Last year, Jiajiafu supermarket branches were opened all over the province, and they were very popular throughout Jiang Province, and the business was very hot.

  This year, Su Hao's strategy is to open Jiajiafu supermarket branches all over the country.Therefore, the senior management of Jiajiafu is very busy.

  During the New Year, Su Hao has been busy with and YY, and has no time to take care of Jiajiafu supermarket. Now that YY has won, he has to go to Jiajiafu from time to time.

  Alipay, like Haoyu Games, doesn't need Su Hao to worry about it for the time being.

  The research institute that worries Su Hao the most.

  Years ago, the establishment of the research institute was completed. After the Chinese New Year, Professor Huang Zhenguo couldn't wait to start his research.

  After seeing Su Hao's genius, Huang Zhenguo could not wait to tie Su Hao to the scientific research institute and let Su Hao continue to carry out scientific research work.

  If it wasn't for Su Hao directly throwing out a major technology to indulge Huang Zhenguo, Su Hao would not have peace every day.

  Even so, Su Hao had to go to the scientific research institute every day, because Huang Zhenguo would call Su Hao every day and ask about it.

  In the eyes of everyone in the scientific research institute, Su Hao is a real genius. Often, one of Su Hao's ideas will give scientific research a new direction. Many times it is Su Hao's ideas that make scientific research progress by leaps and bounds.

  In the eyes of Professor Huang Zhenguo's students and apprentices, Su Hao is more professor than Professor Huang Zhenguo, and Su Hao is a real research master.

  Su Hao was really not used to the adoration and admiration of everyone at first, because the so-called genius ideas are all systematic knowledge.

  Later, Su Hao gradually got used to the admiration and admiration of everyone, and became a group with everyone.Now even if Huang Zhenguo leaves the research institute, his apprentices and students will stay and study with Su Hao.

  The progress of the scientific research institute is very good. The most headaches for Su Hao are and Dongfeng Express.

  After the talent recruited by Dongfeng Express joined the headhunting company, the development progress is not bad, but the money is like flowing water, and the [-] million capital will be gone in less than half a month.

  Su Hao had to continue to inject capital.

  The speed of development is not fast, and the spending is so fast. If we let go of development, the speed of spending will be even faster.

  Sure enough, the courier company is not something that ordinary people can do.Fortunately, now that the penguin is down, YY has a certain amount of money every day, otherwise Su Hao is really worried that he will not be able to feed the hungry wolf Dongfeng Express.

  Dongfeng Express is only about money, but is not just about money.

  After so many days, has more than [-] merchants, but not a single big brand.

  Clothing, daily necessities, home appliances, or others, so far, there is still no big brand settled on

  Most of the [-] merchants are individual small traders, and there are some unknown small brands. There are already voices complaining about on the Internet.

  " has a lot of stores and buys a lot of things, but there is no big brand. This is not good. It gives me the feeling that is like a market in a small town, without the fashion of a big city."

  ", how should I put it? It's still okay to buy some daily necessities. I won't buy clothes on Taotao. There's not a single brand. I really can't do it."

  . . .

  Of course, there are voices supporting Taotao.

  "In the early stage of's development, it was normal. I believe that will soon have famous brands."

  "Yes, has YY drainage, and the traffic is definitely good. With so many buyers, big brands will see it. When really makes a difference, those big brands can't help it."

  Su Hao didn't bother to read the rants on the Internet, just listened to Wang Chan.

  "Wang Chan, have you contacted those big brands?" Su Hao asked Wang Chan.

  Wang Chan said softly: "I have tried to contact several famous clothing brands, but their answer is to consider it."

  "I guess they are waiting and watching, and they are all looking to see if we can make a good result. If we can't make a very beautiful report card, those big brands will not be moved."

  "These guys really don't see rabbits and don't throw eagles." Su Hao continued to ask: "How is's traffic now?"

  Wang Chan replied: "Before Penguin was defeated, had only five million visitors a day. At that time, there were many voices against"

  "Since's defeat, the voices of those who attacked have been much less. With the addition of YY's drainage, now has more than [-] million visitors every day."

  "Only [-] million?" Su Hao frowned slightly.

  Now, YY's online users exceed [-] million every day. With YY attracting traffic, has only [-] million visitors. This data can be said to be a bit poor.

  It can also be seen from this point that people do not recognize online shopping enough, and they are not used to online shopping at all.

  "How many orders are there in a day?" Su Hao asked the most important point.

  Wang Chan smiled bitterly and said, "It's less than half a million."

  Su Hao was completely speechless.

  [-] million visitors and less than [-] orders are really poor results.

  "It can't go on like this. It seems that the big brands must be shocked." Su Hao knew the reason for the low order volume.

  There are no big brands on, and they are all street goods, which simply cannot attract people to spend on

  In addition, people are not used to online shopping, like some daily necessities, you can buy them when you go out, people have never thought about buying them on

  The most important thing now is to make a super beautiful report card that will shock everyone, not only big brands will settle in, but people will also remember Taotao.

  Su Hao said directly: "Wang Chan, you choose a list of relatively high-quality merchants in the four categories of home appliances, clothes, daily necessities, and snacks among all the merchants on I want to start the second shot of"

  The first shot was Banlangen and white vinegar, which opened up The second shot, Su Hao, wanted the whole network to witness the magic of online shopping.

