Chapter 336

The people of Longguo were thinking about ordering Huaxin 2 on, but saw that Huaxin 2 was not available at the Huaxin mobile shop on, so netizens fry the pot.

“Why can’t order Huaxin 2, even the information of Huaxin 2 mobile phone is not available. Is it possible that it is not sold in Longguo?”

“How is it possible? The press conference stated that Tian is starting to sell, how can it not be sold in Long Country, if it is not sold in Long Country, the Huaxin mobile phone will definitely be punished by the people of the whole country, and Su Shen can’t hold it down.”

“Why doesn’t have any information about Huaxin 2?”

“It shouldn’t have time to update, wait, maybe there will be later.”

“I have to go to work tomorrow. It is more convenient to buy on, and Dongfeng Express is also fast, not bad for a couple of days.”

“Huaxin mobile phone, you can quickly open the reservation on Huaxin mobile phone store, the full amount of the reservation will be fine, as long as the full amount of Huaxin 2 can be purchased, I will pay the full amount of the reservation immediately.”

“That is, they are all bought anyway. As long as the full payment reservation can buy Huaxin 2, I will not hesitate to pay for the reservation in full.”

“Yes, as long as there is no need to rush to buy, let alone the full amount, I would like to pay a little more handling fee, haha.”

“I’m willing if you don’t have free shipping. Don’t talk about the handling fee. Just wait. I must grab it. Now many people are waiting to buy Huaxin 2. It’s time to fight for speed.”

“Haha, haven’t you seen the queues in foreign countries? The people abroad are so crazy, let alone the people of the Dragon Kingdom-.”

“Really, foreign netizens have posted a lot of pictures, all of them are queuing up in front of the Huaxin mobile phone store. It’s only noon, and it will be on sale tomorrow morning. I will start queuing now. The charm of Huaxin 2 is really invincible.”

“Can it not be invincible? The price of Huaxin 2 is super cheap for developed countries. They don’t have to worry about not having enough money to buy Huaxin 2. What they worry about is that they can’t buy Huaxin 2.”

“What this said, are the people of Long Country short of money? It’s only four thousand yuan, I will take it out in minutes.”

“That is, don’t be ambitions of others, and destroy your own prestige. Now at least 100 million people in China want to buy Huaxin 2.”

“One hundred million, say less, at least two hundred million, three hundred million.”

“Huaxin 2 is not only loved by young people, but also by successful people, especially white-collar workers, who prefer to use Huaxin smart phones.”

“Nonsense, who doesn’t like Huaxin smartphones. Huaxin smartphones are the most high-end and high-end mobile phones in the mobile phone industry. Who doesn’t like them?”

“I think that Huaxin 2 can release a premium version on the high-end version, and there will definitely be many successful people buying the premium version.”

“Yes, some wealthy people just want to buy the more expensive it is. Huaxin 2 can completely sell a premium version for 10,000 yuan. Those rich and successful people absolutely love it.”

“Haha, do you think Su Shen would not expect this? Su Shen did not launch the Supreme Edition naturally because of his considerations. It is estimated that it will not be time yet. In the future, Huaxin Mobile will definitely launch the Supreme Edition.”

“Haha, that’s not it. The three words “Extreme Edition” sound high-end and high-end.”

After a long time, the Huaxin mobile phone shop on was still quiet, and netizens were anxious.

“Why can’t I make a reservation? Don’t even make a reservation. I haven’t even posted a message about Huaxin 2, Huaxin Mobile Shop. Are you on strike?”

“Accordingly at this time, should have helped Huaxin 2 to promote it. Even Pingguo has homepage banner recommendations. Huaxin 2 is a brother company of How can there be no banner recommendations for promotion?”

“Don’t talk about the promotion of, there is no movement at the Huaxin mobile phone store, it is really anxious.”

“I’m also in a hurry. It’s six o’clock now. If it’s too late, I’m probably going to sleep.”

“Go to sleep, go to bed, go to bed early and get up early to be in good health. Book Huaxin 2 and leave it to us night owls.”

“As you say, I hope that Huaxin 2 will let the reservation be made later, and it is better not to make the reservation, so that I will have a better chance of buying Huaxin 2 tomorrow.”

“If you want to fart, I will go to Su Shen Weibo to ask Su Shen.”

“That’s right, go with you, you must blow Su Shen out.”

“Su Shen must be blasted out to give everyone an answer.”

In an instant, netizens shifted their positions to Su Hao’s Weibo.

Su Hao’s Weibo is instantly replaced with a new comment,

“Su Shen, when will Huaxin 2 be booked? I have been waiting for more than a long time.”

“Su Shen, Huaxin 2 is no longer sold on, I am so impatient.”

“Su Shen, I have all the money ready, and I am waiting for the full amount to be booked.”

“Su Shen, hurry up and announce it. If you don’t announce it, I can’t eat and sleep.”

