Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1541: Eight hundred thirty seven

After Jing Hengran drove away, Chi Shuyan breathed a sigh of relief. Taking advantage of the good weather and it's still early, Chi Shuyan planned to walk around and take a taxi to leave.

It was just over eight o’clock at the moment, and there were still a lot of people on the road. Chi Shuyan followed the pedestrians on the street. After walking for a while, she took out her mobile phone and boarded WeChat, and found that her master had sent her WeChat again. Suddenly I was happy, and quickly went back.

Thinking of her master, she suddenly remembered what gift her master had given before, she didn't open it at all, and then went back to the villa for a while.

Chi Shuyan chatted with her master as she walked. The two talked quite enthusiastically and happily. After hearing her master said that the weather had been dry recently, and asked her what kind of skin care products she wanted, she sent her a set.

Chi Shuyan didn't plan to ask for any skin care products. Since she had drunk the marrow soup, even if it was a low-profile version, her skin was not bad. With practice, the body was full of spiritual energy, and the skin was not bad, white and bright. .

It was her master’s words that reminded her that she can make homemade skin care products for her master. The lower version of Marrow Soup and Marrow Pills need to be consumed by people with aura, especially Zhuyan Pill. Her master can’t take it. She feels self-conscious. You can try to make a batch of skin care products, send a set to her master, and then try to sell some on Taobao.

She is actually not short of money now. As for jade, she can cooperate with Fan family with spirit tea. It is said that several ancient martial arts families have good background. There is also jade mine. Maybe she can exchange spirit tea for jade mine. There is no shortage of money anymore.

As for the sudden desire to make skin care products, it is also a three-point enthusiasm, mainly for her master, it does not matter whether Taobao can sell it.

Chi Shuyan thought about it, and she didn't return until the car drove water and splashed on her. This time, the black car slowly stopped and the window rolled down. Chi Shuyan immediately caught a pair of very familiar eyes. Then he rolled down the car window completely, revealing the familiar and grim brows of the man.

It's a pity that this face stared at her coldly and impatiently at this time, his eyes were not warm, and Chi Shuyan was inexplicably hairy when he stared at her. He listened to the other party to drop the word'sorry' without apology. , The window was rolled again, and the car hurried away immediately.

Chi Shuyan:...

After the other party’s car left, Chi Shuyan lowered her head and hurriedly looked at the dirty water splashing on her body. Today, she took a bath and changed into a gray-white casual sportswear. The dirty water splashed on, leaving large traces of dirt on the trouser legs. There were even a few drops of dirty water splashing on her clothes. Chi Shu had a good temper and didn't intend to lose her temper immediately, but when she noticed the long and wide road beside her there was no vehicle yet.

Unless the other party deliberately, where would she be splashed by the car when she stands obediently on the sidewalk? What's more, this big road is so big and wide, and the other party has to drive to the side of the road where it is not good to drive.

What is the other party not intentionally?

Emotionally, she feels that Qi Zhenbai can't do such a naive thing when he thinks about a calm man, but after a rational analysis, Chi Shuyan feels that the other party is not intentional and what is it?

In the end, Chi Shuyan could only grit her teeth and admit that she was unlucky. Who told her to go out tonight without reading the almanac?

Because of being splashed with dirty water, Chi Shuyan lost the mood for a walk, and just prepared to take a taxi back to the villa. Before the taxi, she said a few words to her master on WeChat before taking a taxi to leave.

On the other side, the black car was parked at a nearby corner, and unlike the indifferent and impatient look just now, the man sitting in the back seat rolled down the window, his eyes were deep and his thin lips were falling in a place without a sound for a long time, and occasionally called back. I clicked on the Buddhist beads on my wrists, other than that, nothing else.

The driver in the driver's seat didn't dare to disturb the man in the back seat easily. Since a series of incidents happened in the Qi family recently, the driver was terribly afraid of this cruel and indifferent Qi Shao regardless of his blood relationship.

It wasn't long before the phone rang, and the driver saw that Qi Shao hadn't moved for a long time behind him, and then he reminded him: "Qi Shao, your call!"

Qi Zhenbai took out his mobile phone from his pocket. In the mobile phone was Qi Hao's cautiously tentative voice: "Brother, grandpa asks when you will go back to Qi's house? Recently, grandpa is not in good health, so he wants you to take his sister-in-law back to Qi. Home."

Qi Zhenbo still didn't have much expression on his face, his eyes were indifferent, and his tone of voice said he knew.

Although the family of the four uncles of the Qi family allowed Qi Hao to fully understand his cousin’s methods, after some time, he still favored his cousin, just like what his mother said to his dad in private. "Zhenbai doesn’t think about blood relationship, but he is ruthless, but if the fourth child is forced to be cruel, do you think he will be ruthless? Don’t think you don’t say, I can’t guess what the fourth child did. The fourth child’s methods have always been insidious and poisonous. He almost killed the eighty or nine-year-old Zhenbai before. If the fourth child did too much this time and touched Zhenbai’s bottom line, Zhenbai might not be so harsh on the fourth family. Who can't blame this? We can't blame Zhenbai. Besides, the fourth child is your brother and uncle, then Zhenbai is not your uncle and your own son or nephew? Anyway, I don't think it makes sense for Dad and uncle to blame Zhenbai. I don’t think the old four who joined in dealing with Zhenbai secretly are not good people."

I have to say that because of Qi Hao’s mother’s words, Qi Hao gradually wants to understand that the death of his uncle’s family is not entirely to blame for his uncle. His uncle must have done something that touched his brother’s bottom line. Will let his family go.

He still feels that his brother is a bit pitiful, because of his uncle's family, his grandfather, uncle and even the family blamed his brother, forcing his brother to leave the Qi family.

Even his uncle several times scolded his brother in cold blood and said that he had never given birth to his son. His brother had no expression at the time, so he turned and left the Qi family.

In short, thinking about his brother's situation now, he feels sore. He occasionally wonders why his brother suddenly went to Longhu Mountain for half a month?

At the same time, he had an intuition in his heart that if his uncle did not die, he might be the one who died now. Qi Hao felt even more distressed when he thought of this, and couldn't help saying, "Brother, when will you go home?"

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