"The price for the regular edition is four figures."

  "The ones digit is 9, the tens digit is also 9, the hundreds digit is also 9, what about the thousands digit?"

  "I don't know what everyone expects from thousands of digits?"





  The numbers on the spot are all said.

  Jiang Liuyu directly announced, "The thousand digits are 3, and the price of the ordinary version of Huaxin 2 is 1, which is [-] yuan more expensive than the ordinary version of Huaxin [-]."

  "This price is decided by God Su. Everyone thinks it's expensive and blame God God."

  "It's not expensive, it's not expensive at all. I thought it would cost seven or eight thousand, but it's only four thousand. My God, it's very cheap, okay?" Everyone at the scene thought that the price of [-] was cheap. .

  The super excellence of Huaxin 2 is completely worthy of the price of seven or eight thousand or even more than ten thousand. It is really too cheap to sell only four thousand now.

  Jiang Liuyu still explained a little, "Originally, the price that our senior management of Huaxin mobile phone unanimously decided was more expensive than the price of [-], but it was rejected by Su Shen. Su Shen felt that the ordinary version of the mobile phone could not exceed [-]. stage, so the price of three thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine was finally decided."

  The audience was moved by the price of [-].

  "We all thought it would start at [-], but we didn't expect that it would only cost [-] in the end. This price is too conscientious. Can such a good phone make money at this price?"

  "Making money is definitely making money, but it is estimated that it is not much."

  "Su Shen is worthy of being Su Shen. The whole company decided to set a higher price, but Su Shen insisted on lowering the price. It is our Dragon Kingdom's fortune to have such a conscientious businessman as Su Shen."

  "Huaxin 1, Huaxin 2 2, only [-] more expensive, such a good Huaxin [-] only sells for less than [-] yuan, if you buy it, you must buy it, and you have to buy it if you break the pot and sell iron."

  "I feel sorry for myself if I don't buy it. Huaxin 1 should be replaced after more than a year of use."

  "Who swore just now that it started at [-]? Does the price now decided by God Su scare you?"

  "The price of [-] is really too cheap. I have to say that it is absolutely right to believe that God Su supports God Su."

  Jiang Liuyu continued to announce the price of the high-end version.

  "The high-end version of Huaxin 2 is [-] yuan."

  "Why is Huaxin 2 more expensive than Huaxin 1, there is a reason, the high-end version of Huaxin 2 is 2, the cost of such a large screen is really high, so the high-end version of Huaxin [-] is only It will be a little more expensive. Su Shen said that there is no need for everyone to pursue the high-end version, the normal version is also very good. "

  After listening to Jiang Liuyu's introduction, everyone at the scene shouted, "It's not expensive, it's not expensive, it's not expensive at all."

  "It's only [-], so it's not expensive at all, okay?"

  "[-] yuan. I bought it. I thought it was tens of thousands. I didn't expect it to be only [-] yuan. It's too cheap, okay? It's expensive. I have to buy it."

  "Haha, God Su, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. I'll pursue the high-end version. I'll buy the high-end version. The high-end version is only [-] yuan more expensive. The screen is bigger and the function is better. If you can't afford it, isn't it more delicious?"

  "I also buy high-end ones, and when I take them out, they feel like a high-end atmosphere."

  "That's right, buying the high-end version of Huaxin 2 is definitely easier to pick up girls, haha."

  "Change to the high-end version of Huaxin 2 immediately, and buy the high-end version of Huaxin 2 if you want to sell iron."

  Jiang Liuyu began to announce the overseas price of Huaxin 2.

  "The overseas mobile phone of Huaxin 2. The ordinary version of Huaxin 2 is 2 yuan, and the high version of Huaxin 999 is [-] yuan."

  The price is still an increase of 1 meters on the basis of Huaxin [-], which is completely acceptable to people all over the world.

  People from all over the world even think that the price of Huaxin 2 is more than [-] yuan. Unexpectedly, the final price still does not exceed [-] yuan. This price is really too cheap.

  In the end, Jiang Liuyu announced that Huaxin 2 will be launched simultaneously worldwide on November 11.

  With this, the press conference ends.

  The press conference is over, but Huaxin 2 spreads faster.

  The press conference of Huaxin 2 spreads all over the world, and people all over the world know that the super excellent smartphone Huaxin 2 will be launched globally tomorrow.

  "My God, whether Huaxin 2 is so good, this is the four companies that completely beat Pingguo."

  "Huaxin 2 is launched, how about other mobile phones?"

  "Don't talk so much, go to the queue first, you must go to occupy the pit immediately, or you will definitely not be able to grab it tomorrow."

  "Come on, don't grab my first position, the first pit is mine."

  There was a long queue again at the entrance of Huaxin mobile phone store in 21 countries.

  The people of Longguo went to Taotao.com Huaxin mobile phone shop for the first time to see if they could make a reservation.

  Unfortunately, to their disappointment, the Huaxin mobile phone store on Taotao.com has not opened for reservations at all, and there is not even a product introduction for Huaxin 2.

  "This, this, why isn't the Huaxin mobile phone shop on Huaxin 2 at this time? Isn't it planning to sell it on Taotao.com?".

Chapter 336

  The people of Longguo thought about ordering Huaxin 2 on Taotao.com, but they saw that Huaxin 2 was not available in the Huaxin mobile phone shop on Taotao, so netizens were frying.

  "Why can't Taotao.com pre-order Huaxin 2, and there is no information on Huaxin 2 mobile phone. Is it possible that it is not sold in Longguo?"

  "How is it possible, the press conference stated that it would be on sale tomorrow, how could it not be sold in Longguo, if it is not sold in Longguo, Huaxin mobile phone will definitely be attacked by the people of the whole country, and Su Shen can't hold back."

