Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 999: : The plague, the princes retreat

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Zhang Xi looked cold and saw Zhang Xiu led more than 30 cavalry to leave, although after fighting and fighting, Lieyang arched Zhang Xi’s speed was still very fast. Zhang Xun just ordered people to chase him for a while before retreating. In his heart, he was disappointed to the culmination of the combat effectiveness of the cavalry forces of the princes. In terms of embroidering pace, not only Lieyang bow rider, but Zhang Xiu is also very likely to be captured alive.

At this time, cleaning the battlefield was an exciting thing for the cavalry of the princes. Now the blades used by the Sun Archers are made of 100 steel. It is no secret among ordinary soldiers. There is no need for Zhang Yun’s orders. The generals have begun to lead the cavalry to sweep the battlefield, of course, the scimitars they got belonged to them.

"General, Yuan Shao and Sun Ce's cavalry are too much. They didn't see any effort on the battlefield. When they took advantage, they didn't want to fall behind others." The lieutenant looked angry.

Zhang Yun waved his hand and said: "No problem, Lieyang Archers will not leave the battlefield so easily. As long as the enemy is still there, they will be useful. I hope that under the stimulation of excellent horses and weapons, they will be more deadly on the battlefield. "

Zhang Xiu broke through in the opposite direction of Huang Zhong, and inevitably separated from Huang Zhong. Hanoi said it was not big or small. Now the ruling power of Hanoi is in the hands of the princes. He wants to find out the news. It becomes even more difficult.

After a fierce battle of more than two hundred cavalry, only 36 people remain. This is definitely a huge loss for the Lieyang archer. Every Lieyang archer trained is extremely disadvantageous. Today If you put the things on Feiqi's body, the damage will definitely be smaller. Feiqi is best at rushing on the battlefield.

Of course, the deadly sun bow cavalry caused more damage to the cavalry of the princes.

As night fell, Cao Cao's face was as low as water in the princes' tent outside Huguan. Among the wounded soldiers, there was a phenomenon of fever in the soldiers, and several soldiers died in this way. The answer given by the medical doctor was the plague.

This situation made the princes completely panicked. They were not afraid of Huguan, and they were not afraid of the powerful cavalry of the state army. However, the plague of this era is definitely a terrible existence. Even if it is an army of a million, the ultimate fate is very likely to be annihilation of the entire army.

"It is very likely that the plague has already occurred in the army. This incident must not be taken lightly." Cao Cao said.

"In the intention of this warlord, directly kill the hot soldiers and burn them with fire to avoid the plague infection. Our army has hundreds of thousands of people. Once the plague spreads, it is a joke to want to break Bingzhou." Yuan Shaodao.

Cao Cao nodded his head despite his unbearable expression. The fever is not necessarily the plague. For example, wounded soldiers will also have fever. As long as the wounds on his body get better, the fever will decrease. This is the point. Ordinary generals understand, but now for the safety of the entire army, they have to choose a cruel method.

"The defenders of Huguan are the most elite part of the Bingzhou Army. If you find a way to make the defenders in Huguan have a plague, why not break the Huguan and level the Bingzhou." A sharp color flashed in Yuan Shao's eyes.

Sun Ce frowned slightly and said: "What are the two armies fighting with ordinary soldiers and civilians? If this is the case, even if the Huguan is breached, I can only lose the name of brutality."

Zhou Yu on the side shook his head secretly after listening. In terms of being a person, Sun Ce yearned for being open and aboveboard.

Cao Cao laughed and said: "Bo Fu is right. If he can't break the Huguan, how can he kill the rebellion? The people of Binzhou are grateful to Lu Bu. Even after the army enters, the people will rise up and resist. I must be in Hanoi. You have already experienced it."

"Just so, if the Bingzhou Army in Huguan can be infected with the plague, it will be easier for our army to win." Yuan Shao's eyes lit up.

Seeing this, Sun Ce nodded helplessly.

That night, the princes' coalition did not stop attacking Huguan because of the plague infection in the army. After the army's offensive ended, more than a dozen soldiers quietly placed five bodies outside the Huguan under the cover of night. The army of princes directly chose to temporarily withdraw from Huguan.

It has been a month since the army of the princes attacked Huguan. From the initial continuous offensive to the scattered offensive now, the Bingzhou army in Huguan has gradually adapted.

At this time, among the allied forces of the princes, there were about 100,000 warriors, and the Union State Army also had 40,000. Although occupying a favorable geographical position, deaths and injuries were inevitable when the allied forces of the princes attacked the city. There were more than 10,000 soldiers in Huguan, especially when the prince’s thunderbolt car was able to hit Huguan, the soldiers’ damage was extremely severe.

"My lord, the allied forces of the princes suddenly retreated ten Jia Xu hurried over. The princes still launched a fierce attack on Huguan yesterday, but they left Huguan today.

"Even so?" Lu Bu questioned. The princes' army was not in a weak position at this time, and the possibility of withdrawal is very small.

At this moment, Hua Tuo walked in hurriedly under the leadership of Dian Wei.

"Jin Hou, today two doctors in the hospital found wounded soldiers who were suspected of being infected by the plague in the army." Hua Tuo's tone was a little eager, too. In this era, plague is a discoloration of talk.

Lu Bu's face changed drastically when he heard this. During this time, due to the hot weather, the number of wounded soldiers increased. He was extremely concerned about the situation of the defenders in Huguan. As long as the future generations thought of the means to prevent problems, It's all used.

"Yuanhua, how many people are suspected of being wounded by the plague now?" Lu Bu asked.

"At present, only two people have been found, they are wounded soldiers who were brought down from the battlefield today." Hua Tuo said truthfully.

"It is imperative to let these two wounded soldiers live alone in one place. Ordinary people are not allowed to come close. Anyone who has been in contact with the two wounded soldiers must be kept in a separate place and must be carefully investigated in the army. Huadang led the doctors in the hospital as soon as possible to dispense medicines that can fight the plague." Lu Bu ordered.

Hua Tuo said, "Marquis Jin, once the plague spreads, it will be extremely difficult to control it. It is also extremely difficult to cure the plague with medicine."

Lu Bu said in a heavy tone: "At this time, there will be labor. If the plague cannot be completely controlled, once the plague spreads, it may extend to the entire state of Bingzhou."

"Here." Hua Tuo also felt the great responsibility.

Jia Xu said, "Lord, could it be that the soldiers in the princes army are also infected with the plague, so the princes coalition forces will choose to retreat temporarily?"

(End of this chapter)

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