Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1605: Four hundred

Before Yang Ji had time to get up, the lights inside and outside the door suddenly dimmed. His throat was hung over his throat. He was frightened by the sudden dimming of the light, and his heart seemed to jump out of his chest. The fine cold sweat instantly wetted his back.

His head was blank, and he couldn't think about it any more. The survival instinct made him shake his body and walk quickly to the door of the living room and suddenly opened the door.

Just as he opened the door, the lights in and out of the room turned on again.

In the next room not far from the door, he also saw someone talking. It seemed that the property staff of the community was shouting at people to explain that the light was suddenly cut off because of the switch trip. It was nothing serious.

I was caught off guard and saw other people. The scared Yang Ji stood under the bright lamp and came back to life with Gang Gang. He took a few breaths, but the shock just now made him breathe hard for several minutes. , It took a few minutes to calm down.

He stood still, his eyes kept staring at the property staff and the person next door to explain.

The property staff who came to the door was explaining to the next door. It seemed that they noticed that someone was looking at him. He immediately turned his head and saw that the neighboring tenant opened the door and kept staring at him.

Although the property staff was a bit weird, thinking of the sudden power outage, he immediately explained to the other party: "Excuse me, sir, there are some problems with the light switch of this building these days. It is estimated that there will be power outages from time to time these days, but Don’t worry, we have asked the maintenance master to come to repair the switch, and the occasional power failure will never exceed half an hour. I hope you all understand!"

After listening to the explanation of the property staff, the neighboring residents still looked a little bit different, but when they heard that they had asked the master to come to repair them, their expressions were a little bit better.

As for Yang Ji at the moment, he only felt sticky and scared. He heard the maintenance staff explain to him. This explanation seemed like a natural explanation. The sudden power failure just now was not because of other reasons but because of the normal switch.

Yang Ji heaved a sigh of relief, his face was very good and nodded to the maintenance staff: "It's okay!"

Yang Ji stood at the door until the maintenance staff left the floor and the door closed next door before he closed the door again.

Although it was okay just now, Yang Ji's instinct was still a little uneasy. He immediately went to the living room to take a fixed phone and wanted to call the little master. Unfortunately, he didn't have the little master's phone number. Yang Ji thought about it for a while and just prepared to call other people. Let others help inform the little master that he is home.

Soon, the call was connected.

Yang Ji heard a voice familiar with Wang Jinyang coming from the other side of the phone. Yang Ji finally breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately rushed to Wang Jinyang and said: "Jinyang, I am at home now, can you help me to close the game or the little master for a while? One sound?"

Yang Ji faintly heard the rustle from the other side of the phone while talking, and soon came Wang Jinyang's slow promise reply, saying that he would tell him right away in a while.

"Thank you, Jinyang!" Yang Ji didn't hung up after saying this, but thought of what Yuan Yuan had predicted for him tonight. Yang Ji was still a little apprehensive.

Before tonight, Yang Ji asked himself if he was not afraid of death. Sometimes when he thinks of Liling, he feels that it is a big deal to pay her. But once people know that he is really likely to die, he still doesn’t know how he died, especially when he thinks of Liling. Ling, Lin Dong and other friends died in an extremely miserable state. Yang Ji now packed up and said that it is impossible not to shoot him to death.

The main reason why he has remained so calm so far is that he is more willing to believe that Master Chi and Master Chi have given him a lot of talisman before.

Master Chi said that he would be fine as long as he kept the talisman with him. He was afraid that Fulu would fall with the phone. Yang Ji subconsciously put it in his pocket, waiting to make sure that the few Fulus given by Master Chi did not fall with the phone. He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and his forehead sanity also recovered. Looking at the dark night outside, he was always a little restless. He immediately made a decision and suddenly rushed to Wang Jinyang and said: "Jinyang, Yuan Yuan tonight Yuan asked me, and she also predicted that I would have something wrong tonight. Can you help me contact Master Chi immediately and let him come to my house?"

