Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1188: One thousand two hundred zero one

Wei Panyang also has a deep memory of this memory. The second when Shi Ran saw Fang Yinglong, he suddenly changed his face with a scream and shouted, "He is going to die." At that time, Fang Yinglong was so angry that he and Jin Ming were angry. I thought Shi Ran was crazy, but I didn't expect that what Shi Ran said was true.

Wei Panyang can be said to be very emotional, regretful and panic.

Xiao Ningjin's face is more complicated.

Chi Shuyan had a thought in her heart. No wonder he saw Shi Ran for the first time. His expression was very different from other people. He did know a lot. As for seeing the ghost, I don’t know if it was him. Fortunately or unfortunately.

In the previous life in the Celestial School, she had also seen one or two eyes with yin and yang, but they were not born, but forced to open the day after tomorrow, and Shi Ran in front of him opened this yin-yang eye accidentally, but it was a natural yin-yang eye.

People who are born with yin and yang eyes are naturally jealous of yin qi, and are very easy to attract things in that respect, because the body is too yin qi, it is very difficult to feed, and it is very easy to die.

Chi Shu Yan Yun suddenly grasped Shi Ran's shoulder and looked at it.

Shi Ran was shocked, and the other two were also shocked. Chi Shu's face calmly told him to stay still and continue to investigate.

Compared with Shi Ran, Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang were more at ease with Chi Shuyan, and immediately made Shi Ran calm and calm when they heard her words.

After waiting for Shuyan to explore, she found that Shi Ran's body was too yin qi, almost all yin qi, this kind of physique did not provoke those things, and those things would actively provoke them, but what made her strange is that this time The thing is the first time Shi Ran met?

Chi Shuyan asked the question.

Shi Ran put the solemn expression of Master Chi in front of her eyes, and when she heard her question, her expression was a little stunned, and Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang were also a little stunned.

Shi Ran quickly replied: "This is the first time!"

But Shi Ran quickly remembered something, and suddenly took out a jade Buddha Maitreya from his neck, but when he wanted to take over the Maitreya Buddha he had brought up since childhood, he realized that there was a jade Buddha on his neck.

Shi Ran's expression was a bit stunned, Chi Shuyan glanced at it but knew that another jade medal was given to Wei Panyang. For a few moments when she gave the jade medal to Wei Panyang, she did not ignore the unconscious Shi Ran.

It was Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang who quickly explained to Shi Ran that this jade medal was bought by Master Tong Chi, and they put it on him when he was in a coma, but he had to pay the money by himself, 30 million. It's especially useful and good things to keep away evil spirits.

Shi Ran also trusts the master Chi in front of him very much. He didn't say anything about the 30 million jade medals. He nodded and took off the other jade medal Maitreya Buddha from his neck, and said, "This jade was when I was a kid. My grandfather gave it to me. My parents never let me take it off since I was a child. When I was young, I don’t remember anything else. I just remember that my grandpa once told me that I could not take it off!"

Chi Shuyan took the jade, and found that the jade was about to be broken into two quickly with a crack, and there was a warmth on the surface, and there was a trace of spiritual energy hidden in it. It also set up an array of evil spirits. No wonder it has been used for so many years. Of course, he can live safely and intact until now, and it has only now provoke evil.

On the one hand, that ghost is too strong, on the other hand, Shi Ran is too unlucky, so it is destined to be a disaster.

Chi Shuyan didn't hide it, telling him about the jade one by one, and his physique one by one: "If I guessed right, the reason why you can see the ghost suddenly is because you undoubtedly opened it up. Your yin and yang eyes. Those born with yin and yang eyes are born celestial masters!"

As soon as these words fell, several boys including Shi Ran himself were shocked. Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang even stared wide-eyed and stunned. Qi Qi looked at Shi Ran with envy and envy. .

Although the two of them didn’t understand the line of celestial masters, they also vaguely knew what'yin and yang eyes' were, and only listened to Master Chi continuing to calmly speak: "Of course, you are not really opening the yin and yang eyes, but you can see some levels. Gao Goblin, if Shi Ran really opens the Yin and Yang eyes, he will not only be able to see the water demon."

Shi Ran shuddered fiercely. Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang were very envious of Shi Ran's yin and yang eyes at first. In a blink of an eye, they heard Master Chi's words, and their faces changed suddenly, especially Wei Panyang. I wish that Shi Ran's yin and yang eyes belonged to him, but now he shook his head quickly, he was afraid to see a ghost, if he could see all kinds of ghosts every day, would he still live.

This golden finger is for Shi Ran himself, he doesn't want it at all!

Shi Ran and Wei Pan Yang and Xiao Ningjin's expressions were similar, and their faces were very pale. He shook his head and hurriedly grabbed Master Chi in front of him and said, "I don't want a teacher, and I don't want yin and yang eyes!" He didn't want to see ghosts every day. Master Chi, I really don't want any yin and yang eyes, can you re-seal the yin and yang eyes that I opened?"

Chi Shuyan sensed Shi Ran's excitement and said, "Don't worry, if you really want to block, you can of course block. Now you can't really open the eyes of Yin and Yang. Ordinary ghosts can't see it, but can see some levels. Gao is very powerful evil."

When Shi Ran heard this, he wanted to cry even more. He shook his head and said that he didn't want to see ghosts. When he thought of the most ghosts in general hospitals, Shi Ran shuddered severely.

Seeing this, Chi Shuyan had good luck and aura sealed his yin and yang eyes that he hadn't opened much, and next to Wei Panyang and Xiao Ningjin, only a golden light flashed on Shi Ran's forehead.

Chi Shuyan retracted his hand and said: "Okay, I will temporarily seal your Yin and Yang eyes again. You can come to me whenever you want to open it! Of course, if you are interested in the line of heavenly masters, I can let people accept you as a disciple."

Chi Shuyan is naturally reluctant to let go of such a good seedling of a celestial master. Of course, the most important thing is that she has always wanted to find her master since rebirth, but she has been unable to make room. In the previous life, she chanced to become her master’s apprentice. In this life, even if she wanted to take the initiative to become her master's apprentice, I am afraid her master would not agree.

Then she can only find a good seedling for her master for the time being, then she will talk about whether or not her master wants to accept disciples.

If Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang were very disgusted with Shi Ran’s yin and yang eyes and mourned for him, then now I heard Master Chi, the two of them are called envy, jealousy, and envy, especially when they think of Chi. The master's mysterious and powerful method.

Chi Shuyan saw that Shi Ran hesitated and couldn't make a decision, so he was not in a hurry. Let him think carefully before making a decision. As for the other jade medallion on her neck, if she doesn't want to provoke those things again, it's best not to leave this jade medallion.

"Yes, Master Chi, yes, Master Chi!"

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