Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1606: Four hundred and one

Waiting for the next day, Yang Ji woke up still a little bit unbelievable. I couldn't believe that he could still see the next day's sun. The bedroom curtains were wide open and the windows were opened. The sun was shining outside. Yang Ji saw the weather outside now. , The sun was shining brightly again and there was a shiver again.

At this moment, Feng Yuanlin came in from outside and shouted ‘Yang Ji’.

When Yang Ji saw that the closed game was at his house, his expression was very excited and unbelievable. I wonder if he suddenly remembered what happened last night, Yang Ji fiercely looked around.

The bedroom is well lit and the weather is good, so the room is very clear, and the furnishings have not changed, as if he had just had a nightmare last night, until a pain in his neck reminded him, Yang Ji hurriedly reached out and wiped it on the neck injury, sure. There was a real injury to his neck, and the nightmare memories of last night flooded into his head again, and Yang Ji's whole body was frightened.

There is also the bottom of the bed. Thinking of the bottom of the bed last night, I stretched out a hand inexplicably. Thinking of this, Yang Ji rolled directly from the bed to the ground at this moment, shaking his body and staring at the bottom of the bed. , There was nothing under the big bed, but Yang Ji just didn't believe it and was anxious.

When he saw Feng Yuanlin, he saw the last straw to save his life. He hugged his thigh, his face was crying, his nose and tears were trembling with excitement and horror: "Close the game, close the game. , Last night... something hurt me last night, that thing hurt me!"

Thinking of Liling's several deaths in succession, Yang Ji became more frightened and frightened the more he thought about it, and kept repeating: "I'm going to die! I'm going to die! Yuan Yuan's prediction is correct, I'm going to die soon!"

"I don't want to die, woo, I don't want to die! Who will save me! Who will save me!" Yang Ji cried dimly, yelling, his voice was dumb and still crying.

The more he thinks about the horrible scene last night, the more afraid he is. If he was killed like last night, he might as well commit suicide first, at least he would die and suffer less!

Feng Yuanlin never went back because of an accident with this kid last night. At this moment, seeing this kid was frightened from last night, he was about to comfort a few words, and when he saw Shuyan at the door, he leaned on the door chair. First reply to him: "Don't worry, you will be fine!" After speaking, she took the talisman that she found on the floor of the hall last night out of her pocket, looked at Yang Ji and asked: "You lost this talisman? Found it on the floor!"

She saw this talisman on the floor last night. She guessed that Yang Ji accidentally lost it. It’s not for this kid to be so careless that something happened to him. If she and Brother Feng were a little late last night, this kid is probably a corpse today. Can't see the sun today.

Chi Shuyan's tone was extraordinarily calm, but these words made Yang Ji a thunderbolt again. He quickly looked at the empty red rope on his wrist, and then remembered the clothes thrown in the dirty bucket last night. The other talismans were all in the pockets of the dirty clothes. .

Thinking of this, Yang Ji's face was extremely pale, and the blood on his lips faded clean in an instant. Fortunately, at this time, Feng Yuanlin comforted Yang Ji in time: "Okay, it's okay, it's okay. It was Shu last night. Yan saves you." After speaking, Feng Yuanlin took the Fulu from Shuyan's hand and handed it to Yang Ji, saying: "This Fulu will be stored personally in the future. Come again, Shuyan and I may not be able to come and rescue you in time. ."

Feng Yuanlin calmly stated the facts. Yang Ji was excited and relieved. He hurriedly took Fu Lu and put it back in his pocket. His eyes were bright and he stared at the door, his eyes completely changed. Up.

If it is said that Yang Ji had believed in her because of the talisman in the store, then after last night, Yang Ji now fully believes that Master Chi is capable of saving them. Yang Ji's eyes are extremely hot and excited at this time. Asked for help from Master Chi at the door: "Master, please help me, help me! I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

He was able to escape last night, but tonight may not be true. Yang Ji is determined not to stay at home alone, and is ready to follow the closure of the station and return to the police station. In fact, Yang Ji wants to stay with Master Chi so that his life is safe. Only guaranteed.

Chi Shuyan was hairy with Yang Ji's unusually hot eyes in front of him. Fortunately, Brother Feng patted the kid on the head in time to calm him down for a while. They were waiting for him outside the living room.

Last night, the kid was scared to pee. He changed the new clothes for this kid, so he changed his pajamas casually. Feng Yuanlin planned to let the kid get dressed first, and calm down while he was wearing clothes. .

Yang Ji shuddered when he heard that the two were going out to leave him here alone. Fortunately, the bedroom door didn't need to be closed. Master Chi and the closed game were outside. Yang Ji still felt a little safe after changing his clothes.

Trembling, opening the closet, choosing and changing clothes, Yang Ji finally calmed down.

