Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1528: Eight hundred twenty four

Chi Shuyan really didn't know and didn't think much about the Fan family's troubles after the sixth grade promotion Dan and Fan Yin's recent turmoil.

After sending the courier, she went out at about four o'clock in the afternoon. Before going out, she specially asked the receptionist to have dinner outside, so she didn't need to prepare.

After the front desk clerk responded, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief.

She went out suddenly and was fine. It was rare to come to S City and just wander around freely and feel the local customs nearby. I don’t know how, when in Kyoto, she always felt that someone was watching her from time to time. In S City, it still seemed that someone was watching her. It's a pity that she was vigilant around, but she didn't find anyone suspicious at all.

In the end, Chi Shuyan had no choice but to ignore the peeping. These days, she was also relieved that those who peeped at her secretly should have no evil to her. As for the peeping at her from time to time, she was a little confused, but she could not find anyone. Can't solve the puzzle.

Without knowing it, she still walked to the door of Fu's house, waiting for her to stand at the door of Fu's house, Chi Shuyan's face was taken aback, and when she reacted, Chi Shuyan was a little bit amused.

Before leaving, she subconsciously looked into the iron fence of the Fu family. She didn't see anyone. As soon as she wanted to leave, she saw her master and a woman walking out to the door.

At first, Chi Shuyan didn't worry about it. She walked to a remote place to look at her master and left. Only when she could see the appearance of the woman her master gave her, her face suddenly changed.

I have to say that every time she sees Zhao Junrong, a scumbag, she will always feel a sense of hostility. At this time, she sees the woman next to her master, her face sinks fiercely, and her heart also rises inexplicably. Looking at the other side, the woman seemed to be very close to her master, and Chi Shuyan's face was even more ugly and ugly.

She didn't even know when her master walked so close to the woman He Minrou?

She clearly remembered that her master didn’t know He Minrou so early in her previous life, and He Minrou shouldn’t be here now. She still waits for Zhao Junrong’s scumbag to marry her master and stabilizes his position in the Fu’s house for a few years before becoming a cousin. Pick her up and get her master's house.

Chi Shuyan didn't know what went wrong. For example, her master wanted to marry Zhao Junrong, a scumbag, for no reason, and suddenly appeared at her master's house a few years earlier than How Minrou was now.

But she can be certain that whether it is Zhao Junrong or He Minrou, this woman has absolutely no good intentions for her master. So what is the purpose of He Minrou suddenly approaching her master so early?

Chi Shuyan’s gaze was fixed on He Minrou’s face, vaguely aware of the difference in the opposite side, and she couldn’t tell where there was a difference. She subconsciously walked a few steps closer to see the opposite side clearly. Who knew her master would see her first , Suddenly shouted: "Little Master! Is it you?"

Before Chi Shuyan could speak, He Minrou next to Fu Qing followed Fu Qing's sight to see her. He Minrou's complexion changed drastically at this time, and her face became pale, and she suddenly blurted out: "It's you? How could it be you?"

Fu Qing didn't expect He Minrou's reaction to be so great. Chi Shuyan also included the expressions on the other party's face at this time, and her heart was even more puzzled. For the first time she met He Minrou Mingming in her life, why did she look at each other's eyes? Li actually saw that the other party seemed to have known her a long time ago.

He Minrou was flustered at the moment. She originally thought that she could be reborn by being blessed by the heavens, and everything could be reborn from scratch, but she never expected that not only she was reborn, but also Fu Qing, the cruel apprentice in front of her. Up.

Obviously Fu Qing only met this apprentice a few years later, and was later accepted as apprentices. Now they don't know each other at all, let alone the other party coming to Fu's house intentionally or unintentionally, which made her doubt whether this apprentice Fu Qing was reborn.

When he thought that Fu Qing was also reborn, He Minrou felt deeper and deeper as she thought about it, her face turned blue and ugly. She thought she was the only one who was blessed by the heavens, but he knew that there were others. He Minrou was not broad-minded. Here, inexplicably gritted his teeth.

No wonder the personal relationship between Zhao Junrong and Fu Qing in his previous life went smoothly, and Zhao Junrong even smoothly entered the Fu family. He obtained all the property of the Fu family and also got the secret book.

But now there was something wrong in the middle of the horoscope, she faintly felt that nine out of ten times were the ghosts of Fu Qing's apprentice in his previous life. Thinking of this, He Minrou hated it even more.

The last thing He Minrou regrets in her last life is that she only cared about personal affairs and only thought about personal affairs. Later, Zhao Junrong got the secret book of the teacher of the Fu family and changed her entire life, and she only became Zhao Junrong's subsidiary, and even one of his women, if not for her all the way Always trying to please Zhao Junrong, a scumbag, she had long been abandoned by him.

Originally, this rebirth, although she hated Zhao Junrong this scumbag, but in her heart she used Zhao Junrong this scumbag to want to get the secret book of the celestial master of the Fu family to change her whole life.

So she had a good relationship with Fu Qing early in the morning, and earlier this morning she intentionally or unintentionally introduced Zhao Junrong, a scumbag, to Fu Qing. Who knew that she would run into Fu Qing's apprentice in the past.

He Minrou thought more and more fiercely, staring at her fiercely, and Fu Qing sensitive felt that He Minrou's mood was very wrong at this moment. Min Rou had always been gentle and generous before, but now she actually saw it in her eyes. A bit of resentment towards the little master in front of you!

Are they two enemies?

Chi Shuyan didn't know what her master was thinking at this moment. She quickly thought of a possibility, her eyes flashed fast, her eyes gradually sharpened, but her complexion was still calm. At this time, she squinted her eyes and asked in doubt: " Does this young lady know me?" Then curiously asked Fu Qing, "Miss Fu, who is this?"

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