Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1319: One hundred twenty-one

Ruan Shenglin's voice came, and the attention of Feng Yuanlin's group immediately fell on his face. At first glance, they were very familiar, but they didn't recognize who it was.

Qi Zhenbai's eyes were even more plain, but when the other man's scorching gaze fell on his wife, there was a trace of vigilance and cold light in his eyes.

Or Wu Haoming recognized the person first, and suddenly exclaimed: "Emperor Ruan?"

Although Wu Haoming doesn’t admire any celebrities, he has seen a lot of movies. Most of them are those he watched with his girlfriends from the previous few times. This is not the only way to recognize people. As far as he knows, the other party is still a very famous actor. , I didn't expect to know Master Chi.

It really deserves to be Master Chi.

Wu Haoming exclaimed. Xiao Shan and Feng Yuanlin also thought of some TV movies they had watched. When they recognized the identity of the other party, their eyes were rather strange.

When the two were surprised for a moment, the other party hurried in, shouting in a very enthusiastic tone: "Master Chi, I didn't expect us to be so destined, you are also in this village!"

Ruan Shenglin was really surprised. He didn't expect such a coincidence. Thinking about what happened at home, he was still a little worried. He didn't plan to come so soon, but he couldn't come as the lead actor, and the crew would cost a lot of money.

Although Ruan Shenglin is very famous, he never plays a big name. In addition, because of the exposure last night, if he does not come, there will be more rumors and negative news, so he has to come here with a low profile.

However, he was always worried about his wife. Before he came, he had thought about bringing Tongtong together, and he was afraid that she would not be used to life in the village.

Ruan Shenglin felt that if this Master Chi stayed in the village all the time, maybe he could really bring his wife over. Although Tongtong changed his residence, what happened in the house before did not say that she was a woman but he was a big man. Whenever I think of it, my heart is throbbing, my heart is chilling, and my heart is terrified, so Ruan Shenglin can’t wait to ask again: "Master Chi, why are you in this village? How many days are you planning to stay?"

When Ruan Shenglin asked this, his eyes were really hot, and the bystander Feng Yuanlin couldn't help but think more, let alone Qi Zhenbai beside him.

A man with a strong aura, standing in a high position, staring at each other with cold light, Ruan Shenglin originally had a lot of words, he was shocked by the cold eyes of the tall and cold man in front of his back. Blocked in the throat, unable to hold a word.

However, although he didn't speak, his eyes were still a little surprised, and he wanted to look carefully at the powerful man in front of him, but he didn't have the guts.

Ruan Shenglin was also shocked in his heart. After so many years of debut, he still fears the other person because of his eyes and momentum. This is really strange to him.

But on the other hand, Ruan Shenglin was also sure that the man in front of him with a sense of presence and coldness was really extraordinary. He had never seen a man who could crush people with his aura, and the other party might have a close relationship with the master Chi in front of him.

Ruan Shenglin couldn't help but tremble and numb his scalp when he was stared at by the opponent's eyes and vigor. Fortunately, Wu Haoming spoke for him at this time: "Emperor Ruan, it's a coincidence, I didn't expect it to be you! By the way, you are especially good for Miss Xu!"

Because I have watched several movies of the film emperor Ruan, the other party’s acting skills are really good. Wu Haoming also knows a little about the film emperor Ruan in front of him, including that he is married. Wu Haoming is a sensible fan, but he still can’t stop the urge to sign. I couldn't help but said: "Emperor Ruan, when will you be free to sign for me?"

Ruan Shenglin was sure that after waiting for the other guy in front of him to finish speaking with him, the particularly powerful man just now looked away from him and didn’t pay attention to him. He sighed with great relief. It just so happened that he really wanted to talk to him again. Master Chi caught up with the relationship. The young man in front of him said that it was timely rain. Ruan Shenglin immediately agreed: "Anytime, yes, if you are interested in filming, you can also go to our crew to sit and see!"

In fact, Ruan Shenglin still wants Master Chi to go to their crew. The crew usually asks for blessing in order to make the filming go smoothly before the filming starts.

He felt that it would be better to burn incense and worship Buddha to ask for blessing than to let a master who has a real learning look at it in the past to be real and useful. This is his selfishness.

And since he knew that there are no wonders in this world, now he is particularly worried every time he goes to a strange and desolate place, for fear of encountering some strange things.

This has become his psychological shadow.

Wu Haoming didn't expect this movie emperor Ruan to be so talkative. They could still go to the crew to check it out. Don’t say Wu Haoming at this moment, but Xiao Shan and Feng Yuanlin are a little excited. Several people are not interested in the entertainment industry but they are quite curious. How are they filming these actors?

