Su Hao asked casually, "What's the reason for this time?"

  Du Ruomeng said: "Everyone is asking why we can't book Huaxin 2 on"

  Su Hao asked, "Why, didn't the press conference say this?"

  Du Ruomeng: "I didn't say it. I watched the press conference. Manager Jiang didn't say it. Didn't you watch the press conference?"

  Su Hao said: "I'm concentrating on developing the 4G network, so I don't have time to look at it."

  Su Hao immediately called Jiang Liuyu.

  "Manager Jiang, didn't you announce the sales channel of Huaxin 2?"

  Jiang Liuyu said: "Mr. Su, you asked to announce it tomorrow."

  Su Hao realized later, "Well, I've been busy with research recently, and I forgot. You can make an announcement on the official website of Huaxin Mobile, saying that Huaxin 2 is not sold on Taotao, but only in Huaxin Telecom stores."

  Jiang Liuyu asked, "Announce it now?"

  Su Hao said: "Well, netizens are bombarding my Weibo, no wait, let's announce it now."

  Jiang Liuyu: "Okay, President Su."

  Du Ruomeng saw that Su Hao finished the call, and asked curiously, "Su Hao, why did you announce that Huaxin 2 will be sold in Huaxin Communication stores tomorrow?"

  Zhou Xue and several women are also very curious about this question.

  Su Hao said: "I don't want to line up for the night shift of the National People's Congress, can't I sleep well at night?"

  The girls suddenly realized when they heard Su Hao's answer.

  "Then you'd better post a Weibo and tell everyone not to line up, or someone will definitely line up." Yuan Xuefei reminded.

  Su Hao nodded lightly.

  "I have to post a Weibo."

  Su Hao logged into Weibo and quickly posted a Weibo.

  Huaxin 2 is only sold in Huaxin Telecom stores, and the stock is sufficient. Don't go to the queue in the middle of the night silly.

  At the same time, the official website of Huaxin Mobile also issued an announcement.

  Netizens suddenly realized when they saw Su Hao's Weibo and the announcement on the official website of Huaxin Mobile.

  It turns out that Huaxin 2 is not sold on Taotao, but only offline.

  "Shen Su, are you sure you have enough stock? Tell me how much stock you have, and if there are [-] million, I won't line up if you have [-] million."

  "2 million is not enough, how can [-] million CEFC [-] in the world be enough?"

  "Even if there are [-] million stocks, at least [-] million will be awarded abroad. Besides, it is impossible to have [-] million stocks, right?"

  "It's not sold on Taotao. I have to go to work tomorrow, so it will take me a long time to buy Huaxin 2."

  "The first batch of Huaxin 2 was robbed. If the next batch is the same as Huaxin 1, it will be a month later. It's only a month, and it won't take long. Go to work and continue to use Huaxin 1. It's also good."

  "That is, go to bed honestly, and then go to work tomorrow. Su Shen said that the stock is sufficient, don't worry, it will not be too late to buy after get off work."

  "I believe your evil, don't care, ask for leave tomorrow."

  "Haha, keep on blowing, I have already brought my equipment to the door of the Huaxin Communication store."

  "Haha, I'm going to leave and arrive at the door of the Huaxin Communication store in five minutes."

  "Nima, why are you so fast, you don't believe in God Su, God Su said, don't go to line up stupidly, you still go to line up, you don't believe in God Su, you can't do it."

  "That's right, you don't believe what Su Shen said. You don't want it. Don't say so much. The brother who has already set off upstairs remember to help me take a seat. I'll be there soon."

  "Haha, you guys, I'm really convinced, Su Shen said that the stock is sufficient, why don't you believe it, and you are stupid to queue up, really stupid."

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  "I finally understand why the Huaxin mobile phone has not been announced where it will be sold. This is because we are afraid that we will queue up. Are we making trouble for ourselves? Will the Huaxin mobile phone be announced tomorrow? Instead, I will force Su Shen. , it’s alright now, those who don’t have to go to work tomorrow must queue up early, how can we beat them.”

  "I believe Su Shen. Since Su Shen said that the stock is sufficient, then there must be sufficient stock. I will buy it after get off work tomorrow, haha."

  "That's right, there's nothing wrong with Xinsu God getting eternal life, haha."

  "Xiao Mao, I've already arrived at the Huaxin Telecom store, Nima, I'm not the first to arrive so soon, you guys are too thieves."

  "I'm going, you guys are really insidious. You say you believe in Su Shen, but you're actually going to the Huaxin Telecom store. It's really insidious."

  Half an hour after Su Hao posted on Weibo, the doors of Huaxin Communication stores across the country have been occupied by young people.

  The pictures of all the queuing on the Internet are comparable to those in foreign countries.

  "Haha, occupy the first position, I will be able to use Huaxin 2 tomorrow, haha."

  "The kid is not talented, he only occupies the third position. Tomorrow, Huaxin 2 will definitely be available, haha."

  "Is there any need to buy a location? One hundred yuan for transfer."

  "One hundred yuan, I want it."

