Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1540: Eight hundred thirty six

Chi Shuyan did not expect such a coincidence. When he thought that this ex-boyfriend was at the table half a meter away from her now, and she was sitting with another man for dinner, Chi Shuyan was the first The thought is inexplicably embarrassing.

However, it was a long time since the two broke up. Secondly, they didn’t even look at her since they sat down. It’s really true.

While waiting for someone to do business, Chi Shuyan didn't bother to think about it any more, and even more and more felt that it was a coincidence that she happened to meet in the same restaurant this time.

Seeing that the other party was indifferent and rejected thousands of miles away from the seat, including her ex-girlfriend, he didn't plan to nod and say hello politely, so Chi Shuyan simply obeyed the other party's wishes and didn't bother more, narrowed his eyebrows, and continued to watch. The menu, when no one knows anymore.

Chi Shuyan naturally diverted her attention, but Jing Hengran, who was opposite her, couldn't help but focus on this amazing-looking and extraordinary man next to her.

At the beginning, Jing Hengran was indeed a tall man who suddenly entered the restaurant with some surprises. He had to admit that this man had a very good face. Just now he came in, and he was a big man who felt a little bit bright, let alone a woman, the restaurant. The atmosphere was stagnant because the man suddenly appeared.

Of course, the reason that made him pay more attention to this man was that he always felt that the figure of the man next to him looked a little familiar. It seemed that he had met someone, but he couldn't think of it for a while.

At the same time, this outstanding man feels very dangerous to him. He doesn't like the breath surrounding him at all. Even if this man has a good skin, he always feels that what this man shows is not his real face.

Jing Hengran estimated that he was looking attentively, unable to prevent him from suddenly meeting the cold and gloomy eyebrows of the man. His chest first shook severely, and then, there was a flash of'not good stubble' in his mind. The four words immediately retracted his eyes.

Jing Hengran's heart palpitated slightly, and quickly calmed down. Somehow, his subconscious gaze fell on the little girl opposite, and subconsciously wanted to see if her attention was also on the man next to him.

The man beside him looks and bears too outstanding.

And speaking of it, regardless of the value of alchemy or the value of spiritual tea in front of the little girl, Jing Hengran felt that it was necessary to chase people.

What's more, apart from these, he also has a bit of sincerity towards the girl in front of him, and he really likes the girl in front of him personally, and he has a very good impression of her and is moved by her.

Jing Hengran was very sure about chasing the little girl in front of him before, but now suddenly such a good man appeared in the middle of the way, Jing Hengran was quite worried and nervous.

After all, he knew very well that men's skins were very attractive to women, and he was afraid that the little girl in front of him would be attracted by the man next to him.

It didn't wait for him to realize that the little girl in front of him was only focusing on the menu and not looking at the man beside him. Jing Hengran was very satisfied, and at the same time he gave birth to the woman he admired.

After seeing that most of the women in the restaurant looked at the man next to him, Jing Hengran felt even deeper.

Chi Shuyan didn't know what Jing Hengran was thinking about at this moment. If she knew it, she might have laughed. Who said she didn't care about her appearance?

Regardless of the appearance, could you be with others?

She asked herself not to control her face, but she always felt that when she was with the man next to her, the appearance of the other person still accounted for a large proportion, which she couldn't deny.

And to a certain extent, she can only say that it is not that she is immune to the looks of the man Qi Zhenbai, but that she has seen more together before, so she will not stare at people stupidly, and that the two of them now Relationship, she also thought about avoiding suspicion,

She felt that the other party was her mind in all likelihood, and wanted to avoid suspicion with her.

Then she focused her attention on the menu instead of looking at the man next to her. She changed her face to a stranger, and she really wouldn't let go of the chance to appreciate it for a while.

Chi Shuyan's gaze was quite satisfied, but he still tentatively said: "This man next to him looks worthy, I don't know which movie star I think it is?"

Chi Shuyan didn't pay attention to film stars, but watched entertainment gossip while Jing Hengran was practicing.

