Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1318: one hundred twenty

When I went to the village chief with doubts, Chi Shuyan didn't expect to run into an acquaintance in this village. Who is this acquaintance who is not Ruan Shenglin whom I have met before?

They were the crew that people in the village said before?

There are quite a lot of people in the village chief at this time, and Chi Shuyan also found that the crew of this crew is quite a lot of people with good looks, worthy of the mixed entertainment industry.

However, a group of people came quickly and went quickly.

Originally, Ruan Shenglin frowned and planned to go together. After not taking a few steps, he found Master Chi, an acquaintance who had just entered the door. His eyes brightened, his eyes were very hot, and he stopped talking.

Ruan Shenglin didn’t want to talk to other actors. He wanted to go there first, but think about the director’s presence and the location of the village chief’s residence. You know, many of them come to the village to film. If it’s not for the benefits, this village The head of the village may not agree.

Ruan Shenglin is not easy to cause trouble, and temporarily follows the others out first.

When Ruan Shenglin went out, Chi Shuyan retracted his eyes, Feng Yuanlin saw something abnormal, and couldn't help but whispered: "What? Shu Yan, is that person an acquaintance?"

Speaking of which, Feng Yuanlin also thinks that the group of people just now have a lot of familiar faces, but thinking about their profession, Feng Yuanlin thinks that he might have watched their TV and movies, but he has nothing to do with entertainment stars. What interest, but it suddenly occurred to him that Zhenbai company has something to do in the entertainment industry. Just about to ask him, he suddenly remembered the character of the brother Zhenbai and a veritable big boss. It would be a ghost if you know those people!

Feng Yuanlin hurriedly shut up, Chi Shuyan whispered at this time: "I only know one, so I can barely count as an acquaintance! Feng brother, let's not talk about it!"

Feng Yuanlin nodded, and when he looked up, he saw an old man in his sixties with gray hair and a hunchback, but he was probably the head of this village.

The mayor of Dashan Village just received a group of people. At this moment, he received them without any unpleasantness on his face. On the contrary, he was kind and patient. He brought them tea and water, and asked them to sit down, asking where they were. People and people who came to live in the village for a few days asked ordinary questions.

Without going into the village's affairs, the village chief looked like a typical good old man, kind-looking, kind-eyed, and full of affinity, which made people feel very good. If he was an ordinary person, he would have liked the other party a long time ago and felt that the other party was a good person.

But Feng Yuanlin and his party, their profession is a policeman, how many people have been mixed together? The experience of the previous case tells them that letting you look good, no matter how good-looking you are, you may end up as the murderer, so a few people talk to each other, but they are very vigilant.

Qi Zhenbai was naturally keen and suspicious, his sharp eyes fell on the benevolent village chief in front of him for a short time, and he shrank his neck before moving away from his eyes.

After some conversation, Chi Shuyan also knew that the village chief’s surname was Pan, called Pan Dalei. He was the 16th village chief of Dashan Village. From a young age, he was in charge of the village chief directly. This village is neither poor nor rich. A village chief has always wanted to make the people in this village get rich, but the village is used to being closed, afraid that the villagers will not be used to it, and outsiders will break the tradition of the village, so the village head has always been taboo against strangers.

However, this is what the village chief Pan said. He told about the rules and regulations of the village, but he said in a good voice that they could live in peace of mind. If there is any unaccustomed to bear more on weekdays.

The tone is very friendly.

When other people were talking with this village chief Pan, Chi Shuyan’s eyes fell on the village chief Pan’s face. To be honest, she couldn’t see anything, and she couldn’t capture the subtle expression of the other person in her eyes. Judge whether the chief of Dashan Village is good or bad.

Chi Shuyan can only look at the faces of people, but from the aspect of face, this village head is indeed a good person, with wide forehead and good eyes, sincere and gentle eyes, which shows that this is a good person with a good character.

But when she looked at the qi of the village chief, she discovered that the village chief was surrounded by black qi and white qi. This was the first time she had seen this situation.

Of course, the black air and white air here are not catastrophes.

The qi she refers to is also human qi. There are several types of human qi, gold, white, gray, and black. Gold is a good person with merit, white is an ordinary person who has never had a human life, and gray is just before. She predicted that the little girl was killed in the wrong car. At that time, the driver who carried the little girl was full of anger. This showed that although this person had never killed anyone, he was in the middle of a thought. Maybe he would kill someone at some point. Such people are quite dangerous,

As for the whole body's qi if it is black, then it means that this person has a life in his hands. At this time, the black and white qi in the whole body of Dashan Village is very strange. Chi Shuyan frowned and racked his brains for a long time. I can't figure out what's going on.

Even if he couldn't figure it out for a while, Chi Shuyan no longer struggled, and looked back as calmly as possible. A few people sat for a while with the head of Dashan Village, answered some common questions, and got up and left.

The village chief of Dashan Village also sent them out specially, but he repeatedly told the rules and regulations of the village: "The people in our village are very simple and friendly. As long as you don’t violate the rules of our village, we welcome them for as long as you live. !"

After the instructions were over, the village head turned back to the living room.

Feng Yuanlin, Xiao Shan, and Wu Haoming stopped talking and wanted to ask Shuyan (Master Chi) if they had something to say, but this was not a good occasion until a few people had walked away.

Feng Yuanlin was sure that the village chief could not hear their voices, so he couldn't help but look at Shu Yan and asked, "Shu Yan, what do you think of this village chief?"

Although Chi Shuyan could not see through the black and white air surrounding the chief of the Dashan Village, she was certain that the chief of the Dashan Village had been killed. She was about to speak, and Ruan Shenglin's anxious and agitated voice came not far away. : "Master Chi, is that you?"

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