Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1527: Two hundred twenty three

It is good to have a delicious meal and a full meal. For example, the following afternoon, Chishu Yanhuafu or refining Scour Spirit Tea are very efficient.

After washing the spirit tea almost, she immediately packed it and asked the hotel to help send it to Qian Zhengde of Jingshi auction house in Kyoto. Before sending the express, she naturally set up prohibition and blindness in case the spirit tea was lost. Unless Qian Zhengde himself gets the express, the prohibition and blindness will be eliminated, otherwise no matter who gets the express, it will not be opened.

After sending the courier, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief. It is rare to board WeChat to inform Qian Zhengde. After the notification, she scanned WeChat and found that many people contacted her, such as Lu Yunfeng, Lu Chengfu and Wang Xuewen. A few and Jiang Duo, most of them asked her when the Taobao store will have new products.

Among them, Fan Yin sent countless messages to her, and his tone was very anxious. They all expressed that they wanted to contact her if there was an urgent or major event. If she saw his message, contact him immediately.

Chi Shuyan faintly felt that Fan Yin might have contacted her because of the pill she had given before, but she didn't think much about it. Since the fourth-rank promotion pill was given, she would not bother to regret it. She felt able to see the situation later.

She originally wanted to quit WeChat, but after reading the extremely urgent message that Fan Yin left her, she contacted someone and typed two words: "Hello!"

Chi Shuyan paused for a minute. Seeing that there was no reply from the opposite party, he was too lazy to wait any longer and was ready to download WeChat. At this time, the other party suddenly went online and returned her message: "Master, you are online now! You are online! Damn it! Damn it!!!"

Chi Shuyan glanced at the word'superior' and couldn't help but want to laugh. He typed a few words blankly and continued to reply, but the other party's typing speed was extremely faster than hers. She hadn't sent it yet, and the other party had already typed a few words. Each message was filled with exclamation points. Chi Shuyan guessed that the other party was very excited at the moment. She was a little curious and typed a few words again: "Calm down, what good things have happened recently?"

"Fuck! Fuck, master, do you know that the promotion pill you helped me refine before turned out to be a sixth-level elementary! Sixth-level elementary!!! My God!!!" Fan Yin was indeed very excited. No, it should be said that these days, since this expert was generous and compassionate and generously gifted him four sixth-rank promotion pills, his father exploded and his family exploded, as well as other clan elders and his mothers. Now, it’s not because of these few promotion pills. He changed the waste of the Fan family and became the most powerful hero of the Fan family. He used to be disgusting, but now he is happy.

The position in the Fan family can be said to have risen linearly, and now he does not want to be the heir of the Fan family at all, but the Fan family and the clan and his father forced him to be.

Of course, he also knew that these clan elders were forcing him to be his heir. It was nothing more than a shame on his nose to coax him to give these promotion pills to the Fan family, for fear that he would ruin the other three pills.

It can be said that since knowing that the masters gave him the sixth grade pill, not to mention that other clan elders have envied and hated him for abusing a promotion pill. That is why his dad always held his heart and said that his heart hurts every time he thought of this. It’s awesome, and I’m still making up his mind every day and using various excuses to coax him into hiding this other sixth-rank promotion pill for him. If he doesn’t give it, his dad will follow his **** every day and protect him in the name of protecting him. He went out of Fan's house.

Now his father and clan elder arranged to ‘protect’ him in and out of his room.

As for Fan Ping, Naya’s is completely silent now, completely silent, and she doesn’t dare to oppose him at all. Of course, every time they meet, he can still see all kinds of envy, jealousy and jealousy in his eyes. Hate more.

Among them, the girl is trying to confuse him, wanting to know who gave him the promotion Dan, but he is not stupid, where can he reveal it.

The days he spent in Fan’s family these days can be said to be very frustrating and frustrating. Of course, he found an expert this time not only because he wanted to be grateful for the promotion Dan he generously gave, but because he won Knowing that these few promotion pills had reached the sixth rank, he was shocked. At first, he was shocked and forced to react for a long time.