Without waiting for his boss to stop him, Xiao Shan also knew that the actor in front of him was probably looking at Master Chi. He immediately looked at her and said: "Big..." For a while, I don't know what to call, so let's call the name of the master and worry about it. Looking at Mr. Qi, whose expression was always stern, Xiao Shan finally had to ignore the title, and hurriedly looked at Master Chi beside him and said, "What do you think? Master, when should we go to see how these actors make the film?"

As soon as Xiaoshan's words fell, Wu Haoming immediately agreed. Feng Yuanlin looked at his two subordinates, only to feel shameless, and his heart was a little moved. Chi Shuyan saw a little bit and responded with a little smile: "Sure, if so. When we are free, we will definitely go over and see!"

Ruan Shenglin's eyes lit up, and he didn't let this opportunity pass and immediately said, "Master Chi, it's better to hit the sun this day. Why don't you go and see it now? Or are you doing something?"

As soon as Ruan Shenglin finished speaking, Wu Haoming was excited to agree and immediately said: "Yeah, Yingdi Ruan is right. It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day, then go and see now!"

Xiao Shan also looked at Chi Shuyan immediately, and then at his boss. As for the President Qi, he didn't dare to look at people's faces at all.

Feng Yuanlin thought about it for a while. It wouldn't be particularly against the peace when they just asked them to take the opportunity to stroll around in this village. Before answering, Feng Yuanlin still respected Shu Yan.

Except for Qi Zhenbai, the faces of several people, including Brother Feng, who are curious and want to go, shouldn’t be too obvious. Chi Shu’s face is not very disappointing. By the way, it is indeed possible to take this opportunity to stroll around this village. Shu Yan nodded: "Sure, then trouble!"

Ruan Shenglin waved his hand quickly. He didn't get a reply just now, and couldn't help asking: "How long does Master Chi plan to stay in the village? Why did you come here suddenly? Is it to relax?"

Chi Shuyan put the cautious gaze of the King Ruan beside him into his eyes, saying that today this one has received a lot of stimulation, and she is too lazy to stimulate people anymore, not to mention the various secrets hidden in the village have not been solved for a day. , She didn't say much so as not to startle the snake, so she found a plain excuse to perfuse the other side as she walked and said: "The scenery in this village is good, I plan to live more days."

Hearing this, Ruan Shenglin was extremely pleasantly surprised. He almost ignored everyone except Master Chi, and immediately nodded in agreement: "Master Chi said that the scenery in this village is really good. It would be nice to live longer." After a meal, Ruan Shenglin couldn't help asking her where she lived. He was about to wait to determine where the master lived. He immediately settled his wife next to the master’s residence. He also took this opportunity to let Tongtong relax, otherwise Tongtong would always think about the villa. What happened, he was really worried about what happened to her.

Chi Shuyan talked about the places where Wu Haoming lived. The village was a bit weird. Naturally, the closer the acquaintances live, the better.

Ruan Shenglin's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he planned to arrange his and his wife's residence near the master in a while.

Qi Zhenbai has always been cold to outsiders and seldom speaks, but this time, seeing a man surnamed Ruan has been paying attention to his daughter-in-law, his eyes are covered with layers of coldness, and the temperature of his body has plummeted, which can almost freeze people to death. As Zhenbai's best brother, Feng Yuanlin doesn't need to think too much, just look at his expression to know what he thinks.

As a bystander, he felt that this married actor Ruan should not be interesting to Shu Yan, especially the other party’s courteous appearance, wait, actor Ruan?

Feng Yuanlin finally understands why this actor Ruan is so familiar. Isn't it the actor Ruan who has seen a few movies before and has a very good reputation and excellent acting skills?

Shuyan also told him about the Ruan family and the Buddha statue this morning. At this moment, Feng Yuanlin finally understood why the King Ruan was so diligent and careful with Shuyan.

Thinking of what happened to Ruan's family, Feng Yuanlin didn't know whether he should be feeling the bad luck of King Ruan or something else? Not to mention that it was his ex-girlfriend Qin Qing that gave the Ruan family the Buddha statue. When thinking of this, Feng Yuanlin's whole person was a little bad. Seeing that the Yingdi Ruan looked more and more sympathetic, he shot Zhenbai. He whispered on the shoulder: "I know this movie emperor Ruan. He is indeed married. It is impossible to like Shuyan. I have recently encountered an accident. I just met Shuyan for help. This is not particularly appreciated!" So brother, don't Think more!

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