  "If you want to eat farts, a hundred yuan, go dream, I'll consider a thousand yuan."

  "Haha, come here. It's okay for everyone to be lively and lively. Tens of thousands of people should be able to buy Huaxin 2."


  "Yes, CEFC has about 2 or 2 stores across the country. According to Su Shen's statement, each store should have [-] units, at least [-] CEFC [-] units, so let's queue up. [-] people should be able to buy Huaxin [-]."

  "I'm really convinced. Someone started playing poker."

  "What is poker? Some mahjong tables have been moved from my place, and we can play mahjong directly on the spot."

  "There were people playing poker at the scene, and many of them started to join forces. After a long night, playing poker is indeed a good time to spend."

  There are long queues at the entrance of Huaxin Communication stores all over the place, and it is extremely lively and immediately rushed to the top of the hot search.

  Su Hao was speechless when he saw the news.

  Everyone said that the stock is sufficient, why don't you believe it.

  "Don't think about it, you said that they are all going to line up and can't be persuaded." Zhang Mengqi asked instead, "Is the Huaxin 2 stock really sufficient?"

  "It is conservatively estimated that the world's sales volume can be sold in hundreds of millions, so there is so much inventory?"

  Su Hao said: "You ask Ruo Meng, she knows better than me."

  Du Ruomeng smiled and said, "One hundred million in domestic inventory, and one hundred million in foreign countries."

  Su Hao: "It's only two hundred million, that's not enough."

  Du Ruomeng said: "It is not bad to have two hundred million. It is good that Huaxin 1 can stock two hundred million at the same time as the production of Huaxin 1 and Huaxin L2."

  "Apart from you, who would dare to stock up [-] million yuan? Other companies don't have as much capital to stock up [-] million yuan."

  Su Hao said: "Huaxin 2 is not afraid of not being able to sell. At this stage, Huaxin's smart phone has no rivals at all, and it is not worried about not being able to sell."

  Du Ruomeng said, "If it wasn't like this, who would agree to stock up [-] million for you?"

  "One hundred million is definitely not enough to satisfy the domestic market, but it's good to have so many, at least better than Huaxin 1."

  This night, the Internet in various countries around the world was extremely lively, and they were all discussing things related to Huaxin 2.

  The young people queuing all over the world have been lively all night, and they don't feel that the queue is tormented at all. On the contrary, many people have made many new friends because of this.

  Some people even found girlfriends while queuing up, making the line to buy Huaxin smartphones even more legendary.

  11 month 5 number.

  At eight o'clock in the morning, Huaxin Communication stores all over Longguo opened on time.

  The employees of Huaxin Communication stores all over the country go to work one hour earlier.

  There are so many people at the door, and if you don't go early, you probably won't be able to open the door on time.

  Knowing that they were employees of CEFC, everyone took the initiative to give up a channel for CEFC employees to open the door.

  "Haha, it's finally here, Huaxin 2, here I come."

  On this day, the Longguo Huaxin communication store and the Huaxin mobile phone stores around the world are running at high speed until all the mobile phones are sold out.

  The 2 million units of Long Kingdom, [-] million units from abroad, and a total of [-] million units of Huaxin [-] were all sold out, and there was not one left.

  At ten o'clock in the evening, Huaxin Mobile's official website issued an announcement announcing the super good news of [-] million sales.

  In an instant, people all over the world were stunned.Ten thousand.

Chapter 337

  Huaxin Mobile has generously announced the sales volume of Huaxin 2 billion. People all over the world are shocked when they see this announcement.

  "My God, [-] million sales, what is this concept, please allow me to slow down?"

  "At this moment, I just want to roar, it's really cool, Huaxin mobile phone is really cool."

  "The whole world is queuing up to buy Huaxin 2. I guess the sales volume of Huaxin 2 will be very explosive on the first day, but I didn't expect it to be such an explosion, [-] million, my God, this is not sales, this is It's the number of sales, and I can't believe it's true."

  "You must know that there are some reasons why some stores are sold out as soon as they arrive at night. If the supply is sufficient, the sales of Huaxin 2 will be higher on the first day."

  "2 million is all the inventory of Huaxin [-], and it was sold out in one day. It's too scary. It's really scary."

  "Let me take it easy, I will calculate the sales."

  "Dragon Kingdom's [-] million copies, I count the normal version and the high-end version at [-], so the normal version is [-] million copies, and the high-end version is [-] million copies.

  The price of the normal version of Huaxin 2 is 3999, and the sales volume of [-] million units is [-] billion yuan.

  The price of the high-end version of Huaxin 2 is 5999, and the sales of [-] million units is [-] billion yuan.

  The total sales of Huaxin 2 mobile phone in Longguo is [-] billion yuan.

  [-] million foreign units are also counted on June [-]th.

  The foreign ordinary version is 799 meters, and the sales of [-] million units is [-] billion meters.

  The foreign ordinary version is 999 meters, and the sales volume of [-] million units is [-] billion meters.

  The total sales of Huaxin 2 mobile phones abroad is [-] billion yuan.

six seven seven

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