Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 987: : Attacking forage

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Zhang Xiu held his fist and said, turned on his horse and left.

With a hundred thousand stones, grains and grass, plus the baggage needed by the army, the team stretched for several miles, and Zhang Xiu led the Lieyang Archer to appear very suddenly. Before that, the Jingzhou Army had not received any news, and the team was in chaos for a time.

When the billowing dust and smoke came towards the Jingzhou army, the first people who were in a panic were the ordinary people escorting grain, grass and baggage. Most of these people were ordinary people in Jingzhou or were recruited temporarily along the way. Once they encounter an enemy, they are the first to panic. It's them.

The soldiers in the army were also a little flustered, especially after seeing that these cavalry soldiers turned out to be the Union State Army.

"General, it's okay, and the cavalry of the state army came." The guard rushed into the carriage and shouted desperately.

Cai Zhong, who was in excitement, was interrupted, got up from the maid in dissatisfaction, and drew his sword angrily: "What's so alarming."

The guard took a nostalgic look at the maid next to him, and hurriedly said: "General, the cavalry of the Union State Army killed from the left. There are about two hundred people."

After Cai Zhong listened to the words, the anger in his whole body also dissipated a lot. "It's just that there are more than 200 people, and the army is sent forward to defeat them."

The guards clasped fists and hurriedly left. He could clearly see the scene in the carriage just now. If Cai Zhong reacted to it, he would be the first person to be unlucky. Don't look at him as Cai Zhong's guard. The temperament, that murder is not blinking.

"It's really disappointing." Cai Zhong Changjian snorted coldly: "It's just a mere two hundred people, which makes the army so panic, a group of wine and rice bags."

"General, don't get angry." The maid just then stepped forward and gently kneaded Cai Zhong's shoulder.

Cai Zhong squeezed the maid’s soft face and said, "Let’s wait for this general in the carriage first." There is a surprise attack by the Bingzhou army. After all, the matter is very important. If there is a loss of food and grass, even with Cai Hao, he will not escape death. Although the maid is beautiful, as long as she returns to Huai County in the future, she won't be short.

After getting out of the carriage, Cai Zhong took a breath. Although the Union State Army had only more than 200 cavalrymen, he directly entered the Jingzhou Army, and the thousands of Jingzhou Army killed with more than 200 people were in confusion.

"The incompetent." Cai Zhong shouted loudly: "Where are the cavalry? Don't hurry up to meet the enemy."

After Zhang Duo learned of the Bianzhou Army's sneak attack, he turned on his horse regardless of his injuries. After seeing the Bianzhou Army's flag, he couldn't help but felt a sudden shock. Unlike Cai Zhong, he had a certain degree of dealing with the Bianzhou Army's cavalry. Understand that the cavalry in front of him turned out to be a Lieyang archer.

Zhang Duo, the chief general of the Lieyang Archer, is no stranger at all. He was trained by Huang Zhong from Changsha County. People do not know Huang Zhong, but Zhang Duo has a deep understanding. Huang Zhong is not only exquisite in his sword skills, He has a good command of the army, and his archery skills are extremely powerful. Zhang Duo had the honor to meet him once.

"The Jingzhou Army is in danger." Zhang Duo sighed. The Lieyang Archers appeared on the battlefield. There would certainly not be so many people. Only more than 200 Lieyang Archers would make the 3,000 Jingzhou Army panic. When Huang Zhong led the cavalry to appear, how should the Jingzhou Army meet the enemy?

Perhaps after hearing Zhang Duo's heart, on the right side of the army, dust and smoke were everywhere, and under the breeze, the banner of the Lieyang bow rider was revealed. The leader, holding a ten thousand crossbow, was Huang Zhong.

"General, there is an enemy cavalry on the right." The guard said in a panic tone.

"Go two thousand people to block these cavalry." Cai Zhong's tone was a little anxious. These cavalry were more powerful than he expected. Only a thousand cavalrymen could not stop more than two hundred Lieyang archers, and all the cavalry have been sent. Go up.

Three arrows appeared on Wan Shigong, Huang Zhong loosened his right hand, and the three bows and arrows went towards the three cavalrymen.

Three Jingzhou army cavalry clung to their throats and fell off their horses.

It has to be said that Huang Zhong's shots really shocked the Jingzhou Army. With one bow and three arrows, so precise, and they have not yet played against each other, they have already felt fear.

"Kill!" Huang Zhong's Wan Shibong waved forward and shouted loudly.

Eight hundred Lieyang bow riders sprayed the first round of arrows to the Jingzhou Army.

With precise archery skills, in just one round, hundreds of soldiers of the Jingzhou Army fell to the ground, and the Lieyang Archer just turned around the front of the Jingzhou Army and poured out the arrows in his hands again.

The Lieyang archer led by Huang Zhong is like a patient hunter, constantly relying on the arrows and the mobility of the Lieyang archer to cause damage to the Jingzhou Army. Even though the eight hundred cavalrymen are on such a chaotic battlefield, The performance is extremely orderly, and the cooperation between each other is also very close.

This kind of battle is not fighting in the eyes of bystanders, but the Lieyang Archer is performing a personal performance. From the battle to the present, no one under the Lieyang Archer led by Huang Zhong has fallen.

Cai Zhong cursed: "Where is Zhang Duo? As a lieutenant of the the enemy army is currently, not hurry up and lead the troops to go."

"General, General Zhang Duo was severely injured by you, I am afraid that he will not be able to go to the battlefield." The guard reminded.

"Trash, a bunch of trash, there are only a thousand people in the enemy army, so let you panic, don't forget that you are the elite Jingzhou Army, the invincible Jingzhou Army." Cai Zhong roared angrily.

"General, General Zhang Duo is here." Personal Wei Yaoyao saw the banner belonging to Zhang Duo and hurriedly reminded.

"Meet the general." Zhang Duo clasped his fist.

"Okay, General Zhang, quickly lead the troops and horses to resist the enemy. After this general has defeated these cavalry, he will leave all the enemy cavalry on the battlefield. After returning to Jingzhou, this general will definitely be in front of the Lord. Please do it for you." Seeing Zhang Duo, Cai Zhong was moved.

Zhang Duo sneered in his heart. Judging from the situation on the battlefield, the Jingzhou Army is very likely to fail, but Cai Zhong is heading for the merits of defeating the Lieyang Archer. "The general, and the cavalry of the State Army are extremely elite. The most important thing at the moment is to guarantee. The thoroughness of the grain and grass, then ordered the grain trucks to be gathered together and dispatched Kuai Ma to ask for help from General Cai Tao."

Zhang Duo is very contemptuous of Cai Zhong's actions. As the chief general of the army, he actually did things in the army. If the grain and grass cannot be kept this time, even if Cai Hao's power in Jingzhou is huge, Cai Zhong will undoubtedly die.

As if the dying man had found the straw that saved his life, Cai Zhong hurriedly ordered.

Zhang Duo led a thousand soldiers to the right side of the army, but saw that some soldiers of the Jingzhou army had begun to flee. Under the fierce archery skills of the Lieyang archery, the Jingzhou army was under great pressure and they were dispatched to **** them. Forage, I thought it was a very good job, after all, at this time the princes' coalition was in an absolute advantage in numbers, who would have thought that the Bingzhou Army had a cavalry active on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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