Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1326: One hundred twenty eight

Yes, Chi Shuyan was a little disappointed that she could not get rid of the people, but thinking about the things in the village, she immediately cheered up and stopped thinking about other things.

The village was generally big, and the temple was not too far away. Chi Shuyan didn't walk long, and saw a temple with a large area from a distance, and the temple area was not only large.

I saw the repairs on the periphery of the temple. Compared with the brick houses in the village, this temple is quite luxurious, and it should not be too bad inside.

From this temple, she can be considered indirectly to understand the village’s awe and respect for this temple. Or the temple can be built like this if the house only lives in a blue brick house?

Chi Shuyan also noticed that the temple was also crowded at this time. Many villagers carried baskets with incense offerings and firecrackers and walked into the gate to worship outside, with a pious expression.

Almost everyone knocked their heads and really touched the ground. The banging knocks did not make Chi Shuyan sigh. On the contrary, Chi Shuyan saw the villagers go in to worship. Almost everyone knocked their heads blue and looked obsessed. Looking at the temple piously, Chi Shuyan felt a little creepy in her heart.

On the side, Qi Zhenbai also noticed something strange, Ying Ting frowned slightly, and his eyes fell on the temple in the distance with thoughtfulness and deepness, which made people unable to see through.

Chi Shuyan originally wanted to go in for a while, but was first stopped by the villagers who came out. Chi Shuyan realized that those who could go in had to be faithful to the temple Buddha statue and had to bring incense and firecrackers to be eligible to enter.

Chi Shuyan couldn't see anything at the door, stood for a while, looked at the man next to him, and then returned the same way.

Back to the residence of Xiaoshan and Wu Haoming, this is a vacant room specially arranged by the village head. There are three rooms, a small living room, a kitchen, and a small yard outside. There is also a toilet. Except for the old house outside, there are actually five internal organs in the house. It's complete, and it's pretty good.

It is said that some people in the village have moved out of the village because they are going out to work, so there are many empty buildings in the village, all of which are arranged to live with outsiders.

Chi Shuyan didn't plan to live far away with Wu Haoming, besides, there was always a weirdness in this village, so he could feel at ease if he lived with acquaintances, so the four of them also lived in this small house.

The dinner was made by Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming. How dare the two of them let the Qi family do it? As for Master Chi, she is a little girl, so naturally she can't let her do it.

Although Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming are both rough guys, they still have some skill in cooking. At this moment, seeing Master Chi and Mr. Qi come back, the two hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law, the food will be ready right away! You can eat in a while, I'm hungry. No?"

Chi Shuyan looked at the two men's cautious appearance in the bottom of his eyes, a little amused, but seeing that the two men's cautious expressions and attitudes were all toward the man Qi Zhenbai, Chi Shuyan was relieved.

Although this man usually speaks very little, he is born with a forceful aura that makes people around him unconsciously nervous, and she can't help it.

Chi Shuyan helped to take the washed bowl and put it on the table, but she hadn't done it yet. A man beside her had already done it for her. Chi Shuyan was taken aback. When she wanted to find something to do, she found out, When she wanted to help, the man next to her was always a step faster than him.

Chi Shuyan could only become an idler in the end, a little embarrassed, so she had to say, "Thank you, I will make breakfast tomorrow!"

God knows that when she said this, she was very embarrassed. She was really not good at cooking. She would like to bring Li Yuchu to solve the problem directly, but it is not realistic to bring Li Yuchu. People are coming and there are few materials. Li Yuchu couldn't do anything to give her delicacies.

At dinner, Chi Shuyan was not too picky or qualified to be picky. To be honest, the home-cooked dishes made by Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming were not bad, and she ate them with relish.

What makes her helpless is that a man next to her frequently puts vegetables in her bowl, and her bowl is full of vegetables. Don’t say that there are not enough vegetables at the moment, but it’s not good to have too many vegetables. This man In front of Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming, Chi Shuyan was also speechless.

Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming smiled ambiguously, but Chi Shuyan wanted to avoid suspicion, and occasionally met the man's eyes. She found several reasons to indicate that the man next to her would not need to clip her.

The man's face was calm and he said well, whether to pick food for her in the next second.

Chi Shuyan is speechless!

Fortunately, not long after the meal, Daqing came to inform them when they would go to the temple, and they could ask the statue of Buddha to worship at home, and the true Buddha would bless them.

Daqing is a villager, and his devotion to the Buddha statues in the village is far beyond their imagination. When he said this, his expression was obsessed and awe-inspiring, as if there was nothing the true Buddha could not sponsor.

Chi Shuyan squinted his eyes and asked, "Everyone must please? Can you choose not to please?"

As soon as she finished the second half of her sentence, Daqing immediately looked at her as a heinous sinner who couldn't believe it. This look was quite embarrassing and made her more aware of the black Buddha statue in this village. Status, just listen to Daqing’s heartfelt words: "You'd better ask the true Buddha to bless you. People who disrespect or believe in the true Buddha will not end well!"

The two, including Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming, were attentive when they heard what Daqing said. Daqing raised his eyes and looked at Xiao Shan and Wu Haoming a few more times, wondering if they thought of the previous friendship, and said: "Brother Xiao, Brother Wu, Inviting the true Buddha to the house only has benefits and no harm. In the past, some people did not believe in the true Buddha, but then they all..."

When Daqing said this, I don’t know if he realized that he had said too much, he shut up immediately, and only repeated one more sentence: "Brother Xiao, Brother Wu, there are only benefits and no harm in asking the true Buddha to come home. Think about it!"

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