Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1536: Eighty-three

Yan Zhengming quickly remembered what the little master had told her, and then subconsciously asked her if she could solve it?

Chi Shuyan Shen Ning spoke for a moment and continued: "People didn't take the initiative to find the door. I can't rush in to see fate. I will go back to Beijing in a few days and then go to your crew to walk around!"

With the promise of Master Chi, Yan Zhengming looked ecstatic, and his tone called gratitude.

When I hung up the phone, Yan Zhengming immediately ran to Director Wang and told him about it. No, Yan Zhengming approached him. Ruan Shenglin, Song Yanru, Song Chu, Cao Zhengsong, and Yang Kun all guessed that he was just Gang. I called the little master and wanted to know what the master said.

To be honest, since the little girl next door was stripped and died tragically, not to mention Wang Dao, Ruan Shenglin and the group of big men are terrified after thinking about it, let alone Song Yanru, this woman and Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong. Head boy.

After that happened, everyone didn’t have a good rest these days. Originally, everyone dared to sleep in a hotel and a room alone. Now everyone in the crew sleeps together, and there is a good relationship between two people, including Ruan Shenglin and Yang Kun. A big man.

When a few people walked over, they happened to hear Yan Zhengming said that it was something the little girl provoke privately, and it has nothing to do with them. As long as they don't get close, the thing won't entangle them, and the feng shui of their crew is fine.

After listening to Yan Zhengming’s words, Director Wang was surprised and delighted, and repeatedly confirmed whether it was Master Chi himself. After receiving Yan Zhengming’s accurate words, Director Wang was finally at peace, and he heard Yan Zhengming continue to say that Master Chi will wait a few days from S After the city comes back, he will come back to their crew. Director Wang is completely relieved, and almost jumped excitedly: "Well, good, if Master Chi can come to our crew again, that would be great! It is also fortunate for us to meet. Such a capable event!"

Others unanimously heard that the little master, Master Chi, would come to their crew again, and their expressionless faces filled with excitement.

Ruan Shenglin patted Yan Zhengming on the shoulder and thanked him, "Trouble you, Brother Yan, called Master Chi!"

Song Yanru, Song Chu, Cao Zhengsong, and Yang Kun also followed suit.

The silence of the crew these days has gradually improved.

Cao Zhengsong and Song Chu are very young, and they are very curious. It's not since the little girl died and was skinned. They often discussed this in private. At this moment, they couldn't help but gossip and asked Yan Zhengming with curiosity. "Brother Yan, by the way, did you specifically explain to the master the tragic death of the little girl next door? What else did the little master say besides those just now? Did you say that it was something?"

In the last sentence, the two subconsciously lowered their voices and asked.

As soon as the two boys finished speaking, the lively atmosphere just turned into silence again, and Director Wang didn't have any expression on his face at this moment, and the bluffing people panicked.

This is not because Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong were frightened by the look of Wang Dao.

Ruan Shenglin, Song Yanru, Yan Zhengming, as seniors, gave the two boys a hard time.

They can inquire about such things?

The two boys forgot Master Chi’s words that "curiosity killed the cat"?

Fearing that the two boys would poke Lou Zi out of curiosity, Yan Zhengming specially trained them hard, and warned the two boys about the incident in Dashan Village.

At the beginning, they were lucky enough to meet Master Chi to save their lives. Otherwise, there is still a life now, not to mention that what happened to the little girl this time was several times more brutal and **** than what they had encountered before.

If you want to be skinned to death, you can try to indulge your curiosity.


As soon as this warning fell, Song Chu and Cao Zhengsong were completely frightened, their faces pale.

Seeing that the two boys were also afraid to shut up, Director Wang asked Ruan Shenglin and Yan Zhengming to stop talking, and asked them to run to him as the leading actors, where they should go back and forth, and help mobilize more by the way. The atmosphere of the rest of the crew prevents others from thinking too much.

Since the tragic death of the little girl from the crew next door, Director Wang has heard a lot of comments and gossip from his crew that were discussed privately, thanks to most people who don't believe in ghosts and gods, otherwise everyone really knows there are ghosts in this world, and they don't immediately scare them away.

Thinking that the most popular and popular actors in the crew are the two starring roles of Ruan Shenglin and Song Yanru. Director Wang specifically asked: "Sheng Lin, Yanru, you two will adjust the atmosphere of the crew for me in private. Don’t make everyone think too much. Everyone, take a good shot! Master Chi said that our crew is okay, then it must be okay!"

Ruan Shenglin and Song Yanru naturally agreed: "Come, we know, Director Wang!"

Because of Chi Shuyan's phone call, the atmosphere of Director Wang's crew improved.

On the other side, Chi Shuyan not only forced everything to her master as he wished, but also got her master's phone call. The two also got along with each other by leaps and bounds as a result of being alone all afternoon.

Chi Shuyan has always felt that both her previous life and this life are very close to her master, and her temperament are similar.

I have known each other for a long time after I first met, and the other party can understand without saying anything.

She especially likes to get along with the bright, generous and gentle master now. Of course, it's not that she dislikes her master's character in her previous life, but rather than her master's hard-hearted, cold personality in her previous life, she naturally prefers her master's gentle and bright time.

Fortunately, in this life, she was fortunate enough to really avoid the evil fate with Zhao Junrong's scumbag for her master.

Chi Shuyan was quite satisfied, but thinking about the marriage after her master, Chi Shuyan felt more and more necessary for her father to help introduce a reliable person.

Otherwise, she was really worried that after she left S City, what if she let her master meet another Wang Junrong?

As for her father’s perspective on people, Chi Shuyan is still very convinced. She thought about it, and simply sent another message to her father, asking him to find a reliable person, and actively contact her master to help introduce her master. The reliable person also gave her father and her master's phone number specially.

As for the passive character of her master, even if there is a phone call from her dad, she will not contact him in all likelihood, let alone let his dad help introduce some outstanding young people.

Her dad didn't reply for a long time, so Chi Shuyan had the courage to dial her dad's phone specifically, but it was a pity that her dad was probably busy with the task again and never answered the phone, so she had to give up temporarily!

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