  "How come there is no information about Huaxin 2 on Taotao.com?"

  "It probably hasn't been updated yet, wait, maybe it will be there later."

  "I have to go to work tomorrow. It's more convenient to buy online on Taotao. Dongfeng Express is also fast, not less than a day or two."

  "Huaxin mobile phone, hurry up and open the reservation on Taotao.com Huaxin mobile phone shop. The full amount of the reservation is fine. As long as you can buy the Huaxin 2, I will pay the full amount of the reservation immediately."

  "That's right, I have to buy it anyway. As long as I can buy Huaxin 2 with full payment, I will pay for the reservation in full without hesitation."

  "That's right, as long as you don't have to snap up, let alone the full amount, I'm willing to pay a little more for the handling fee, haha."

  "I'm willing to do it without free shipping. Don't talk about the handling fee, just wait, I'll definitely grab it. Now many people are waiting to buy Huaxin 2, and it's time to fight for the speed."

  "Haha, didn't you see that there are already queues abroad? The people abroad are so crazy, let alone the people of the Dragon Kingdom."

  "Really, foreign netizens have posted a lot of pictures, all of which are pictures of queuing in front of the Huaxin mobile phone store. It's only noon, and the sale will not start until tomorrow morning. The queue starts now. The charm of Huaxin 2 is really invincible."

  "Can we not be invincible? The price of Huaxin 2 is super cheap for developed countries. They don't worry about not having enough money to buy Huaxin 2. What they worry about is that they can't buy Huaxin 2."

  "That said, are we the people of Longguo short of money? It's only [-] yuan, and I can take it out in minutes."

  "That is, don't grow the ambition of others and destroy your own prestige. Now there are at least 2 million people in China who want to buy Huaxin [-]."

  "[-] million, less, at least [-] million, [-] million."

  "The Huaxin 2 is not only popular with young people, but also by successful people, especially those white-collar workers, who prefer to use Huaxin smartphones."

  "Nonsense, who doesn't like Huaxin smart phone, Huaxin smart phone is the most high-end mobile phone in the mobile phone industry, who doesn't like it?"

  "I think that Huaxin 2 can have a Supreme Edition on the high-end version, and there will definitely be many successful people who will buy the Supreme Edition."

  "That's right, some rich people just want to buy it the more expensive it is. The Huaxin 2 can be sold as a premium version for [-] yuan. Those rich and successful people absolutely love it."

  "Haha, do you think Su Shen would not have thought of this? Su Shen naturally has his own considerations not to launch the Supreme Edition. It is estimated that it will not be time yet, and Huaxin Mobile will definitely launch the Supreme Edition in the future."

  "Haha, that's not it, the three words Supreme Edition sound like a high-end atmosphere."

  After half a day, the Taotao.com Huaxin mobile phone shop still did not move, and netizens were anxious.

  "Why can't you make a reservation? If you can't make a reservation, forget it. There is no information about Huaxin 2. Huaxin mobile phone shop, are you on strike?"

  "It stands to reason that Taotao.com should have already helped Huaxin 2 to promote it. Even Pingguo has a homepage banner to recommend it. Huaxin 2 is a brother company of Taotao.com. How come there is no banner to recommend and promote?"

  "Don't talk about Taotao.com's publicity, there is no movement in the Huaxin mobile phone shop. It's really anxious."

  "I'm in a hurry too. It's six o'clock now. If it's too late, I'm probably going to bed."

  "Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to bed early and wake up early to stay healthy, and booking Huaxin 2 should be reserved for us night owls."

  "Because of what you said, I hope that the reservation of Huaxin 2 will be made later. It is best not to let the reservation, so that I will have a better chance to snap up the Huaxin 2 tomorrow."

  "If you want to fart, I will go to Su Shen's Weibo and ask Su Shen now."

  "That's right, let's go together, we must blow up God Su."

  "God Su must be blown up to give everyone an answer."

  In an instant, netizens moved their positions to Su Hao's Weibo.

  Su Hao's Weibo was instantly replaced with a new comment.

  "Shen Su, when will Huaxin 2 be available for pre-order, I've been waiting for most of the day."

  "Shen Su, Huaxin 2 is sold on No Taotao. I'm so impatient to wait."

  "Shen Su, I have all the money ready, just waiting for the full payment to be booked."

  "Shen Su, hurry up and announce it. If you don't announce it again, I won't be able to eat or sleep."

  "Yes, God Su, let's announce it quickly. In order to let everyone sleep peacefully tonight, let's announce it quickly."

  Su Hao's Weibo was completely engulfed, and this topic rushed directly to the hot search.

  More than [-] million netizens bombed Su Hao's Weibo, and it's hard to think of such a large amount of traffic that it is not a hot search.

  All the stars are envious when they see that Su Hao is easily sent to the hot search by netizens.

  Su Hao is on the hot search every three or five years. It would be great if they could be like Su Hao.

  No, they don't want to be on the hot search every three or five times like Su Hao, they will be satisfied once or twice a month.

  If Weibo hot searches can be bought with money, most celebrities will spend money to buy hot searches without hesitation.It's a pity that Su Hao doesn't allow this kind of operation at all.

  Want to be on the hot search, okay?By strength.

  If you don't have strength, then continue to work hard. If you want to use money to buy Weibo hot searches, you don't have to think about it in your life.

  Su Hao returned to Villa No. 20 at [-] p.m. only to find out that netizens bombed his Weibo again.

  Du Ruomeng saw Su Hao coming home and immediately reported the incident on Weibo, "Su Hao, your Weibo has exploded again."

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