Jing Hengran felt more and more that the little girl in front of him had a strange perspective on issues, and smiled and said: "It's not about the entertainment gossip, but more about current affairs. After all, sometimes it takes a few years to retreat from practice, and I am afraid that I can't keep up with the development of the times! "

Chi Shuyan nodded to express understanding.

Jing Hengran quickly turned his attention to the man next to him who was very present, frowned and said, "Shu Yan, I always feel that this figure next to me is a bit familiar, but I can't think of where I have seen it for a while. , Do you know each other?"

Chi Shuyan ignored the other party’s intimacy calling her name because of the second half of the question. He couldn’t help but remember the scene when the man Qi Zhenbai appeared outside her villa. The two had a relationship, but it was outside at the time. It was dark, and the other party turned against the lights again, and didn't see clearly that his appearance was normal, and it was no wonder that the other party felt familiar with the man next to him.

But Chi Shuyan didn't intend to say anything more, so if the other party asked her what is the relationship with the man next to her?

As for the personal affairs of her previous relationship with Qi Zhenbai, she didn't want to disclose at all. Moreover, her relationship with Jing Hengran was not so familiar to her that she shared her feelings with the other party, so she simply shook her head and said nothing. The topic said: "I don't know!"

At this time, Chi Shuyan didn't notice that Jing Hengran first yelled the words "shuyan" intimately. Qi Zhenbai squeezed the finger of the glass teacup, and his five knuckles were slightly white.

And when her words of "don't know" simply fell, the hostile spirit deep in the man's eyes surged and poured out a little bit, and the malicious spirit in his body almost got out of control, or he was expressionless and touched the Buddha Lord wearing his wrist. Reli, the evil spirit just gushing out of the whole body was suppressed, but the hostility and gloom under his eyes were not suppressed, and it was still surging and staying for a long time, and his complexion was very ugly.

At this time, the light fell brightly, and the man's skin felt cold and white, and his complexion looked very pale, which made people feel distressed inexplicably.

A waiter in this restaurant just came over and wanted to ask the other person what he wanted to order, but he was very worried by the pale face of the tall man on the sofa, thinking that the other party was seriously ill, the waitress just softly wanted to approach the other party and asked him how Then, he was hit hard by the vacillating and stern expression on the opponent's face and the bluffing eyes, and he swallowed his saliva.

After the public office ordered the food, the waitress immediately panicked and left. The one who ran away called a quick, as if something was chasing her behind.

Chi Shuyan can't help but pay attention to the movements of her ex-boyfriend and the waiter next to her. On the one hand, the waitress is running too loudly, and on the other hand, the other person's face is too bad and too pale.

After all he wasn't a real stranger, Chi Shuyan still inevitably paid attention out of conscience. If the other party fainted really sick, she would still be willing to help call an ambulance.

After paying attention to the other party for a while, making sure that the other party was okay, and continued to drink water as usual with a blank face, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief and continued to talk with Jing Hengran.

But Jing Hengran didn't have a lot of fun for dinner this time. He always felt that someone was staring at him from behind. He was still staring at his back and his heart was chilly.

At the same time, he is keenly aware that the man beside him who is very difficult to get along with seems to be a bit hostile to him. The look in his eyes is always a bit cold, and there is no temperature in his eyes, as if he is a dead person, which makes him quite a bit. He was frightened, so he forgot to talk about spirit tea with the little girl in front of him.

After a meal, Jing Hengran didn't eat anything at all. Jing Hengran breathed a sigh of relief when the two went out of the restaurant, and by the way offered to send her back to the villa.

Chi Shuyan was still trying to figure out what Jing Hengran had asked her this time. At first, she thought the other party was about Lingcha, but after a meal, the other party never mentioned Lingcha. Could it be that she had guessed wrong before, and the other party didn't want to talk to her about business at all, but just wanted to ask her for a meal? Although she invited this meal!

Thinking that the other party meant something to her, Chi Shuyan didn't dare to take the other party's car again, and immediately found an excuse to refuse the other party.

But this time Jing Hengran, because of the distressed and cold eyes on his back from time to time when he was eating in the restaurant, he rarely refused her request. He nodded and drove away as he agreed to her.

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