"Heh...heh, no problem!"' Wang Jinyang's voice suddenly became sharper, and when he responded, it was a bit gloating and impatient, and his voice was a little rougher than before, just like the grind of swallowing sand with his voice. The sound of the iron **** being shoveling and scraping on the cement is very harsh.

Yang Ji hung up the phone, his expression stunned. He always felt that Wang Jinyang's voice just now was a bit wrong. It was not only rough and unpleasant, but also mechanically as if there was no mercy.

Yang Ji thinks that he thinks too much. Yes, he must think too much. He obviously called Wang Jinyang just now, and he also answered Jinyang.

After the call, Wang Jinyang sent a message. Yang Ji was really relieved at this moment, and his face was much better. At this moment, he also noticed that his whole body was very sticky and wet. He thought about the master immediately coming to his house. He might as well take a bath first.

When taking a bath, Yang Ji did not forget that the talisman that Master Chi said before was waterproof. He could wear it in. Before going to the bath, he found a red string from the drawer and put on a talisman, and put it in his hand. To take a bath.

There was a splash of water in the bathroom, and Yang Ji took a bath very quickly. He quickly finished washing in two strokes. He threw the dirty clothes in the bucket to be washed tomorrow.

After getting dressed, he walked outside, but he walked to the door. Suddenly his wrist was hung by a nail at the door. His arm hurt a small piece of skin. The painful Yang Ji took a breath. Fortunately, it was just a small matter. Rest assured, walking toward the hall, but didn't notice that the talisman hanging on the red rope suddenly fell to the ground just a few steps after the other person, and there was only a bare red rope on his wrist.

Yang Ji waited in the living room for a long time, and Master Chi hadn't come home yet. I don't know if the mood was too ups and downs tonight. After the shower, Yang Ji felt tired all over. He almost fell asleep when he sat on the sofa.

He kept his eyes open for a few minutes before waiting for anyone. In the end, he couldn't suppress his drowsiness. The drowsiness was on his head, and even the fear in his heart was much less.

He simply went back to the bedroom to sleep first, and the door was open and not closed. Anyway, if Master Chi came to the door and rang the bell, he should be able to hear it.

Back in the bedroom, Yang Ji walked to the big bed and fell asleep, but did not notice that the closed window not far away suddenly opened wide, and the wind was blowing inside.

Before long, a colorful doll appeared on the desktop. Look carefully, the doll's face is painted with two thick rouge, the lips are red as blood, there are eyes, nose and mouth, but a face is very small and flat. , The facial features on the doll seem to follow the painting, and they look more like a face.

No, looking up close is more like a piece of unfolded squeezed and wrinkled face, from time to time there is an eye leaking out here and a mouth leaking out over there, which looks extremely scary.

I saw that the doll suddenly turned frantically at this moment, turning both eyes a burst of red, with a weird and evil smile, and the penetrating eyes stared at Yang Ji on the bed, as if looking at a dead person, while staring at his face. Coveted.

Yang Ji was a little sleepy. When he fell asleep, he always felt that something was knocking under the bed. At first it was ‘Boom! With a sound, seeing that he was not awake, the sound frequency of the sound became faster and faster.

Not only that, Yang Ji always felt that something sticky and cold on his face touched his face, making him a little sleepy.

If Yang Ji opened his eyes at this time, he could see that the hand that touched his face at this time was a pale and white hand covered with red nail polish and sharp nails protruding from under the bed. Only five fingers were covered with red nails. , But there is no trace of beauty, but it makes people feel a bit cold.

"Master, do you say that all my luck in this life is to meet you!" Fan Yin not only got excited, but also completely changed the name on his lips. He was familiar with "Master", all kinds of rainbows. Fart blowing wildly, but Fan Yin doesn't feel like a rainbow fart at all, but tells the truth.

If he hadn't met the master, could he meet such a great thing?


Chi Shuyan automatically ignores this kid’s rainbow fart, but it’s always a good thing to be praised. Chi Shuyan is in a good mood, but after the other party directly praised her for half an hour, if she didn’t stop it in time, she felt let this The kid boasted one day, he probably wouldn't repeat it for a whole day.

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