Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 635: Six hundred thirty-nine

In the past, he thought that he and Qin Qing were quite suitable, and they were rough, but Qin Qing’s personality was meticulous and gentle. Every man wanted to marry a gentle and virtuous daughter-in-law. These years, the two of them have a good personality. People frequently cold war.

Every time after the Cold War, Feng Yuanlin wanted the two to communicate well.

It's a pity that the other party didn't give him a chance. When she thought that he had forbidden Qin Qing to endorse Zhenbai last night, she started a cold war with him again.

Feng Yuanlin was rather helpless.

"Brother Feng, what do you want?" Chi Shuyan also changed his mind, and began to slap on the topic of his relationship with Qin Qing and when the two got married.

But apparently Feng Yuanlin heard that Zhenbai's wife was concerned about his marriage to Qin Qing. His expression was a little unnatural and a little tired. It was mainly because his woman was making trouble with him now, and on the other hand he was annoyed by Zhou Manning's disappearance. Unclear.

Feng Yuanlin also knew that he had just been transferred, and others saw him as a soft persimmon, so he threw the unsolved case to him. Feng Yuanlin was also checking Zhou Manning's news in the past two days, but unfortunately No clues were found.

Thinking of the skills of Zhenbai's wife, Feng Yuanlin came to find someone.

Feng Yuanlin didn't want to talk more about personal matters, and said bluntly: "It's okay, what can we do? Let the marriage matter take its course. I respect her opinion and talk about it later!"

Chi Shuyan heard that Feng Yuanlin was not in a hurry to get married, but he was relieved and buried his head in the barbecue. On weekdays, Qi Zhenbo, the man, would never bring her to a food stall.

Chi Shuyan cherished this opportunity very much. At this moment, he was full of skewers. Seeing Feng Yuanlin eating some barbecue and drinking a glass of beer.

Feng Yuanlin thought that his wife Zhenbai wanted to drink, and said immediately: "The girl is outside, don't drink too much!"

Chi Shuyan pursed her lips and smiled: "Brother Feng, according to your beer drinking method, I'm afraid you get drunk again, and I won't be able to carry you for a while!"

Feng Yuanlin couldn't help thinking that he was drunk last night or that Zhenbai and his wife took him back to the apartment, and his embarrassed and embarrassed complexion flushed immediately: "Okay, stop drinking! Stop drinking! Brother drinks Coke like you ?"

After saying that Feng Yuanlin filled his cup with Coke, and then went straight to the subject again: "Don’t talk about personal matters, wife Zhenbai, this time I’m here to ask you about Zhou Manning, you are not nervous, Feng Ge, I believe you are sure It has nothing to do with Zhou Manning's disappearance, but I think you are capable and want to ask you about Zhou Manning's whereabouts!"

If someone else asks, Chi Shuyan might not say it, but Feng Yuanlin is in front of him. His own man's hair is young. After a moment of thought, Chi Shuyan suddenly said, "Feng brother, I do know about this, but you too Knowing that Zhou Manning is by no means a good person, all he says is what causes and results, I can only say it is retribution!"

Feng Yuanlin didn't have the hippie smile he had before, and said seriously: "You mean Zhou Manning had an accident?"

Zhou Manning was killed by Zhou Manqing, but the police did not care about ghosts and gods, so Chi Shuyan did not directly tell Feng Yuanlin the truth under any pressure, saying that Zhou Manning was indeed dead, and her body was sealed in one of the mud walls in the basement. How did she kill it? Zhou Manqing, how is it that Zhou Manqing, who died after his death, will be treated in his own way.

Feng Yuanlin's face changed abruptly: "Are you saying that Zhou Manning died, or was he killed by Zhou Manqing after his death?

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