast.

I have to say that the functions of Huaxin 2 are much better than that of Huaxin 1, and all aspects have been upgraded.

Running memory, phone memory, resolution. . . Wait and so have been upgraded.

After Jiang Liuyu introduced the functions of Huaxin 2, people were even more worried about the high price of Huaxin 2.

“Is the price of such an excellent mobile phone the price I bought?”

“I now wish that the functions of Huaxin 2 are not so good. Only the screen and pixels are good. The price of such a good smartphone is definitely not cheap. I can’t afford it.”

“The various functions of the normal version of Huaxin 2 have been upgraded on the basis of Huaxin 1, not to mention the high-end version. Is the price of five thousand really okay?”

“The price of Huaxin 2 is probably seven or eight thousand, right?”

“This function is several times better than Huaxin 1, and the price is not much higher than that of Huaxin 1, right?”

“A lot of farts, believe it or not, selling 10,000 will buy a lot of people?”

“Yes, I dare say that Huaxin 2 sells for 10,000, and foreigners will rush to buy it.”

“What do you mean by this, can’t we Longguo people afford it?”

“I really can’t afford 10,000. If the price of Huaxin 2 is 10,000, I can only buy Huaxin 1.”

“Woo, I guess I will continue to use Huaxin 1’s life, Huaxin 1 guess I can’t afford it.”

Everyone at the scene also guessed the price of Huaxin 2.

Jiang Liuyu listened to the people’s discussion, and his smile was even more triumphant.

“Now, do you really want to know the price of Huaxin 2?”

“Yes, I missed it too much.” Everyone at the scene responded loudly.

Jiang Liuyu said: “Then I won’t be long-winded, I will announce the price directly now.”

“Before announcing the price, I have to say that the price of Huaxin 2 is determined by Su Shen. If you have any opinions, please ask Su Shen.”

When the audience heard Jiang Liuyu’s words, they all felt a little stunned.

f*ck, this rhythm, is the price of Huaxin 2 really expensive?

“I now announce the selling price of Huaxin 2 in Longguo.”

“The price of the regular version is four digits.”

“The single digit is 9, the tens digit is also 9, the hundreds digit is also 9, what about the thousands?”

“I don’t know what you expect from thousands of digits?”





Someone said the figures at the scene.

Jiang Liuyu directly declared, “The thousands digit is 3, and the price of the regular version of Huaxin 2 is 3,999, which is 500 yuan more expensive than the regular version of Huaxin 1.”

“This price is determined by Su Shen, so everyone thinks it is expensive and blame Su Shen.”

“It’s not expensive, it’s not expensive at all. I thought it would cost seven or eight thousand, but it was four thousand. Oh my God, it’s very cheap, okay.” People at the scene felt that the price of 3,999 was cheap. NS.

The super excellence of Huaxin 2 is worthy of the price of seven to eight thousand or even over ten thousand yuan, and it is really too cheap to sell only four thousand now.

Jiang Liuyu explained a little bit, “Originally, the price agreed by the senior management of our Huaxin mobile phone was higher than the price of 3999 Stage, so I finally decided the price of 3,999.”

The audience was moved by the price of 3,999.

“We all thought that we would start at least five thousand, but we didn’t expect it to be only four thousand in the end. This price is too conscientious. Can such a good mobile phone make money at this price?”

“Making money is definitely making money, but it is estimated that you will not make much.”

“Su Shen is worthy of being Su Shen. The whole company decided on a higher price, but Su Shen insisted on lowering the price. It is our luck to have a conscientious businessman like Su Shen.”

“Hua Xin 1 three thousand five, Hua Xin 2 three thousand nine hundred and nine hundred and ninety-nine, only five hundred expensive, such a good Hua Xin 2 sold for less than four thousand yuan, if you buy it, you must buy it, and you have to buy it when you sell iron.”

“I feel sorry if I don’t buy it. Huaxin 1 should be replaced after more than a year.”

“Who just vowed to start at 5,000? Has the price decided by Su Shen scared you?”

“The price of four thousand is really too cheap. I have to say that it is absolutely right for Xin Su Shen to support Su Shen.”

Jiang Liuyu continues to announce the price of the high-end edition.

“Huaxin 2 High Edition is 5,999 yuan.”

“Why is Huaxin 2 more expensive than Huaxin 1 by a thousand yuan? There is a reason. The high-end version of Huaxin 2’s screen is 5.00. The cost of such a large screen is really high. Therefore, the high-end version of Huaxin 2 is only It will be a little bit more expensive. Su Shen said that there is no need to pursue a high-end version, and the regular version is also very good.”

After listening to Jiang Liuyu’s introduction, people at the scene shouted, “It’s not expensive, it’s not expensive, it’s not expensive at all.”

“It’s only six thousand, not expensive at all, okay.”

“Six thousand yuan, I bought it. I thought it would be tens of thousands, but I didn’t expect it to be only six thousand. Is it too cheap? Isn’t it too expensive? You have to buy it.”

“Haha, Su Shen, I am afraid you will be disappointed. I will pursue the high-end version. I will buy the high-end version. The high-end version is only two thousand yuan. The larger screen is better and better. Isn’t it more fragrant if you can’t afford it?”

“I also buy high-end products, and they all have a high-end atmosphere and high-end feel.”

“Yes, it’s definitely easier to pick up girls with the high-end version of Huaxin 2, haha.”

“I will switch to the high-end version of Huaxin 2 immediately, and buy the high-end version of Huaxin 2 if you want to sell iron.”

Jiang Liuyu began to announce the overseas price of Huaxin 2.

“The mobile phone of Huaxin 2 overseas. The regular version of Huaxin 2 is RMB 999 meters, and the high version of Huaxin 2 is RMB 999 meters.”

The price is still an increase of 100 meters on the basis of Huaxin 1, which is fully acceptable to people all over the world.

People all over the world even think that the price of Huaxin 2 is more than one thousand meters. Unexpectedly, the final price still does not exceed one thousand meters. The price is really too cheap.

Finally, Jiang Liuyu announced that Huaxin 2 will be launched worldwide on November 5th.

In this regard, the press conference is over.

The press conference was over, but Huaxin 2 spread more quickly.

The press conference of Huaxin 2 spread to all corners of the world, and people all over the world know that the super excellent smartphone Huaxin 2 will be launched worldwide tomorrow.

“Oh my God, whether Huaxin 2 should be such an excellent one? This is a complete win over the four companies in Pingguo.”

“Huaxin 2 is launched, how do other phones work?”

“Don’t say so much, go to the queue first, you must go to the hole immediately, otherwise you will definitely not get it tomorrow.”

“Special, don’t grab my first position. The first pit is mine.”

There is a long queue at the door of the 21-country Huaxin mobile phone store. This time, there is no need to wait until the evening. There are people in line at noon.

The people of Longguo always went to the Huaxin mobile phone shop on to see if they could make a reservation.

Unfortunately, to their disappointment, Huaxin mobile phone shop did not open reservations at all, and there was no product introduction of Huaxin 2.

“This, this, why isn’t the Huaxin mobile phone store on Huaxin 2 at this time? Isn’t it not going to be sold on”.

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