Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 980: : Zhao Yun captures Liu Pan

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Kuai Yue nodded when he heard the words, this time the Jingzhou army is going to join the state, and the intention to capture Chang'an is good, and it also highlights the Jingzhou army The idea of ​​combat power, Jingzhou, after all, represents the Han Dynasty, as long as they show sufficient strength, the princes An dare not obey orders.

This expedition, Liangzhou has a good harvest, Ma Teng's refuge is of great significance to Jingzhou, once the Jingzhou army occupied Chang'an with Ma Teng's help, it became much easier to pacify Liangzhou.

"Jiguan defender Zhao Yun is Lu Bu's beloved brother. He is brave enough to be improper and very strategic, and he is highly regarded by Lu Bu." Kuai Yue reminded.

Zhao Yun’s prestigious names, Cai Hao and Liu Pan, have naturally been heard. When the princes coalition forces crusade against Yuan Shu, the morale of the army was low and no one dared to fight. It was Zhao Yun who went out to fight and beheaded the enemy generals. The prestige.

Liu Pan clenched his fists. In terms of martial arts, he thought he didn’t need Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun to be inferior. What he lacked was just an opportunity. If he could kill Zhao Yun or Wei Yan, he would be known to the army of the princes and thus be in Jingzhou. With a higher status, even Wei Yan and other lieutenants in the Jingzhou Army can have such a reputation in the Bingzhou Army. He is a general in the Jingzhou Army.

Lu Bu became a rebellion in the mouth of the court. Naturally, it is impossible to have the position of a general or a prince of Jin. If he can make more contributions on this battlefield, let alone other, he can be named one of the Siping generals. Still stable.

Zhao Yun didn't go into too much detail about Wei Yan's failure to kill Wenpin in the battle. At this time, Jiguan was busy in order to cope with the upcoming war.

At this time, Jiguan and Longguan were the two main areas of the Chang'an battlefield. Although Ma Teng was strong, he was not as strong as the Jingzhou Army in the number of soldiers. The Bingzhou Army guarding the Jiguan has reached 10,000. The crowd.

The next day, after receiving the news that the Jingzhou army general Liu Pan was fighting again, Zhao Yun's expression became cold. He did not expect that the Jingzhou army was so rampant. Could it be that he didn't know how fearful the generals of the allied army of the princes outside Huguan were.

Wei Yan's expression moved slightly, and he failed to kill Wenpin yesterday. If he could kill Liu Pan, it would be even more significant to him. Unlike Wenpin, Liu Pan had a higher status in the Jingzhou army.

Without waiting for Wei Yan's invitation to fight, Zhao Yun ordered: "Feiqi will play with this general."

Zhao Yun in the silver spear and white robe is definitely a very eye-catching presence on the battlefield. If he is not extremely confident in his own skills, or only knows how to show off the generals, the silver spear and white robe of the Bingzhou Army is a symbol of Zhao Yun. .

Seeing Zhao Yun again, Liu Pan couldn't help but praised Zhao Yun's demeanor.

"This general is the chief general of Jiguan Zhao Yun, and he will inform him of his name." Zhao Yun politely clasped his fists.

"Jingzhou Army General Liu Pan is here. General Zhao is a hero for the time being. Why should I follow Lu Bu's future? You and others, as the generals of the Han family, act for the Han family, and the rebel Lu Bu is punishable by everyone." Liu Pan said seriously.

Different from Liu Pan's conjecture, his words not only did not arouse Feiqi's approval, but in exchange for Feiqi's hateful eyes.

There was a sneer at the corner of Zhao Yun’s mouth. Liu Pan’s words might have some effect when placed in the army of other princes. However, such rhetoric in the Bingzhou Army would only arouse their anger to a greater extent. The person UI admires is Lu Bu. They train hard to wait for orders from Lu Bu.

"Liu Pan, children, I’m going to confuse the public here. At first, Dong Zhuo controlled the Chao Gang and cholera was the world. Jin Marquis followed Ding Shishi to fight against Dong Zhuo. Later, the 18th princes attacked Dong Zhuo. Yuan Shu claimed to be the emperor in Shouchun, Jin Marquis. He personally led troops and horses to fight against the rebellion. The Youzhou war and the disaster of Xianbei were even more settled by the Jin Hou. These characters turned out to be rebellious when they came to the Han room. Don't let this Han room." Zhao Yun coldly shouted.

Liu Pan said angrily: "Zhao Yun, the lords of the food king, he should share his worries for the king, and now he has said such words of no father, no mother and no king."

"Xiu want to talk so much in front of this general, look at the gun!" Zhao Yun jumped up and shot the horse. Originally, Zhao Yun still had a little hope for the Han family. After all, he was a citizen of the big man since he was a child, but this time the Han family Zhao Yun was surprisingly angry by sending troops to attack Bingzhou with the order of crusade against rebellion.

Regarding the violation of the order of the Han Dynasty, whether it was Jiangdong or Cao Cao who did more than Lu Bu, regardless of whether Liu Biao inherited the Datong or not, Jiangdong never stopped attacking Jingzhou, and these actions became Zhongliang in the mouth of the imperial court. In this attack on Bingzhou, anyone with a little knowledge can tell that it was the princes for their own personal gain.

Liu Pan was not afraid to see Zhao Yun killing with a knife to greet him.

In anger, Zhao Yun's shot was the most fierce move. Although Liu Pan's martial arts was not weak in the Jingzhou army, it was not much worse than Zhao Yun. Fang fought against him and fell in the middle.

What made Liu Pan most uncomfortable was the feeling of being in a quagmire when he fought against Zhao Yun. If he hadn't been for his skillful swordsmanship, he would have been killed by Zhao Yun in the first round of the fight. Zhao Yun's moves seemed extremely slow. , In fact, it is extremely fast, and there is a faint connection between each move.

In a blink of an eye, it was ten-match. Liu Pan looked at Zhao Yun with awe. He always thought that his sword skills were good. However, after fighting against Zhao Yun, he realized what a fierce general is.

However, before the two armies, he would not admit defeat so easily. Yesterday Wenpin was able to fight Wei Yan for such a long time. If he retreats like this, wouldn't it be a joke for the soldiers in the army.

Zhao Yun kicked the horse under him fiercely, and his whole body slew towards Liu Pan like an arrow from the string.

Liu Pan's complexion changed slightly, only then did he notice that the horse under Zhao Yun was so horrible, he hurriedly raised his sword to resist.

But seeing Zhao Yun on the horse shouting loudly, after the long spear slammed Liu Pan's long knife, a spear pierced Liu Pan's shoulder, under the pain, the long knife in Liu Pan's hand fell, and the two horses were at odds with each other. At that moment, Zhao Yun leaned forward, but he lifted Liu Pan from the war horse.

Liu Pan, who had captured Zhao Yun alive, was struggling constantly. He didn't expect that Zhao Yun's shot would be so fast, and the force on the spear would be extremely huge, otherwise Zhao Yun would not succeed so easily.

The Jingzhou army cavalry who came with Liu Pan stared dumbfounded at what was happening in front of them. In their eyes, the two people who were still fighting, turned out to be Liu Pan injured and Zhao Yun captured in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that Zhao Yun was so brave, Feiqi burst into a sky-shaking roar, and followed Zhao Yun's order, and launched a charge towards the Jingzhou Army.

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