Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1320: One hundred and twenty two

I don’t know if Feng Yuanlin’s words worked afterwards. All the way to the crew, the atmosphere was very good. Although Qi Zhenbai had a cold expression on his face, he did not give people any air conditioning. Feng Yuanlin did a few. With a sigh of relief, Ruan Shenglin was also relieved.

The village is big or small, and it’s not too small to say it’s small. It took about ten minutes to get to the crew. The crew chose a mountainous area in a mountain village. It’s really nice that there are mountains and rivers around it. I’m afraid that outsiders will come in. They were also surrounded by a cordon, and there were people watching them.

The identity of Ruan Shenglin was placed here, so they went in as a group, and went straight in. As soon as a few people entered, they saw a bunch of people busy with the table, and there was a handful of incense and a Buddha statue on the table.

Chi Shuyan and his party waited to make sure that the Buddha statue on the table was not the black Buddha statue they had seen before. They were relieved, but they were curious.

Ruan Shenglin was just about to explain that the director over there sent someone over to prepare him for the worship. Before the person who informed him left, he looked at Chi Shuyan and his party in confusion, but Ruan Shenglin was on the side, and the people who informed him were not speaking much. What, hesitate to talk.

Ruan Shenglin responded to the person who made the announcement and did not rush over. Chong Chi Shuyan and the group patiently explained that this was their habit of filming. Before the filming, in order to make the filming smoothly, they were used to worship together.

What Ruan Shenglin didn’t say was that he didn’t believe or think much before, but now that he has to think and believe more after experiencing the family’s affairs, he wants to directly ask Master Chi what his opinion is, but he is afraid of the director and the crowd. The actors do not believe this.

Think about his previous mentality, if it weren’t the absurd and weird things he had seen with his own eyes, how could he believe it? Besides, the sovereignty of this play is not in his hands, but in the hands of the director, so he is not in a hurry to bring people to it. In front of the director, he made up his mind when he should let the director get to know Master Chi, by the way, let people take a good look.

Chi Shuyan didn't know the other party's thoughts, and happened to see someone arguing not far away. Ruan Shenglin also found that there was Director Wang among the arguing.

I had to find an excuse to go there, but before Ruan Shenglin passed, Yang Kun, who was Ruan Shenglin's agent, came over to talk about it first.

It turns out that the village also believes in Buddha, but the Buddha statues they believe in are different. The people in the village knew that they came to worship. The people sent by the village chief looked at them and found that they were not worshiping the Buddha statue they worshiped, and they strongly opposed it. , Which means that if they want to film and worship in their village, they must worship the Buddha statues in their village.

This is not a big deal, but the hard-line behavior of the villagers is quite disgusting.

Fearing that the matter would be a big deal, Director Wang had agreed. They happened to be very close to the temple. People in this village said that they could bring Buddha statues and let them worship.

In fact, Yang Kun felt that the village was strange. He said that the temple could not allow outsiders to enter, and the trusted Buddha statues insisted on allowing them to worship.

In the end, Yang Kun can only be blamed on the fact that some villages do have village rules and habits, and it is better to adapt to some.

Just after Yang Kun finished speaking, his eyes were sharp. Among the few people, he saw Master Chi first. I didn't expect Sheng Lin to bring Master Chi to him?

Just like Ruan Shenglin first saw people, Yang Kun was more excited and excited than Ruan Shenglin at this time. Just as he was about to say hello, some people hurriedly knew: "The Buddha statue has been brought over, and everyone is ready to come and worship."

Yang Kun had to withdraw his gaze, not forgetting to greet him before leaving, his tone of voice was very good: "Master Chi, you sit first, we will come right after the worship!"

When Yang Kun and Ruan Shenglin left, Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan were very curious about this King Ruan’s respect for Master Chi, but they also guessed something. Wu Haoming couldn’t help saying, “Rather than worship the Buddha statue, It's better to come over and ask..." After speaking, he looked at Mr. Qi, who was calm, and changed his words: "It's better to ask Miss Chi directly about Feng Shui."

Chi Shuyan pursed his lips and smiled without concealing it and said: "I only know one or two about Feng Shui. It's not what I am good at. I really can't help much."

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming, including Feng Yuanlin, all have strange faces. Didn't you expect that Shuyan (Master Chi) is not good at it?

Seeing a few people with an improbable look, Chi Shuyan couldn't help but smile, Qi Zhenbai's eyes fell on her face and he was a bit hot, and he kept staring at her. Chi Shuyan was not blind. Not seeing the burning gaze of the man next to him, he quickly narrowed his smile back and stood far away to join in the worship of the crew.

Just waiting for a few village names to lift a bottle of two large black Buddha statues on the table. The features of the black Buddha statue are very familiar, but the body is too large, and there is no mercy on the Buddha statue, a huge Buddha hand. Standing abruptly in front of the Buddha statue, the facial features revealed a strange weirdness. The first glance made people unconsciously flustered and permeated. Chi Shuyan unconsciously sank his face, his complexion a bit solemn.

If Chi Shuyan’s face was solemn, then Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun, who had seen this black Buddha statue, immediately saw the extremely familiar Buddha statue on the table, and they were so frightened that they did not faint.

Director Wang first discovered Ruan Shenglin's pale face, and thought what was wrong with his body? Director Wang and Ruan Shenglin had a long-term friendship. Although he wanted him to rest first, the first day of the crew’s worship was very important. He had to pat him on the shoulder and let the others worship together. After the worship was over, Director Wang couldn't help asking, "What's the matter? Sheng Lin, something?"

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