Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1444: Two hundred and fifty

Had breakfast with the two little guys. Yuchu Li was still busy with the restaurant, so he went to the restaurant early. Originally, Yuchu Li wanted to keep the two little guys and let the two little guys accompany Miss Shuyan at home, but In the end, Han Yu followed Li Yuchu to the restaurant.

It left little fellow Li Yu.

Now the restaurant’s business is completely stable, and the business is very good. Although the business is not as popular at the beginning, but with the presence of Yuchu Li, the restaurant’s business is still booming from time to time, and the business is amazing.

In addition to expressing concern for Li Yuchu, who is in a hurry and loves his busy career, Chi Shuyan is also a spiritual support. Seeing that Li Yuchu is not too tired to be busy, but instead feels that life is full and meaningful, she did not stop her. Besides, ghosts can't feel tired.

Seeing that Li Yuchu is so energetic every day, when it comes to the restaurant with a smile on his face, since Li Yuchu is happy to be in this business, she also sincerely supports it. Besides, Li Yuchu’s restaurant is opposite her school, which has greatly improved her university food. .

However, the little guy Li Yu was a little gloomy. Before, Yu Chu Li focused all his attention on him, but now he is focused on the restaurant. The little guy feels that he is a little ignored. In addition, Yu Chu Li is usually very busy. The little prince Li Yu, who had earned some pocket money, was a little dissatisfied, and said dully, "Grandpa Li only knows to make money now."

Chi Shuyan saw that the little guy had been ignored, so he was a little dissatisfied, rubbing the little guy's head and said, "Grandpa Li makes money bad?"

If in the past, the little prince Li Yu would probably talk about his origin, thinking that Li Yuchu’s business status was too unworthy of his prince’s status. Now the little guy has spent many days in the restaurant, his mind is much more open, but his bones are proud. Still the same, he said: "Grandpa Li Yuchu was my father's most powerful and favorite royal chef before, or a famous fourth-grade member. The status of a businessman is too low to deserve Grandpa Li!"

Chi Shuyan:...

The little guy continued to look arrogant, his little face still a bit tangled and struggling: "If my father knew that I was opening a restaurant with Grandpa Li Yuchu, my father would definitely vomit blood!"

Chi Shuyanxin said that you are a messenger in a restaurant, where is the restaurant? It's too high to see one's identity.

As for Li Yuchu's opening of the restaurant, she felt that the little fellow had been reborn hundreds of times after his death, so vomiting blood was impossible.

But she listened to the little guy with a look of arrogance and contempt for the little business man, Chi Shuyan was so cute, she suddenly pulled the little guy in her arms and rubbed the little guy's head and pigtails.

The little guy Li Yu chuckled and laughed. One side of his face flushed red. He quickly forgot about Li Yuchu's opening of the restaurant, his voice grew louder and louder, and his little mouth spit out "No".

Seeing that the little guy was really smiling and was about to carry it, Chi Shuyan stopped and adjusted the clothes on his body, and suddenly said: "Go, sister will take you outside for a walk!"

The little guy Li Yu is quite dissatisfied with Chi Shuyan calling himself "elder sister", mainly because he feels that his advantage is almost taken up, so why refuse to be her princess?

But thinking of the terrible and dangerous man I saw a long time ago, the little guy Li Yu obediently shut up and stopped talking, nodded and said, "Okay!"

In fact, these days, the little guy has adapted to modern life and his dress is modern, but he only keeps his pigtails and refuses to pick it up. A long pigtail with a modern outfit is quite strange. Before going out, Chi Shuyan still Put on a cap for the little guy.

Wearing a peaked cap, the little guy looks very beautiful and awkward.

"Go, really gone!" Chi Shuyan led the dressed little guy out.

Today, she plans to go to Yu's house specially. By the way, she will visit Yu's family and see Xiao Weijie.

Chi Shuyan took the little guy to Yujia by taxi, and soon arrived at the Yujia community, Chi Shuyan took the little guy to Yu home.

When he arrived in this community, the little guy Li Yu was obviously a bit curious. His big eyes widened and looked around curiously, but the little guy was curious and didn't speak much, but obediently followed Chi Shuyan.

When she got on the elevator, she was near Yu's house, but she obviously realized that it was not the right time for her to come today. The door of her house was not open, and there were fierce quarrels from time to time.

Chi Shuyan stopped, the little guy Li Yu listened to the quarrel not far away, his little face became more curious, speaking of it, he really hadn’t seen this scene, no, he had seen it, when he was on TV, he just I saw a man and a woman arguing, very fierce, and then the woman slapped the man back in a short time.

Chi Shuyan originally thought that it was wrong when he came here, and wanted to take the little guy to leave first. Next time she would find Teacher Yu, but she didn’t expect that when she didn’t pay attention, she saw the little guy Li Yu rushing to the door of Yu’s house. , Little head peeked inside curiously, little face looked gossip and curious, looking very seriously!

Chi Shuyan:...


When is this little guy so gossip?

Chi Shuyan rubbed his temples, strode over to move the little guy away, and listened to the little guy with a little excitement: "Shuyan, come here, they are fighting, they are really going to fight!"

The little guy's voice is not hidden, his voice is quite loud, and the Yu family and Yang family who are arguing in this are not able to pay attention to it.

Yu family:...

Yang family:...

Jiang Li:...

"Who is watching the lively children? Go! Get out of here!" Mother Yang was speaking, as mean and rude as always.

On the contrary, when Yu's family heard the little guy's "supple face", Mr. Yu was the first to react, but it didn't mean that the teacher was going out. After Mr. Yu's wife, Kong Yingjin, Kong's sister-in-law heard the sound of "supple face," his reaction was better than that of Teacher Yu. It’s fast, I don’t care about quarreling with the Yang family, his face is a warm and hospitable welcome Chi Shuyan, the left side of the mouth is "Master" and the right is "Master", the tone is very respectful, and I quickly greet her to come in, there are still some points in my eyes Unbelievable and shocked: "Master, really you?"

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