Fan Yin now feels that this expert is really too generous and kind. He must thank him again in person. At the same time, he also revealed that his dad and clan elder have always wanted to know her and wanted to seek cooperation again.

Without waiting for Chi Shuyan's reply, Fan Yin continued to speak with a proud expression: "Master, don't worry, I have already rejected these unreasonable requests for you first. Don't worry, I'm stern, I even told me. Brother Xi, let them not disclose your information and traces. My dad and the clan elders couldn’t find you when they wanted to find you, but the Xi brothers now regret that they didn’t believe you at the time and didn’t hug your thighs. I don’t know if they regret that their intestines are all blue now, or if my eyes are good, you can predict that you are a master when you look at the master, haha!"

Chi Shuyan also understood the meaning of Fan Yin's series of words. She was shocked at first when the fourth-rank pill she had given before suddenly became sixth-rank, and then asked Fan Yin. After knowing the level of the pill in this world, I was quite fortunate that she had only given four low-grade promotion pill instead of high-grade pill, otherwise she would cause more trouble now than it is now.

As for Fan Yin's covering up for her, she still appreciates it. Although she doesn't care about cooperating with Fan's family, the sixth-grade pill is too popular for her now, and the other party can help her to cover up.

So Chi Shuyan finally thanked the other party.

"By the way, Master! Do you still have those spirit teas? I want to continue buying them, as much as possible, can we cooperate?" Fan Yin did not forget the business, not to mention that Master Master is very powerful in refining pills. Even the refined spiritual tea is very good, and the spiritual energy is very strong, which is very good for cultivators.

In the past, Brother Xi was worried every day that the spiritual tea he photographed could not be finished. Now he and Brother Xi were worried that his father and other elders would use various excuses to confiscated his spiritual tea, or go to his room. Li took the advantage of his spiritual tea, because his dad coveted his spiritual tea from time to time.

In short, the spiritual tea refined by an expert is also a treasure. He didn't dare to think about the pill, but Fan Yin felt that the spiritual tea was not auctioned at the Jingshi auction house at a low price. It can be purchased at the same price as Jingshiling Tea, or even higher.

Chi Shuyan was still very excited about Fan Yin's conditions for offering Lingcha. He thought about it again and sent a message: "I am going to have business in S city. It will take a few days. I can agree to the Lingcha. Jing will talk carefully again."

Fan Yin was quite regretful that Gaoren was in S city, but when she agreed with his reply, Fan Yin called an excitement and ecstasy: "Definitely! Master Gaoren! You will inform me as soon as you return to Beijing that I will be free anytime! "

"to make!"

Later, Fan Yin asked her if she had recently sent Lingcha to Jingshi auction. There was no need to cover up this matter. Chi Shuyan talked about the fact that she had just delivered Lingcha to Jingshi auction house for auction today. Fan Yin was very regretful and helpless. If he had been a little earlier, maybe the master's spiritual tea would have been sent to him here.

But it’s okay. He immediately told his dad about the matter and asked his dad to send someone to take photos of the spiritual tea refined by the master. It can only be said that the Jingshi auction house is too pit, if he knows the spiritual tea refined by the master. Value, I don’t know if the other party will regret it.

Jing's suffer, but Fan Yin is very happy.

The two continued to send messages and chat for more than half an hour. Chi Shuyan had to go out for a trip. Then Fan Yin shut up. Before going offline, Fan Yin repeated that she wanted to find her for something, call him and WeChat. Yes, he is free anytime.

Chi Shuyan had to leave a phone call for the other party too, and the happy Fan Yin yelled while holding the phone.

If he got off the line, he immediately asked him to call his dad. Fan's father came to his house not long after, with a very kind tone and a bit of pressure on his face, and asked urgently: "Son, how is it? How is it? What did this great master say? Would you like to cooperate with our Fan family to make alchemy for our Fan family?"

