Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 981: : Jingzhou Army attacked Jiguan

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Among the Jingzhou cavalry who came with the army today, there are many who came with Wenpin yesterday. Feiqi is so powerful, they have already experienced it deeply. In addition, the main general was captured. Seeing Feiqi killed, many The cavalry turned to the camp of Jingzhou Army.

Zhao Yun threw Liu Pan to the ground and shouted: "Tie it!"

Liu Pan's complexion turned red, he was a fierce general of the Jingzhou Army, and he was so arrested for Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun captured the Jingzhou army fierce general Liu Pan with a very fast speed and spread among the Jiguan defenders and the Jingzhou army.

After Wei Yan learned about it, he laughed. At the beginning, Liu Pan was a well-known figure in the Jingzhou army. As long as he was a general of the Jingzhou army, no one knew it. A small person like him in the Jingzhou army was able to see Liu Pan. It was extremely difficult, but I didn't expect Liu Pan to become a prisoner of the Bingzhou Army in a blink of an eye.

Liu Pan's martial arts are praised by many in the Jingzhou army, and Liu Pan is even known as the Jingzhou fierce general.

"Congratulations to General Zhao on the victory and capture the general of Jingzhou Army alive." Wei Yan clasped his fist. He admired Zhao Yun's skills from the bottom of his heart.

Zhao Yun nodded slightly and said, "Liu Pan is too confident in his martial arts."

Liu Pan, who was held by the soldiers on the side, heard the constant changes in his color from behind, but he couldn’t say anything to refute him. As the so-called defeated general, how could he be brave? Anyway, now he was captured by Zhao Yun. Thought of my own results.

"General Zhao is exhausted from the battle, so it's better to hand the prisoners to the end to deal with." Wei Yan clasped his fist.

Zhao Yun had some doubts in his mind, but he did not refuse Wei Yan's request, "This person is a general in the Jingzhou army and cannot be easily executed."

Wei Yan grinned and nodded and said yes. Zhao Yun may not know the identity of Liu Pan, but he knows it very well. Liu Biao's nephew, that is a relative of the emperor, is definitely a heavyweight.

Wei Yan stepped forward and whispered: "General Liu, I haven't seen him for many years. I didn't expect you to become a prisoner of the Bingzhou Army. It's really good fortune. I think it was not easy for General Liu to meet General Liu."

Liu Pan’s identity is very high among the generals of Jingzhou. Many of the generals at the bottom never thought that they would be able to make friends with Liu Pan, Cai Tao and others, so as to obtain higher positions. At the beginning, Wei Yan was just a captain of the city gate, although He is a small person in the city, and it is extremely difficult to see Liu Pan.

"If you want to kill or pluck it, you listen to it, why bother to ridicule here, you Wei Yan is just a betrayer, this general is dead, and he doesn't want to be humiliated by people like you." Liu Pan gritted his teeth.

Wei Yan snorted coldly: "This general is a traitor, okay, but now this general will talk to you well. I said that the martial arts of this general can be defeated by no more than ten people in the Bingzhou Army. In the eyes of General Liu, this general should be a lieutenant in the Jingzhou Army, and he will never succeed in his life."

"This general and Jin Hou met on the battlefield. If it weren’t for Jin Hou’s rescue, this general would have died on the battlefield. In the Bingzhou Army, this general has received more respect. Efforts, even if you are just an ordinary soldier, you can become a superior general through your own efforts. Is this possible in the Jingzhou Army?"

Liu Pan was silent. He naturally did not study the Bingzhou Army. He was extremely puzzled by the way the Bingzhou Army paid ordinary soldiers and soldiers. However, it is undeniable that it was precisely because of Lu Bu's actions that the Bingzhou Army surrendered. , This is the respect from the heart for Lu Bu, without any compelling element in it.

It is no secret in the princes army that ordinary soldiers of the Bingzhou army can get their salaries. After all, there is no lack of meticulous work by the princes' army. With a little bit of spread, this news will be known to everyone.

"Don't say that there are sixty thousand people in Jingzhou, even one hundred thousand people. I don't want to take down the Jiguan guarded by ten thousand people. The Jingzhou army will retreat, but in the state army, there are only the elders who died in battle, and there are no retreating soldiers." After the catharsis, Wei Yan's mood gradually stabilized. Every time he heard others say that he was a traitor, he would have an uncontrollable anger.

"Come here, take General Liu down and watch, this is the nephew of the sage, don't neglect it." Wei Yan said deliberately loudly.

The generals in Jiguan thought that Liu Pan was just a general of the Jingzhou Army. Now that Wei Yan broke his identity, it aroused their great interest. The nephew of the saint, just this level of identity, is enough to attract the generals. Our onlookers watched.

Zhao Yun shook his head slightly after hearing this. He naturally understood Wei Yan's feelings. According to the views of the people of the world, he had also deviated from the Gongsun family, because he had the identity of the brother Lü Bu being there, he went to Bingzhou. In a certain sense, people can't fault it.

After the news that Liu Pan was captured for Zhao Yun was sent back to the Jingzhou Army, Cai Hao could not calm down. Liu Pan was the nephew of the and Liu Biao was highly regarded. If Liu Biao knew that Liu Pan was captured for Zhao Yun, he would be very unhappy Feels good.

"Ling the army, start attacking Jiguan tomorrow." Cai Tao gritted his teeth. Now all he can do is to put the greatest pressure on the Jiguan defenders, and it is best to break the Jiguan in one fell swoop.

Like the allied forces of the princes outside the Huguan, when the Thunderbolt entered the range of the Jiguan, the princes' army was greeted by densely overwhelming boulders.

At noon, the Thunderbolt car on Jiguan stopped suddenly under the Jingzhou army’s puzzled gaze. The excited Jingzhou Army lifted the Thunderbolt to a position closer to Jiguan, and the silent Jiguan gate slowly opened. Wei Yan Leading Feiqi into the Thunderbolt car camp, throwing torches at the Thunderbolt car one by one.

When the Jingzhou Army broke through the Jiguan, it was naturally impossible to be unprepared. However, the two thousand cavalrymen faced elite flying cavalry. Whether in terms of speed or cavalry strength, the gap between the two sides was not one and a half.

Wei Yan, with a long knife in his hand, directly led 500 cavalry to rush to the 2,000 cavalry of Jingzhou Army, watching his momentum, even more than Jingzhou cavalry.

Since the Jingzhou Army has fought with Jiangdong for a long time, it often focuses on the power on the water. If it is the elite level of the navy, the Jiangdong Army dare not say that it can suppress the Jingzhou navy, even if Jingzhou is through the channel of merchants. Obtained a large number of war horses, but in the training of cavalry, Jingzhou Army has a big gap.

The flying knight uses a scimitar made by hundred steelmaking. In the use of the machete, the flying knives have formed their own habit. On the battlefield, they can cause damage to the enemy at the fastest speed, and the attack distance of the cutlass Although very short, it allows the cavalry to better grasp the weapon in their hands.

The cavalry strength of the Jingzhou Army can only be regarded as average, but the flying cavalry is a team standing on the pinnacle of the cavalry.

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