Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1445: Two hundred fifty one

Not only that, Sister Kong's speed is so fast, she also puts a handful of snacks into the little guy's pocket from where she enthusiastically watched the little guy's appearance. At this look, Sister-in-law Kong's heart is about to melt. This child is so beautiful. It's so beautiful.

She's good!

Wait, Master Chi actually has such a big son?

This did not come from Chi Shuyan at home. Sister-in-law Confucius completely forgot about the existence of the Yang family. Teacher Yu and Yu Wei were influenced by Sister-in-law, and also forgot the Yang family. They all wanted to entertain Chi Shuyan, but Yu Wei's eyes were red. Look, I just cried.

Yu's mother still didn't forget the shameless Yang family and Jiang Li, who kept scolding Yang family beasts and Jiang Li shamelessly.

Speaking of it, Mother Yu really didn't expect Jiang Lizhen to secretly get together with Yang Peng. No, no, she forced her daughter to divorce a few days ago. Yesterday, Mother Yang asked Yang Peng to get a certificate from Jiang Li.

The reason is that Jiang Li is pregnant. You said Yu Mu could not be angry?

If the Yang family changed their marriage, Yu's mother would not be so angry, but the wife Yang Peng just got the certificate was Jiang Li.

She used to think that Jiang Li played well with Xiaowei at her age. Usually Xiaowei quarreled with Yang Peng, and Jiang Li personally came to Yujia to help persuade each time.

She has always felt that her daughter has good luck, not only is she married to the city people, but also has such a good friend who is dedicated to her daughter.

But who knows, these are all shit.

This Jiang Li woman was shameless, and on the surface she made peace with Xiaowei and Yang Peng, but secretly she was pregnant with Xiaowei inadvertently hooking up with Yang Peng.

Thinking of this, Yu's mother almost backed it a little, and remembered all the help her son had done to Jiang Li. Yu's mother felt that it was more wasteful than feeding the dog. She didn't breathe in her chest and continued to curse. Yang's mother Yang Peng and Jiang Li are shameless, they are not a family, and they don't enter a family.

He brought Yu Weiling over again, and poke her on the head, cursing: "You girl has no ambition at all. You are blind. This pair of dogs and men are both in front of you. You girl is still honest. Still in the mood to entertain guests? Why did I give birth to such a stupid thing as you?"

The more she scolded Yu's mother, the more she became angry and indisputable, she remembered that Jiang Li was pregnant when Yang Peng and her daughter had not divorced, and pointed at Sang Huai and cursed: "I'm a mother, don't beg you to be shameless. The **** with the face is as self-contained, and robs someone else’s husband, but you scold this shameless man and woman. All day long, you only know that you are cowardly and weak and cry. People are riding on your head and shit. Your husband is pregnant with one, so why don't you cry, you have nothing to dare to curse?"

Both the Yang family and Jiang Li understood what Yu's mother said about Sang Shuhuai. Their expressions were very ugly. Yang Peng was guilty of conscience, but Jiang Li, her face turned green when she was scolded by Yu's mother, and her face was very ugly.

If it was just a small mess, then at this moment she was really scolding Yu's mother and almost moved her fetus. Jiang Li leaned her head on Yang Peng, first deliberately stimulating humanity in front of Yu Wei: "Xiao Wei, My husband and I love each other sincerely, and we really didn’t want to hurt you.” After speaking, Jiang Li rushed to Teacher Yu again and said: “Teacher Yu, I know you helped me a lot before, and I am very grateful. You and Xiaowei!"

Jiang Li's words such as shamelessly ruining the Three Views are not good for his family, and his anger is rising, that is, the temper has always been very good. Teacher Yu has been scorned by Jiang Li's ghost words, but Jiang Li has a trace of conscience or treats her. Yu Family has a trace of gratitude, shouldn't be hooked up with Yang Peng this man, and shouldn't get evidence immediately after Yang Peng and Xiaowei divorced. Are these actions unclear and deliberately directed against them?

Yu's mother was about to continue to scold Jiang Li for shame, who knew Yang Peng jumped out to agree with Jiang Li's words, and rushed to Yuwei: "Xiaowei, I know I am sorry for you, but Lili and I really love each other. , I really want to marry her, I have always liked Lili only!"

Yang Peng’s words were not unbelievable to Wei. Before the Yang family and Jiang Li could speak, Yu’s mother couldn’t bear to speak and named Jiang Li directly: "Shameless bitch, sordid dog stuff. I used to give all my family’s help. Dog! A white-eyed wolf!"

A trace of anger and pride flashed through Jiang Li's eyes, and she suddenly deliberately said in front of Mother Yang and Yu's family: "My husband, my stomach hurts!"

After being scolded by Yu's mother like this, the Yang family naturally did not stop. What's more, Jiang Li is pregnant with his Yang family's baby grandson. When Yang's mother heard Jiang Li say that her stomach hurts, she immediately replied: "Bah, what if Your daughter gave me a grandson in the Yang family. How could my son marry another woman, a hen that doesn't lay eggs? Your daughter has delayed my son for so many years, so you are embarrassed to beat and scold my daughter-in-law?"

Mother Yang's shameless remarks can irritate Yu's mother and other Yu family's popularity, and also poke Yu's family's weakness, reminding Yu's family of the stillborn daughter that Yu Wei gave birth to Yang's family.

At this time, Yu Wei was also faltered by Yang's words, his face pale.

Chi Shuyan saw the teacher’s face turned blue, but the teacher estimated that his mouth was uncomfortable, and he saw the teacher’s hard to get up and yelled at the Yang family: "You all get out of my way, I don’t welcome you at home. The surnamed Yang, the woman surnamed Jiang, get out of me right away!"

All those who are not motherly went to the kitchen to get the kitchen knife. Fortunately, Yu Wei and Sister Kong hurriedly stopped. Yang Peng and Jiang Li were both counselors except for Yang's mother. Called and hurriedly retreated behind Mother Yang.

Chi Shuyan glanced lightly at the imposing Yang family and Jiang Li. His eyes were especially on Jiang Li's stomach. By the way, he glanced at the green light on the head of the man called Yang Peng, and suddenly said to the Yang family: " Are you sure that the child that Miss Jiang is carrying belongs to your Yang family? Why do I see that the green light above Mr. Yang's head is growing grass?"

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