  Thank you [Lingyun Zhiqi] for the monthly pass, I am very grateful, thank you! .

Chapter 164

  There is a saying that Wang Chan is right, as long as comes up with a good report card, as long as the second shot hits, there is no need to worry about those big brands not moving.

  Wang Chan probably guessed Su Hao's intention and asked, "Is there a subdivision of the four categories of commodities?"

  "Segmentation, like home appliances and daily necessities, choose what people use most, snacks choose what most people like to eat, and clothes focus on quality." Su Hao smiled: "You can choose three alternative lists for each, and give them to me. Telephone."

  "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

  Two hours later, Wang Chan handed Su Hao a list.

  Su Hao quickly sorted 1,2,3, [-], [-], and then returned the list to Wang Chan: "Contact the store according to the serial number I wrote, and ask them if they are willing to cooperate with our website to organize activities. The discount on the activity price is at least [-]% off."

  "[-]% off?" Wang Chan expressed her worries, "Master Su, will [-]% off be too much? [-]% off is actually quite a lot cheaper."

  Su Hao said: "Not much, not to mention [-]% off, [-]% off and [-]% off they all have to make a profit. I originally wanted [-]% off, thinking that it might scare off merchants, so I decided to [-]% off."

  "Don't worry, it's the first time the website is launched and recommended by the whole network, they will be moved. If they don't know the goods, they can only blame them for being stupid."

  "Well, I'll contact you right away." Wang Chan nodded lightly.

  Wang Chan arranged for employees to call the selected businesses.All the No. [-] merchants were thrilled to hear it.

  After the merchants asked about the general situation of the event, they all agreed without hesitation that they would be willing to sell the goods at a [-]% discount.'s first large-scale event, this opportunity is absolutely not to be missed, not to mention [-]% off, they are willing to [-]% off.

  As long as they make money, they are willing.

  As the so-called small profits but quick turnover, this event on will definitely make a sensation on the whole network. At that time, their products may be sold for a month or even half a year in a day. This kind of event must not be missed.

  "Reminder, the inventory must be more than [-] pieces, otherwise the qualification will be cancelled. If the inventory is falsely reported, it will not be able to ship at that time, and the store will be closed for processing." This is a warm reminder from

  All the merchants were dumbfounded when they heard that there were [-] items in stock.

  "One hundred thousand pieces, is that so much? Do you have a guarantee on" Some timid merchants were anxious. staff: "There is no guarantee. This time, is a free event and does not charge you any fees. We have already paid a lot. If you are worried that it will not sell [-] pieces, you can choose not to cooperate."

  "No problem, it's just [-] pieces in stock, I'm willing to give it a go." Most merchants decided to give it a go.

  Only three businesses timidly withdrew. continued to call the second-ranked merchant, and the second-ranked merchant knew that their opportunity was hard-won, and they agreed without hesitation.

  It's only [-] pieces, it's worth giving it a shot.

  In this way, all merchants are selected. gives merchants three days to prepare goods.

  In the past three days, has been advertising, and the main advertising force is YY and Shuijun.

  YY gave a pop-up recommendation on the first day, twice on the second day, and three pop-up recommendations on the third day.With such frequent pop-up recommendations, it is difficult for netizens to know about's activities.

  With the help of the navy, the whole network is discussing this large-scale event on

  "What is doing? A large-scale event, is it a promotion?"

  "It should be a promotion. Who cares, sells things, and there must be cheap things in the event. Just go and see when the time comes. If it's suitable, buy it, hehe."

  "'s large-scale events, event products are all discounted, so stay tuned."

  "This is's first large-scale event. It is definitely worth looking forward to. Don't miss it when you pass by."

  With the heated discussion among netizens, many people know about's event.

  People from all walks of life are very concerned about this event on

  "I guessed the intention of, but will the online promotions be effective?"

  "It should be a little bit. The whole people are using YY, and YY pops up every day to recommend it. Now the whole network is discussing it, and the traffic on will be very high tomorrow."

  "What's the use of high traffic, whether it can be sold or not is another matter."

  "I heard that allows selected merchants to stock up at least [-] pieces. It's amazing."

  "[-] pieces, are those merchants crazy? really dares to think that [-] pieces can be sold during one day's event? What a shit."

  "No way, this is a free event on Don't miss the opportunity. If it is me, I will give it a try. If I really sell [-] pieces of goods, I will make more money this day than a year."

  "Pure daydreaming, there are [-] refrigerators, [-] pieces are [-] million, and daily sales are [-] million, do you believe it?"

  "I don't believe it, but dares to say this, and those merchants also dare to blog."

  2 month 24 number.

  At [-]:[-] in the morning, the event officially started.

  The homepage of has undergone major changes. There is only one product in all product categories, which is the active product selected by Other products can only be seen by clicking on the next page.

  Every user who enters will see a banner fluttering on the screen.

  "¨' is the first time to give back to the user activity. All the products on the home page are [-]% off. Don't miss it when you pass by. The event is only for one day. It's hard to miss today. You want to buy something so cheap. , don't hesitate, place an order directly, buy is to earn."

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