“Yeah, Su Shen, let’s announce it quickly, so that everyone can sleep peacefully tonight, let’s announce it quickly.”

Su Hao’s Weibo has completely fallen, and this topic directly rushed to the hot search.

More than tens of millions of netizens bombed Su Hao’s Weibo, which is so big that it’s hard to think of hot searches.

The celebrities are envious when they see Su Hao easily sent to hot searches by netizens.

Su Hao is on hot search every three to five, if they could be like Su Hao, that would be great.

No, they don’t want to be able to search hot search every three times like Su Hao, they are satisfied to be able to do it once or twice a month.

If the hot search on Weibo can be bought with money, most celebrities will not hesitate to spend money on the hot search. It’s a pity that Su Hao doesn’t allow this operation at all.

Want to be on the hot search, okay? Rely on strength.

If you don’t have the strength, then continue to work hard, and you don’t have to think about it for the rest of your life if you want to use money to buy hot searches on Weibo.

Su Hao returned to Villa 20 at 8 o’clock in the evening to find out that netizens had bombed his Weibo again.

Du Ruomeng saw Su Hao go home and immediately reported on Weibo, “Su Hao, your Weibo has exploded again.”

Su Hao asked casually, “What is it because of this time?”

Du Ruomeng said: “Everyone is asking why we can’t book Huaxin 2 on”

Su Hao asked, “Why, didn’t the press conference say this?”

Du Ruomeng: “I didn’t say it. I watched the press conference. Manager Jiang didn’t say anything about it. Didn’t you watch the press conference?”

Su Hao said: “I concentrate on researching and developing 4G networks, so I don’t have time to watch it.”

Su Hao immediately called Jiang Liuyu.

“Manager Jiang, haven’t you announced the sales channels of Huaxin 2?”

Jiang Liuyu said, “Mr. Su, you let you announce it tomorrow.”

Su Hao later realized, “Well, I have been busy researching recently. I forgot. You can post an announcement on the official website of Huaxin Mobile, saying that Huaxin 2 is not sold on, but only at Huaxin Telecom stores.”

Jiang Liuyu asked: “Announce now?”

Su Hao said, “Well, netizens are bombarding my Weibo. No longer, let’s announce it now.”

Jiang Liuyu: “Okay, President Su.”

Du Ruomeng saw that Su Hao finished the phone call and asked curiously: “Su Hao, why did you let you announce that Huaxin 2 will be sold at Huaxin Telecom stores tomorrow?”

The daughters of Zhou Xue are also very curious about this issue.

Su Hao said: “I don’t want Chinese people to go to the queue for the night shift. Isn’t it good to sleep at night?”

When the women heard Su Hao’s answer, they all suddenly realized.

“Then you should post a Weibo to tell everyone not to line up, otherwise someone will definitely go in line.” Yuan Xuefei reminded.

Su Hao nodded lightly.

“You have to post a Weibo.”

Su Hao logged into Weibo and quickly posted a Weibo.

Huaxin 2 is only sold in Huaxin Communication Stores, and the stock is sufficient. Don’t go in line in the middle of the night foolishly.

At the same time, the official website of Huaxin Mobile also issued an announcement.

When netizens saw Su Hao’s Weibo and the announcement on the official website of Huaxin Mobile, they all suddenly realized.

It turns out that Huaxin 2 is not sold on, only offline.

“Su Shen, are you sure that the inventory is sufficient? You talk about how much inventory there is. If there is 200 million, I won’t go in line if there is 200 million.”

“Two hundred million is not enough, how can 200 million Huaxin 2 in the world be enough.”

“Even if there is an inventory of 200 million, at least 100 million will be scored abroad, right? Besides, it is impossible to have an inventory of 200 million, right?”

“I don’t actually sell it on I have to go to work tomorrow. Then, wouldn’t it take me a long time to buy Huaxin 2.”

“The first batch of Huaxin 2 was robbed. If the next batch is the same as Huaxin 1, it will be a month later. It will only take a month. It will not take long. Go to work and continue to use Huaxin 1.”

“That is, sleep honestly, and then go to work tomorrow, Su Shen said, the stock is sufficient, don’t worry, it will not be too late to buy after get off work.”

“I believe in your evil, don’t care, ask for leave tomorrow.”

“Haha, keep blowing, I have already brought my equipment to the door of Huaxin Communication Store.”

“Haha, I am going to leave and arrive at the door of Huaxin Communication Store in five minutes.”

“F*ck, why are you so fast, you don’t believe in God Su, God Su said, don’t go to the queue stupidly, you actually go to queue, you don’t believe God Su, you don’t want it.”

“That’s right, you don’t believe what Su Shen said, you can’t do it, don’t say so much, the brother who has set off upstairs remembers to help me take a place, I will be there soon.”

