Shenzhen Penguin Company.

  The first citizen to collect debts arrived at the door of the Penguin Company. As time passed, more and more debt collectors came to the Penguin Company.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  "Shameless Penguin, hurry up and cash our prize."

  "Shameless Penguin, hurry up and cash our prize."

  The debt collector shouted loudly, and the security guard at the door of the company did not dare to go up to dissuade them when they saw so many people, so they could only report it.

  Without having to report to the security guard, Penguin Pony and the others had already heard the shouts and knew that the debt collector was coming.

  "Someone really came to collect debts, what should I do now?"

  "We must not let them continue to make trouble. If we keep shouting, where will our penguin's face be?"

  The generals have spoken out.

  The penguin pony is extremely desperate. At this time, he still thinks about his face. What is the use of his face at this time. . .


  "Call the police, otherwise there will be more and more people, and they will rush into the company and it will be completely messed up." The general of the public relations department suggested.

  Everyone will look at the penguin pony.

  "This time our penguin is planted, let's talk about the way back." Penguin pony eyes are blank, no one knows what he is thinking.

  "Brother Ma, we still have hope, we can be quiet for a while, and we still have hope of making a comeback after this." The general of the R&D department said without giving up.

  "No, there is no chance, [-] billion, this hurdle can't be overcome, this matter will become more and more troublesome, and eventually the relevant departments will be alerted, the penguin is doomed to die." Penguin pony said: "This is irreversible. Facts, we all have to accept them."

  The generals will be silent.

  "Brother Ma, we can either declare bankruptcy directly and let the court decide how to compensate users. In this way, our Penguin team can restore a little credibility, and we will not be boycotted by people when we open a new company in the future. The result will be decided by time." The general of the public relations department suggested again.

  "What do you think?" the penguin pony asked the generals.

  The crowd was silent.

  The penguin pony directly decided: "declare bankruptcy."

  Penguin will make an announcement soon.

  Since the company owed [-] billion in debt and could not repay it, the company had to file for bankruptcy.

  As soon as this announcement came out, the whole network was in an uproar.

  Thank you [Memories are ridiculous] Big Brother's monthly pass, I am very grateful, thank you!Ten thousand.

Chapter 162

  The news that Penguin filed for bankruptcy was like half a hurricane, quickly sweeping the country.

  Penguin Bankrupt?

  Many uninformed people did not believe the news.

  As the king of chat software, Penguin has been dominating the domestic chat software market, how could it go bankrupt?

  Even if there are YY latecomers, the two sides have been fighting happily. In the past two days, Penguin has also launched a friend recall campaign. At one point, online users exceeded [-] million, which is much better than YY's data. How could it go bankrupt?

  Isn't it enough money?How can bankruptcy be possible?

  People went online to find the truth. When they saw that the penguins owed at least [-] billion, they were all silent.

  This is really the event of recalling friends for success and recalling friends for failure.

  "Penguin is committing suicide. Penguins would never dream of ruining themselves because of an activity. This is really self-inflicted."

  "Penguin [-] is a pity. The former king of chat software has to file for bankruptcy now. It's a pity."

  "What a pity, YY is much better than Penguin. Ever since YY appeared, Penguin has been plagiarizing YY's ideas. He is a despicable and shameless copyist. This time, in order to defeat YY, Penguin is desperate for free And starting the Recall Friend activity, this is all done by Penguin himself, if he didn't start the Recall Friend activity in a hurry, if he didn't copy YY all the time and run it slowly, YY also killed him, all this is Penguin's own fault, no pity ."

  "That is, Penguin is a despicable and shameless plagiarism. Even if there is no loophole in this event, Penguin will not last for a long time. YY is the best."

  "I'm too lazy to care about Penguin's life and death, I just want to know that Penguin has filed for bankruptcy, can I still get my bonus?"

  "Don't think about the bonus. If the penguin has money, it will not file for bankruptcy. Let's go to sleep. The bonus is gone."

  "Wuwuwu, I worked so hard to get [-] numbers, my fingers are numb, and it's gone. Penguin, you and I are at odds with each other."

  "It's hard for you to be indifferent. Soon Penguin will disappear from the Internet, and there will be no Penguin product from now on."

  When the netizens who went to the Penguin Company to block the door learned of the news that Penguin filed for bankruptcy, they were all stunned, and immediately became frantic.

  "Penguin, you are so shameless. My money is my special meow. Now I have lost all my internet and bus fares."

  "Penguin, I have seen shameless people, I have never seen you so shameless, do you think you can get away with filing for bankruptcy? You Penguin team will never want to make a comeback, I will always keep an eye on your Penguin team, you dare to start a business and start a business Company, I will go to your company to block the door."

  "My two hundred dollars, no, I have to go in and get something valuable."

  "My three hundred dollars have come, and I can't go home empty-handed."

