Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1189: One thousand two hundred and two

In the afternoon, Chi Shuyan took everyone except Shi Ran, who had just woke up, to Swan Lake.

Jiang Duo drove, and the others sat in their seats. Jiang Duo drove off-road and had enough space. Everyone was in the same car.

Going there again, Wei Panyang, Xiong Luoying, Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin, and Chang Hao were no longer excited and heartless for the first time. When going to Swan Lake this time, all of them felt a little flustered and subconsciously thought. Wang Yu's death and that ghost always felt a little hairy in his heart, for fear of encountering something again.

After waiting for a few glances at Master Chi, who was sitting aside very calmly, several people felt a little at ease.

Wei Panyang, Xiong Luoying, and Chang Hao were really scared by the ghost this time. During the journey, the three of them had a lot of brain supplements. In the end, Xiong Luoying couldn't hold back and said, "Master Chi, then... what? There should be nothing else in Swan Lake apart from that ghost!"

"What's this?" Everyone heard what Xiong Luoying was referring to, and looked at Master Chi in the car in panic.

Chang Hao and Wei Panyang also self-regulated and comforted: "Yes, Master Chi, there shouldn't be many such things, right?"

Chi Shuyan put the nervous expressions of a few boys into his eyes and told the truth: "That's not necessarily!"

As soon as these words fell, the scared pupils of the few boys shrank, and Jiang Duo directly stepped on the brakes in shock, and Chi Shuyan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, calmly patted Jiang Duo's shoulder to let him drive calmly.

Jiang Duo held the steering wheel in a cold sweat, and slapped a spirit, hurriedly drove seriously. This driving is not a joke. If you are not careful, you don't want to be afraid of ghosts and die first. That is too wrong.

When Jiang Duo was driving seriously, he was still worried about what Master Chi said just now. He gritted his teeth and said: "Chi...Master Chi, were you kidding me just now? Haha, this joke is really funny!"

Chi Shuyan did not reply for a long time. In the end, Jiang Duo could only laugh by himself. When he saw Master Chi's serious and never joking face, not only Jiang Duo but everyone else couldn't help but want to cry.

Chi Shuyan was still kind, and it would be fine for them to bring the jade pendant she gave. As for what she said just now, she was telling the truth. She had never been to Swan Lake, and how did she know if there was any evil in that place.

Afterwards, because of this, several other boys who were originally interested in joking and joking kept silent in a daze.

Chi Shuyan looked at it and saw that some of the boys were so easily hit, a little helpless and a little funny, and took out the paper man.

As soon as the little paper man appeared, he jumped flexibly from the car window to introduce himself to everyone, shaking his head and shaking his head vividly: "Hello everyone, I am Shi Ran!"

As soon as this little paper man came out, except for Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang who had seen this little paper man before, they could calm down. When everyone saw this talking Shi Ran's little paper man, their eyes were almost startled. Staring out, his face was stunned and shocked.

Jiang Duo's excited voice was directly stuck, his eyes widened and he stammered: "This...what is this? Master Chi?"

"Yes...yes, this...what is this?" The voices of Xiong Luoying and Chang Hao were not calm.

"Calm down and drive! Look ahead and see the road! Don't get distracted!" Chi Shuyan reminded him.

Jiang Duo looked aggrieved, and saw several friends behind him starting to communicate with the little paper man under the gaze of Master Chi's approval, and a few reached out to make the little paper man jump on his palm. The little paper man was extremely obedient and immediately attracted. From everyone's sight, Jiang Duo was greedy, but it was a pity that he had to drive and he only dared to look through the rearview mirror.

Jiang Duo said that it was a grievance.

With the presence of the'Little Paper Man', the dullness before the change in the car's atmosphere became very lively. Chi Shuyan put the excitement expressions of the crowd in his eyes, and he was also relieved. He put his elbow on the car window and prepared to rest for a while. I also told Xiao Ningjin, the calmest person here, if you arrive at Swan Lake, don't forget to remind her.

Even though Xiao Ningjin and Pan Yang had seen this vivid "Little Paper Man" before, the two of them were still very excited at this time, and Xiao Ningjin quickly responded.

Chi Shuyan then closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the car to rest.

Chi Shuyan didn't know how long she had slept until she arrived in City Y. When she heard Xiao Ningjin's voice calling her, Chi Shuyan opened her eyes in confusion and looked out the window. It was already dark outside.

