Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 634: Six hundred thirty eight

Feng Yuanlin didn't know that the green light on his forehead was deeper. Thinking of the cold war with Qin Qing in the past two days, it should be said that Qin Qing unilaterally ignored him. Feng Yuanlin pinched his eyebrows, feeling very helpless. .

Thinking of staying at Zhenbai’s house last night, Feng Yuanlin only greeted Zhenbai when he went out, and didn’t tell Zhenbai’s wife. In addition, Zhou Manning’s case is now transferred to him. I want to ask Zhenbai's wife.

At this moment, I couldn't help but dial the phone number of Zhenbai's wife. As soon as the call was connected, Feng Yuanlin said: "Zhenbai's wife, are you free? How about I invite you to supper?

"so good?"

"There is something I just want you to do a favor!" Feng Yuanlin said: "The case of Zhou Manning has been handed over to me, wife Zhenbai, you have to give me some advice and clues. I don't believe other people, just believe it. You are your own person."

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but think of Feng Yuanlin's horrible girlfriend. She is really afraid that the woman would be too brainy to make up for her relationship with the closure. She looked at the sky and said, "The closure, it's a bit late this day, why tomorrow? "

Feng Yuanlin thought she was afraid that Zhenbai would be jealous, and said cheerfully: "Don't worry, I will let your man know in a moment. I am not afraid that Zhenbai boy will be jealous."

Chi Shuyan:...

In the end, the two decided to eat at a nearby food stall. Feng Yuanlin was a rough man and could eat anywhere. Chi Shuyan was not a particular person.

Don't say, some food stalls taste really good, and it's good to eat occasionally.

When the two arrived at the food stall, Feng Yuanlin was worried that the people would be too messy, and that his wife Zhenbai would think it was dirty. He immediately said that he is a little poor these days, and he will definitely ask her to eat at a high-end restaurant later. The stalls taste really good, not worse than the food in those high-end restaurants.

Chi Shuyan thought of Feng Yuanlin's current position. How could it be said that he was in charge of the Kyoto police station, and would he be short of money? What's more, the man Qi Zhenbo said, there are many mines in the closed house.

Chi Shuyan squinted his eyes with a smile and joked: "Stop the game, so lack of money? Why do I sit and see you are not like a person who lacks money?"

Feng Yuanlin was a little embarrassed: "Aren't all the cards in the hands of my daughter-in-law? A Qing didn't get through when I called. Okay, let's not talk about this, Zhenbai's wife, don't laugh at me for being afraid of my wife!"

Seeing that the wife of Zhenbo didn't care about the mess and the roadside stall was messy, Feng Yuanlin sighed with great relief.

Chi Shuyan narrowed his eyes and said with curiosity: "Close the game..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Yuanlin smiled and interrupted: "Okay, don’t say anything about closing the game or not, it’s all your own, calling you brother! I’m bigger than Zhenbai, calling you brother, neither Suffer!"

When the boss took the menu, Feng Yuanlin recommended a lot of delicious foods. Before eating comfortable, he was busy buying herbs and Zhou Manqing. It hadn’t had dinner yet, and I was a little hungry now. He accepted many recommendations from Feng Yuanlin. food.

Waiting for the boss to bring the signature hot and sour noodles, and various barbecues, the two enjoyed it.

Feng Yuanlin really didn't dislike Zhenbai's wife, and slurped happily, and became more fond of Zhenbai's wife.

He couldn't help thinking of one time when he went out to eat with Qin Qing.

He felt that the food stall was good, and he specially brought people over for dinner. How could he know that after bringing people over, Qin Qing either disliked this place as dirty or disliked others, and finally did not touch anything.

When Feng Yuanlin thinks about it now, he feels quite uncomfortable.

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