Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1637: Four hundred thirty two

The next day, Yuan Yuan was in a good mood. She woke up early in the morning and took the initiative to make breakfast for Chai Qing, and asked her to come and eat together. Chai Qing was frightened all night, seeing that Sister Yuan had forgotten what happened last night. She was also very kind to her, Chai Qing was completely relieved, thinking that Sister Yuan really treated her as her own person. She sat opposite Yuan Yuan with a smile on her face, and continued to talk ill of Yang Ji and the others from time to time while eating breakfast.

These days with Yuan Yuan, she knew very well that she did not seem to be willing to see Yang Ji, Wang Jinyang, Li Xiaoyan, Ye Mingguang and others.

On the contrary, she did not wait to see Yang Ji and the others.

Yes, Yuan Yuan looked at Brother Xia, she would like the very good friends who used to be very close to Yan Liling to play with. It’s weird. Chai Qing puts Yuan Yuan’s smile on his face and continues to use other people , But forgot that she was close to Yan Liling, claiming to be one of Yan Liling's best friends.

After breakfast, Chai Qing still has things to do today, Yuan Yuan did not stay much, but before Chai Qing left, she subconsciously asked a question: "Sister Yuan, didn't you say that Yang Ji must die before? When will he die? "

Chai Qing is selfish in nature and doesn't care about Yang Ji's life or death. The only thing she worries about is who's next turn if Yang Ji has an accident?

But Sister Yuan shouldn't let her have an accident, so she was too lazy to care if Yang Ji died, and she was quite gloating about Yang Ji's death.

Chai Qing made up his mind to listen to some news from Yuan Yuan's side before going to disgusting and disgusting Yang Ji. Who made him walk so close to the woman surnamed Chi now? She speaks for that woman from time to time.

After listening to Chai Qing’s question, Yuan Yuan took a toast, her face changed suddenly, and she quickly recovered her calm, but her complexion was indescribably stiff, as if she was stabbed by Chai Qing in a weak spot, her complexion was very unnatural. After a while, she barely managed to squeeze a smile and replied perfunctorily: "Alright!"

Hearing these two words, Chai Qing was really very happy, and she rushed to Yuan Yuan with a look of excitement: "Sister Yuan, I know that you have never made a mistake in your predictions. You are particularly capable and capable. That person is not enough. The woman whose surname is late can hardly be compared with you, no, that woman is not even worthy to lift you shoes!"

Chai Qing habitually flattered Yuan Yuan, but did not notice that Yuan Yuan's face was getting ugly. When she thought that Yang Ji and Huang Chong would be fine one after another, she felt that Chai Qing's sarcastic words were ridiculing her. Yuan Yuan's face was gloomy and her face was lasting. He didn't even smile, and said with a stiff face: "You still have something to do, don't you go first?"

Although Chai Qing saw something abnormal, she didn't think much about it. Every time she flattered before, Sister Yuan was always in a good mood. This time she continued to flatter and demote a woman whose surname was late. Sister Yuan was not used to this woman. She said that woman. Sister Yuan certainly can't be unhappy, and immediately nodded: "Sure, don't say anything, Sister Yuan, I really want to go first. I'm still a little urgent! Someone asked me this morning!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Chai Qing's tone was rather ambiguous, deliberately implying something, so as to make the other party feel at ease.

There was indeed a man who took the initiative to ask her recently. If Sister Yuan didn’t look at Brother Xia, she would definitely be reluctant to let go. But since Sister Yuan looked at Brother Xia, of course she learned a little bit of fun, and occasionally she felt a little bit grumbling. There are very few good men with the same outstanding family background, long and good, and the men who date her are relatively ordinary in appearance and family background.

Sometimes she couldn’t help being jealous of Yuan Yuan and even more jealous of her curiosity. Why did she predict her ability to see her face, good things fell on Yuan Yuan’s head but not on her head, jealousy flashed past, thinking of her own life Still in Yuan Yuan's hands, Chai Qing didn't dare to think about it right now, and went out happily. Before going out, he put on another makeup carefully.

Although she doesn't look down on people, she can satisfy her vanity when a man pursues her.

Chai Qing hurriedly left after putting on her makeup, but did not realize that Yuan Yuan did not continue to eat breakfast behind her. She put her chopsticks on the table, and then stared at her back with uncertain and gloomy eyes, and a sneer appeared at the corners of her lips. There is no temperature in the fundus.

In the hospital, after Chi Shuyan took the initiative to hand Huang Chong a safety talisman, his injury healed very quickly. Huang Chong had a little pickled one or two days before the accident. These two days were particularly energetic. Wang Jinyang, Li Xiaoyan, Yi Junzhong, and Ye Mingguang were amazed. Of course, they were half-trusted and doubtful that the Ping An Talisman was so effective. More thoughts were that they were afraid of psychological effects, especially Ye Mingguang.

Yang Ji still believes in the talisman given by Master Chi. In short, Huang Chong can survive. There is nothing better than this. As for the previous accident, Yang Ji and the others have solved the problem by closing the game. It’s no wonder that the others, if they really want to talk about it, it was the unlucky person who ran into Huang Chong, so the medical expenses did not let the unlucky worker out. Huang Chong even asked Xia Mingcheng for help. Yesterday he took the initiative to go to the workers’ company. Help explain.

With Xia Mingcheng's family background and Feng Yuanlin, the hapless worker is indeed fine and still works in the company.

After knowing that the unlucky worker was working in the company, Huang Chong's guilt finally disappeared.

"When will Master Chi come over?" Huang Chong couldn't help muttering again. After speaking, he immediately asked Ye Mingguang: "Brother Ye, you said that Mr. Gu who sent you yesterday is really the same as Master Chi. acquaintance?"

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