  People started to get restless and rushed to the gate of Penguin Company.

  Company security shouted loudly.

  "Everyone, don't mess around. You are breaking the law. Our company has already called the police. If you mess around, you will be imprisoned."

  "Sit in your mother's jail, say another word, I'll knock you out." A man yelled at the security guard.

  The security guard did not dare to say a word when he saw the surging crowd.They were afraid, afraid that the crowd would rush up to beat them.

  Fortunately, at this time, the general public relations department appeared.

  "I'm the manager of the public relations department of Penguin. Listen to me. If you rush into our company to grab something, it's illegal. We have filed for bankruptcy. Your bonus will compensate all the company's money back to you equally. You must not Impulsive, it's not worth going to jail for one or two hundred dollars."

  The crowd calmed down a little.

  "How much money can your company have, can one person get a dollar?"

  "That is, if you don't have money, don't engage in activities. If you do it, you will accept the account. What kind of man is filing for bankruptcy? You are all cowards, shameless scoundrels."

  Everyone was scolded fiercely, and the general of the public relations department was about to cry.

  At this time, the sound of the siren exploded in the air.

  The people at Penguin Company breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the siren.

  The police finally came. If they don't come, there will definitely be turmoil, and then the responsibility of the penguin will be great. . .

  Everyone calmed down when they heard the siren.

  Half an hour later, under the persuasion of the police, everyone dispersed.

  The matter of netizens besieging Penguin spreads on the Internet, and the scattered netizens vent their anger on the Internet.

  "Penguins are so disgusting, they don't have money to engage in fart activities, it makes me happy for nothing."

  "Penguin is so shameless, didn't you see him copying YY all the time, just get used to it."

  "The Penguin team is self-insured. There is no money for us, and we can't rely on it. We can only file for bankruptcy, thinking that we can save a little reputation.. 0"

  "Dream, I'll keep an eye on the Penguin team in the future. If the Penguin team dares to open a company, I'll go to collect the debt right away. It's so meow, I still want to save my reputation, and I want to fart."

  "Let's wash and sleep. You don't need to think about money. It's useless to think about it. Be careful, there's no use of free lunch in the world."

  "If you want to see it or not, you have to see it."

  People in the industry are very sorry that a building like Penguin collapsed so suddenly, what about them?

  Su Hao was stunned when he saw Penguin filing for bankruptcy, but he was relieved when he thought about it, what could he do if he didn't file for bankruptcy?

  Repentance, is it possible, impossible, hundreds of millions of users will not let Penguin go, and sooner or later they will perish. It is better to file for bankruptcy as soon as possible to retain a little reputation and avoid more torture.

  Penguin, is it so defeated?

  Su Hao was a little dazed.The trillion dynasty was defeated in his hands like this, and Su Hao couldn't recover for a while.

  "Why, can't you accept it?" Zhou Xue asked when she saw Su Hao in a daze.

  Su Hao's eyes recovered and he said softly, "It's a little bit. I didn't expect Penguin to lose so quickly. One event directly ruined himself. Penguin is a living lesson. We have to be cautious in the future."

  "Don't worry, we don't have such a big enemy as penguins, we can develop slowly, and we will never make such a big mistake." Zhou Xue smiled.

  Su Hao nodded lightly, but did not speak.

  The news of Penguin's bankruptcy swept the country, and CCTV news reported it. Some people regretted it, some people applauded, and some people cried.

  On February 2th, Penguin announced that it will permanently withdraw from the Internet. There is no more Penguin product on the Internet. Penguin will forever be with the Internet and say goodbye to the Chinese people.

  Penguin withdrew, and YY became the only chat software in China. The number of users soared, and the number of online users exceeded [-] million every day.

  "I didn't expect that YY would win. YY, the miracle of the Internet, will be the king of chat software YY from now on."

  "Hehe, the Penguin team might make a comeback."

  "If you want to make a comeback, netizens will not give them a chance. The Penguin team will no longer be able to appear on the domestic Internet, but it will be fine abroad."

  The penguin's defeat, but Su Hao did not rest.With the start of work after the new year, Su Hao was even busier.

  Thank you [Holy Night] for the reminder of the ticket, I am very grateful, thank you! .

Chapter 163

  Haoyu Game Company.

  After its launch, "Cross Fire" continued to become popular, becoming the third game with over [-] million online players after "Plants vs. Zombies" and "YY Farm".

  Compared with "Plants vs. Zombies" and "YY Farm", "Cross Fire" is more significant in the game industry.

  Because "Cross Fire" is a large-scale online game.Before "Cross Fire", there was no large-scale online game in China that could exceed [-] million players, let alone in the world. "Cross Fire" not only exceeded [-] million online players, but also reached more than [-] million, which is a miracle of large-scale online games.

  Haoyu Game Company has nothing to do here, but Jiajiafu Supermarket has a lot of things.

  New year, new start.

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