When people came out, I didn't expect that Master Chi would even help cook some porridge and call him to drink. There were various fried dough sticks and buns on the table in the living room.

Yang Ji looked incredulous, and Feng Yuanlin looked at the various food on the table in surprise and asked Shuyan: "Shuyan, when did you go out to buy it?"

"Before!" Chi Shuyan said about the time, then called the two of them to have breakfast.

Brother Feng is no better than her. She won’t get tired if she doesn’t sleep all night. Brother Feng didn’t sleep for long last night. It’s better to have breakfast this morning. As for Yang Ji, she was scared in all likelihood last night. Breakfast is good too.

While eating with Feng Ge and Yang Ji, Chi Shuyan secretly took a cell phone under the table to send a message. Feng Yuanlin took a bite of the steamed bun. From a glance, he knew that Shuyan was sending a message to Shuyan, probably. Explain what didn't come back overnight last night.

No, he didn't slept almost all night last night. He kept seeing Shuyan sending messages to Zhenbai, and now sending them again early in the morning, well, this show of love show, he was a little supportive.

He was anxious when he saw the two making a fight before, but now, seeing the two sticky, Feng Yuanlin felt that his single dog was too pitiful.

Yes, after dealing with Yang Ji and the others, he must take the opportunity to make a reliable girlfriend when he looks back.

Feng Yuanlin and Chi Shuyan were quite relieved to have breakfast for this meal, but Yang Ji was very nervous about it, for fear that breakfast would be his last meal.

Yang Ji didn’t intend to conceal it. After eating, he planned to take the initiative to confess what happened last night. Yang Ji said, “Master, closed the game. It was Yuan Yuan who came to me last night. She suddenly asked me to meet in Liling’s name. After that, I predicted that I won’t survive tonight. I didn’t think about anything at the time, and I was scared and went home. By the way, I lost my mobile phone, but I called Jinyang last night and asked him to inform you. Where am I, did you come here with Jinyang notice?"

Yang Ji thinks of last night now, and there is still deep fear and fear in his heart. It is because of his uneasy heart that he suddenly called Jinyang last night, or maybe the master and the closure really didn't know that he had an accident.

Yang Ji made up his mind to be very grateful to the brother Jinyang for a while, but didn't notice that Feng Yuanlin and Chi Shuyan looked strange.

The two looked at each other, and Feng Yuanlin blurted out and asked: "Wait, you said you called Wang Jinyang last night? When? Neither Shuyan nor I received the call?"

Yang Ji looked incredulous. He talked about the approximate time, but his face was still a little dumbfounded when he saw that the game was sealed. Yang Ji was a little dumbfounded. Could it be that Jinyang forgot to say it?

Impossible, Yang Ji still trusted Wang Jinyang very much.

Chi Shuyan glanced at Yang Ji with a bewildered look, and there was a guess in his mind, her eyes thoughtful.

Feng Yuanlin didn’t let Yang Ji entangle any more. His topic quickly shifted to what Yuan Yuan predicted last night. He suddenly said, “Wait, don’t you say that Miss Yuan predicted that every time someone had an accident. Two minutes?"

Feng Yuanlin counted the woman surnamed Yuan asking the boy out, and then predicted and went home, the time could not be only one or two minutes.

Yang Ji didn't think about this issue much before. What they had been entangled with was whether Yuan Yuan could accurately predict the accident. At this time, when the Bureau suddenly asked this question, Yang Ji was a little stupid. He struggled for a while before his expression was quite solemn: "Actually, about Yuan Yuan’s specific predictive ability, to be honest, I and other people are not very clear. We tried to ask her when we first had an accident, and wanted her to make it clear. But in this regard, she said nothing. Many are not clear!"

Speaking of, Yang Ji didn’t have any sense of security with Yuan Yuan before. One of the main reasons was that he always felt that the other party did not really care about other people except Xia Mingcheng, including their lives, and from Yuan Yuan, he I always felt that the other party knew more, but hid a lot and didn't really explain it to them.

She couldn't explain many questions and didn't bother to explain.

Before they all had to rely on Yuan Yuan and didn't dare to offend her.

Feng Yuanlin and Chi Shuyan probably understood what Yang Ji meant in a few words.

At this time, breakfast was almost the same. Yang Ji took the initiative to take a shower. After washing the dishes, Yang Ji hurriedly walked to the two of them and asked nervously, "Master, shut the game, I... Where am I going now?"

Feng Yuanlin now also knows that the next person to die is Yang Ji. He now has some headaches about where Yang Ji is going and how to save his life. Feng Yuanlin thought for a while and simply looked at Shu Yan and said: " Shuyan, would you like to bring people back first?"

Feng Yuanlin thought that Shuyan would hesitate, but she knew that she should be especially simple: "Sure!"

Yang Ji:...

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