Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 986: : Confused Cai Zhong

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Cai Zhong is satisfied with the fearful eyes of the people. What he wants is to make the people fearful.

Huai County was attacked by the Jingzhou Army, and the army stationed in the city was also Jingzhou’s soldiers and horses. Regarding Cai Zhong’s arrival, Huai County’s defender Zhang Ru paid much attention to it. Cai Zhong may not be a big deal in Jingzhou, but when it comes to Cai Hao However, no one knows that as long as Cai Zhong can be brought closer, why not worry that he will not be reused in the military in the future.

After entering the city, Cai Zhong felt that the guard Zhang Ru paid much attention to him. Although in the past in Jingzhou City, due to Cai Luo's identity, many people respected him, but now it makes people feel so comfortable.

As he left, Cai Zhong patted his chest and promised that after seeing Cai Hao, he would definitely make a lot of good words for Zhang Ruo. He opened his eyes and smiled.

The army of three thousand urged the people who escorted their luggage to move forward, while Cai Zhong was sitting in a carriage, tasting the Jinjiu sent by Zhang Ru.

"General Zhang, do you want to come here?" Cai Zhong yelled, looking at Zhang Duo who was cautious not far away.

Zhang Duo frowned slightly. He knew very well what kind of virtue Cai Zhong was. Although he had a good reputation in the army, it was the generals in the army that hindered Cai Hao's identity. From this **** of grain and grass, it can be seen that Cai Zhong Not only is he greedy, but he also has no means to lead his troops. As a general, he cannot drink alcohol during the march.

"General Cai, you are the chief general of the army. It is the most important thing to **** the grain and grass to Jiguan. If the military affairs are affected by the greed, once the sage is instigated, neither of you nor me will escape death." Zhang Duo said.

"Bold Zhang Duo, even talking to this general like this." Cai Zhong, who was accustomed to listening to good words along the way, was furious.

Zhang Duo coldly hummed, "Is this general unreasonable?"

"Come here, pull Zhang Duo down and hit 30 boards." Cai Zhong said angrily.

Although Zhang Duo was the son of Nanyang Prefect Zhang Xian, he was far from the Cai family’s status in Jingzhou, and the soldiers in the Jingzhou Army knew the Cai family more than the Nanyang Zhang family. He was ordered by Cai Zhong, the title of the book The soldiers swarmed up and tied Zhang Duo firmly.

"Cai Zhong, you are not going to die in such a way." Zhang Duo didn't expect Cai Zhong to really dare to do this. Anyway, he is a lieutenant general.

Cai Zhong shouted: "If you still don't pull this person down, do you want this general to do it yourself?"

Thirty boards, even if the soldiers were merciful under the sergeant, they were beaten to pieces.

Zhang Duoqiang endured the pain in his back and asked, "How far is the army from Jiguan?" Don't think that Cai Zhong is Cai Hao's brother. With Zhang Duo's understanding of Cai Hao, he will not be blamed for this incident. On the contrary, there will be many rewards. He did something just now, but it is justified. As the commander of the army, Cai Tao must have his own judgment.

"It's still one day away from Jiguan." The entourage said.

Zhang Duo was puzzled: "The shortest journey from Hanoi to Jiguan also takes two days. Why can I get there in one day?"

The entourage explained: "The general did not know that since Jinhou occupied Hanoi, the cement road can be passed from Jiguan to Hanoi. Although it is not the shortest distance, it can save a day in time."

Zhang Duo frowned when he heard this, and suddenly felt anxious. If the Bingzhou Army lay ambushes on the road to Jiguan, wouldn't it be a disaster for the Jingzhou Army's current situation?

"Take me to see Cai Zhong." Zhang Duo's tone was a little eager, and he showed no respect for Cai Zhong.

"General, General Cai is the chief general in the army after all." The entourage reminded in a low voice that his general was punished in front of everyone, and they also felt faceless. However, at this time, the Cai family's power in Jingzhou is in full swing, and it is not the Zhang family. By comparison, even if you suffer a loss, you can only swallow your teeth down.

Zhang Duo sighed: "Take this general quickly."

After drinking a pot of Jin wine, Cai Zhong was a little groggy and fell asleep on the carriage. Nothing happened in the army before, so Cai Zhong was completely relieved. It was only a day away from Jiguan. The journey is enough, just a good night's sleep, as long as you don't let your brother know about his drinking, it won't be a big problem.

"General, General, General Zhang, please see you." Due to Zhang Duo's identity, the personal guards stepped onto the carriage and woke Cai Zhong up.

"General Zhang? Which General Zhang?" Cai Zhong was angry.

"It's General Zhang Duo. He said he has important matters to see the general." The guard hurriedly said, for fear that Cai Zhong would be angrily dragged him out and beat him again.

"Zhang Duo, isn't that kid being pulled out to play the board? Did he recognize his mistake and come to confess his guilt?" Cai Zhong smiled, looking at the maid lying in his arms and smiling: "Let him come here. ."

The two maids were sent by Zhang Ru, but they could ease the fatigue of the trip.

"General, when sending scouts to inquire about the news ahead, if there is a Union State Army in Hanoi, our army is in danger." Zhang Duo said eagerly.

After hearing this, Cai Zhong was furious. "Okay, you Zhang Duo, the general just beat me too lightly. This general is doing How can you let your finger point, if it disturbs the military's mind, this general will give an order Kill you."

Zhang Duo persuaded: "As the leader of the army, the main task of the general is to transport grain and grass to the army. If it is taken advantage of by the Bingzhou army, the Jingzhou army is in danger."

"The path chosen by this general is the fastest way to Jiguan, so you can withdraw. If there is another next time, it will definitely kill you." Cai Zhong said coldly.

Zhang Duo let out a long sigh and staggered away.

Although Cai Zhong's mind was a little dizzy, he still asked, "Did the scout ever send news from the front?"

"The general can rest assured that there are a hundred scouts in front of our army. Any disturbance in the surrounding 20 miles can be known to the general at the first time, but that Zhang Duo is disrespectful to the general because of his father's identity." Wei whispered.

A sharp look flashed in Cai Zhong's eyes, and he coldly hummed: "Little Zhang Duo, not enough to hang his teeth." After saying that, he pulled the car curtain and stretched his hand over a maid next to him.

Hearing the movement inside the carriage, the guards were also irritated, thinking that they would find a few beautiful ones when they returned to Huai County next time.

Compared with the scouts of the Lieyang Archers, the Jingzhou Army's scouts were not at the same level. As long as the Jingzhou Army's scouts saw the Lieyang Archers, there was basically no chance of escape.

After receiving the situation from the flying eagle soldiers in the Jingzhou army, Huang Zhong’s smile deepened. Cai Zhong’s incompetence just gave the Lieyang archer a chance. As long as the Jingzhou army’s grain and grass were cut off, it was definitely a great achievement. It has a vital influence on the war in the Union state.

"General Zhang, later you will lead two hundred cavalrymen to fight out from the left side of the enemy." Huang Zhong ordered. Zhang Xiu's skills are still somewhat understood. Sun Ning was captured outside Gaoling City.

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(End of this chapter)

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