"Master Chi, it's already here!" The few Wei Panyang next to him thought that Xiao Ningjin didn't wake up Master Chi, so they shouted for help. Anyway, there is no Master Chi in this place, and he feels a little hairy no matter what he thinks.

Hearing Wei Panyang's relatively loud voices, Chi Shuyan was completely awake, and saw that no one got off the car. When did she change her seat next to her, and the lively little paper man was now Just falling in the palm of Jiang Duo's hand, Jiang Duo's expression was aroused.

Chi Shuyan stretched out his hand and shouted: "Close!"

The little paper man immediately jumped on Chi Shuyan's hand, his original vivid body lying on her palm with a piece of paper, looking closely, it looked like ordinary paper.

The boys looked very strange, Chi Shuyan raised his lips: "Since you are here, do business, you should have enough in the afternoon! Okay, get out of the car first!"

The few boys looked at each other and were a little embarrassed, but Xiao Ningjin said: "Master Chi, this is a hotel before Swan Lake. I think it's so late, I'm afraid I won't be able to return to Kyoto tonight!"

This time, the boys didn't want to find the most arrogant hotel, but found the nearest hotel near Swan Lake, not a hotel, but an inn.

Chi Shuyan was quite satisfied with Xiao Ningjin’s arrangement, and took another look at the time. It was already more than ten in the evening. It was indeed late. She decided to go to Swan Lake to explore first tonight, but she didn’t share a few boys. Said, nodded, and said: "Sure, live tonight, and talk about other things tomorrow!"

A group of people, including Xiao Ningjin, originally thought that Master Chi was going to go tonight, when they heard her words, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

During the day when they go to Swan Lake again, they all feel terrible, let alone so late, fortunately! fortunately!

Chi Shuyan took the lead to get out of the car, followed by Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang, and went into the inn. The inn outside was a bit shabby, but it was unique inside, with many customs here, Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang. It was also quite surprised.

A crowd of people registered at the front desk. Jiang Duo was waiting for Master Chi and the others to register first. He suddenly saw a young man with a robe and short hair coming down the stairs on the second floor. It was a fresh one. If he hadn't encountered a ghost before. Something, he might not help but lose a few words,'Smelly Taoist, pretend to be forced'.

But now, Jiang Duo thinks more about that maybe someone in front of him is as good as Master Chi. Of course, in Jiang Duo's mind, no one can compare to Master Chi.

Jiang Duo was really new and interested in seeing a few people wearing Taoist gowns. He couldn't help but look at it more. Speaking of it, the clothes of the other party was not a Taoist gown. Not only the leading young man, but the woman who followed him also wore this kind of clothes.

Jiang Duo was curious about the identities of the two, and couldn't help but elbow the next to him Wei Panyang, Wei Panyang has always been a silly character, when he moved him, his voice was loud, and everyone else looked at him. Xiang Jiang Duo.

"Don't look at me, look over there, there seem to be two strangely dressed people!" Jiang Duo, seeing that Master Chi also turned his head to look at him, blushed and said nervously.

Chi Shuyan and Xiao Ningjin followed Jiang Duo’s sight and they saw a man and a woman who came down from the second floor in unusual clothes. Compared with the curious look of Xiao Ningjin and Wei Panyang, Chi Shuyan looked at him. Seeing a man and a woman downstairs, his face suddenly became gloomy, especially when he clearly saw the appearance of the head man, his complexion was very ugly, and the temperature under his eyes gradually condensed into ice.

Chi Shuyan's mood was very vague, and the others didn't see anything wrong for a while. Wei Panyang couldn't help but gossiping and asked: "Master Chi, is there really any special and magical sect in this world?"

Wei Panyang's question simply asked everyone's most wanted question, his eyes gleaming, revealing twelve points of curiosity.

The man and woman who just came down there are some Taoist celestial masters who are very keen. It can be said that when Jiang Duo first glanced over, the two had already discovered it, but because the place was ordinary people, the two of them did not Seriously.

Just waiting for the crowd to keep their eyes on them, Zhao Junrong and He Minrou frowned, Zhao Junrong's emotions were more restrained, and the frowning behavior was very subtle. Compared with Zhao Junrong, He Minrou's expression on the side was impatient, and there was a sense of high and high peace. With disdain to sweep Xiao Ningjin, Chi Shuyan and the others, the beautiful faces that were originally aloft had a gentle expression: "Brother, we still have business, let's go!"

Zhao Junrong also had disdain deep in his eyes, but he maintained a gentle smile on his face. He looked at Xiao Ningjin and the crowd gently, and said warmly, "Brother, what's the matter?"

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