Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1325: One hundred twenty seven

Brother Feng couldn't take a few days off if he had something to do. Naturally, he had to leave first and leave after three o'clock in the afternoon.

What Chi Shuyan was curious about was that the man who thought he would leave Qi Zhenbai if he was busy with something, decided to stay uncharacteristically.

Feng Yuanlin knew that Shuyan would stay, and he was not surprised that Zhenbai stayed. Before leaving, he patted his brother on the shoulder to signal him to do more.

Qi Zhenbo didn't need to say more than Feng Yuanlin, he knew it well.

After Feng Yuanlin left, Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming remembered that the two of them had not yet figured out about the closure of the bureau. They wanted to ask for more information, but their boss had already left the village.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming did not dare to ask Mr. Qi in front of him, but directly asked Chi Shuyan: "Chi...sister-in-law, what is going on with being blocked by the green? Could the woman surname Qin really do it? Sorry about our closure?"

When I thought that Qin Qing's woman might be green, Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming burst into flames in their hearts, and they couldn't get angry. They really wanted to be so, they just called the woman's sister-in-law named Qin.

Chi Shuyan didn’t have time and didn’t want to talk to Brother Feng about the private affairs of his being Lulu. How could this kind of thing sound bad for Brother Feng, but she did not deny Qin Qing’s derailment with her lips pressed. The woman took advantage and said: "This is indeed true, but you want to know the details and ask Brother Feng later! As for Brother Feng, it is his power to say or not."

After spitting out these words, Chi Shuyan asked the two boys to stay here and don't walk around. She went out and walked around the village.

When Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan learned the truth, they were shocked again. Their heads went blank again. When they thought of calling the sister-in-law to a woman surnamed Qin just now, they couldn't regret it, and that woman had clearly cheated on it. Have a face to answer their sister-in-law? This cheeky was an eye-opener for them. After they made up their minds, the woman surnamed Qin took the initiative to greet them and just ignored them.

Fortunately, the surname Qin is a woman. If it were a man, both of them couldn't help but want to teach others a lesson!

At first, after they knew about the closure of the game, they thought that it was a pity that they felt that their girlfriends were pretty good, and that it was a pity that they had broken up. Now that they know the truth, Wu Haoming and Xiao Shan are only wronged and wise for their own closure.

This kind of unbearable woman is better to separate early. If you really want to get married, then you will wear a green hat, or if you will have a child, you will find that it is another man's. It is really possible for you to die, Xiaoshan Both Wu Haoming vomited blood for the closure of the game!

Better to break up! Good break up!

When the time comes, it would be better to find a girlfriend who is so reliable and capable of Master Chi!

Chi Shuyan didn’t know that what she had confirmed had made Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming both brainstorming. At the moment, she was about to take advantage of her free time to wander around the village. What she wanted most was the temple that the village worshipped. You can't go in, you can see it from a distance.

It’s just that someone has been following. Chi Shuyan deliberately pretended not to see people or directly treated people as transparent people. The tall man next to him didn't say much, and kept following.

Chi Shuyan glanced sideways, and saw that the other party had been following quietly, saying very little, not much to say, but although this man was taciturn, his sense of presence was not weak at all, she would not be able to ignore people.

In addition, they are tall and good-looking, and occasionally meet a few villagers. From time to time, they look at the man next to him curiously. At first, Chi Shuyan tried to make a few words with this villager through the popularity of the man next to him. Then, set out some news.

It’s just that these villagers greet people with enthusiasm, but as soon as the village is hidden, everyone in the village seems to have reached a consensus. All of them were silent, and immediately became extraordinarily alert and alienated. Chi Shuyan even saw it in their eyes. A bit of veiled hostility, trying to ask them some news is harder than going to heaven.

Chi Shuyan stared at the backs of the few villagers who had left without saying a word. Suddenly, there was a low and familiar male voice beside him: "Instead of sending out information with these villagers, it is better to use the relationship between Xiaoshan and Wu Haoming. The few villagers they have made a good relationship with. Don't worry about this, you can leave it to me!"

Chi Shuyan was taken aback for a moment, and then he gave the man next to him a little attention. As soon as he was not paying attention to the other party, Chi Shuyan looked at the familiar and extremely cold face in front of him, and his eyes were involuntarily startled.

The face was still so familiar, she thought she had forgotten it.

The red sunset glow of Xia was somewhat sprinkled on the man's tough and determined silhouette. Without waiting for her to think about it, she subconsciously expressed trust in the very familiar man next to her.

Before long, Chi Shuyan immediately pinched out the little dependence and trust that had just risen in his heart, his eyes returned to calm, and nodded: "Sure!"

Qi Zhenbai's eyes were a little dim. After saying that, he didn't speak any more, only his eyes were fixed on her face, his eyes were blazing hot, and Chi Shuyan couldn't pretend to be blind.

Looking at the two people walking alone on the mud-rock road in the village at this moment, how the atmosphere looks a little ambiguous and unusual, Chi Shuyan regrets not calling Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming to come out together just now. This is not embarrassing!

Chi Shuyan thought for a while, and took the initiative to leave the mouth: "I plan to go to the temple near the village, how about you? If you are busy with other things, don't follow me!"

Her implication was that she wanted to leave on her own and didn't need someone to accompany her. She didn't know that the man next to her didn't seem to hear her. She pursed her lips and said hardly: "I'll go with you!"

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