“Haha, you guys, I’m really convinced, Su Shen said that the stock is sufficient, why don’t you believe it, and go to the queue stupidly, it’s really stupid.”

·· 0 Seeking flowers··········

“Now I finally understand why the Huaxin mobile phone has not announced where it is sold. This is because we are afraid that we will go in line. Are we making trouble for ourselves? Will the Huaxin mobile phone be announced tomorrow? Instead, I will force Su Shen Now it’s okay. If you don’t have to go to work tomorrow, you must go to the line early. Where can we get them.”

“I believe in Su Shen. Since Su Shen said that the stock is sufficient, it must be sufficient. I will buy it after get off work tomorrow, haha.”

“Yes, believing in Su God will have eternal life, nothing wrong, haha.”

“Laughing Mao, I’m already at the Huaxin Telecom store, f*ck, I am not the first to arrive so soon, you are too thief.”

“I’m going, you guys are really insidious. You say you believe in Su Shen, but you actually rush to the Huaxin Communication Store. It’s really insidious.”

Half an hour after Su Hao posted on Weibo, the entrances of Huaxin Communication stores across the country have been occupied by young people.

The full line of pictures on the Internet is a match for foreign countries.

“Haha, take the first position, I can use Huaxin 2 tomorrow, haha.”

“The kid is not talented, he only occupies the third position. Tomorrow Huaxin 2 will definitely get it, haha.”

“Is there a place to buy? One hundred yuan transfer.”

“One hundred yuan, I want it.”

“I want to eat a fart, one hundred yuan, go dream, one thousand yuan I still think about it.”

“Haha, come here, everyone is noisy, tens of thousands of people should be able to buy Huaxin 2.”

…… ……. …

“Yes, Huaxin Communications has about six to seven hundred stores across the country. According to Su Shen, the inventory is sufficient. Each store should be able to have one hundred thousand, at least fifty thousand Huaxin 2, so come in line. 50,000 people should be able to buy Huaxin 2.”

“I’m really convinced. Someone started playing poker at the scene.”

“What’s poker? All the mahjong tables in my place have moved here, and I just played mahjong on the spot.”

“There were people playing poker at the scene, and many of them started to join hands. After a long night, playing poker is indeed a good time for recreation.”

Long queues lined up at the entrances of Huaxin Communication stores in various places, and they became the number one hot search in an instant.

Su Hao was speechless when he saw the news.

All said that the stock is sufficient, why don’t you believe it.

“Don’t think about it, they are going to line up for whatever you say, and they can’t persuade them.” Zhang Mengqi turned to ask, “Is the Huaxin 2 inventory really sufficient?”

“It is conservatively estimated that the world’s sales can sell hundreds of millions. Is there so much inventory?”

Su Hao said: “Ask Ruomeng about this, she knows better than me.”

Du Ruomeng smiled and said: “The domestic inventory is 100 million, and the foreign stock is also 100 million.”

Su Hao: “It’s only two billion, that’s not enough.”

Du Ruomeng said: “It is good to have two hundred million. While producing Huaxin 1 and Huaxin L1, it is very good that Huaxin 2 can stock up to two hundred million.”

“Except you, who would dare to stock up to 200 million yuan, and other companies don’t have that much capital to stock up to 200 million yuan.”

Su Hao said: “Huaxin 2 is not afraid that it will not be sold. At this stage, Huaxin smartphones have no rivals at all, so there is no need to worry about not being sold.”

Du Ruomeng said: “If that’s not the case, who would agree that you stock up to 200 million yuan?”

“One billion will definitely not be able to satisfy the domestic market, but it’s good to have so many, at least better than Huaxin 1.”

This night, the Internet from all over the world was very lively, and they were discussing matters related to Huaxin 2.

The young people all over the world have been busy all over the world, and they don’t feel that queuing is suffering. On the contrary, many people have made a lot of new friends as a result.

Some people even find a girlfriend while queuing, making the line to buy Huaxin smartphones is full of legends.

November 5.

At eight o’clock in the morning, Huaxin Communications stores across Longguo opened on time.

The employees of Huaxin Telecom stores all go to work one hour in advance.

There are so many people at the door that they won’t be able to open the door on time unless they go early.

Knowing that it was a staff of Huaxin Communications, everyone took the initiative to give up a channel for the staff of Huaxin Communications to open the door.

“Haha, it’s finally time, Huaxin 2, I’m here.”

On this day, Longguo Huaxin Communication Store and Huaxin mobile phone stores all over the world are operating at high speed, until all mobile phones are sold out.

The 100 million units of the Dragon Kingdom and 100 million units abroad, a total of 200 million units of Huaxin 2 have all been sold out, and none of them are left.

At ten o’clock in the evening, the official website of Huaxin Mobile issued an announcement, announcing the super good news of 200 million sales.

In an instant, people all over the world were stunned. ten thousand.

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