Fan Yin couldn't help but raise his head and roll his eyes when he didn't take it for granted. If this were the case before, Fan's father would have to train this kid to death.

At this moment, seeing this kid's proud look, Fan's father didn't dare to lose his temper. His son had the best luck, not to mention that he had three other six-rank promotion pills in his hand. He was the only one who could be with that expert. To catch up with the conversation, Fan's father and the Fan family elders have broken their hearts for these promotion Dan and this son in the past few days, for fear that his kid will be lost or taken away, and they want to sleep together. This kid sleeps together.

Even if this kid had a thick-skinned face and dared to dislike him as an old man, Fan's father was also a little tired, and he immediately mentioned about sleeping together.

Fan Yin immediately changed his face: "Dad, you are my dad and I have to sleep with my mom. What's wrong with sleeping with me? Don't worry, I will carry these promotion pills every day and I won't lose them."

Seeing what Fan's father had to say, Fan Yin hurriedly brought up the expert to divert his father's attention, and said, "Dad, although the expert did not agree to refine the pill for our Fan family, he agreed to cooperate with our Fan family in spirit tea. By the way, the Jingshi auction house has another master's spiritual tea auction these days. Dad, you can arrange a few people to go to the Jingshi auction house and quickly take pictures of the spiritual tea refined and washed by the master."

Fan's father didn’t hear what his son said, and he didn’t care about the promotion of Dan. Although the promotion of Dan is important, Lingcha is also very important, not to mention that his son seems to have really caught up with the master and talked about cooperation. This is a surprise to the Fan family.

The expression on Fan's face was a joy, and the look in his son's eyes was a relief, and he made Fan Yin's face flushed.

Before Fan left, he still reminded his son: "Ayin, the three promotion pills in your hand are very important to our Fan family. This thing is too high-grade, not to mention that you can't use it now. Even if you can use it, this thing is You are also a misfortune, not a blessing. Now that everyone knows it, let Dad help you keep it."

Fan Yin looked at his dad’s uncharacteristic and solemn expression this time, and knew that what he said was true, but he was so willing to hand over these promotion pills, especially when he looked at his dad’s big bad wolf. Coaxing the appearance of the rabbit, he was afraid that once he gave this thing to his dad, the promotion Dan would no longer belong to him.

As if he knew what the son was thinking, Fan Fu immediately promised him many conditions and gave him many exceptions. For example, he allowed him to enter the attic where the exercises were hidden. He could go to other floors except for the top floor, and even many resources. Favor him.

Fan Yin rolled his eyes and deliberately said, "I can't use it, can I use it for Brother Xi?"

These words shocked Fan's father so much. Fan Yin saw his father's face as he was holding his chest and was about to faint. Then Fan Yin quickly changed his words: "I know, I'll let my mother help me in a while. I keep it."

Fan's father who choked: ......This kid, I don't know how to let him help to collect it, is it possible that he is a stepfather?

Seeing his dad’s face stiff and ugly, Fan Yin was very happy and cheerful, and deliberately said again: "Dad, if the Fan family wants to have a relationship with that expert, you have to let other clan elders and Fan family know the current affairs. It's best not to offend me, and the three promotion pills I left with them are all my own. The clan elders in the lobby told me clearly and plainly."

Fan Yin has actually already thought about who to give these promotion pills. For example, his parents are sure, or the big clan elders who treat him well. As for Fan Xi and Fan Chunyang, I will talk about them later when I have a chance. After all, they don’t need it now. Go, and he is too lucky to run into an expert, otherwise he will explode early.

Fan's father didn't know the thoughts in his son's heart, and was speechless by his son's words. Fan's father now only knows that the elders of the Fan family regret that their intestines are blue, and every day he thinks of a sixth-rank primary promotion pill. I took it for this kid, and the other three were carried on him. The pain was uncomfortable. This didn't wake up every morning, a lot of people urged him to ask the kid about the promotion pill, and he also had a terrible headache.

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