Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1535: Eight hundred thirty one

Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Chi Shuyan could still vaguely hear the vibrato of his gritted teeth, which shows the shock and shock that this incident has given Yan Zhengming.

What Yan Zhengming didn’t say was that after the incident happened to the crew next door, not only everyone in their crew was scared to pee, but the director and other people of the crew who made the ghost film next door were scared to pee. Several were fortunate to witness the little girl's face. The horror of the stripping scared him and not only fainted on the spot, but many people even left the group and went to a psychiatrist.

In short, the tragic death of this little girl's face has caused a lot of blows to the crew next door and their crew. The crew next door stopped work directly, and their crew wanted to stop work, but Director Wang had already filmed half of the remake before stopping work. , Where the loss started.

In the past few days, because of the tragic death of the little girl, many people in the crew have been in the air. Fortunately, Director Wang promptly stated that he knew a very good master, and would immediately call her over to take a look. Several leading actors stared at the pressure for Director Wang. , Their crew did not disband.

If Yan Zhengming didn’t make a call, Director Wang, Sheng Lin, and Kun'er urged him to fight immediately. They are all eager for the master to come back quickly, and then check for them if there is anything unclean near the crew. Yes, they can take advantage of the early withdrawal of the group.

Chi Shuyan still has a lot of impressions of the little girl from the crew next door. On the one hand, she is beautiful, and on the other hand, she has a good attitude, unlike other arrogant newcomers who are stuffed in by investors.

At the beginning, she still remembered hearing many people envious of the little girl, saying that the little girl had a particularly handsome boyfriend, and that ghost drama seemed to be invested by the little girl's boyfriend.

It was also because she had a deep impression of this little girl, not to mention that she also foreseen the right tragic situation afterwards. When she had a good impression, she took the initiative to give the other party a talisman, hoping that the other party would use this to avoid death. Whoever thinks, that little girl In the end, death was exceptionally miserable as she predicted.

She wasn't sure for a while whether that thing was too powerful and not afraid of the power of the talisman, or whether the opponent lost the talisman, which caused the tragic death.

But she was sure that the thing the little girl encountered was not only cruel, but also very difficult. She didn't know how the little girl came across?

If she is in Kyoto now, she would be willing to take a look at it, but now she is still in S city, and suddenly can’t go back. Besides, the matter of her master’s house has not been completely resolved. Compared with the stranger next to her, The matter of her master is naturally more important.

Chi Shuyan pondered for a moment, and then asked Yan Zhengming to clarify the little girl's tragedy. By the way, what was so strange a few days before her tragic death?

Yan Zhengming really didn't know what was abnormal before the other party's tragic death. For one thing, he didn't know the girl at all. Secondly, how could he pay special attention to the stranger in the next room.

Yan Zhengming racked his brains and thought for a long time, and immediately said with an anxious look: "Master, little master, I am really unfamiliar with that little girl. I really didn't pay attention to what was abnormal a few days before her tragic death. Oh, yes, I am. I heard something. A few days before the tragic death of the little girl, she was in a very bad state. She was extremely afraid of everything. She left the crew once. After returning, a close friend came to see her. The little girl died tragically within a few days."

Yan Zhengming said that this incident was particularly embarrassing and fearful. He had seen many dead people, but the death was so miserable. This little girl was the first one. Yan Zhengming could not imagine the pain of the little girl being stripped of her entire face. , I only heard other people say that when the little girl died, not only was she wearing a shroud, but her stripped face was especially distorted and terrifying before she died.

The more Yan Zhengming wanted to get a chill behind his back, he continued: "Little Master, the girl was wearing a shroud before she died. It's too oozing! By the way, I also heard that when the girl died, come here. Some people who are quite young, one is the little girl’s boyfriend, the other is the little girl’s brother, and a few friends, crying terribly. Several people also said something inexplicable, "I can’t escape."

When Chi Shuyan heard this, he was sure that the little girl and some of her friends had gotten into trouble privately, and it had nothing to do with the crew.

While she was meditating, Yan Zhengming gritted her teeth and continued to ask anxiously: "Master, Master Wang, by the way, let me ask you, do you think our crew should temporarily suspend work and go back, or change the venue immediately?"

Chi Shuyan went to see Director Wang's crew and set, and the set next door. There was no problem with Feng Shui, and the girl's matter would not involve the two groups.

It depends on how they solve it themselves?

So after hearing Yan Zhengming’s anxious questioning, Chi Shuyan said: "Tell me to Director Wang. Again, your crew’s set and the next set have good feng shui. It’s not a big deal. There is no need to stop work. What happened to the little girl is something they provoke privately and can't entangle you. Don't worry about filming!"

Didn't Chi Shuyan know what he said, he would talk to Dinghai Shenzhen, so that Yan Zhengming was completely relieved and relieved. If work should be stopped, not only Wang Daochou, but they are all worried.

Yan Zhengming had to sigh that their recent luck is called "good". They always encounter this kind of thing. Fortunately, there are many talismans bought from Master Chi's store. He and Dao Wang, Kun'er, Yingdi Ruan, and Song Sister and they are quite relieved.

Otherwise, what happened to the little girl at that time, not to mention Director Wang, but they would all run away first.

After listening to the little master's words, Yan Zhengming continued to confirm again and again, and thoroughly confirmed from the little master that their crew's feng shui was good, and that things could not be wrapped around their heads, Yan Zhengming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But before he hung up the phone, the tragic situation of the little girl was still vivid in his mind. Yan Zhengming couldn't help but gossiping and asked: "Little Master, what has the little girl offended?"

"I'm in S city now, so I can't understand it on the spot, nor can I know what the thing is? But I would advise you to stay away from the friends around the little girl. It's probably not easy for them to provoke. "

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