Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 979: : Wei Yanzhan Wenpin

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Brows frowned, Wei Yanji came to heart.

Seeing that there was a flaw in Wei Yan's sword technique, Wen Pin was overjoyed. Wei Yan wanted to kill him. He never wanted to kill Wei Yan.

The long spear pierced Wei Yan's shoulder. If this spear stabbed, Wei Yan must have been defeated.

But seeing Wei Yan shouted, holding the knife in one hand, grabbing the spear in Wenpin's hand with his left hand, and then the long knife smashed into Wenpin's head.

Wen Pin was shocked. He didn't expect Wei Yan to dared to grab his spear with his bare hands on such a battlefield, pulling with both hands, but there was no movement at all, and he hurriedly avoided.

The long knife was almost past Wenpin's head, and the helmet was flying with the long knife, and Wenpin, whose hair was scattered, looked very embarrassed.

But Wei Yan didn't plan to let Wenpin go so easily, and Longdao came to Wenpin again.

Wen Pin was in a panic. He didn't expect Wei Yan to use this method to win. In a panic, it was difficult to use marksmanship effectively.

Wenpin was worthy of being a general of the Jingzhou Army, and once again escaped Wei Yanzhi's cut.

A long knife is no better than a long spear. Wei Yan can hold Wenpin's long spear with his bare hands, but Wenpin is afraid to take the long knife from Wei Yan's hand.

The other part of the spear was fixed in Wei Yan's hands. No matter how hard Wen Pin worked, it would be difficult to break the spear from Wei Yan's hands. Wen Pin Sheng was superb in his marksmanship, but it was actually worse than Wei Yan in terms of strength.

The situation on the battlefield was precarious, and the Jingzhou cavalry who came along were also sweating for Wenpin.

Wen Pin burst into a loud shout, and tugged hard with both hands.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Wei Yan's mouth, Wen Pin's strength was much worse than his own, otherwise it would not be difficult to take the spear twice.

Wen Pin didn't feel the slightest resistance this time. Due to the excessive force, even if he tried to control the body of the war horse, there would inevitably be some sway. At this moment, the long knife in Wei Yan's hand struck.

Wenpin rushed to meet the enemy, and he was a bit weak in strength. The spear couldn't resist Wei Yan's long knife. A sharp look flashed in Wenpin's eyes. He was originally a fierce general in the Jingzhou army. He had never said such humiliation. , The spear in his hand went directly to Wei Yan's throat.

Wei Yan's expression changed slightly. Even if this knife could kill Wenpin, the spear in his hand could assassinate himself.

As a general of the Bingzhou Army, Wei Yan naturally didn't want to die in a fight with Wenpin, so he hurriedly used his sword to return for help.

Wenren seized this opportunity, stabilized on the battlefield, and fought with Wei Yan again. Once people have weaknesses, they are much easier to deal with. This experience Wenren now has a deep understanding, as long as it is In a dangerous situation, he will resort to life-threatening means, tried and tested repeatedly.

Wei Yan was surprisingly angry. Wenpin's man was inferior to him in martial arts, but he was like a desperado, making him tired to cope. At this time, in front of Feiqi, it was a good time to establish his prestige.

"Wenren, you use such shameless tricks, don't you usually pretend to be a general of the Jingzhou Army?" Wei Yan asked reproachfully.

Wen Pin's face turned red. This situation was not what he wanted. "Wei Yan, you are no match but no match. How can there be so much rhetoric? Today, the general will let you go for the time being, and he will surely kill you in the future." Bi Wen hired a horse to rush back to the team.

Wei Yan was furious. With a furious wave of the long knife in his hand, thousands of Feiqi charged towards the Jingzhou Army, fighting so shamelessly and wanting to retreat. How could there be such a simple thing.

The thousands of flying knights who came with the sound of war drums showed their hideous faces. Whether Wei Yan just won or not, it will not affect their belief in killing the enemy. They are a scimitar among the cavalrymen of the Union State, pointed by the blade. The enemy was defeated.

There were also two thousand Jingzhou cavalrymen in the battle. Wen Pin heard this and gave an order, and the Jingzhou cavalry greeted him.

Looking at it from a distance, the flying cavalry was like a black torrent colliding with the Jingzhou cavalry.

After fighting for about half an hour, Wenpin’s expression was no longer as relaxed as before. Under the charge of thousands of flying knights, his cavalry showed a defeat. This result completely exceeded Wenpin’s expectation. These cavalry can They are all elites carefully selected from the army, and the horses used are the most sophisticated horses purchased from Bingzhou.

However, in terms of the quality of the war horses, Jingzhou Army's horses are not as good as flying horses. The horses used by the flying horses are all selected from the strongest horses on the racecourse. The horses are sold in the state, and the most sophisticated horses will definitely be kept.

The horses sold to the princes are not just as simple as the selection of the flying cavalry, it is the selection of the cavalry, and then these horses are divided into three, six or nine classes.

"Mingjin retreat!" Wen Pin gave the order to retreat with a cold face. In such a large-scale cavalry battle, no matter how brave a military commander is, it is difficult to change the overall situation.

The soldiers above the Jingzhou Barracks suddenly noticed a large amount of dust and smoke coming towards the camp. After a closer look, they found that their cavalry was chasing and killing the Bingzhou The timid soldiers saw such a momentum, double The legs couldn't stop shaking.

Wei Yan led the flying cavalry to chase and kill Jingzhou barracks, and then he retreated.

After Cai Hao learned of the situation on the battlefield, his expression was not very good. The two thousand cavalrymen are the most dependent existence of the Jingzhou Army. Although the Jingzhou Army has 60,000, there are only five thousand cavalry. This is still the Jingzhou Army for many years. Secretly accumulated strength.

No matter how powerful the bed crossbow and the thunderbolt are, as long as they are prepared, it is difficult to play their due role on the battlefield. However, the cavalry is different. It can not only obtain the situation on the battlefield in time, but also cause the greatest damage to the enemy. , Is definitely the king on the battlefield.

"Today is the last general who failed to kill Wei Yan. At the end of tomorrow, he will fight again to kill Wei Yan, in order to snow today's shame." Wen Pin said.

Seeing the slightly embarrassed literary appointment, Cai Hao calmed down: "General Wen can be invincible, for the army, it is already credited, so let's go and rest first."

Wen Pin also knew his current situation and hurriedly said goodbye.

After Wenpin left, Cai Hao was in a bad mood. Wei Yan was originally a general of the Jingzhou Army, but he did not expect to be so powerful. Just like Gan Ning in the Jingzhou Army at the time, he is now active on the Yangtze River. Would rather be a thief than serve Jingzhou.

Liu Pan coldly snorted, "Wei Yan, he has nothing to do with his teeth, and the Japanese general himself will go and kill him!"

Cai Hao's expression was slightly relaxed and said, "Wei Yan is brave, General Liu should be cautious."

Liu Pan showed disdain, "It's just a villain. With some martial arts, I dare to show off in front of our barracks. If I can't kill him, how can I make the princes admire him."

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(End of this chapter)

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