Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1638: Four hundred thirty three

When Ye Mingguang brought people here last night, he didn’t expect to meet the little girl with the surname Chi, and he didn’t expect that Tianshi Gu would also know Master Chi, and she was very enthusiastic, and even more vowed that they would please After Master Chi went out, it was certain that everything could be solved one by one.

It was also because of Gu Tianshi's words that Ye Mingguang was curious about the little girl whose surname was late, but it was a pity that the two had only a few sides, and each time they parted ways without saying much.

It is impossible to understand more.

Ye Mingguang still believed in this little master surnamed Chi. Although Yang Ji, Huang Chong, Li Xiaoyan and the others didn’t know how much good things the master had said since he came back, Ye Mingguang still believed in doubt, he believed more than that little master. National professional heavenly master.

Fortunately, Gu Tianshi did not intend to ignore their affairs.

Huang Chong kept talking about Chi Shuyan, it was not too late that he didn't read it, but Gu Beizheng Gu Tianshi came, Gu Beizheng came, Ye Mingguang was very excited, but only saw Gu Beizheng glance around Huang Chong ward. The first question turned out to be: "Master Chi didn't come?"

Ye Mingguang:...

On the contrary, Huang Chong looked provocative and raised his chin at Ye Mingguang. He looked like "Look, Master Chi is not that good", but Ye Mingguang was choked and speechless.

Ye Mingguang really couldn't help but trust the little girl with the surname Chi at this moment. Thinking of the few talisman he bought from the master Chi last time, maybe the little girl is really a master. Seven points have also become ten points, but in his opinion, Master Chi or Gu Tianshi is more powerful, Ye Mingguang thinks that it is still Gu Tianshi, Gu Tianshi is much older than the little master, and he is still responsible for this. Nine groups with great fame at different times.

Of course, Ye Mingguang learned that the country and family really had such a department after the incident.

Without waiting for Ye Mingguang to think about it, Yi Junzhong first answered, "Well, Master Chi still has to go to class. I don't know if I will come over at noon!

Thinking that Master Chi is still a college student, the Yi Jun Center is still quite fantasy. Not only the fantasy in the Yi Jun Center, but also Wang Jinyang, Yang Ji, and Li Xiaoyan are always confused when they think of it.

Fortunately, Master Chi doesn't have to skip class to help them. They really want to skip class. They really have this face.

When a crowd was talking lively, the door of the ward was pushed open again. At first, everyone thought it was Master Late who had arrived, but they didn't even think of looking up at the past and meeting Chai Qing's familiar face.

Wang Jinyang, Yang Ji, Li Xiaoyan, and Yi Jun, including the newly-appearing Ye Mingguang, did not have a good impression of the woman Chai Qing. Liling used to speak for Chai Qing, and they were too lazy to care about the same woman.

Of course, Huang Chong is the one who dislikes Chai Qing the most. Huang Chong gets along with the woman Chai Qing too much a few days ago. This woman's ability to reverse black and white is so good that she has been leaning against Yuan Yuan and saying Yang Ji. Afterwards, they slandered Yuan Yuan in front of Yuan Yuan. Huang Chong saw Chai Qing come in and waited to be blind. His face suddenly sank from joy, and his face was unwelcome and asked: "What's wrong with you?"

Chai Qing has a thick face. Hearing Huang Chong’s unwelcome remarks was the same as if he hadn’t heard. The smug smile on her face never disappeared. She swept a circle of people proudly and condescendingly, and then stayed on Yang Ji for a long time, her eyes open. She was very sympathetic and gloating, but when she saw Gu Beizheng, her eyes were so big that she couldn't wait to stick to the person.

Gu Beizheng frowned slightly, and heard Chai Qing couldn't wait to ask Yang Ji, "Who is this? Yang Ji, can you introduce me to me!"

The tone is very natural, and it also reveals some inexplicable arrogance and commands.

Everyone, including Yang Ji, didn't understand where Chai Qing came from this arrogance.

Of course, no one cares about her naturally.

Chai Qing can't bear to lose face in front of a handsome guy. Seeing that no one wants to take care of her, her face suddenly flushed and it was very ugly. Everyone looked at the enemy with resentment. People who didn't know thought they were them. I'm sorry for what she has done.

Gu Beizheng's appearance naturally sees many women sticking up, and he looks very good. The face of the woman in front of him is like a shoehorn. The top and bottom are also a bit pointed, the lips are thin, the nose is not high or short, the tip of the nose is fleshless, and the forehead is also Narrow, high cheekbones, a typical mean-hearted, narrow-minded and jealous face.

In a word, this kind of person is very difficult to get along with. A typical double-faced person has little real ability, but jealous people have a lot of jealousy, they speak harshly, and they are also harsh. It's strange that such a person will actively provoke him. go with.

Gu Beizheng directly ignored the other party's words and found an excuse to go out first. Before Chai Qing asked again, they had already left the house and left.

Chai Qing didn't pay any attention to her. She slammed the door and walked away. She had suffered from this kind of ignorance. Her complexion rose and became redder, her complexion turned blue and white, very wonderful and beautiful.

Huang Chong and Li Xiaoyan called a gloat in their hearts. Yang Ji, Yi Junzhong, Ye Mingguang, and Wang Jinyang were self-proclaimed big men. It's not easy to laugh at a woman, so they didn't see anything at all.

Regardless of whether other people ridiculed, Chai Qing made up her mind now that everyone was definitely watching her jokes. She made up her mind to go back today, and she must speak bad things about a few more people in front of Sister Yuan. Everything went wrong, Sister Yuan didn't care about them, and she didn't have to tell these people any predictions, just let them live or die.

Chai Qing thought bitterly.

Chai Qing gritted her teeth and forced a smile, first stunned Huang Chong and said, "Huang Chong, your life is pretty big, you haven't died after such a collision?"

Huang Chong's expression suddenly changed, and the other people's expressions changed a little bit. Without waiting for others to speak, who knows that Chai Qing next bit Yang Ji again, and saw her look proud and squinted at Yang Ji. With a few tuts, he suddenly said with pride: "Yang Ji, why do I look at your face like a short-lived face? By the way, I forgot to tell you that Sister Yuan really taught me how to look at people a few days ago. Ji’s face is completely short-lived? No doubt he will die within two days at most!"

Yang Ji:...

other people:……

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